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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1904)
.V ra yT' A Ibe Batl IFlebraekan U Vol. IV, No. 8 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, OCT. 6, J 904. Price 5 Cents ) '. rflttG&r?vr-M imtif9Plririxiftt,vpf r imrwi w & fm mw vmjf-si -. )qj-? jwr h K' - t r . ;; Ws, WILL LEAVE TODAY Foot Ball Men Start This After noon for Colorado. A Hiirtl Ouiiie U AnHurecl. Colorado Is Ileporteri Vcfy Strong. f i ( This leaves Island 3:20 from the the team Rock afternoon at for Colorado station. Colorado last Saturday defeated the University of Utah 33-G, Utah's score being made on a fumble and a result ing 105-yard run. The game Is de scribed as one of eleven men together against eleven Individual players, with the usual, lesult. The Colorado papers aie devoting a good deal of space toward showing on paper that Nebraska's overconfldence, together with Colorado's real ability, will result In the defeat ot the Corn huskeis. A hard game awaits the var sity out in Boulder. This much Is certain. But It's the haid games that Nebraska has a peculiar habit of win ning. But the students should not let the team do It all. Every victory this yoar should be one of the whole school. We can't cheer the scarlet and cream on at every game, but we can alwajs give the team a good send-off. This afternoon at 3:20 at the Rock Island depot the varsity leaves for a game that will try Nebraska's grit to the utmost. I et every one be at the sta tion to cheer the team. A good end off is half the battle, and this that we can do is certainly up to us to do. After putting the varsity squad, com posed of Mills, Borg, Barta, Bonder. Benedict, Eager, Weller, Burns. Rob ertson, Johnson, Speer, Standevon, Glon. Cy Mason, Fonlon, Barwlck, Marsh. Cotton, Denslow and Richard son, through signal practice and a good drill in the fine points. Coach Booth sent the scrubs against them for a good scrimmage. Gains were consistent. If not very long. The right side of the varsity line still shows too much weakness, though this may be overestimated, as the left wing of the iciubr is stronger. These men. with Coaches Booth and Westover and Manager Davis, go west: Mills. Borg. Speer, Mason (Cy). Rob ertson, Johnson, Benedict, Bender, Mason (Glen). Eager. Richardson, Barta, Fenlon, Weller. Barwlck, Stand even ' wwwiiww onwwftwmwwwuwww wmt 'goowtw JUNIO CAP INFORMAL" I In commemoiation of the famous "Fiesfy- J man Cap Burning." Art Hall, Library j building, on Friday evening, October jh 1 Tickets, $1.00 Nine o'clock Sharp jtnjiijwMiyTfririrrrMTrrrTi fhe. These two events will give Ne braska distance men something to think and work foi. Beginning Friday the cross country men will run Fridays and Mondays at 5 o'clock and on Saturday afternoon at 2:30 MORE APPOINTMENTS. Y. M. C. A. Banquet. Friday evening, beginning promptly at G o'clock in St. Paul M. E. church dining room, the University Y. M. C. A. will give a complimentary old fash ioned dinner to all members of com mittees and to all university men who are Interested in association work. Among other business matters that will be attended to Immediately follow ing the dinner will be the election of a treasurer to succeed Mr I,. J. Zook. who did not return this fall. Those desiring so to do will be able to leave by 7.30 and it is expected that all busi ness will be attended to before 8 o'clock. Those who had the privilege ql partaking of last year's dinner will not need to bo urged i.o attend this one Friday evening. It Is an annual event In association circles and will be given at the expense of the associa tion for those who are directly Inter ested in its work. Any one so intei ested will please leave his name with the general secretary and he will be heartily welcome CROSS COUNTRY RUNNING. Work This Men are to Begin ..Afternoon. Fomoirow evening at 5 o'clock the cioss country men will take their first mn. Added Interest Is being taken this falj In cross country running for Nebraska Is to be represented by a five-man team at the cross country championship run in the Olympic games at Bt. Louis November 17. The run on that date is to be eight miles in length, one on the track, six cross country and the finish on the track. The first five finishing score for- tho winning learn United States champion ship medals will be awarded teams In first; second and third places. Run ners from Greece, France and England will compete with the collegians of America. All places on this team are yet open. Tomorrow will he the first, run and until then no Idea can be had ot the material available. Another event which has given an Impetus to cross country running Is the annual run of tho Western Gross Country association, of which Herbert States is treasurer, which occurs at Chicago on ThankEglvlng. Nebraska will le represented at this run, which is fhc miles In length, by a team ol At a meeting of the Dormitory girls Tuesday evening arrangements were made for the monthly dances to be held during the winter Miss Franklsh was elected president, and Misses Hall. FltzgeraldJ Gluck. Davey. Verne Hall, and Walker were chosen proctors. The general university reception to btudentd. which "was postponed last Saturday night on account of the death of ox-Regent Charles II. Gere, will be held next Saturday evening from 5 to 10 o'clock, in tho armory. All students are invited Additions Made to Roster of the Cadet Battalion. Laot evening at cli 111 a number of ery important additions were made to the roster of officers already appointed in the battalion The most important of these wns the promotion of Clement I . Waldron to the majority. Mr. Wal- dron Is the first Junior to be major in the history of the battalion. Last year he was first lieutenant of Company A, which won the Omaha Cup In tho an nual competitive drill. Tho entire order was as follows: Special Orders, No. 2 1. The following officers are hereby appointed In the battalion, to take ef fect this date: C. I . Waldron, to be cadet major H. M. Crawford, to be first lieuten ant and artillery officer Albert Heimrod. to be first lieuten ant and signal officer. Paul Horst. to be second lieutenant, assigned to Company B. 2. The following non-commissioned officers are hereby appointed In the battalion, to take effect this date: A. T. Charlton, to bo sergeant major. R. H. Thompson, to be battalion quartermaster sergeant. F. A. Anderson, to be first sergeant, assigned to Company A. E. D. Skeen. to be first sergeant, assigned to Company B A. H. Scribner. to be first sergeant, assigned to Company C C. D. Wilson, to be first .sergeant, assigned to Company D The above officers and non-commls-sloned officeis will be obeyed and re spected accordingly By order of Capt. Chase. SENIORS TO MEET Most Important Class Election of Semester This Morning. Fred Huntfr U at PrrMont tlio KuvorlUt for I'rrslilcnt. The Seniors will meet at convocation period this morning in Memorial Hall for the election of officers. Politicians ol the class were busy all day yester day, with tho result that the end of tho contest for the presidency can be pre dicted this morning with reasonable certainty Yesterday afternoon tho can didacy or Mr Fred Hunter was an nounced, and this was soon followed by the withdrawal of Mr. W J. Woods. f who. had been the most prominent of tho men seeking tho place. Notwithstanding the boom of Mr. Hunter, and tho withdrawal of Mr. WoodB, It is )ossiblc that some other candidate will spring a surprise on the meeting. A number of possibilities for .the place are available, and at the time of our going to press. Mr. Hun ter's election is by no means assured. He Is, however, by far the most prob able choice. No candidates for the lemainlng offices have beon announced The presidency of the Senior clasB is ctonsldered the most important class office to be secured, and Interest in the result of this morning's election exceeds even that shown In tho de liberations of the Freshmen. The full mpmborshlp of the class is oxpectcd to be oh hrtrid 1 The Palace. Green's j 109 N 1 1 Street. Barber Shops j The Mogul. I 1144 O Street. J Franke E. Lee. Public Stenographer and Notary. Mlmeographlc letters; perfect Imitation. 501-502 Richards Blk. Auto 1155. $5.00 for $1.00. G5od Health Cafe. Fleming. 1211 0 St. nice line of jewelry. Is showing a Tho Famous will give a special dis count of 10 per cent to university stu dents on all purchases of millinery, kid gloves, corsets, etc. As usual wo arc taking many orders for cadet uniforms. The cloth, stylo and fit will bo very satisfactory. Paine. Rent a Remington at etudont rate and keep your notes In gqpd form Office,. Corner of-OHve Theater Bldg. The School of Music Caffr Is becom ing a popular place for meals. Try it; you pay for what you eat only. Erie. B. Woodward, of eye, ear and throat, block. Phone 6GG. M. D., diseases 207-8-RIchards oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q o o o o o o o 3:2o p. m, cAt Rock Island Tfepot Team Leaves for Colorado. EvezyMy Out. oooooooooooooooooooooooo$ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo WILL BE SUCCESS. Junior Cap Hop is Already The Talk of the Day. The Junior cap hop next Friday night Is proving a source of much In terest on the campus and tho success of tho enterprleo seems already as sured. The announcement In The Ne braskan last Monday that A. O. Schroiber and Cy Mason would pose In the act that has gained such celeb llty for them "Holding the Sack" proved a great sensation. Mr. Mason In an Interview with a representative of Tho Nebraskan laBt night stated, however, that he feared this would have to be declared off, on account of tho tremendous advance sale of tickets. Tlilfi. he said, would make the performance too laborious for one man. and his own absenco In Colorado would make the whole Job devolve on Mr. Schreiber. At the cost of sacrific ing his position on the football team. Mr. Mason fears that he could not ar range to be present at the hop. but he has arranged with Mr. Butch Hun ter, who has had much experience In similar enterprises, to take his place. Mr. Schreiber expresses himself as be ing satisfied with this arrangement, although deeply deploring the loss of Mr. Mason's companionship. It is stated that the plank uBed to batter down the door at tho Fresh man party lasryear, has been secured at much expense, and will grace ono ond of the hall at the hop. Lemming's Dairy for Milk and Confectionary. Ice Cream, Get tho beat Henderson uniforms, at Armstrongs. & Ames' Candles, Baked Goods and Ice Cream at Maxwell's, 13th and N. Union Shining Parlors. Shine, Chairs for ladles. 1018 O street. 5c. Your cadet cap Is ready at Pairie's. T'wlll bo the latest and made right. Meals or Lunch. Good Health Cafe. . ' i ;?i M Ky ' V - i -v J.i. 1 h.tfi v rw t a.-5- i&VUJitl&A litf ;au -janijeati fMmimmim) VI