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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1905)
.,-- t Uf T v t -nr tjr sjy "" , 'f XT'! ,,,r' -"!-' tf- a i wjrwf ff" V1 f f be SDail IFlebraeftan & M Vel.4V,JNo. 78 UNIVERSH Y OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 8, J905. Price 5 Cents " f ff- rKt f i A 'i t r L ' i HOUSE BILL 169 Now in tho Hands of Standing Committee. It Will I'robnbly le Vtd on Toiluy or Tomorrow. House Bill No. 169 which, if passed, gives tho board of regents of tho Uni versity power to institute condemna tion proceedings ngalnBt certain tracts of land lying just north of the prosent northern limit of tho campus, haH al ready been referred to a committor and will probably bo rcferrod back to the house and voted upon today or to morrow. Tho student body generally has been Ignorant of tho progress of this bill, and In iact of Its real con tent and purpose, and nothing but the merest details wora to bo obtained. After the final disposition of the bill Its contents more In detail, will be Kiven out. Men Shut Out. The girls' baakotball tournament this year Is to bo held In tho afternoon, Friday, at 2 and Instead of being made gonerally (public tho games will bo witnessed only by women. JuBt why those In chargo saw fit to deprive tho men of this unusual opportunity to dis play an absolutely unselfish class loy alty Is not known. It la filmed, this yoar, to make this contest one more for fun than for tho strenuous strife for honor. Megaphones, class ponauts, Bongs and yolls will be very much In evidence and the rivalry, whllo in tense, will be fun, primarily. Tho fun .of the aftornoon begins at 1:56 with a procession, the renowned ladloe Boston band, of county fair fame., leading, the Senior team, Senior maacot, Junior team and mascot, etc., following-. Tho Junior glrlH, tho present holders of the championship penant, will ap parently havo all they can do to do Ycnd their title, for tho other three classes are very determined to havo It for .their wm- The games will bo played Seniors vb, Juniors,' 8ophomoros vb. Frosfamon, final between winners. Mro. Claop and Mia s Pound will officiate. A nominal chargo of 10c is to bo made to defray the slight expense nee- oEsarlly Incurred. Colorado. Monday,JhflLiaUuJiL.S cm. Mr. and Mra. Gilbert McClurg, of Colorado 8pringB. Cola, will dellvor an Illus trated locturo In Memorial hall. Tho lecture "Panoramic Colorado," is pro fusely Illustrated, two hundred rare and- beautiful lantern projections be ing used during the courao of the even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Gllbort aro sent out over tho United States by tho stato of Colorado to advertlso that state, and thlB fact proves them to bo the very beat in their lino. Lost year among other engagements vroro Included tho universities. -of Princeton, Columbia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Virginia, Txas, Wcsloyan and Brown, and at these schools they rccolved the greatest ex pression of appreciation of their locturo. Press comments innumerable testify to the excellency of this lecture at Various large oastern cities. In tholr lecture Mr. and Mrs. McClurg- describe and picture tho Cliff Dwellers, Piko'B Peak, Natlvo Anmas, Garden of 'the Gods, Manltou, Cheyonno Mountain, Cripplo Creek Gold Flelde. tho oxten eivo industrial planta at Colorado Springs, Denver, Puoblo, etc., and many othor features which make tho state of Colorado noted. Tho lecture 13 free. Junior Prom Lincoln Hotel, February 10 Eddie Walt's Foil Orchestra FRESHMEN ELECT Fill the Offices for the Second Semester. Tho Freshmen met yesterday at l n. in. In Memorial hall and elected offi cers for tho semester. Several of the upper-clasaracn wcro present to In struct tho "frcshles" la the art of ro oiganlzatlon but no attempt was made to lnterfero with business of the meet ing and It passed off quietly. Harry L. Swan, of Omaha, was the unanimous choice of tho class for tho office of president. Ohio N. Munn, Alpha Theta Chi, was elected Bocretary. Mls3 Florence 11. Tlllotson, of Omaha, was elected vice-president by unaulmous vote. Charles F. McLaughlin, Phi Del ta Theta, rocelvcd tho majority of votes for treasurer. Hugh E. Wallace, Alpha Theta Chi, was the unanimous choice for class attorney. After tho election of class officers a report of the committee on class yells was called for and tho chalrmau re ported that nothing had boon done Tho proHldent was Instructed to ap point a committee on class colors, which should report beveral aeloctlous at the noxt meeting, at which timo the class will voto on thorn. The 1908 constitution provides that tho finance committee shall be elected by the class. Prosldont Swan request ed tho privilege of appointing this commlttoc and on motion of Mr. Wal laco tho request was granted by the class. Still Hung Up. Nebraska's football schcdulo for 1005 la still far from completion. The same old unsettled difficulties among cer tain teams in tho Conference are keep ing colleges with which Nebraska is In communication from completing their dates, and so we arc kept on the anxious scat. In another direction thcro Is a fail ure to reach an agreement satisfactory to both regarding terras on which the gamo Is to be played. Somo of the minor games, coming earlier In the season, havo been scheduled but ar rangements havo "nor progressed far enough in the Big Nino direction for us to bo certain ot a single conferenco game. Juat how long this uncertain condition of affairs will last it Is hard to tell. That prosent difficulties will soon right themselves is almost cer tain and word from tho oast is expect ed any day. All that can bo has been done by the football management, and now there seems to bo nothing loft to do but to wait. Twenty-one rotftla (or IS. Dormitory Oaf Tickets, $2.50 OMAHA TONIGHT 'Varsity Against a Strong and Determined Team. Tonight the 'varsity five meets the basketball flvo representing tho Omaha Y. M. C. A. and a close game Is to bo looked for. They will havo tho advan tage of having played together for years and tho consequently Increased knowlcdgo of each other's playing. Slnco their return homo the 'varsity has been practicing diligently and a victory should result. However the gamo will be well worth seeing. Tick ets are on salo at tho Co-op. Reserva tions arc niado without extra charge. Seniors Meet. Tho Seniors held a short buslnebs mooting yostorday In tho Chem. Lec ture room. President White stated that tho purpose of the meeting, primarily, was to bring up tho mattor of com mencement Invitations. Upon motion the President appointed an Invitation commlttoe, composed of J. B. Olbbs, Miss Ruth Woodsmall and Mlsa Alene McEoehron, with full power to decide upon tho style, price, shape, otc, of tho commencement program. Miss Towno urged that all Senior girls be prosent Friday afternoon at 2 to cheer for the '0$ basketball team In Its con test With tho other class teams for the girls' inter-clasa basketball champion ship. M. J. Brown, managor of the Senior Annual, stated that if every thing went well tho Senior book would go to press about tho flftoenth of this month, and- would appear some three weeks later. Ho urged, too, that there bo a good salo of those books, for any money loft after paying bills will be turned over to tho Senior Play Committee and used to dofray tho ex pense of getting up thojplay. This will result iu cutting-down the individ ual assessment If tho salo of- tho An nuals Is large enough. Freshman Laws Elect. At a meeting of the Freshmen Law ClasB hold In Room 207 Neb. hall yes terday morning-Arthur O. A. Nelson of Shlckley, Nebraska, was overwhelm ingly elected president of that organiz ation. Mr. B. C. Johnson was unani mously elected vice-president, Mr. Ed ward Affoltor, Secretary, and Mr. Wm. Parrlott, sargeant-at-arms. Apprecia tion was extended to the retiring of ficers for tho valuablo services which they have rendered during their term of office. Manifolding an typwrlUa. 8m lid. Affoltor, check rooni, bwnment Ual halt. University rata. For Furs ica 8U1o, 143 9. 10th St ARE PATRONESSES Faculty and City Ladies Lend Digity to Concert. Mejrrr to l'lay Tho Committee Will Meot Tomorrow. Mr. Dirks, manager of tho homo con cert to bo glveu by tho Oloo club at tho Ollvor ono week from tomorrow, has requested tho following prominent faculty and city ladloa to act an hoH tosses at tho concert: Mro. J. H. Mickey. Mrs. E. B. Andrews. -, Mrs. L. A. Sherman. Mrs. E. W Davis Mrs. C. E. Bcssey. Mrs. C. A. Burnett. Mrs. Roscoe Pound. Mrs. H. B. Ward. Mrs. Wlllard Kimball. Mrs. A. E. Hargreaves. Mrs. J. B. Wright. Mrs. C. F. Ladd. Mrs. W. B. Hargreavos Mrs. II. P. Eames. S. II. Burnham. Mrs. W. Jennings Bryan. 1 incoln pcoplo aro showing unusual Intorest In the Gleo club thla yoar. Most of tho boxes havo been taken by city pcoplo nnd a largo number of otherH -aro planning to attend. Tho support from the faculty, too, will be all that can bo asked for. A great doal of help has already beon given tho managemont by different mombore of tho faculty, and thcro is a feeling of hearty co-operation prevalent. Yesterday Manager Dirks disposed of the last of the lower boxes, and tho upper boxes will doubtless go soon, as numerous Inquiries havo boon .received regarding them. Seats havo been placed on sola at . Harloy's drug store and at tho theater box office. Reservations, however, cannot be mndo until Monday, tho thir teenth, unless mado through Mr. Dirks. Mr. C. L. Meyer, '07, will render a number or two on the flute at tho con cert. Mr. Meyer has made quite a rep utation for himself aa a flu to -player, and will add greatly to the morit of the program to bo givon. Reservations for seats In blocks will have to be mado before Friday of this week. Organizations desiring seats in a body should take advantago of this and make immediate arrangements nn Friday Is tho last day. Tho aloe club committee will moot for tho last time tomorrow In U 106. All members of this committee should mako It a point to attend this last meeting. Dean Bessey Sunday. & Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, Dean C. E Bcssey will addreBa University men and womon on a subject 'appro priate to tho observation of tho "Day of Prayer for Colleges." This meeting will be held in Memorial hall and be causo of Dean Bessey 'a popularity and well known ability, the hall should bo filled. Special music will bo furnlshod. This service will closo promptly at ten lu order that those In attendanco may bo present at the usual church' services of tho city. Hair drossing, shampooing at tho Famous'. 4 1 1 i f . ..l zn ! a: HiSMSS m vJ,t fr fcby--o-ky