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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1904)
(-' X " ,r4r "" v ",tn - - w-v 5 . C G b e E a 1 1 $ 1R e I) ra 0 fe a n -X- y a l Irf- I-. l"N.- .. '', !rN "T-i r. i.Ni Daily Jtebraskan A coiiRolldntloii of T)b Hosporlan, Vol. Ill, Thfl NebrnViui, Vol, 10 Scnrlnt and Orenm, Vol. 4. Ktorln Jhlf ''' A KwliiK j dcnr-nil MniiBRcr A O. SHiroibt-r i Clrculiitcir Wnltrr K MnwH'TCli Ams'I. Adv Mutineer Knil NaiiKhton ASSOCIATE EDITORS fic v, . . ,T . Clyde Mooro Athletic - - I''"! I,, miiI . . D P". Dt Young Sociclv - Ml" Mlnnli' Hlllur Lllcntry Mln Lotn Stettor the country. "Wp believe tliat'ttuc-h a syrtom. If adopted, would result In a greater dignity In claes relationships, endniiKerlng college spirit. It j wo'ild. at any iat -offer a relief from hint yrir'i-- annoyam PR. I'xliloriul KomtiH uiiil HnHinen Office U 21lj I'o-I orrict- Stntlmi A Llnroln, N. br. Hul-rrlplton Price, 12 p r jenr, in ndvance I'iiN red at tlie pottoillee it Lincoln, Ncbrilikn tut m rmirt cltm mull nmtu r j Their will hp a .section of Beats in ' tho ' ftitrr of tiie oast bleachers re- pird foi iootci'3 at Fatui day's game. This i action will bo for those having ine;ai-!ionrs. As this is the last .game o:i the homo giounds for thrcp woeks, llot's ! l.o'A our a. prct latlon of their j efforts, by some systematic and en ' thu.ia tic rooting. The team merits and must haw the ippori of organized rooting. Come nut and brin,", your megaphone Hooting prat I be will be held upon the field e i h afternoon. Editorial Remarks The band met for the first time last (uiing and effected an organization A Moyninn was elected prosldent. S Andeison vice-president, and Roberts j'cretary. 1. .1. I'epperberg will be j business manager again. The ,r,iM 'f rurieuie of rori-uirrc ummi imi-iiii mm win , ., I ecln to try oit for plates at once mother M-jiMin or "E-wninKM:Rrr)jpp(U flJr c ,, , ,jan(I aie ,pry in Ir as marked the beginnliiu; of the c xt client , At list night's meeting .n.i s. h(ol ear is not meeting with j Piofct-or Hagenon was present and ,-rn.Ms.l app'.oNal among the faculty addir.': ed the men brielly in his usual ,. ,,,,, i plca.'lng manner. Mr. Hngnian also mi.l the upper classes. I hese little , ians were discuPscd for rals- (!ici:ons of the rto.momores and inK llu, rfmaindei of the temple fund Vr.vlimon are beginning to become utiuewhat monotonous to the calmer hpliit.s among the student body and v. re.v.edy lor the situation would be heart'ly welcomed. The Nebraskau believes that the time has (ome when the two upper i !ai-e. should take charge of the de liberations of the under classmen. The idea Is by no means unheard of. and ir, in fact in operation in most of i the larger edmatlonal institutions in pledged, but nothing definite was de- tr. mined upon. Candies. Haked Goods and Ice Cream at Max well's. 13th and N. Ainutrong Clothing Company, prac tical battels. Co to n. 1 Cadet cap. Palne's for the new (!ood Meals erwd in minutes Health Cafe. $,:. 0(1 for $4(10 (ood Health Cafe Sam. WesterTield Proprlotor of- i( SAM'S CAFE" Servc3 I he Famous LITTLE GEM HOT WAFFLES And Cf.lers lo St.-ient Trade Special Table for Ladles. 117-121 N 13 th Street oooooooooooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooooooooooooooo FranK E!. Lahr o o o o o o g I O 3 2 O STREET O " O O o STOVE and o o HARDWARE o Of INVITES the atten tion of ail students to his line of Cali pers, Oil Slips, Rules and all items required by them in the Stove and Hardware line. oooooooooo o"b OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Crescent Bowling Alleys 1134 N STREET H4'4-4-HR44 Rttdge & Guetuel Co. For the Student's Room For the Fraternity House RUDGE fc GUENZEL CO'S NEW STOSE, llth and O Sts New Rugs Over 3009x12 Rug.; to rdect Irom. Bedroom Rugs, 3x6 feet, $1.75 and up. In-Jia, Brussclls, Helton, 6x9r 9x9, 9x12, 10 1-2x12 and 11 1-4x15 feet. Price from $8.50 to $90,00. Madras Curtains In new colors, for Bedroom, Den and Library. $1.25 curtains now .80 I $3 curtains now $1.80 2.00 " " J. 34 I 3.50L " 2.10 2.50 " " 1.65 I 5.50 " " 3.50 VCrc have bought a splendid assortment of Furniture, Rugs and Draperies for the students' use and the fraternity house. The Masonic Temple. Elks' Lodge, Elcmish and Tindell cafes arc a few examples of our furnishings and drapery work. There is no piece of work tdo simple too inexpensive for our careful attention like wise no contract work too complex cr elaborate. Let us figure with you. Elastic Book Cases, $2.75 per unit. Units to build on any make, and we carry in tock waxed oJlc, weathered oak, golden oak and solid ma hogany. Ball bearing, non-hinge doors, plain a a oak sections, each iT-" H-TTtVTT- r"j-:'i.ii EgjUg-.l- iifi?',il msm M" WMifl III II mnmvfimzd uj!Xa ,(r 5Sf "ij ti fTByy Jn! ii ' ,i, Ti P33I13 Special values in 5-drawer solid oak Chiffoniers . $5.00 Steel Couches, Bronze Finish, $5.00. Steel Couches, with or without back, open into full size comfortable beds, $5, $6 and $7.50. Couch Covers, $1.75, $2.50, $3.00 and $5.00. 5anitary, solid I and just the thing for students' rooms. Good Solid Oak Dressers Good Solid Iron Beds $8.25 $2.50, $3.50, $5.00 Visitors arc Always j Welcome Here & RUDGE & GUENZEL CO. Furniture, Carpelf, Drapery . . Que (TL. Jf, Zlc frHffrH'frfofr k X . n . 'k "t . 1( 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o -3 . .', at!. HI . -MK.L -"..1 X