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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1907)
" '? J' I ifeM 0t$mm tot - . . . f X; t.rtT j .w VoL VH. No. 54. - . UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, INCOLN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, J907. Price 5 Cents." I MnMM n IIBIIIM kB !fi f , '. .: i y . - ,. I-- X- W. . . t M r-., GORNtlUSKER FEED ANNUAL BANQUET TO FOOTBALL l ''.-'.TEAM SATURDAY. Innocents Have Mado Arrangements For'Plerity of Good Food, Many ' Toasts' ajid Much Goo'd Music. . The . annual Cornhuskor banquet, tonderedrtoittio .football playors of- the -Unlyereltyof-Nebraska by the patriots 'icBWenta;6fhl8;institutIo& will bo givienat the iiiridBll hotel Saturday ,v;ening December ,A. ;Thfs tyear'p 'feast promises to be ;the bestMhat has been held, since the icustom jot, banqueting the team was ostatllshedf Tho Innocents, upon wtiotfrtho,autyxf- getting-up the-nn- imnwnwi. -f- kX, 5 TEAMHA8 GONE: Nebraska Team Left for Minnesota" 'Yestferday. The Nebraska debating team .whlcti will contest with Minnesota, loft yos: terday afternoon at 4:30 on tho Burf lington. A few of 'the 'enthusiasts were at tho train to givo tho boys a send-off and oxpress their woll wlshes. Tho team arrived in Minne sota at olght o'clock this morning, and will thus havo plenty of time to rest ujj before the debate.- ' ' The Iowa team arrived in Lincoln this morning accompanied by one of their professors. They are planning to make the fight of their lives tomor row night. Tho judges at the Iowa-Nobraaka debate will be: Professor Isador Loeb. Judge J. H. Quinn. Hon. Bon. C. Taylor. Tho judges at the Minnesota-Nebraska debate will bo: Judge A. J. Vinjo. BASKET-BALL Q088IP. The Cornhuskers Are Fast Rounding Into Shape. , - Considerable difficulty is being mot with in the developing of tho basket ball toam which Is to 'represent Ne braska this year, owing to tho ab sence of two star players, namely, Mosor and Burriss, of tho Cornhuskor five of last yean Tho Boll brothers of last year's team, are working out at guard and are fixtures in their positions. Of tho now men trying for tho guard positions, perhaps tho most promising is Porry of lasT yoar's freshman team. Porry is doing good work this season and Jsdevotoping groal speed and acuracy in his thrown ing. Among tho other candidates"for tho guard positions aro B. ATSchmld, a substitute last year " H. G. Schmidt and Long, a fresh' IV man, are showing up pretty well and PUAY1HREE YfARS A NEW RULING WHICH AFFECTS GRADUATE 8TUDENTS. The Conference Permits Graduates, Who Have no Plavnri Thr' v '-: ; & rears or t-ooioan to uo Bar V At its last meeting theX'BIfr Nino" Conference changed italunit of paftlcl- pation ruldso thatstudonts who tiave taken"ir degree .tout havo not played .three years oFiootball -may compete for the fujlthroo years. This revi sion of rule six will mako Matters and Frumollglblo for .football next fall. Both of theso men wll tako a degree next spring and in case -they re-enter the University next fall will be allowed I I I III I I 111 fv;' - ' 1 THE NEBRASKA DEmTERS . '' ' ' '' I - - S - wiJiill ' S 4sW -x Or . ft iBBBBBBBBBBBnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmtfSBBBBBBBBBBBBB ' r TO H " ,. . 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV '"' IsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB MN BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Pr , 7 BBBHBBBpBHBSBHIVBBBBBaBflBMBBBSBBBaBVBHBHBHBlBH ... 1BBBHL II ---. J . . V I o H S' -!.- ,. -THESIAWILIMBBaUpW-A- J.M. SWENSON B.E.YODER M.L. FRERfCHS R.-IHUOTT HHbbbHbS " H nual feWrpsts, hayo ihis yearmado" qlaborato preparations to insure tno success of' the function. The toast list Is. large and1 contains someof the beBt wit in rthe. University. "Sovurul of 'thu bcstinuslcianB intie- - A -.-,"-.-. 4u .:,i Seventeenth Jud nocents feel certain that the music pnd of the progranv Saturday will please everybody prent Manager Houyor of .the Llndell la charging tha . hoy bjqpo dollar .qlatcutfor th'eood find hcTsays it costs him more 'than $han that and is worth at least one dollar and a half. If, aftqr the ban-, quot, anybody feels' that ho has not had enough jto, eat, Mr, Houver says' he, will feed them for a week. He de- clarea oyry nian will get more han his fill. " -y ' , ' , v'fWie Innocents who are selling the lockets for the banquet have a few ot t and wlshjto get rid tof.them before " (Continued , on pge . four.) . ' Tudgo A. "JTJPrult. ProfesBor Scott. . Professor Loeb is a pipfessor at tho UniversltyfMissourlndT-one-df-tho men Tnost prominently identified with debating at that Institution. CTftMrrHoniMt-ia.i.iiingiT in tnn Seventeenth judicial district Ho is a graduate, of the Collego of Law of the" University of Wisconsin. Ho, has been on tho bonph since 189. ': ,' HontBen. 0. Taylor" of 'Mankato,- "Mlnril, is the cltyattOTriey.and gradu ated from the College of Law of the University of MhmosqUf n i895. When In college he .wasa well known debater, Judge A. J. "Vinjapf Superior, Wis., and Jud'go A. J.Frulb of La Crosso, Wis., are federal circuit judges and graduates of Ine, University of Wis consin. .' - ' ProtessoiBcott Is able to-be a'satlo- iUULUtjr. JUUgU BO UDr'U ft'USIUQU IsjCL yer. " . . w r K (Continued oil page r four.) wlPvelopinc"good men. '"" The cent9rposltion Is causing the greatest trouble and It is the" hardest position''to fill. Anthes has been try ing for this place all season, but is -ineligible- thfe semester. to participate In football "clurlng the soason - ' . Since the change in rthe participa tion rule Matters has been oonsideredr a strong candidate ' for the. captaincy of-the-iOOS-oleyen. Before-graduates- -''itoter-WAtotr& '" ipffitirlpatfy: football team, Is tho most likely can didate for tho center position. Wollor played center 'on the. second team last year and has fair knowldgo of tho gamotj "Cixp;' ICiblghd Jioavy and 4s jumping 'well in his poslion,' posWes playing a fast all around game.. . RIchoy, r although .handicapped by his lack of welgtit, Is playing good ball at center. ' "" , ' (Murphy, another candidate' for cen ter who played good ball the. first of tho seas6n has pot .been out for prac tlco. lately 'oruaccount of injuries. Por the forward position Walsh Is tho oniy one .who has a "cinch" on his - (Continued on page four.) HarVfOy and Cooke, both Juniors, were looked upon .as the only men having chances of attaining the leadership of next season's team The contest is , now regarded as three-cornered be Iween- Harvey; LMatW re and ' - Cooke7 with ,chances equal. The llinlt of participation rule,1 as revised by the Conference colleges, ,1s as follolvs: '' ' 'No student shall participate In in- -. tercollegiato "athletics for 'more than three years In an aggregate; and any member of a college team who plays' during -any part of an Intercollegiate contest does t thereby -prUcIpate In (Continued on' page four.) X V . III l II 1 -' - i il ,i . "H r' " Al ii - &(-'' '." s :t4. v- & V B. v .