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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1905)
T w-v: ,3K " , , A ;'4 ', 'A THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. ,;,, I?. r 't r: n V il o h. f Lfr- , ,'t H V. ',' ' k " v .- 4" C;c Daily Utbraskm B J III I ' A consolidation of Tho Hesperian, Vol. 31, Tho NobraBkiin, Vol. 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. FUbllshoel dally, oxcept Sunday and Monday, nt tho University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb,, by tho Hesperian publish ing Co. Board of Directors. O. V. V. Stout. Lauronco Fossler. II. P. Lfcnvltt. . ,. Dwlght Cramer, A. a. Schrolbor. Editor-in-Chief . .77777777.... . .J. D. Clark Manager Fred Naughton Circulator Walter H. Standoven Athlctio R. A. Van Orsdol Editorial lloomc. U 204. UunlnoBB OfTlco, U 211W. PoBt onlcc, Station A, Lin coln, Nob. Omco" hours of Duslrtcfls Manager and Editor, 11:00 to 11:30 dally. Telephone Automatlo 1528 Night Telephone Automatic 2303 Subscription Price, (2 per year in advance Entered at tho poBtoOlco at Lincoln," Nob., n socond-cliiHS mall matter under tho act of cqngroBB of March a, 1870. ; Individual notices will bo charged for at tho rate of 10 contfl for each InBortlon. Faculty departmental and unlvorslty biil lotlnH will gladly be published froo, ' as hcrotoforo. THE STUDENT THIEF. Now that tho weather has become a little chilly, nnd tho Htmlents nro get ting out tholr overcoats, complaints nro coming In Hint tho theft of over coutq has begun. No wordB enn ex preBH tho loathing ono must havo for a student who will steal property bo longing to unothor man. In tho enso of ordinary thofts there may bo somo extenuating circumstances, such as ' poverty, or thoro may be a lack of In telligence sulllclont to enablo the criminal to understand the chnunctor of his act, but jn tho case of a man who has received an education which has presumably prepared him for en trance Into a university, thoro can be only one cause, moral degeneracy. Each year this epidemic of thefts has boon repeatod, with no soomlng varia tion, and tho disappearance of so largo an amount of property can account for no othor stato bt affairs than that a largo number of Unlvorslty students nro In tho practloo of stealing what evor thoy can lay hands on. In tho caso(hnt any of theso miscreants ar,o dotoctodjv summary measures should bo taken wlh them, amTt3xpulslon from tho Unlvorslty should not satisfy tho authorities. On tho othor hand, hiany students aro to be blamed for tho" negligent mannen in which thoy loavo property lying. arounU tho hallways or In class rooms. It Is a very ordinary sight theso cool mornings to see nlozen' overcoats hund up on tho hooks In tho lower hqllway of tho main building, with tho owners no whoro In slghtyl This Is culpable negllgonco on tho part of tup. owners, and students should henceforth bo more careful In seeing tliat they do not ottcx any inducement to tho njost contomptlblo of moh-r-tho student snoak thief. ..r . . . Temple Delayed. The erection of tho much-talked-of, long-lookod'for Tomplo Building has been so long delayed that a great many are in doubt as to whothorNwo nro over going to have a Templo JQuihllng. Other students again aro laboring under tho mistaken Impres sion that tho .Executive Building, now iindor construction, Is tho Templo , Building. Tho Tomplo Building will .ho erected on tho vacant io.ts southeast of tho Unlvorslty campus. Plans for It wpfo 'submitted by the-, architect, John Lo touser ot Omaha, but woro rejected by tho Tomplo- Commltteo 'because they exceeded tho amount subscribd, $100, 000. Thoy are now being romodqled to como within tho amount subscribed. As soon as thoy are approved by tho commltteo contracts will be let and work commenced at once. Convocation Today. The following program will bo ren dered at chnpel this morning: Chas. Hagenow String Quartet and Organ. Andanto Cantablle, Tschnlkowsky. Vorspell (King Mnnfred), Relnecke. Caprlccio Itallcn, Tschaikowsky. Mr. Chis Hngenow.. Mr. Wm. Quick. Mrs. Inn EnBlgn-Hagenow. MIbs Lillian Elchc. Mrs. Raymond at the organ. Girl's Glee Club. The Glee Club which Is tb bo formod nmong tho girls of tho University will bo selected during the next two weeks In much tho same way as the major organization has been chosen. All ap plicants for positions are required to fill out application blanks at the regis trar's ofllce during the noxt few days, and then a sorles of try-outs will be conducted by Mrs. Raymond, who has been the moving spirit of the plan. As announced before, tho girls who constitute tho club will bo given credit for tho work they put in on it, and will probably bo given a trip through tho stuto If tho Annual Home Concert, at which thoy aro expectod to assist, turns out well financially.' Mandolin Club Selected. Tho mnndolln adjunct to tho Gleo Club has been solocted after a long series of try-outs conducted by Mr. Nlles, who is to be tho leader. A large number of men tried for places on the club, and of those the following have been selected: Mandolins Leader Nlles, E. E. Sprnguo, T. A. Schmldt.H. W. Post, P. W. Motz, Ben Wood, X W. Early, L. A. HigginB, V. B. Westgate, E. H. Johnson, a G. Caughey, H. H. Brown. Guitars C. D. Beghtol, R. A. War. ron, J. W. Dorwart, Bard Smith, A. H. Mayor, J. D. Walker. Violins Edwin Davis, C. B. Duel-. Viola E. C. Beach. Flutes C. L. Moyor, E. L. Davis; 'Cello D. E. Winchester. MONSTROUS RALLY. (Continued from page 1.) his foot, and when tho game ended they oil remained In their seats and gave yells for Michigan and then for Vanderbllt. On tho whole, It was tho best exhibition of fnirness I hn,vo over soon." Captain Borg then told tho'students that tho team wasn't going to' Ann Arbor to lose or to quit, and that the fact that 4ho Btudents were bqhlnd tho men would help them wonderfully. Dr. Bolton thon tried to adjourn tho meeting, as It was after tho hour, but he was drowned out by cheers nnd yells until ho was forced to glo in nnd let Benedict answer tho calls for him. Hojmid that e knew they wero going to bent Michigan nud Minnesota. After him Cotton, Johnson, Wilson, Morse and Eager all had to comp to tho front, and say a few words to tho effect that thoy wero going to win tho game, and then tho team filed out of tho hall while the rooters stood up and gave a final cheer that pujt all Its predecessors to shame-. Sam Westerfield Sam's .Cafe, Little Gem Hot (7aflles nndFino '"'Moals.,and Lunches. JJ7rJ2J NariVlS Street . I ' " w CLASSIFIED COLUMN 8PECIAL8 NOTICE8. Rate ono cent per word each Insertion; minimum', ton centn. FOUND. A PLACE to got a good J2.C0 hat. $2.50 Hat Store, 1141 O St. WANTED. GOOD pianists to play for gymnasium cIushcb. Apply for particulars ut oftlec of women's gymnasium. BOOKS SECOND HAND. SLIGHTLY damaged books, miscellane ous lot at great reductions. University Book Store. DENTIST8. DR. BAIIL TItUELL, 1105 O St. DR. F. A. MOTIS, CI Burr Blk. PHYSICIANS. DR. II. J. LBHNHOFF, 145 So. 11th St. Tel.: Bell 486. Auto. 248C. ii1 i DR. C. W. M. POYNTKR, 1105 O St. Phone: Bell L 925, Auto. 2343. HAIR DRE88ER8. BEAUTY Parlors, 1312 N St. MESSENGER8. A. D. T. MESSENGERS. Tel. Auto. 2233. Bell 100, NOVELTIES. KEYS and repairing of all kinds. Thorp & Co., 303 So. 11th St; T. J. OSTEOPATHS. MORELOCIC & SMITH. 1C Oliver Thea tre Bldg. Tel.: Bell F 672, Auto. 3334. UNDERTAKERS. CASTLE & ROPER, prlvatd-ambulancc service 120-4 So. 13th St. AUTOMOBILES. FOR RENT. Lincoln Automobile Co., 122 N. 13th St. BATHS. CHRIS' BATH HOUSE. 11th and P Sts. LADIES' bath and inuHuago parlors. 124 No. 12th St. Miss Elizabeth Goodman. SANITORIUM. SULPHO-SALINE Bath House, and M Sts. 14 th SUITORIUM. HAVE your clothing cleaned and pressed at the Weber Sultorlum, 11th and O Sts. JOIN the club. 3 suits. 1 overcoat, clouned and pressed, 1.00. Elliott's, 1136 O s. . BAGGAGE TRANSFE'R. FAGEP. BROS., Basement Windsor hotel, No. 11th St Baggago and parcels. BICYCLE REPAIR8. SPORTING goods, guns, bicycle and phonographs. W. E. Parker, 1200 P St. SHOE REPAIRING. THE only up'-to-dato repairing factory In tho city. Prlcca tho lowest. Work manship tho besL 1220 O St. LOST., .LOST Kappa Slg pin, about the campus Friday. Iteturn to Daily Ne braskan office. LOST Large mottled fountain pen In Library building. Iteturn to No braskan office. LOST On the campiiB Tuesday, rod leather watch fob with, oval gpld buckle. Roturn to Nobraskan office, I . 5t-19 FOR RENTROOMS. Comfortable student's' room, furnace? students' gas lamp, bath. $10 two. 534 N. 12th St., opposite campus. Call at Nobraskan office.. FOR RENT Ono furnished room for ono or two gentlemen; all mod ern. Plfono Bell; 77. 1044 S. 11th St. FOR RENT Largo furnished front room, bath and gas light. 1133 L St. TWO unfurnished rooms in private family; gentlemen preferred. 1746 Q St. Auto 27G2. m FOR SALE. FOR SALE Two thi;oo-dollar meal tickets on ono of tho leading reslau rauts for $2.20 oach. Address 45, Daily NjQbraskan. " FOR SALE Now Gym outfit, com plete; pants 32-32 shoes 8. 'Half pricp. , wt-iV iSfOT? Send your Laundry to us? We do good work and save )ou money besides Shirts Be to 10c Collars -. t 2)o Cuffs, por pair. 5c 11KLI. PnONR 80S. AUTO 3441 MERCHANTS LAUNDRY DR. JOHN J. DAVIS ggflH Graduate Rcfractronlst jjllH AND OPTICIAN (B ,JJa8 st' LINCOLN Rim 28. Alt PhMt, ttflct 3021; hf. 28ll FRESH EVERY DAYI Onr Cnndi03 nnd Baked Goods $ro Always Prosh nnd Good. Catoring onr specialty. THE MAXWELL CO. Ilotli Phones. 13th and N S(. ....EAT AT THE.. GOOD HEALTH CAFE New Location Cor, I2(h and P, TAKE YOlttl CLOTHES AND GO TO SOUKUP & WOOD EXPERT CLEANERS AND DYERS nKiiL tel, 147. auto iaoa. 1330 N STltEET. ' WE KNOW HOW TO PRINT ANYTHING. LET US CON VINCE YOU . . . ' GREEH-COOPER CO. 113 O STREET. j r" 'TASTES LIKE MORE I "I to, The Drug Cirtfer 'j U 1321 O St. ' .1 i 0000XCOOCOO(XXDCCXX)pOOOC)Oo ! COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL - $100,000.00 DON'S CAFE , 114 8). 11 J. Wilihl, Mfr Lakes' Dlnlag Room in Geniectlw OPEN 0 A. SI. TO I A. SI. C. A. Tucker, Jeweler Dr. Sam'l. S. Sheari . ...OPTICIAN... ' 1123 O STREET Your Patronage Soficitcd - .1 V ' ' .v; "7? V - H - m ''.-Ztfj'lZiii ,'f-ivl'J,wJ