Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1905)
5M m ' CT ys tmr-LiZ v-. -. AiUS. .,;;:-. 1-- r 'K f"v? -' i ,' 'i ;. .ivr"' , -U ' '6 THE EAILY NEBRASKAN. ' .a i- i ; i ii ii- .'-"""f11".1 I'm '. i' ii niiiiirn-"' V i I BUSINESS DIRECTORY! aaaaaaaaaBaaaaBaaaaaBaaaaBaaaa; j t j Krery Xrfyal ValvarsUy fltadeat It j I t arged to aatroalie thes Ntbrai j Jkan dyrlint, 'aad to ntatloa j I I tfea paper whit dolaf fta. t t in f CIGARS, AND TOBACCO OHvor Ci- BARBER SHOES Tho Aristo, Green' Falaco, Mogul, George's Place. BOOkSSTATlONfiRY--Co-op,. Lin coln Book Store, Uni. Book Store, Brown Drug 'Co., Harry Porter. BOOk HOSPITALr-QlllespIe. BANKS Columbia National, First N tlonal. BOWLING ALLEY Crescont. CANDIES Woodward Candy Co. CARPENTER Geo; A. Wilson. CATERER-T-"Toinmy," at Riggs' Drug Store. CLEANERS AND DYERS Soukup & Wood. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Mil gee & Deenier, Ludwig. COAL Gregory, Whitebreast. CONFECTIONERY Maxwell. DANCING SCHOOL Pitts. DRUbGISTS Steiner & Woempener, Brown, Mann, Rector, Harley, Riggs. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine, Herpol sjioimer. . EXPRESS Lincoln Local. FLORISTS Cbapin Bros. FURNITURE Rudgo & jGWettzeT. Co., Hardy. - FURRIER Steele "' GROCERS O. 3. King & Son. . HABERDASHERY $2.50 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudge & Gnenzel Co., Hall Bros. HOTELS Lindell. ICECREAMAND ICES Franklin Ice GfeunvCo. JEWELER Tucker. HalletL a 'LAUNDRIES Yule- Bros., Merchants r NOVELTY MACHINIST Thorp. I PRINTING Geonre Bros.. Now Can. tury, Ivy Press, Rerjow Press, Greer Cooper Co. RESTAURANTS WeBtorfleld, Caw- ' - nVnn ClnnA TTnnHh Tlrtn'n Pnf v . SHOES Sanderson. "" A SHINING '"PARLOR Union Shining JParlor. , . ' TAILORS Unland, Union College Tailors, Ludwig. SPECIALISTSY-Dr. Erie B. Wood .ward. Stai't the school year right by get ting, d. nice engraved or printed card. George BroB., printers, Fraternity Bldg., 13th and N Sts. Remarkable Reduction In Rates to the South. Oh 'October 3 andVk November 7 arid' 21, December 5 andTSfhe Mis souri 'Pacific' will sell round trip tick ets) many points in Southwestern Missouri, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Arkansas, Texas and Louisiana at 75 nni Vonf tt in nna wnv rntn & - For example," round trip rate to Ft. Worth. Tex., will bo $13.65, to Galves- ton, $0.35, to Oklahoma City, $10,00, etc.- Two daily trains, with Pullman sleepor every night to Kansas City. Full lnformatiGn 'at City Ticket Of fice, S. W..Cor. a2th & O streets. , F. D. CORNELL", JEtf & T. A. 1 ' I UARTeRSZfr 'I iieCTS EACH : 2 FOR 25 CTS CAT CLUETT, PEADODY & CO.. PT tV 1't, CttltTT AI.D UOHCH tHIKtt B BULLETIN Today. 4:30 to C Tea by Ladles of the Fac ulty. 5 p. ra. Meeting Botanical Seminar. N. 110. Saturday, Oct. 21. 3 p. m. Foptball on campus. Lin-, coin vs. Chicago. 8 p. m. Meeting Klub Komensk v. No. 1. U. 106. 7:15 p. m. Meeting of Forest Club. N. 110. , 8 p. m Meeting English Club with Miss Pound. Thursday, Oct. 26. 2 p. m. Faculty Foolishness. Ath letic Field. Friday, Oct. 27. ,9 p. m. Sophomore Hop. Frator nity lall. Saturday, Nov. 5. 3 p. m. Football. Nebraska vs. Ames. Saturday, Nov. 25. 8 p. m. County Fair. Armory. Y. M. C. A. Notes. The prayer meeting on Wednesday evening from 7 to 7:30 wasledby Mr. A. E. Wolf. Mr. Wolffifst spoko briefly on. "PracticalChrlstianlty," after which manyofthe men present gnv.o their hjoas on the subject. Tho meotingwas, us usual, very holpful. Thisis a regular weekly sorvlco and dismisses promptly at 7:30 o'clock. Tho meeting for University men- in Art Hall next Sunday will be addressed by Di S. Z. Batten, pastor of tho First Baptist church of Lincoln. His sub ject will, bo "Noblesse Oblige." This will bo a treat to the men and Dr. Bat ten should bo given a, rospectnblo hearing from the standpoint of num bers. The regular annual Committeemen's Dinner will be pulled off the Inttor part of October. All committeemen nre requested, to keep this in mind. Convocation. Monday, Oct. 23 Prof. E. A. Ross, "The Insurance Revelations." Wednesday, Oct. 25 Prof. J. I. Wyor, "How to Use the Library.'' Friday, Oct. 27 Music. Chaplain for tho Week, Dean H. B. Ward. Monday,, Oct 30 Dean C. E. Bessey, "Somd Things to Russia's Crodlt." Wodnesday, Nov. 1 Mrs: W. G. L. Taylor, "The Rhodes Scholar at Ox ford." Friday, Nov. 3 Music. Chaplain for the wbok, Rev. J. W. Jones. v , - f ' u ' ; If the operator Is to write as fast as sne can read, sne must Do.aujo to see also; , ' i l ' UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. 136 No. 11th 8t - Bel! Phorie,.348; AUto 3831. Harry Porter will report full partic ulars of tho Nebraska-Michigan game. Gome and get in tho game. Bring your friends. Tho English Club will meet4 with Miss Pound, 1,632 L street, Saturday, Octobdr 21. ' Tho Fprest Club will meet next Sut urday evening at 7:15, Instead of 8 o'clock. J , . Eat at Don Cameron's now restau rant, 119 So. 12th St. " Lincoln Local Express, 1234 O St. Both phones. Green's Barber Shops j Palace 1 Mogul Star Delivery Co., Baggngo. Both Phones.' . Chapln Bros, Flprjsts, 127 So. ,13th. . Uni Music Cafe, $3.00 tickets, $2.85. Oiivor Cigar Co. 135-137 No, 13th. "press suits, $35 'andmp. - Lud'wlg'-. School of, Music Cate now ppon. FTmWTsikl ffucceseorsto Fitzgerald Dry Goods n. )Jfclh1avo specially designed for admirors of tho Uni and for 5 JXi. yS a.nd gir S tllm80lvc8. tt w Top-unpack, the oquS ,7,ChJm8 n?V0 boon hown ln th,B cIty- Almost 300 have been sold in the past three weeks. You have doubtliZnotlced it disVv n our cenior vesumuo showcase. Hero is aonoral description, but ton, 8nnb? 8,e n ? b6 ?dm I", and WrSPHftod: On a cream grpund work, and done in natural colors, amitffe a Mascot Bulldog, between ' mTu. u xt i uyuwr V010"- "y "is side and waving above olZl thrC 1J1cbrfrk fnwtjMcariot, the words 'Nebraska donol Sninw nTno'nJji'A wthiL8 a stccn and on th floor 1bcb th" bulldog plpo. ScattfircoTaround tho contor group aro poker china clita- ret cs different WndflSF pipes, champagne5 corks, haTsmokcd 'clga and the lnovitablofobacco bag. The back of the pillow is In solid scarlet. . . 3urmtd j,Il,8h0d flimplrwith cord it makes a splendid pillow covering. Worked in embroidery sijk, it produces a most beautiful pillow, an ornament to any homo and artistic to a degreo foV fra ternity cosy corners and den purposes. Come and see it TOP AND BACK GOAV PLETE ROFe ONLY TOMMY, THE CATERER. "THE UNI'8 IrJDISFtNSIBfuE:" We certainly know how... Lady atten dant if desired. Uim MttettfL Wi hv alWayt-been knewn as the STXMnts laundry We want yeur busfriest YCJU6 ft)8. HAND XAONDny tClrf O 8trt. 4 Auloa7flI,IUH574 UlMtaU GET THAT SUIT NOW AT 'S The Popular Tailor n o MMaMiaaaaaaiaaiuiiM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa ' aaaaaaaaflLi '-- -.aaaaaaaaaV ' aBHvaffL ' ''bIbIIIIH alV'&HaH aaaaaaaaaaaaaar'-flBaanA K'JBaSflaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBaaH aaaaaaaaaaaaaV' TaWawW" ilZraarBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!aaaaaaaaaa! UNLAND The BEST & Cleav erest Uni Pillow i"iiii ' ...11--.1 t You Ever saw Co. 50c SPALDING'S '" Official Foot Ball Guide . FOR 1905 Edited by WALTER CAMP. Containing the nowly rovisod OPFI-' CIAL PLAYING RULES and pictured of feacilng teams, embracing over 2,50 ' players. PRICE, 10 CENTi , For sale by all Nowsdoalers, Athletic -Goods Dealers and Depart- mont Stores, Spalding's cataloguo of all athletic apbrts mailed free to any address. : A. a. SPALDING ft BROS. Now York, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago", JftipiieapolIs,r Philadelphia, Denver, Baltimore, Washington, St. Louis, Ka Kas City, Pittsburg, San Francises New Orleans,'1, Syracuse, Cincinnati, Montreal, jCan.London, England. . OpOOCOC)COCOOCOCXXX)OCOCOQ. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO $pbaTS ELECTBIC FACIAL AND SCALP MASSAGE ARISTO BAKDER SHOP,' 1206 0 STREET, BUM OLOCK" STUDENTS Fof first-class Tailoring at low prices, see Union t College Student Tailors. Automatic Phone 3255. Union Col lege Tailors POST OTtriVE BLDU. , . t aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavaaaa laaam 'aaaaaaaaaaaawi aaaaam Jaaaar -ABBBaaBaCaBBBaftirj' . t . 1 . . '-'4 . If " . 'i ) ' "" ' l s '( . it s .. , ' ss K . R V u -y . t ;,K U' .- r, ' l e'te.vd TiS