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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1906)
IRebtashan i ? i -v r-rr- .- , (Vol..VI., No 24. . UNIVEfcSITY OF.NEBRASKA, LINCOLN; THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, i9Q6. Price 5 Cents, REGENTS MEET 000000000000000000000000000 i. f rfi - i - . mv- '09APP0INTMENTS PRESIDENT ANNOUNCES SOPHO- ' MORE HOP COMMITTEE. NEBRASKA vs. DO ANE COLLEGE A L , v . f 171 i; IV )4 t REGENTS DETERMINE BUDGET FOR NEXT TWO YEAR8. Improvements Ordered New Engin eering Building The Athletic ' Field to Be Invaded. The Board of RegontB at its meet ing Monday ovoning determined Its Tmdgetfor the coming two years and transacted much other business of de cided Interest .to the University. rChangos on the campus and at the University Farm were determined up on that will necessitate largo appro priations and various questions of in ternal administration were decided. Appropriations are to- be asked for a new mechanical engineering build--Jiig to be erected on the present ath letic field, in default of , any other available location, and 7to cost' $100,: -000.00; for a horticultural building costing 40,000.00, located at tho University Farm; for a $40,000.00 veterinary building, also at the Farm, and for several other minor purposes. TJietotal appropriatIon.toi,bq.qsked for twin be ?22d;6oo:bd. The mechanical engineering build ing has long been a" crying need, the laboratories and lecture rooms of thlB department having been distributed al most indiscriminately tliruout tho en- glneerlng buildings. The quarters as signed have long been overcrowded , also and the only possibility of relief haB been the projected addition to "Mechanics, Arts Hall. This idea has now been shelved, at least temporarily, Un favor of an entirely new building, , and-it is expected that the problem of s i crowded .quarters will be much more J satisfactorily solved than was antici pated., $ Afaong,tho changeikprdered within 'the' University organization comes tho creation of a new title among the fac If ulty. Thls title is to be conferred 'on , heads , of t departments ,who ,-,are $en tltlde to appear In the University Sen ate. They will hereafter be known as "head professors." One promotion is announced, that of P. H. Grummann, formerly associ ate professor-of German, to tho rank of professor. Professor Grummann's department will be Modern German Literature.' The Regents . also chose an elec trician to succeed ,Mr. Reynolds, who recently accepted a position with the University of North Dakota. Tho new - appointee Is Mr. W H-. Drummond of Albjon. Mr. Drummond has been en gaged in "the telephone business and besldes-hls otlvor duties, will apt as an assistant In the elqctrlcal engineer; ing laboratory. Resolutions were passed thanking Recent Allen and Dean Pound for ' their services in' the Supremo Court in Securing tho $12,000.00 added by tne 'United States to, the Adams fund". Thor'siccessful outcome ,of the case was due in large measure to the ef forts of these wo-gentjemen. v Various planB that have 'been pro posed at different" times for the eatab le llBhraent' of a teachers' college,"- the question of tuition fees, whjchhas proved somejvhat bothersome in -he , Ilast two -years, and i the problem of SATURDAY, 3:30 UNI CAMPUS. 30O00000O0O000OO0OO0O furnishing text-books to tho students at coBt, were left undecided and. will bo referred 'direct to tho legislature. TEAM STRENGTHENED. New Men Join Squad Changes in the Line Up Practse at State Farm. In spite of the mud and rain, football practice goes on just as if nothing had happened. The team is putting in some hard licks getting ready for tho Minnesota game, which Is only a little over a week off now, and It lookB as tho they would treat the Gophers to an unpleasant surprise when they go up against them. .. . The strength of the squad at the guard position has been materially added to within the last fed days. Jenkins came out for the first time this week and makes a valuable addi tion to the squad. With hls strength and experience last year he should make a hard race for one of the guard positions. Taylor is out for practlsu again and is expected to be In the game when the team lines up against Minnesota. In addition to these are Harvey and Chaloupka, the two regu lar guards so far this season, and Cor nell, one of the huskiest men on the squad. With such a wealth of ina torial to work on there Is every pros pect that two guards will be developed who will hold their own against whom ever they meet. Bill Johnson Is being tried out at quarterback this week and altho this position Is entlroly new to him, Is fast learning the -game. His thoro knowl edge of the game and the rush and vim of his play should make of him a""brllllant quarterback. Pip Cook has been alternating with Johnson at quarter and end. His work at quarter Bhows much improvement, he is running the' team fast and hand ling the ball well. Schmidt has been shifted from- the back field to right end and Weller fills the vacant position jn the back field. -Weller's ""'"weight and well-known prqwess is bucking tho line are a most welcome reinforcement to the team, and great things are expected of him. The practise last night was at the State Farm on account, of the bad con- BAND INFORMAL , at MEMORIAL HALL Fri. Eve., Oct. 26. . Price, 50c i OCTOBER 29 P. M. dltlon of Nebraska Field. During the first part of the practise tho line men wore pitted against each other In a strenuous drill In breaking thru and blocking, while the backs and ends worked at handling and going down under punts. Later tho Varsity wont thru a stiff signal practise, whllo tho two scrub teams lined up against each other lor scrimmage. Porrln, tho new recruit to the football squad, was given a trial at half-back on the Var sity. The men for the most part aro in excellent condition and .thoso In Jured In last Saturday's game are rap idly recovering. Forest Club Meeting. Tho Forest Club, last Saturday night, adopted allof the constitutional amendments proposed at the previous meeting. , The subject of the program wns "Light," the first of a Borles of ecolog ical factors to be considered at tho meotlngs of the club. Mr. Pool,' who Introduced the subject, declared that ecology was no mere fad," and that forestry- vas purely. tho ecology of trees. Very Interesting talks were given by Messrs. Pearson and PIpal, also. Mr. Poarspn Is planning to. wrlto his Mas ter's thesis on the Bubject "Light." Mr. PIpal, who is a native of Austria, told of the economy in tho forestB of Austria, where tho children are sent to tho woods to-gathor the branches tha.t have been pruned by the lack of light. The topic for the next meeting, on November 3, will be "Temperature." Friday Convocation. Ao song cycle by Ethelbert Novln is tho attraction at Convocation on Fri day. It Is called "Tiro Quest," and will be rendered by ladles of tho Mati nee Muslcale Club, assisted by a male quartet. The members of this quarter are as follows: Geo. Johnston, E. 13. Carder, B, B. Gillespie, and C. H. Mil ler. ' ' The soloists will be Mrs. E. A. Schloss and Mr. E. B. Carder. Students and others who will attend ai'o hrged to be In their seats promptly at 11 o'clock, for tho program wlH crowd tho period-to Its utmost. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards' Blk. 1 GEN. ADMISSION 25c R football Manager and Coach Basket ball Manager Intorclats Athletic Board. Tho following appointments vero announced at tho Sophomore mooting this morning: Hon Committee Chairman, Mlllor S. Benedict; mastor of ceremonies, Vorji W. Glttlnga. Committee Gordon B. Lang, Ray L. Harrison, Donald L. Russell, Edwin Davis, Ada Haggard, H. C. Robertson, Katharine sDoyle, Paul G. Burt, Ethol Porklns, R. L. Nelaorf, Dwlght D. Boll. Mombors of IntorclnsB Athletic Board W. W. Kadlng, Fred Coo, R. J. Rold. Basketball Managor O. Bontloy. Football Manager R. L. Harrlson Coach J, B. Harvoy. The sontlmont of most of thoso on the hop committee and of a majority of tho class -is said to ho strongly in favor of a dollar hop, if such prlco appears to. bo feasible. As tho Sopho moro -Hop Is tho only big danco to bo held this year, tho attendance will undoubtedly bo Vorr largo. Tho class football outlook is ex ceedingly encouraging. All of last year's mon aro likely to bo m" the game again and interest, especially iir tho Freshman-Sophomoro game, Is very warm. Practise will begin at Once ahd a largo squad Is expected to bo out dally. The remainder of tho class offices were filled thia -morning and ka com plete JlBt will apnearJn-rtomorrowts Nohraskan. . r DR. MAXEY'S NEW BOOK. "TrlumpHo.f American Diplomacy" Well Received. Professor Maxey's now book on tho "Trlumphs-of American Diplomacy"- attracting considerable attention for a book which has Just reached thoro vfewers. Tho Arena for October- takes especial notice of it In a review from which tho following excerpts are made: "In the present volume we have a timely work-of marked interest-nnd value, as in it tho author 'considers ten great diplomatic passages In our his tory which he considers to be of spec ial Interest and importance." "The- volume, is 'admirable and a . valuable contribution to our all too scant literature diplomacy." "Tho volume is published by Bren tanB of Now York City. It fc a work of 120 pages, Jiandsomely .bound in - cloth. Tho publishers hope to have tho work In readiness for general .sale in tho near future." Prof Lees left yesterday afternoon for New York, where he will attend the meeting of the football rule committee. The committee 'meets Friday evening at theMurray Hill Hotel in JNow York. Dr. LeeB will return about'Frlday next week. Some of his classes wlll. enjoy a vacation in the meantime., : ; Get a nice pennant at the Co-op while the stock is large and varied. sT . X