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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1905)
-mf !- -r w-ywi-y- i C' '''" TTJ -FHj1',t V ' ' ff IK i b1f eft h ft ,.. -,. -ni.. . j ! ii Mli.dyi MWMM ,J PF5-- BUSINE8&PIRECTORY Every UpyalUniytrtlty Student Is Urged -to ftktronlz these Nebraskn.n Advertisers, and to" MentiofithL Paper While Doing So. AIIT GOCflb&Rosa P. Curtlco. BAKER Y-Mrs. v Pe$ry. BARBEK, SHOPSATlio Arlsto, Groon's Palacot antT.Mpgul. BICYCLES-ATHLETIC GOODS Si dles, GlartJ.' ; BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin coln Bobk Store, Unl. Book Btoro. Brown Pug Co. BOOK HOSPITAL GlTleapIo. BANKR-fColbmbla National, First Na UonaV . '" BOOKBJjilDL 0 Gillespie. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent. BUSINESS COLLEGE) Lincoln BuhI- ncsB College. CANDIES Woodward Candy Co. CAttPEN(PER Geo. A. Wilson. CIOARSFred A. Powell, Lindsay. CLEANERS AND DYERS Elliott. 8011k ud & Wood. CmTHINGArmBtrong, Magoo & Doomer, UnVand. COAIr-?regory, P. D. Smith, White breast. CONFECTIONERY Maxwell. DANCING HALL Fraternity Hall. DISEiABlES OF EYE, EAR & THROAT Dr. WoooaW. DtoGGIsfi V SeVner., Woomponor, BrownMann, Rtector. Hartcy. Bbolmer, .,,. ' ,,,.;. ELECTRVCxvL BUPPLIES Rosa Eloc- EXPRESS -Lincoln Local; Lincoln r'ra'nsifer FLdRISTS-rCnapltt Bros. FURNITbE-Rudgo & Gucnzel, A. -M. Davis, llardjr. FUR-Ri ER Steele. OROGERJipS Keystone, H. N. Town. uiRDdUBRY $2.60 Hat Store. HARDWARE Rudge & Gnonzol, F. TJ. Lahr. HOTELS LIndoll. jaWLER Tucker, Wolff, E. FJcm- I1U5V,, rAUNJDRIJES TTule Bros. 1AVERY Forbes Stables. LUMBER Dlerks. NOVLTY MACHINIST Thorp. PHOTOGRAPHER Townsond, Hay- donj Konhedy. PIANOS JEtoBS P. Curtlco Co. P0OL AND BILLIARDS B. P. Pont- M- ' 1 . " ERlNTINCMpeorgfo Bros., Now Cen tury Ivy Press, Review Proas, Qrff fln & Greer. REHTURANTS Westorfloid, Home Caft;Good Health. RjOLLl :8KXtING Auditorium. aWAMPOOlftG Tho Famous. HOBS-Sandoreon. SJHpE lEPAIRING Null and McCoy. Blue-FtontSho)?. &INING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. STBNOCiRAPHER Frank B.'Leo. SmTOrtJMr-Wobor, ' - TAILORS Un nd, TJril6n Collogo "t 'tellers, Lndwlg. Kadis. TYPEWRITER Romington. WAITERS' BUREAU; W. D. Urant. 'Bulletin TODAY. Seniors, 11 a. ra., chemistry lecture room. Freshmen, 11 a, m Memorial hall. FEBRUARY 8. Basketball in tho armory. Omaha Y. M. O. A. vs. Nebraska. FEBRUARY, 10. Contests for girls' baskotball class championship. Andrew Rosowator speaks to engin eers at 8 p. m. Junior Prom at Tho Lincoln. FEBRUARY 11.. 1 i.ketball in tho Armory. Baker University vs. Nebraska. Sigma Chi dancing party at Walsh Hall. j FEBRUARY 13. Illustrated iecjturo on Colorado and hor recourses in tho ovonlng, every body invited. FEBRUARY 14. Reception to Y, M. C. A. mombors by tho Y. W. C. A. girls. FEBRUARY 10. Glee club concert at the Olivor. MARCH 3. Non-Com. Hop. Annual Y. M. C. A. banquot nt the Lindell hotel. SOMBERO MEETING. Sombero board will moot Wednesday In room 304 nt 11 a. m. VACATE. Mon not registered for gym work this somester must give up lockers by Wednesday. WANTED. Any students having copies of Car ruth's German reader In good condi tion, wishing to disposo of tho same, please leave at Unl. book Btoro: ' it JS Through Mia&I&ft ..Scenes.. ' ... Ono of tho chiof attractions of tho Hotel fctol Monto, at Morieroy, A if, CALIFORNIA - is tho 8ovontoen-MHd Drivo, unquestionably tho xitmt remark- , ablo highway in tho world. .Every ono of its sovontoen miloe brings soino- thing new, strnngo and wonderful into view natnra bbantios und marvels wholly distinct and Hingnlarly fascinating. .THcl .' UNfON is tho short lino to California, saving you many incidental expenses onrouto; and tho dihcomforts-of a long jotfrnoy in winter Inquiroof - E. B. SLO&SON, General Agent t.r ; JUNIOR PICTURES. Saturday will bo the last day on which Junior plcturon for tho Sombero will be taken. JUNIOR BOARD. GLEE CLUB. There will bo Glee Club rohoarsal every qight this week at 7:00 sharp in Memorial hall. Full attendance this lf6t week of practlco Is imperative. Words to all numbers should be leurned at once. " SOMBERO BOX. The Sombero has placed a box In the lower halt near the debating bulletin for the use of anoymous and other contributions. Anyone knowing an In teresting Joke, roast or occurrence will confor a favor on tho Junior clasa by writing it out and dropping it in the box; Inspector Hodgman visited Omaha high school, Sacrod Hoart Academy, of Omaha and South Omaha high school last weelr. Ho found ton of "his old students teaching In Omaha hlgti school and was glvon a reception at Browncll hall by them: A "feed" was alBo given in his honor by tho sisters of Sacred Heart Academy. Fresh homo-made candies at Max well's, 1426 O St. arid 13th and N Sts. Union Shining Parlors. Sbino, 5c. Chairs for ladles. 1018 O Btroot Oyster stow 25 conts at Camoron's now Restaurant, 119 South 12th, Armstrong Clothing Company, prac tical hatter?. Hair dressing, shampooing at tho Famous. For Furs boo 8teolo. 143 S. 12th St Eat at tho Uni Music Cafe. J HK3H GRADE ,111111WV! '",t--'V,- STUDENTS For first-class Tailoring; at low prices, see Union College Student Tailors. PhontS Automatic 3255, Bell 1209. j o o Union College Tailors South Eat ncc 'ColUgt BolUUag l..AAlAlA'l.!'g Griffin-Greer Printing Company m o street Wcddtog lnvtuttaa, Ball PrarMU, and aU kir4 of Cotnmwtlal PttnHaB. H. N. TOWN Groceries and Meats Cornor 27th and O Stroots PHONE 02O Our Motto: "Nothing bnt tho Boat." P 1 r VKMr-1 tm H- jon (iftun'or IH Bu'?N 83, SHOpf ANt, 1YP VlTINO,"TeLE"GR',P-'Y A D PRtPARATOPY ilicnt.', Cytnnailuni work AVal-Onice In ccuriiiK uoiitlon Work to earn boird ludMUiinl Ibttritall i. titer any time LchAons bv until. AdtintnKCM 01 a copitnt city. Write forCntnl pjc .so. , M )Uln6uln Buslnrsa Colk'ae 1 UNCOLK, mtnUAAKA . . V- L i. : i i iU'-Ji w "' J I' ''''. J CAM F R INI A "r .- ' ' f --i In leas than threo days from Lfnco'ln-(wb&t Vna'gfoablb fchaMgo! Why endure three moro 'lotto nfontha bt Vlntar wckUi'er, ivhon you eaa leavo it all and go to balmy ckliforWan Strain like tho C go to balmy State Limited Bvery comfort and convonlonco agdrgeoua 'hotel dfl iVhoote, 'f VAi plcaso oxpresely for you. ' , Dally via El Paso and tho Southern Pacific through Koir fitoxlcd. Most Boutherly course qujekest way to reach the realm ot Bummer.' By-. ery mile is a mllo away from wintor. u i'nrnMon qbout this traiu anO othor eervtco to California. 7lth booklet "Tho Golden Btato," promptly on roau'eet. R. H- BARNES, G. R. A. InDHuLATES B0NBDN5 For Sale Only at Harley's Drug Store, 11th and Ov ,,WW?-Miia- .JtLdZ.tMOM KOBMBE