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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1905)
'If f Che IDnilf "Rebrtohati Campus Gleanings Tho Debating Squad mot in the trophy room last night. The beginning class In Ornltholog meets at 9 a. m. Baturday. Until fur ther notieo tho meeting place will he M 103. IAWRBNCE BRUNfcR. 4Rl (OLI.ARS .) ft are just what u young man needs. OThey give him a size between the One too big, or too little ; iri fact, your size. They, are made in I Cluett 25c Brand or I Arrow 15c Brand I Ask any up-to-date dealer Ic Im Cluett, Ppabody & Co. Makers of Cluett and Monnrch Shirts AB. Sam Westerfield Proprietor of Sam's Cafe LIU lu Gem Hot Wafllusandrinu Moats and Lnncuca. Ir"-m North 13 Stmt The First National Bank f Unmta, ftf. uNtraa nT oafotiToavk UnH vMt4 -M r Bli McfMiM tX . imAa, cm . J. fftwytr. Vtot-FretltMtt. . SL . IriHiiA, Oufctt. H. m. Brans, Aart. C&tftlsr. frank Parte, AMt OaskMt. r. B. Baaterday, Aualtwr. tbtrltsB. Gregory w.trn.'in TjS.Zht Coal Man KO. 1644 O ftTRKSt Columbia National OaHJC NEBRASKA CaplUUfMlMOje i Includos Ijj the New ildltlon 25,000 NEW WORDS. Etc. New Oaretteer of the World Now Biographical Dictionary 13ditcd by W.T. tf AllWR, Ph.D., T.L.P., U. b. Commissioner of blucution. 2380 Quarto Page. 5000 Illustrations. New Mt-. Well lfir.l'ni-t AUiWebiter'n Collegiate Dictionary ub JilOpaffra. lltt) MiutrulUwi. Hlro t TilOifyilu. A Special Ttiln Paper Edition De Luxe I'rljtetl frum wnioJalr nuUr iiliiUii. It b (Improver Mid roanj rorntn. Him i Au 4jl"-. 1'REH, "ATcat In Pronunciation." lntruct iw toil vntvrtalalng. AUo llluttrutht xnujihbtn. G. & C. ME.RRIAM CO. Publishers, Springfield, Mass. Ralph II. Langloy Ih field wnnngor for tho Lemon Publiflhiug Company of thin city. Thoy aro putting out a hls tory of Nebraska. T. V. Goodrich, '04, was a campus visitor Saturday. Mr. Goodrich is teaching hlBtory and mathematics nt tho Syracuse high school. Chorion R. Weeks has boon oppolnt od Kappa Sigma rwprosentntive on tho Junior Prom Committee in place of Cy Mason who hd withdrawn from the University. Laws Elect. Tb junior laws mot yesterday nt 11 a m. In U 107 and elected officers, for this soinoBter. Por tho office of presi dent throo namos were submitted to tho meeting, M. C. McMahon nominat ed Martin S. McDuffoo; John W. Lun dlu placed Goorgo D. Lnntz in nomina atlon, and M. D. Abbott was nominat ed by O. R. Cameron. Jonp of the candidates wero able to secure a ma jority of all votes cast on the first ballot. Mr. Abbott wlthdtew aft r the result of tho first ballot was an nounced. Boforo the count of the scc ond ballot was finished Mclhiffoo moved that tho eloctlou of Lantz bo made unanimous. Motion carried. M. C. McMahon was elected vlco-prosl-dont and Charles M. Rolfuou soorotaiy. Tho following aro tho offlcors for the somestor: Goorgo D. Lant, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Delta Tbeta, president; Martin C. McMahon, vico-presldent, and Charles M. Rolf son, socrotary. IN THR DEBATING WORLD. Doan college has organized a debat ing club which will hold dobatoa with Belhlow college and Pom Normal this year. Weslpyan University will hold- its annual debate with Slmpbon college (Iowa) at University Place tomorrow ovening. Tho Alumul of the Uimeisliy of Minnesota havo offered $-130 in cash prizes to bo awardod to students suc cessful In contests In essay writing, oratory and debate. A mombor of tho faculty of Coloiado collego has written to the Rhotorlc De pnrtmoul to onqulro what distinction Nobraska confers upon its luter-state debaters; whether sho awards them an-"N" ns Is dtfno In somo colleges or whether thoy aro given "credit." Interest In public spooking at Kuox collego Is at a high pitch. For several years this college has taken a high rank in tho west for oxcellont training In public epoaklng. Her spirit roachod Its maximum this year when Ralph B Chaso. tho winner of tho first -prize in tho IJojullton club, contest ntvCbicngo rece-ntly, cam homo. The college closed and tho faculty joined tho stu dents In a mass mooting to wolcomo the victorious spoakor. Michigan defeated Northwcbtern University In tho Central Debating League contest at Ann Arbor recently. Tho question for dobato was: Resolved, That corporations doing Intor-fltato business should be com pelled to incorporate under national laws; granted that such laws arc con stitutional. Michigan debated the nogatlve. Throoinombors of tho ouprume court of Ohio, sorved as 'judges. Ex-Socrotary Itussol A. Algler awards prizes of watch charms to Michlwan Inter-stnto dobaters. Elliott's Sultorlum, cleanlnc. dyeing and repairing. Price reasonable. 1185 O atreoL Both phonos. Erie B. Woodward, M. D., djucases of eye, oar and throat. 207-8 Richards block. Phono 6G6. Lincoln Transfoi Phono 170. Co.; beggag "Zfye RjgJ)t Rad BETWEEN Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Council Bluffs and Omaha. EQUIPMENT RIGHT, TIME RIGHT, SERVICE RIGHT. IT5 AL,L RIGHT, CITY TICKET OFFICE 1512 FARNAM ST. UNION DEPOT OMAHA. rer-?E DEIJATINO CLUB ELECT OFITCERS In splto of the fact that many mem bers of the club nro busy with inter state debate work, tho Students De bating Hub held a rousing mooting Saturday ovonlng. An Impromptu debate followed an animated 'paiila montaiy "forap" after which the fol lowing officers wore elected to hold offlco during tho present semester: President Roscoe J. Andorsou. Vice-President Sherlock. Secmtary-Treasuier King Critic Bednar. Borgeaut-nt-Arms Hughes. The Interest in tho society was lath er lax last semester. Whether this was because tho students -bad little time to spare for debating work, or whether they lacked tho necessary spirit to make lorenBlc work a success, the fact is very regretablo A uni.ei slty of tho size of Nobraska ought to support at least three or four lively debating societies. Iowa, Minnesota. Wl&conBln and other of our slBter col legos aro far ahead of us In debating spirit. Tho interest displayed at in-tur-roeloty contests In those universi ties should make our students blush. FoitunnUdy, however, tho prospects fur a more interesting semester are encouraging. Tho newly elected offl cors aro to"a man ardent supporters oi debating work aud havo announced that they will do everything In their power to "whoop things up." Thoy have begun this task by entering into negotiations with Doano college, for the purposo of holding a joint dobato. Definite announcements rogardtng this matter will bo mad lator. I argo minom have boon pltWHl In the Harvard crow training tank for the purpose of teaching tho candidates, bj their own obsorvatlon. the faults lu their rowing form. Follies' Stablos, livery, cab and baff gago service 1125-31 P stroet Bell phone, GfiO. Auto phono 1550. Manitoldlng and typewriting. Hoo Ed Affoltor, check room, basement Unl hnll. University rntea Tho (kwd Health Cafo for tho no meat menu. Ask our patrons about It OO YEARS EXPERIENCE aaaaL. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaFT r. Traoc Marks DCStONS OopvrmhhAc. Anrono sending a sketch and qiiloktr ascertain our opinion tnvaniion u orooaoiT rxii t Ions atrlctlr confidential. imoalcs ltento it nitcncr for fteemrms i tnrouah Muna jkt Itbont oharcflk tatae- Scientific fltnerfcan. oont f roc CHdwit nitcncr for i i-atonu taxen tixtUil notitt, wl itA. roectre A handsomer Hnstrald weeklr. fjirticst olr- n or oar Bctcnuno loornat. -rermKvaa tour montua, U uota oj all newMeaierf. culattbn r9r Twri MIINN P UranchdtD Urn nc n 38irod. Utm im co, fab V BU WablBteB, DtfO. GEO. A. WILSON Contractor and Builder Estimates furnished upon appli cation. Job work promptly attonded to JM.1 Houtli lOtli. LINCOLN, NBll. amaai IUM0 Got tho best Hcndorson & Amos uniforms, nt Armstrongs. Lincoln Local Express, 1039 N otreeL Both phones. Twonty-ona monla for $3. Dormitory Cafe. If you got It nt Armstrong's, it's tight. Manicuring at tho Famous Bat at tho Unl Music Cafe New York Bostonanu The East Fast dally train Chicago & North tho doublq-track Missouri River to Ing at Chicago all points Cast. servlfo via Iho Western Re U way, railway .from-th,' Chicago, connect- wlth nil lines (or Tho trains of the North Western Line are most completely equipped for the safety and. comfort of patrons. The Best of Everything TYrfels and full Information on application ti R. W. McQINNIS, Ant, 1024 0 8troot. Chicago k North-Western Railway i NW4C0 ' A - V ( I V r , ' - V V. r-uw ,.,r.-i)..M, ,nt. '. M- wAUagJ,SfcJrt.afe .- ,-iii-s,, ex- ... mrHtSv Hr ilrifci. i ') i .i i.M I ill iiiTi ii .-y-