Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1905)
rj v i- JF U 1 , V - fl " tlbe alb flebmefeari &f l5V t .sv b 'VW, HL . v x Rv ;- 'V 1 & r- Voi?V?No. 35 Ma ,,. , - - COLORADO TODAY MOUNTAINEERS PROMISE HARD QAMfe. Slfl Crowd Will 8ee the Best Game ofr Season on Home Grounas-'-lMe- braska Is Ready. All is in preparation for the big game today, and when the game id called at two-thirty grandstand and bleachers will bo packed! with Tooters, hot all of whom will bo wdarlBg tho Scdrlbt and Cream. An excursion of i?50 CblOfrtdoans will arrive in Lincoln about ton o'clock this morning, armed with colors and megaphones, and de termined to out-root Nebraska on her own field. Thursday 200 grandstand seats were reserved for tho delegation and yesterday morning tho Colorado manager had an additional 150 set aside, haying received word that moro tickets had been sold than 'ho had counted on. On account, of a war be tween tho tJnion Pacific and the Bur lington, a round trip rate of five-dollars was secured, and accordingly half tho colego is coming along. With this opposition to fight against, our own rooters will do tho best that Is in them, and Nebraska field will ho the scono of as pretty an exhibition of college spirit as any western field has ever sen. The Colorado team arrived in Lin coln early Fridaymorning, and afc onco went to tho -Lindell. At eleven o'clock they came up to tho Univer sity and attended the football rally, which seemed to interest them very much. One of the players expressed himself fts being much pleased with the football song sung by the band. After that they spent the remainder of tho flay In quloCuntll threo olock, when" they wofe taken out to the state for a final 'slgnai practice, for which they did not oven put .on their togs.x While not confident- of defeating Nebraska, ptill the men are dete'r mined, to put up the game of their lives and to fight to the last whistle. All tho men are In fine physical condt tlonp'and show no effects of the Jour ney. ., , Nebraska is ready for the game, and confidence of victory reigns In Booth's camp. "Every man lsln good condi tion,, with tho exception of Densjow, whoso ankle Is getting worse, and may keep him out of the game for the rest of the seas'oh. Avory and McDonald' will 'take caro of his position very sat isfactorily, however,' and with John son - on tho other Jwlng of tho lin Caloy will ptpjiably fall to pull off " any -df his spectacular runs, Bene'dict yas nevotjh finer form, and every studont is confident that the old moss grown trick used on Minnesota, Illi nois and all the rest of them will bo good for at least fifty yards some time during the game. While the Uno is still somewhat weak, Nebraska never had a better secondary defense', and lino bucks will net Colorado but little. )wiiwUiwww RfeMEMBER Tl AT 1 904 DEFEAT l tttiALmAiLm , UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER fo o t b a L lJ I, NEBRASKA VS. COLORADO 8 SAtURDAV, NOV. 1 8 8 2:30 p. m. 8 On account of tho early evenings, the game today will begin at half past ttvo Instead of half an hour later, and frill halves will be played. Tho field is in vory good condition, considering tho rain of a week ago, and although soft enough to prevent any player from sustaining severo brulsps, is not soft enough to prevent fast work. For the first time in six woolcs the ball will bo dry enough to allow of good punting, hnd, tho contest botween Benedict and Caloy will bo Interesting, with odds perhaps a little in favor of the latter. In case of victoryfpr Nebraska, the Annual bon-flro will probably be pio pared by the students.' If this proves to bo true, tho football management urges the students to build tho fire some place other than on tho football field, for tho heat bakes the ground, so that play over -that spot Is danger ous for tho rest of the season. The teams will-line up as follows: Nebraska. Colorado. Avery r. e. . Levlt Burns N r. t Roller Cotton r. g. ........ .Jordan Borg c Farnsworth Jenkins,, 1g ,.Barr IVollor 1. t Footo Johnson 1. o. ......... ..Salborg Benedict... . . , . , q. b ..Trudgian Llttlb -..'. rl. h. Sigmund Wilson, .Vr. h Caley Mason f . b Roberts Tho Michigan Daily has the follow lng to say about girls rooting squads at football games: "Thoniovement -among the girls to nttondthe Wisconsin game in a .body Is meeting success on all sides. Di rector Baird has promised to reserve two wholo sections foiv girls exclu sively. Tho girls themselves, -'are re sponding nobly to tho opportunity, a Or-M - V . . V r --. . s U . ' II I '.: BAND INFORMAL 1 R ' . r- " 8 jc W 3 1 . I, , - i i . i ? I DANQNG 9 to 2. - ADMISSION 50 CEN?S M...MMU rirJ.-m-rJTlir)(un.rjmit U " rV goodly number having alVeady put down their names for tickets, while over tho campus, team and students are enthusiastic over tho display of Michigan spirit among the girls. - "Captain Norcross, speaking of tho Minnesota-Wisconsin game, said: 'Thoy had a wholo section with noth ing but girls. I didn't suppOso they'd make any holde, but whonOvor Minne sota made it gain, you ought to hoar those girjs cheer.' "There havd always been a lot of girls In the past who wanted to go to tho big gamed, but didn't like to go alono in a big crowd. Tho now ar rangement will be Ideal in avoiding this difficulty. "Girls who want to get In on this should leave their names at Barbour gym before this noon in ordortoso quro seats In tho reserved section." What Michigan does do, Nebraska ought to do. Let our Nebraska girls this "afternoon remember their Michi gan siBters and go and do likewise. Mass Meeting' Tomorrow. Tho men's mass meeting at tho Oli- vvor thrdtro tomorrow will bo unaor. the joint auspices of tho city and uni versity Y. M. .A's. Theso meetlugs are always attendi'dby a largo crowd of university studots who derive much ink-fit from them. JDntortiiin Mig jii'.tmn.s are always aViiiitjot', and tho cnt-' tomorrow will bo In no way licnlud tho standard. Me. Frunlr R. Itobc-rjon. ono of tho most noted lecturers of tho country, will deliver Min illustrated lecture. Tho English Club" will mqot with Miss Howell at Mellck Court on Satur day, November 11. Supplement your voice with a mega phone. -The Co-op.-has them. i'XidUbi'Jl it, J905. Price 5 Ccnti MINNESOTA NEXT FINAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE WltW THE NORTHWESTERN. '' Six Dollar Rate Finally Secured Two Hundred Tickets Guaranteed More Will Go. Late Thursday night tho nogotln jtlons between tho athletic board and tho railroads terminated favorably and a six-dollar rate was securod for tho round trip to s'oo tho Mlnnosbta; gamo a wook from today. Sovoral. wooks ago a rate of six dollars for second class and eight dollars for first-claps passongors was grantod but this was unsatisfactory to tho ttoard, and no excursion would have boon run had the railroads not made a first-class rate of six dollars. Tho spocial train will leave Lincoln about six o'clock Friday evening, and will arrive in Minneapolis earlv tho next mnrninir. tunning Over tho Ndrthwoslorh via Fremont, tfwo huiidred tickets are" guaranteed, but at least a thousand students and townspeople should .take advaTrilajp of this opportunity and go along tochoer for the team. Pullntan berths will "cost five dollars for the round trip and tourist two and" a half dollars. Housewarmlhg. The Unlpn Society h61d thefr first' meeting In their nowly furnished hall last night and the evening was made . memorable Ty ah old-fashioned house warming. Sotigs wore sung, games played, stories toid, and tinib'mado merry until a late houtvThe' society this year "have been holding' -tholr meetings in U. 107 and variotrsvothor plncis and their return to tholrold halkhas been like the return of a prodlkhK.s-on.' ' , .' Thdir hall has boon. In poor condi tion lately. Tho plaster on tho coil ing was loose and in.placos suspended' , as unique hangings. Asido from he- -lng unique, th& hangingsthroatonod every moment to fall. Tho "Univer sity authorities havojorig.-heldiout to tho society a promlso of a. steel cell- lng, but because of a lack of meti and a shortage In tlio approprlalldn tuhd, the ceiling will perhaps hotbo put " ' on until next summer. FoV ihbpres ont the room has been ropapored, the , H , flx't'ure8 of tho stage Bomowhat ,vx ' changed an,d a new' burlap, to miien tho color of the paper, will ho put do.wn. The tost of -Ufo burlap and paper tvill bo ahbut-alxty dollars. ' The Hall is also used by the 'Stu dents' Debating Club and a law class. y- The former will defray a part of the ' expense of furnishing the hall. ' Thariks&Mn'o Game. The reserved seats for the Thanks- giving game will he put on sale at ' Harry POrter's Wednesday morning, , November 15, NOW Trunks, New Bags, 1088 O. : s 1 . "rl 4 Wl v m i 4 i , n , ' V ') fc. x. ..r'