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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1904)
' w ' .-V-Tt ' t ? 'v. Vol. IV, No. 9 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, OCT. 7, J 904. Price 5 Cents ) Jjr Ibe 5atl mebraefean r b it L' fr. CHOOSE OfflCERS f Fred Hunter is Elected President of the Senior Class. Only One llnllot la NeceMary to Klect, The Other OfllcrH. As predicted in yesterday's Ne braskan, the election of Mr. Fred M. Hunter to the presidency of the Senior class was accomplished without much rilfneultv vesterdav morning in Me morial Hall. The full membership of the lass was present and much in terest was shown in the meeting by dthei classmen as well. About a half dozen Juntois managed to gain ad mittance, but were ostracised to one corner of the room, and raised no dis turbance except for occasional dis paraging remarks as to the rnanner in which things wore being conducted. The meeting was called to order promptly at 11 o'clock by President John Allen. Nominations for the presidency were at once called for. and three names were offered, those of Mr. Hunter, John Bender and Frank Peter son. Mr. Bender had been mentioned previously in connection with the presidency, but Mr. Peterson was more or less a dark horse. The first ballot resulted. Hunter 59, Peterson 42, Ben der 12 Mr. Hunter's ote being a majority of all votes cast, he was de clared elected. Mr. Allen, the retiring piesident, and Mr. Hunter both made short bpeeches, the former thanking the class Tor favois him during his term of office; the latter outlining briefly his policy and the policy of the c lass. Mr. Roy Clark was c hosen vice-president by acclamation Miss Moore was named as secretary, and Miss cooper troesure:. Y. W. C. A. Notes. The Bible study rally will be held on Sunday at 3 p. rti. In U. 10G. There wll bo good music and Chan cellor Andrews will address the girls on xuF-e College Girl and Her Bible." Members of the V. M. C A. are urged to Invito others to the meeting. All university girls arc cordially invited to be present. CABINET MEETING The Y. M. C. A. cabinet meeting was held on Monday evening from 7 to 8. 'I he names of the fitty-five members were read and accopted Some plans were made for the state convention, which Is to be held at YVesleyan on October 21. 22 and 23 The following girls will have charge of the noon prayer meetings next week : Monday Edyph Ward. Tuesday A llene McEachron , Wednesday Susie KInyon. ThuBday Lena Nelson. Friday Elizabeth Thomas. At a meeting of the Medical society Tuesday Miss Venus Poole was elected S resident and Frank Morrow vlce resldent. The membership of the so ciety is largely Increasing this year and it is expected that something of Interest and benefit will bo presented to the medical students at every meet ing. The society is planning to have v soveral lectures by physicians of repiif The members and congregation of the First Presbyterian church will give a reception to stuitentB at the church parlors, Thirteenth and M streets, this evening, from 8 to 10. Tho university public is cordially invited to be pres ent. Erie B. Woodward. M. D,.. diseases of eye, ear and throat. 207-8 Richards block.' Phono 66G. MWWMMMM)HkMMHMhMWMMMM( "JUNIOR CAP INFORMAL" In commemoration pf the famous "Fzesfy man Cap Buzning" Art Hall, Library building, on Friday evening, Octobez yth Tickets, $1.00 VtWWIM'l MMMMMMMMWMMMHNMWMMMMH BEGIN CAMPAIGN. Jeffersonians Effect Organization and Start Work at Once. The Jeffersonian club held an en thusiastic nteetlng Wednesday evening in the law lecture ro6m, and adopted plans for a vigorous campaign. Mr. A. A. Worsley. fusion candidate for State land commissioner, addressed the club and was accorded close attention. New officers were elected, as follows: President, P. J. O'Gara; vice-president. Mr. Martin; secretary, Mr. McGuffey. A meeting will bo called soon for the purpose of perfecting an organ ization that may work in harmony with the state committee. Sunday Meeting. Sunday at 3 p m. W H. Balch. a graduate of the University of Wiscon sin and Ph. D. at the Northwestern Unhciblt j will address university men In Memorial Hal on "Methods of Bible Study " Dr. Balch Is an unusually forceful speaker and because of hlb ex perience in a state university will have something or special interest for Ne biaska men. For the past five jears be has been a member of the board of control of the Nebraska Epworth as sembly and last jear was elected itc ice-pictldent While acting In l'..l? capacity he haa won a very large eli de of friends. Two weekB ago he was called Fo the pastorate of Trinity M. E. church and comes with the strong est recommendations. These meetings hae been Intel estlng and attractho. as shown by the largo attendance, and Dr. Balch is enthusiastic over this op portune of meeting Nebraska men. Music in Chapel. This morning in chapel. Mr. Edwin C Rowdon, a well known barltono who has just leturned to Lincoln from New York, will give the following Bong recital: The Lost Choid Sullivan Gipsy John Clay Spring Song Mac Ken.le Romanza (Tannhauser) Wagner Die Belder Grenadier Schumann Why do the Nations (Messiah).. Handel Tho faculty concert of the School at. Music, whlcn was postponed from last Thursday, was given In Memorial Hall last night. W S. McNut of tho academy football squad has a badly broken nose as a result of Wednesday's practice. This is an evidence of the necessity of wear ing a pose guard even in practice Mc Nut was orre of the aeadomy's most promising men for the back field and It Is hoped that It will not put him out of the game permanently. The general university reception to students, which was postponed las'! Saturday night on account of the death of ex-Regent Charles H. Gere, will be held next Saturday evening from S to 10 o'clock. In the armory. All students are Invited. 1 The Junior Laws met in U. 107 yes- Fterday morning and elected Black r hnvablil a f T unrtln vlna.nraailant nrwl Clark secretary. No other business was transacted. j Nine o'clock Sharp WANTS MORE MEN. Philippine Constabulary Offers Good Chance for Cadets. Captain Chase has received the fol lowing letter from the Philippine con stabulary. It Is self-explanatory and needs no comment: Dear Sir: It Is deeiied to get a list of the names of a number of young men of excellent character and good education, who would accept appoint ments as officers in the Philippines constabulary, so that, as vacancies oc cur from time to time, .appointments could piomptly be made by cable. From fifteen to twenty-five young men wi'l be appointed yeaily, and tho con stabulary offers a good career for young men of energy and Initatlve who ha'c special aptitude for dealing with n ti thes and for mllilaiy work 1 would be glad to hae circulars placed In the possession of several young men who hae. In the past five or aix oars, graduated from your In stitution without conditions, and whose habit1-, antecedents and stability of chaiacter and Judgment are such as you or other responsible members of join faculty could recommend as be ing men who will, so far as can be told, giow and develop Into men of itiong character and Integrity. 1 v.ould thank you ery much If you will aend to any of your giaduates whom you may hae In mind, copies of circulars which I will furnish, ask ing them If they care to accept an appointment in the constabulary, and If so to communicate directly with me. sending the necessary medical certifi cates and recommendations as to char acter and fitness with their applica tion Very respectfully, HENRY T. ALLEN. Chief of Constabulary. The order establishing the same sys tem of demerits as In effect last year was lead last night at drill. Fifty de merits per semester disqualifies the cadet for promotidn. and makes his work for the semester deficient. If the cadet gets sixty demerits In a semester he is required to report to the chan cellor, who acts upon, his case. De merits are given for various offenses in military line, such as dirty equip ments, failure In respect to- officers. absence without permission, and wil ful disobedience of orders. Explana tions for any misdemeanor may be submitted to the commandant through- cadet captains within ton days, of de linquencies. Dr. Fling gave a very interesting and instructive lecture to" his history stu dents last week, concerning his recent trip to Europe. Among other things, he said that his dreams of fu ture Ideal education included at least one ear of study and travel abroad for every college student., the work done there to be credited here as & regular course. He suggested how, with man agers of Institutions properly Inter ested, such a course could b6 con ducted. LOST Todd fountain pen. Finder return to Nebraskan office. H. C. COURIER. Meals or Lunch. Good Health Cafe. THE TEAM LEAVES miit. i Cornhuskers Depart via the Rock Island for Colorado, Tliey Kxpoct a Ilnrtl (lame. Mlnnaantii Ih Wntclilng NcbrnsCft., YeBtorday afternoon, tho football team left over tho Rock iHland for Colorado. A somewhat small but en thusiastic crowd of about 200 students accompanied tho team to tho station, and under the leadership of Billy Ramsey and John Allen gave thorn a send-off that will doubtless hnvo iU effect on the result of tho game. Each man waB cheered Individually and required to make a speoch to the rooters. Coach Booth gayo qu,lto an extended talk, stating that he expected the team to win at Boulder, but re alized that." tho git mo would Ue n hard one. He Bald thai no attempt would be made to run up a big score, oen If the westerners- proved weaker than expected. "All wo want," ho Bald, "la to win the gatme." The coach'was ovldently disappoint ed at the alze of the crowd that turned out to bid the Cornhuskers good-bye, but was much pleased by the enthu siasm of thOae proBent. Some rather severe, but obviously true lemarks as to Nebraska spirit were made, but tho general tone of hlfl talk was optimis tic. Dean Bessey, who was present. also gave a short talk. The following mon made tho trip: Coaches Booth and Wostovor, Manager Davis, Mills, Borg, Speer, Mason (Cy), Robertson, Johnson, Benedict, Bender. Mason (Glen), Eager, Richardson, Barta, Fenlon, Wcller, Barwlck, Stand even. Cotton and Burns. Up In Minnesota tho dopesters are conscientiously trying- to keep a close watch on the CornhiiBkers. The follow ing short article appeared In a recent number of the Minnesota Daily: "As far as can bo gleaned from the Nebraska papers, they expect to have the best team that Coach Booth has eer taken In hand. "Seveial old men are back, among them Bender and Benedict "and Cotton, who has played tho last two years and who last year played against Captain Hogan of Yale In scrimmage and played him to a standstill most of the time. Mills, tfio 2G0 -pound center, la also back and expects to tease Moso Strathern some. He" Is getting' Into the gamo faBt and furiously and is quick as a man of much less avoirdur pois. Cy Mason Is playing a great game at end with his brothdr Glen at full. They are beginning to -hold mass meetings, and Nebraska rooters arc planning to come to Minneapolis in a body on October 29 and have hopes of departing an theydlil two years ago. They have adopted a new yell and ex pect to make it ring heartily on North rop field." One of the lockers held by the actfd- cmy-football men at the city Y. M. C. A. was broken Into some time be tween 5 p. m. Saturday evening ant) the same time Monday evening and about $20 worth of football material stolen. Secretary" Mayne offers $5 re ward for the detection of the thief, and every effort will be made to catch him. Considerable of tills work has been going on on a smaller scale, but this Ib the first time that any one has been bold enough to break into a locker. Miss Helen WoodsmalLhfrs accepted a position 'as head of 'the department, of Physical Education In Colorado Cof- lege, Colorado Springs. Lincoln Transfer Co.; baggage. J Phone 176 -'1 h ' .. 43 7 . 1 'j h. - i' . ? .--' YJ MCu ' . tf-A ... y ' -w. A.iafeEwW . kak&LV J'.-1M WL ,Jjlr f . . ' JulMM,4Lji&Smi'4A m.t&mtoaass j. --& mc BlZ. i