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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1906)
-) I vf A X Vol. VI. No. 22. CYCLONES WIN NEBRASKA LOSES HARD-FOUGHT GAME TO STURDY FARMERS. First Home Defeat In Six Years Corn- huskers Make Game Fight Visitors Muoh Heavier. Nebraska went down before Ames In defeat last Saturday to the score of 14-2. Outwolgbed," facing men of greater experience, and handicapped by Injuries, the Cornhuskers showed that they knew how to play the nervi est kind of a losing game, fighting blttorly to the .Very end. The game emphasized the predic tion of our own coach that the new rules put a premium on flukes. With all due respect for the strength of the Ames team, It may bo safely said that 'the scoro does not justly measure the 'respective strength of the two teams. Eliminating the lucky chances which gave Ames her first field goal and only touchdown, the scoro would have been 4-2. and under the old rules, who , knows. ' One thing was very evident, that neither team could gain ton yards in three downs consistently. At no time before have the new rules had so thoro u test and on no occasion Jiayo they proved so flat a failure. Both teams were well schooled in the new style of game, but neither by trick nor by straight pla was either able to retain the ball, and the game large ly resolved Itself Into a punting duel, in which a fluke mlghl turn the score one way or the other. That the new rules have good points Is very evi dent; perhaps but few will deny-that football Is a moro varied and Inter esting game, but to say tho-Jeast ten ynrd seems too far to carry the ball in three downs.. With two weks for preparation, the team should bo Intoxcollont shape to meet Minnesota, and' they" will play as good or hotter game than If they had beaten Ames. 'One thlngfls" sure, they will play their very host game whether beating or beaten. One thing 1b sure, they will play. After Its most plucky showing in the face of defeat the team deserves and needs the support of the studonts, and it is up to them to help make the season yet bo a glorious one for Ne braska. The: game In detail follows: Bill Johnson kicked of at 3:5Crpnn. and Nebraska got the ball qn.jy.ium bio near the Ames 50 yard' line. John son made 8 yards around left end, but Donslow lost 4 trying the other en1. Nebraska was forged to ( punt and Ames returned, after falling to make 4he required gain. After more punt ing, a fumble gave Ames the ball on Nebraska's 40 yard line. Nebraska held and another exchange of punts left the ball on her 50 yard .line. In Ames' possosslbn. A blocked punt on the part of the visitors lost them 15 yards.- Ames was forced to punt, and Nebraska tqok a brace. . Coolc made 9 .yards on a quarterback play and r(?) Then the Ames line held jind Nebras ka was forced to punt. Starting at the 30 yafd, lino, Ames pushed Mc Elhenney around for 7 yards, and Bruggor thru for 4 more. After being , . , ' 1 'a ' .n. '.. . UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, BAND INFORMAL at MEMORIAL HALL Fri. Eve., Oct. 26. Price, 50c penalized for offside play, the visitors made 30 yards on a 'beautiful forward pass. Then they punted to our 20 yard line and Cook tried a quarterback play with a loss of 10 yards. On the next kick Jensen was intorforrod with while trying for a fair catch and was allowed to place kick for goal from the 25 yards line. Ho booted the ball squarely between the posts and the score was Ames 4, Nebraska 0. Jaensen kicked off, and Schmidt re turned the punt on the first play. Jnensen again signalled for a fair catch on the 43 yard line. This timo, however, he failed and Schmidt kicked out from the 25 yard line. Aftpr a few Ineffectual plays the half ended, with the ball on Ames 30 yard line In her possesion. Second Half. Jaensen kicked off and a fumble oji Nebraska gayo Ames the. ball on the '15 yard line. Jaensen tried for goal, but failed and Nebraska kicked out from the 25 yard line. Chaloupka was Injured and takon out of the game, Carroll taking his place at guard. Roppert, Ames' heavy fullback, tore thru the line for 20 yards before be ing stopped. From now',on the game was a series of punts, the ball being In Ames territory most of the time. Nebraska netted 15 yards ona for ward pass and Gil McDonald went In to try a drop-hick for goal. Ames broke thru the lino and blocked the kick, howovor. A second attempt met with a slmllnr failure. Gil tried to kick and again ho was blocked, Ames getting the ball. Ames lost 13 yards on a quarterback play and punted to the center of the field. Nebraska tried a forward pass that dropped Into the arms of McElhlnney, who ran 40 yards for a touchdown. aJensen kicked goal. Score, 10-0. Johnson" kicked off and sent the ball over the line. Ames kicked out from the 25 yard line, but Wilkio blocked the ball, falling on iron Ames' 20 vard line. Ames held for downs" and punted out of danger' to Schmidt on the 50 yard line. Both sides" tried forward passes and lost the ball. Ames PHOied to Cook, who dropped the ball on the 30 lyard line.. Jones got tho ball and carried It 5 yards on the next play. Following this Ames made 8 yards more thru guard. Shortly after this Jaensen drop-kicked another goal; Score, 14-0. Johnson again kicked over goal and Ames tried to kick out from the 25 yard line. Wllkle again blocked the ball, an Ames man tailing on It behind his- own goal line foe a safety. Score, 14-2. 'Benedict, replaced Cook at quarter and nfter the kick-off tried a- drop-kick from the ,40. yard line, but failed. Time was called with the ball on :Ame( 10( yard line in her possession. UNIVERSITY CHEMISTRY CLUB. i'New. Club Formed to Promote interest in the Study of Chemistry. Last night a meeting was held In the Chemistry lecture room to per fect tho organization of a University Chemistry Club. A constitution was ndopted and officers for the coming year were eloctod as follows: President F. W. Upson. Vice President Ellison Ross. Secretary-Treasurer M. A. Klein. Tho charter members of tho society nro: F. W. UpflQJLjaillson Ross, M. A. Klein, J. B. Whelan, V. S.. Hadlock, "Ferdio" McDowell, H. E. McComb, S. S. Fay, and A. B. Drawbaugh English Club Elects: English Club met Saturday Tho evening at tho homo of Miss Louise Pound, 1632 L street. A program wa glven and officers for the coming year were elected. Prof. Daniel Ford was elected president and Miss Stolla Mor rison, secretary. The program con sisted of .reviews of a recent story by Keeno Abbott and a book of poems by Miss Birchill. Miss Ruby Jesaen and Miss Leta Stetter, '06, read orlg lnal verse. Cross Country Men -Meet. ' -Friday mocnlng at chapel time tho cross country men met in Dr. Clapp's office to dlscuBs cross country work and plan for tho soason. About twenty:flv"6 WCte present and an en thusiastic meeting is reported. From now on until Thanksgiving, when the team goes to Chicago for the Western Intorcollegiate Cross Country Cham pionship Meet, the men will work regularly every day. Two squads start out at four o'clock, another at five. Prospects are ,vcry good for a win ning team, two men of last year's team, Alden and Morgan, and two of tho year before, Havens and Samp son, being In tho- squad. With this nucleus a strong team should be dovejoped and Nebraska should stand an excellent chance of repeat ing her performance of two years ago when she took first place. ' The GermanDepartment has re ceived copies of the Ph. D. theses of John Van Zandt Cortelyou and J. , L. Kind, both of the class of 1890. Mr. Kind, received his degree at Columbia University last spring, whore he held the Carl Schurz fellowship. His. sub ject Is "Edward Young in Germany." He is instructor of German at the Unl versity of Wisconsin at present. Mr. Cortelyou, received his degree at Hei delberg last year. His thesis was a thoro study of old German insects. eH Is now professor of German at tho Kansas Agricultural College, Manhattan. Price 5 Cents. WARD 0 ALASKA DEAN WARD TALKS OF OUR NORTHERN TERRITORY. Not a Region of Ice Alone Its Vast AreaVariety of Climate Commerlcal Resources. Dean Ward of the Collogo of Medi cine gave a most interesting nnd-in--structivo 'talk on "Alaska" at Convo cation yostorday morning. It Is a prevalent Idea, ho said, that Alaska is a cold Arctic province, Inhabited by wild boasts, nn undesirable nnd somo what tragic place. .This is a falso idea, for altho a hind full of hard ships, Alaska 1b u vory attructivo country and has many opportunities. Its bIzo 1b far greater than wo think, for this provinco of tho United States o'xtonds in longitudo from 130 degrees west to 173 degrees east, arid in latitude from 51 degrees to 72 de grees north. Its situation is slmllnr to tnat or Scandinavia, Its northern and southorn points corresponding re spectively to tho North Cnpo of Nor way and Copenhagen In Denmark. Sitka, tho capital, is tho samo latitude ob Edinburgh, Scotland. Alaska makos the geographical center of our country not In the United Statos proper, but 400 miles west of San Francisco in tho Pacific ocean. The area is ono fifth the total area of tho whole coun try. If Alaska were projected upon the United States Its northern point' at the boundary lino of Canada, its southorn point would cross into old Mexico, and from east to west it Would reach from South Carolina to LosAn goles, California. Tho most Important city in trade re lations is Ketchikan, on .the Revillagl gedo Island, whoro thoro is found. ,a mixture of Spanish, Russian and Chi noso elements. Tho population num bers 1,100, but its ono storo carries a stock of one-fourth million, doing 'n business of $30,000 per month. Kotchi lean Is 700 mlleB from Seattle, beyond tho Portland canol which separates Alaska from British Columbia, and be hind the Prince of Wales Island. To reach Ketchikan ships must pass thru vpry narrow channels hundreds of feet deep. The climate ranges from that of Florida to that of Maine, tho mean temperature being similar-to Washing' ton, D. C, even warmer in. winter. Tho only lco in Ketchikan is artificial, so the fis'ij. trade is supplied from tho lco plant or from a picco of iceberg from tho north. Tho climate of southeast Alaska Is Vory oven, and In the Yukon Valley it is like that of North Dakota or Montana but s9mowh.1t bettor for farming purposes. Rainy, cloudy weather is characteristic, yesterday being a typical Alaskan dny. Tho highest temperature reached was 84 degrees. ' In southeastern Alaska the land if, broken, rocky and mountainous, with, large ocean inlota. Strange to say, tho . forests and undeigroVvth are vory thick, resembling a tropical, jungle, thus' making it difficult to travel by land. All roadways are made of planks built upon a trestle, so most of tho transportation is by water. Thoro (Continued on Page 3) J906. V V -? PI I llli-.-i". "V. 4 I