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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1906)
"v- VoKVI. No. 23. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN; WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1906. Price 5 Cents. COLLEGE GROWTH C?00O00000O0O0fflOa0 003K300003000 8 - - $ CLASS MEETINGS SENIORS AND FRESHMEN COM PLETE ELECTION OF OFFICERS. $ if. yv. cj. LirNiNfc;i- 1 W" $ l m v npi i Mr 4 t I AT Western Schools Show Big .Increase ? Nebraska Seventh Among State Schools Iowa Is First. The following statistics, compile!! Basil .Tracy lnhcBostonvTranaqriptr. shows-tho-comparatlvo Increase of at tendance among the leading universi ties of this country: Inc. Doc. Iowa University. 18 Missouri University ljf Dartmouth College '. . .14 "Indiana University 1.1 Kansas University 10 Illinois University 10 Chicago University 10 University of Pennsylvania. .10 Unlvorslty of Ohio . . ,7. . . . .09 Tufts College 0G University of Virginia ....... .00 University of Georgia Q6 Boston University ,05 University of Wisconsin 04 Cornell . University v04 Nebraska University ..0 1 Michigan University 0!J.. Yale University 03 Columbia University .. .02 Minnesota University ..."..'. .01 Harvard University ' 01 Northwestern .". . . '. -01 Princeton ..,...X.K 01 MnBS. Institute Technology.. ".JQ4 Leland Stanford . .'. (Jj Johns Hopkins ..,.. 07 California r.: .11 In .commenting upon these figures for; Tracy .ays: r "In the flrstplacnit Is clear that the chief growth is liMhe Mississippi Val ley. Iowa leads, closoly followed by Missouri, Indiana, Kansas, Illinois and Chicago, with Dartmouth bobbing up us third, and Pennsylvania as eighth. Yet' in looking over that list of West- em universities wo Jlnd that WlsconO sin. Michigan. Minnesota and North western are growing very little. The heal explanation probably Is that 'they ! have had 'their growth," 1. e., they aro already-large Institutions and made their greatest advances some years ago, and are now going along slowly. Probably they hate pretty well filled ' their field and will grow -larger pnly as the field grows larger. Other large institutions, harvard, Yajo, Princeton, Columbia and- Cornell aro not gain ing or aVe losing. These are' all, East ern colleges and-torthe very Inertia of largo' numbers, Is" added their loca- -r'tibn at one side of theTcenter of popu lation, which is r surely: militating against the old supremacy of tho East. Tho preceptorial ss'stem at Princeton has hot yet been successful, in attracting- students and may have kept somo away. Dartmouth's Isolated gain is ulmost wholly due to 'ttie 'enthusiasm' ( of 4its alumni and the power of its big president. There are ndt many,,great .college 'presidents ' Just now. Dr. 'Tucker is one. ' ' -' i Columbia's , sudden and 4 swift v rlso "seems to 'have ben stayed., in ten years,, it leaped 108 . percent. --Last 'year "it4 s'oemed to sfarfoff "th' "jfoar . wltliVloss,' butjbj-th'e ondof't it' tho " fleures showed 'a comfortablo sain. THIS YEAR'S ATTENDANCE LEADING INSTITUTIONS. m figures showed TO ALL UNIVERSITY MEN SATURDAY, 6:00 O'CLOCK P.M., ST. PAUL'S CHURCH POSITIVELY NO SUBSCRIPTIONS, 000000000000000C50 This year the figures as given In the New York papers (tho college refusing to give any) show only a two por cent gain, whteh may bo swollen, by tho later returns. mi. n .. 1 1 1 I.. I lil .. i no iwo ouiiioriuu uuivurauiuH are, . of course, Injured by tho earthquake, but to a surprisingly small extent. California (Berkeley) dropped from 3,104 In October, 19Q5, to 2,755 this year. The professional departments sufferod most heavily except that the Institute of rt which had 1C5 stu dents Inst year, Is temporarily discon tinued. But California last year fell back G por cent without an earthquake. Leland .Stanford, which last year gained two hundred students, or about 14 iper cent, this yea lost 85 students. On the whole the California universi ties In their power of recovery were worthy of thclr'state and people "The University of Illinois, which by annexing other institutions and thru generous appropriations from the, mcreabeu iuw per com iniqoon a8 poslblo. Teams will leave tho ten years, is now going along at a Gymnasium every day at 4 and 5 p. m. sober pace. ' It is no longer being, for a briBic run out to the fair grounds spurred on and nsslsted by tho mad land back, race with theUniversity of Chlcagori which has also Bbored down. Vtry likely Illinqls University is destined to become one of tho largest; institu tions In the Middle West, and, in tho opinion of somo good judges at Har vard, the leading university In the country. Its future Is big." In point of total enrollment. No hrnnkn. nonnrillnir in Mr. Tmnv. stniifls niii(mg M Alwercan mlvir. sities and seventh among state unl- ! vorsltles. This Is the line-up as given In the Transcript: Harvard rrr 5,300 Columbia xl 4,904 Michigan. ; 4,571 Illinois .' 4,074 Minnesota 3,950 Pennsylvania .', 3,000 Wisconsin '. . .' 3,571 Cornell, .,. . . . rrrr. .3,461 Yale t.' 7. .... 3,208 Chicago .. . .3,201 California I '.. .'. .3,045 Northwostorn University TTTT. . . .2,918 Nebraska 2,914 (Continued on Pago 3.) 0000000000000OS O Q O 0OSO0000000 NEBRASKA DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO QUIT Q ' Q ' " '' - - v -"-,-. ye "M -Mrtf 'r- i.1wti S BG 0CXO ra ADMISSION 45c . NEWS FOR THE DOP8TER8. 'Conch Foster Makes New Deal on J Football Situation. jn spie of tno wot Woather, foot- ' . un nrnctlco continues in a most strenuous manner. Monday night signal practice was held In tho gym nasium and later some sharp, snappy evolutions wot'e gono thru with on tho grass "South and west of tho library. Jenkins has at last Joined the squad and tho lino is materially strength ened. Coach Fostor Is trying Bill Johnson itt quarterback, and every thing points toward his playing that position in the games that are 'to come. This will All the long felt-want of our team; for this year, more than over, a cool, steady, brilliant quarter back Is needed, and heretofore has been, lacking. Crosa-cQuntry men aro urged to re- porflo Dr.Glapp or Claude Alden as DRILLFEE8 AT-MINNESOTA. Military Men Must Pay Rifle Dues at Gopher Institution. The following ltom, taken from tho Minnesota Dally, describes the mili tary situation at that unlvorslty: "A five dollar fee has boon institut ed by tho board of regents to cover the damage dono yearly to the rifles which aro Issued to tho cadot corps for ubo In drill. Tho payment is to b- made to the accountant with' tho conditions that if no damage s done to tho guna while jn use the money .will be retunded. "'TJiis syatom was Inaugurate! fo procure a reasonable amount of caro In tho way in which the cadeLs Jmn die the rKlos and especially to J.isuro the military department against loss es which v have occurred on account of either the intention or carelosriU)3s, of r.tudoms luithy way of belts and accoulernurts. "This fi'j Is now duo and Is payabla to tho .accountant a:, once." Delayed Buclncss Disposed Of The Seniors to Have Pin at Once1 .,! Senior Party -Proposed. Tho Senior class completed Its list of ofllcors at a meoUng hold yeslor- day morning In U208. Miss Louise Brace was chosen vice-president after two ballots had been taken. .Kour young ladles of tho class porhiltled tholr names to bo proposed and tho contest that ensued held all tho ele ments of n Republican cnucus. Tho final vote stood 42 to 21 In" favor of Miss Brace. Miss Helen Hendrie was chosen secretary-treasurer by a rising voto and W. E. Stnndoven nnd-H, G. Myors wore selected for tho offices of nttotv noy "and sorgeant-at-arms, respective ly, by acclamation. Tho pin committee wis Instructed to get busy nt once. Tho UBiinl delay in securing tho Senior pin Is to bo dono away wltlt for onco and tho pin Is to bo worn for as largo a part of thd'year ns possible. A committee was authorized, also, for the purpose of working up a Senior "blow-out" In the noar future. Theso Informal class functions were Intro duced for ulmost tho first tlmo last year and made a-great hit whorovor at tempted. Last yoar they consisted of various "partlos" at tho State Farm; and it Is supposed that thojilea will bo continued this yean. - At tho Freshman mooting-yesterday morning tho assistance of the uppor- ciassmen was. dispensed with and, for tho first tlmo In Its history the class of 1910 conducted Its own affairs un molested. President Heskott called tho meeting to order and brlelly thanked tho class for his election. Tho -following officers were olected for the coming semester: Vlco-presldont, Miss Corallno' Mayer. Secretary, Miss Helen Mitchell. . Treasurer, Paul D. Marvin. Attorney, J. At Rodman. ' Sorgeant-at-arms, Mr. Swltzer. President Hoskett announced that, while tho Freshmen lntond to stand, by the antl-scrapplng resolutions ndopted at the last meeting, tho class will promptly and vigorously repel all attacks by upper classnfen. Tho president was , empowered , tp appoint a constitution committee .and football manager, which horwUl-'dQ at an early date. , Y. M. C. jA. Prograrrj., T -1 The first Y. M. C. "A. musical pro gram of the year was given, In Memo; rial Hall Sunday afternoon,. ' The mu sic was furnished by Mrs, Carrie Bejlo Raymond, Miss Maudo Kendall juid the University Y. M C. A. quaHet, , From now on until the holidays ,fho Association will endeavor loglvl jjfm lla. program's each Sunday.. f At ngxt Sunday's' meeting John pean, Ringer win probably talk, ,As. Mr. Ringer is one of the best known X...M. ,C.,A.-4 workers. In the Univorplty lumnl, a large attendance Is expected. . '..,. tOx' i - Chlpjn Bros,, Florists, ,1271 So,, 12th. 9 I m . t ' if I. If