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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1905)
IK " v. pbe Ml2 flebraefean rol.VjNo. 20 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2J, J905. Price 5 Cent ' MICHIGAN TODAY i fcOTH '.TEAMS PREPARED FOR HARDEST GAME OF SEASON. i1b DR. WOLFE TO RETURN. R Mlchfgan, Holds Big Mass Meeting to Entourage Men .University' Al umni at Omaha Enthusiastic. Today 'in Ann Arbor Nebraska and Michigan, will oppose each other in the greatest gamo on the wcslorn, gridiron this season. Both teams are 'in tha pink of condition and entor tho games jsvith a determination that meana"u'game In which every inch of the erotmd will bo contentful. The result wiltHie-In doubt until the Former Professor of Psychology to En whistle, has blown ending the second ter Education Department. Hall and the game. Both contestants Dr. H. K. Wolfe, former professor will have plenty of ,Wal supporters, Qf philosophy In the University of Ne- Tvlth the best of feeling to Nebraska ra8ka and atrosent professor of from the Michigan supporters. phllosonhy and educatIon In tho Unl. Prom, a Michigan standpoint, how-,u. , ,, . . . .A ... , , . ' I versity of Montana, has been called to one vdf tho most, not tho mbst, im. the department of education as pro- OCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOpOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXX) SOPHOMORE HOP FIRST DANCE OF THE SEASON FRATERNITY FRIDAY, OCT. 27th WALT'S FULL ORCHESTRA TICKETS $1.50 !- v portant gamo ,on her 1905 schedule. Coach Yost .has confidence in his men to do' their best. Shultz, tho Michl gan center, is a hard ond, but Booth thinks that Captain Borg can tnko caro of tho husky German. The clash between Borg and Shultz will bo a game in itself. Taylor will have an other hard task set for him in oppos ing Schulte, tho big Michigan guard, but those who saw Taylor's remark able dlspjny of strength in the Dakota gamo have reasons to believe that ho can take care of tho biggest' and best? Last? night in Ann Arbor a big rally and 'football mas3 meeting was held under the auspices of tho Michigan union. Prominent professors addressed J tho' students, ns well as many old var sity stars, After tho regular program there was a rehearsal of university songs and yells, Such enthusiasm has never been shown by the students of the University of Michigan except be fore tho Chicago game two years ago. Several of tho football players wero present, but Yost took them to their quarters a an early hour. ' Friday bight tho Cornhuskors were given a rousing reception and send off by soveral of the Nebraska alumni and other enthusiasts in Omaha. Tho .crowd was led by Dean B,lnger, a for mer guard'.of tho Nebraska team. The team filed out of the Bleeper and wore greeted on the Burlington depot plat form with tho University yell. By the time the' train was ready to leave Omaha a large , crowd had gathered. around the varsity aranthuslasm ran high., The team reached Ann Arbor with out anything eventful, happening and Indulged in a short, snappy practice before dinner on Priday evening. Tho. teani' appeared- to bo nono tho -worse for tho trip except for a little stiffness, which soon disappeared -with a little 'practice. Tho -men went over tho signals without a slip and few fumbles wero made. Tho men . are in good spirits and seem confident of -victory oyer "Hurry-up" Yost's pots. , Reports' of tho game .will bo "re ceived at Harry Porter's and also at tho Lincoln-Chicago gamo this after noon. Tfce gamo will be given Jn' full detail at both places and students will have ample opportunity' to seo ,tho gamo through tho telegraph key as a .medium. ' .' fessor of educational psychology in 'place of Dr. Prank W. Smith, who re signed to ac'copt the presidency of tho Pnterson, Now Jersoy, State Normal School, and it is -hopod that ho will accept. Dr. Wolfo Is well and favorably known by the school men of. the state and is thoroughly adapted to tho work both by broad scholarship and ox- L tended practical experience. His se lection will be especially pleasing to the alumni of the University, of which he, is a prominent member. The department of education has bo come one of tho strbhgan,glmportant departments and tho tratnlnlrot teachers an essential function of tho University. Under the present ar rangement of uniting and correlating the different departments concerned in the training of teachers it is almost Impossible for n weak student to re ceive the faculty's recommendation for tho University teachers' certificate. The strength of graduates' holding this certificate, is recognized by most of tho states and there is a rapidly In creasing demand for students thus trained. Tho addition of Dr. Wolfo to the department will materially strengthen tho work and" make tho University of Nebraska In fact,. as w.ell as -In name, ono of tho best places !n the country for tho training of sue- cossful t?acher.'.. Traction company officials aro dis-1 cussing tho desirability of taking all their cars in at six o'clock this even ing in case Nebraska boats .Michigan. Iowa plays Minnesota and Chicago meets Wisconsin today. 7 Ladies of the Faculty Serve Tea. "Tho ladies of tho faculty served tea to tho girls of tho University in tho rest room of Memorial Hall yester day afternoon from half past four un til six o'clock. A largor number of co-eds took ndvantago of UiIb oppor tunity than had been the case on tlc preceding Friday, but still many did not take a moment or so from thoir studies in order to drink a cup of tea, and for those there is a day of reckoning coming along about exami nation time, for to stay away is a direct accusation that tho ladles of tho faculty do not know how to make good tea, which Is false, as wo can testify. Many of .tho girls dragged somo poor man along to partake of tha kindness of the faculty, but from the mannor of tho victims thoy did not seem to bo so unwilling, and from somo expressions heard t would seem as though they intended to go again. County Fair. Preparations are actively under way for Uo great fqir which tho Y. W. C. Aiartcj&lYe In tho Armory on Nov. 25. All tlnibsttfeuQCossful features of previous colebratiorisntvdioen.jrO' tainod and a number of new ones. startling Jn their originality, will be" added, so that tho fair will bo tho greatest over-seen hero. Every fra ternity and Borority is to take a booth or glyo an exhibition of somo sort and it is rumored that somo of tho sorori ties aro contemplating a midway. Further announcements will bo made from tlmo to timo through tho official organ of tho (air association (honestly, no joko intended), and after the fac ulty have shown what fools they really aro dn active advertising campaign1 will bo begun. Claps football is slow Jn 'getting started. The Juniors have boon trying to "get but all week, but tho wpt field has dampened the ardor of all but ono or two, who kick tho ball around industriously every morning. Alpha night. Theta Chi initiated last CHICAGO v?. LINCOLN . Returns from Michigan-Nebraska Game , , , to be announced. Nebraska Field, Sfctamfey,' Oct. 2 J Admission SO qerits. BIG PERFORMANCE FACULTY COMMITTEE ARRANGES FOR FOOLI8HNE88. Principal Event to Be a MilKary Spall Down Clapp's Athletes "to do Stunts Fancy Horses. A commltteo of professors having in charge tho Faculty Poollshnoss mot in Prof. Cnldwolls offlco yesterday noon .and decided on tho final courso ot ovonts that will be given at tho Groat Clrcua Thursday afternoon, Oct. 20. Suggestions for various novoltlos and specialties .were not wanting. Every professor brought with him a largo lino of games and contests In which no hlmsolf had won h6non when a boy, nnd each professor in slated that tho commltteo should nc copt his games and in so doing restoro to him "his formor Joys of childhood days." However, tho committee, In deoidlng upon .tho various concessions did npt cater to tho ploasures of any professor. Thoy dooldod to glvo only thoaa novelties that are interesting and instructive Jn themselves, and fol lowing, in brief, is what thoy nro: Prof. Clupp nnd his athletes wll glvo an exhibition that shall call forth brain as well as' brawn. His men will porforin on bars, Jump side ways and build pyramids that shall roach to tho clouds, providing it is a cloudy day. Tho cavalcade of. hqrses imdeV tho skilled manajjemontbf Capt. Workteor and Col. Taylor will bo as magnificont as superb. For this ttio usual njinv. bor of "horses has been reinforced by prominent saddle hqrses from all over the state. Tho latest addition has beenUio famous imported Sullivan horses'from1 near 'tho State Farm. It is doubtful if our athletic Hold can ac commodate all at the same time. Thlsj promlsos to bo an exhibition of beauty ns well as common horso sonso. In tho obstacle raco Fosslor seems to bo so confident of winning that the other professors 'hesitate about entor- .fng. It is not definitely known Just what shape tho obstacles will assume, but it is believed that the will bo "something good to eat," and Danne. Sweezy and Bolton fear that Fossler pan gobble down tho Dies and swal-. low the doughnuts faster than any body. However, should some of the peanuts hang high ho may yot find a close competitor in that man Ross;- Among tho other, -"stunts" will bo Pig Skin Scramble, Military Spell Dow.n, Tuba Band, Happenings on the frontier arid Shiriny. N Cello-Piano. Recital. ' , On Monday ovoning, Nov. 6, at tho First Baptist' Church will do given u very" interesting musical program by Mr. Henry 'Eamcs of tho University School of Music as pianist and Mr. Carlo Fisher, coUolst. Mr. Henry Eamesneods no introduction to Lin coln" lowers of music and Mr. Fishei4 is well known as a member last year of the famous Chicago Symphony Or chestra. He is now with Von der Satuchln, a Cincinnati musician of national prominence. As a special in ducement to students of music mo price of admission, for them lias" been reduced from fifty to thirty-five cdnls W i i 1 J 'i jJ x VI "V fjt 4f N - i, f - r . r I' tw$ m '' M' .- 'saw J 4 r .rJaH . v b -V M" t-'. j i " Aj .i ,tJ ,f 5- l: