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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1904)
"ni ar X ebrasftan be at i XJ Vol. IV, No. 3 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, J904. Price 5 Cents i?m V " -, i L Sl , i ? fit lb r ' 1 H A - -e" r. I- I THE ROOTfRS APPEAR Many Men Turn Out Last .Night to Join Squad. Tho Italu Spoil" It. ICIent Mn nru Kent to tho Trnlnlnr ThIiI The announcement that the .rooting squads would be organized at football practice yesterday arternoon brought out a largo crowd, but the rain storm not only prevented any attempt at foimlng squads, but also compelled the men to abandon practice and seek Hafet iu the gymnasium. While every day counts a lot at this time of the season, the men are still too soft to take an chances with a slippery Held, "v?i'h would probably cause a sprain or a broken rib for some unfortunate player. Before the rain began Booth amused, the boys with a little tackling mactice on the long-suffering dummy. Then the most promising candidates tried their skill at kicking goals from vatlous different positions. This was a branch of the game In which we Weie ery mediocre last season, and Booth doesn't fe'el that he can stand to Io?e a G-5 game to Minnesota merely because he has no goal kickers. The Grlntiel game next Saturday will Le a far better contest than the last two. While Orlnnel has never Fliown championship form since de leating Minnesota Fix or seven years ago, s-he always puts a pluck and fast team on the gridiion. and Nebraska will hae to win every fiist down she make- Our last game with the low a lada was played two ears ago on a nindd field, and lesulted In tix touch down tor the Coinhuskers. The re pot t ic that Grlnnel has a champion ship team this year and expects to take the state championship away from Iowa and Ames. If such is the case the game as exciting as any one could wish, and will give us a line on tho outcome of the game against Iowa In No; ember. In a game yesterday Aujnistana college scored two points again t tho Hawkeyes on a salety. The tiainlng-table was staited labt v ening at 410 North Twelfth street. Eight men go on at first, and otheih will be added as soon as they show up in particularly good form The men who go on at once are Captain Bene dict. ex-Captain Bender, Cy Mason, Olen Mason, Borg. Johnson. Mills and Eager. Roseivo seats for the Grlnnel game ;;o on sale this morning atHarlev's Drug Store Sea3on tickets will be stlil on sale until Satuiday, when they will be withdrawn. The price is stTIl $3, which Is n good Investment for any one Intending to see all the games. A dispatch to one of the xity papers r avs, that Cotton, the bfg guard of the h?t'two seasons, was being tried at tackle on tho Yalo scrubs, and that f'nptaln Hogrni had been unable to "' box him eo that he could not break up the Yalo offense. This Is good news to Nebraskane, for It shows that a r4ornhu3ker can hold his own any where. Under the eastern eligibility rule?. Cotton will not bo able to play ou the Yale team luring his first year there, but all of his well-wishers hope to see him got his Y the season after. John Tobn. well known to Ne braskans as a former member of the Cornhusker' team, and last year a member of Chicago University's team, left yeterdav.,for the windy cfty, where jje will again' handle the pigskin. The University School of Music Cafe. Meals a la carte. Everything first class: fine chef, good service. Take lunch with us. ' CHORDS' M-ts Adopts Elaborate Plans for the Year. The Advanced chorus held its first meeting on i uesday afternoon, aud much enthusiasm was manifested. This work lias bean very much' en joyed by thoso who have participated in It In past years, and a large at tendance Is anticipated this year. An event of marked Inteiest last j ear was the presentation at Christmas time of selections fiom Handel's gieat work, the "Messiah." This 13 the mo3t universally loved of all oratorios and It Is the purpose of those Interested in this department to make its per formance an annual occunence. It Is desired that all students who have previously sung thla work, but who cannot attend choiU3 regularly, should occasionally come to lehearsals, and be ready to assist In the program, which wi'.l be ghen Just boforc tho holiday season. A Wagner program also Is planned, which will attract many, while for tho commencement concert It Is probable that Mendels sohn's "Elijah" will bo given. This oratoiio stands next to the "Messiah" In tho hearts of the people, and its dramatic power never fails to iouse gieat enthusiasm. The following list of the works given during the oast few years may be of interest. Han del's "Messiah." Haydn's "Creation.; Mondc's?ohn'K "Hymn of Praise" and "Elilah." Cowen's "St. John's Eve." Coleiidge Taylor's "Hiawatha's Wed ding Feast" and the "Death of Minne haha " Mendelssohn's "ft. Paul" and Verdi's opera, "Alda" In concert form Tho class meets three times weekly and niembeis are given one hour credit each semester. The times of meeting are Tuesday and Thursday at 3 o'clock, and the same hour on either Fiiday or Saturday, as the class may decide. Students have the remainder of this week in which to register for this work and it Is hoped that all who have good chorus voices will avail themselves of it. The material already In the class Is excellent, but the larger the number tho better, as these large works need volume to make the best possible ef fect. SWEELEY PULLS OUT.' Assistant Base Ball Manager does Not Want Management. Yesteiday It was announced that J F Allen. Eail Eager and F. A. Sweeley, now assistant manager of the baseball team were in the race for the man agement of the team. Since then Mr Sweeley hns withdiawn his name from the contest, leaving only two men to be considered at the meeting of the ath'etic boaid next Monday evening. Mr. Sweoley'a withdrawal created nuich Fin prise among those awaie of it. His experience as assistant man ager last year had made hinvn logical candldato for the management this year. Mr. Eager and Mr. Allen aie, however, both excellent men for the place and either would doubtless con tribute much to the success of tho team. Mr. Eager Is wel known as halflack on last year's football team, and Mr. Allen Is president of the class of 1905. Franke E. Lee. Public Stenographer and Notary. Mimeographlc letters; perfect Imitation. 501-502 Richards Blk. Auto 1155. Cadets! Get uniforms of John Uhl, at the Armory. ) Tho Palace. 109 N. Gieen's 11 Street. Barber Shops The "Mogul. 1J14 O Street ROUBLE IS BREWING Sophs Threaten to Interfere with Freshman Organization. A IlMtltloii of Ijt Ycnr'x Troulilo It Immlnrtit. Constantly increasing Indications point to a repetition thU year of tho c ass flcht n that took piaco last tear between the Freshman and sophomore classes of the university. No meet! of the first year class ha been an nounced yet and cannot be for over a week, on account of the chapel be ing engaged ovcty diy In the mean time tho Sophs, who have finished their own campnig are sceknig a ailltalMe op portunity to intei lore with the plana of the Freshmen. At their class meet ing last Tuesday a resolution was adopted Instructing the president, Mr. Albeit Wolf, to appoint a committee to take charge of the Freshman da3s meeting when It phould be railed, and to discourage as far aa possible, any attempt the latter might make toward organization. This committee has not been appointed yet, but will be soon, and stienuous developments are hourly cxpec ted. A repicFentrttUe of the Nebraskan intei lowed several membeis of both dashes osterday Without exception the Freshmen woio calmly defiant of anything the Sophs might attempt, ex hibiting considerable confidence In their surerior numbers, while the Sophomores ridiculed the idea f the Fioehles .organizing at all. and de clared that such a tesult would not be reached without something doing. What this will be, the future will show. Among several names that have been a'leady announced In connection with the presidency, are thoEO of Mr. A. Cwenson of Omaha. O. S. Shaw of Vesta, and A. H. Miller. Before the class meeting, however, several names will doubtless be added to these, and an exciting contest Is a.Eiired, whether the Sophs Intciferc or not. Only one candidate foi the presi dent of the Junior dnsF, which meets this morning, has announced himself at the hour of our going to pres. This is Mr Inwiemc Sldwell of Omaha. Mr. Sldwell Is very popular among his classmates and It in possible that ho will, be elected without opposition Other candidates are expected to pre sent their names this morning, liow ev er. The men's lockeis will not bo as signed until the latter part or this week or tho IJrst of next. In the meantime tho men dealilng to use the qymnaslum are at liberty to put tem ooiary locl-s on lockers and use same rntll the regular assignment. Gym classes will not begin until next Mon day at the earliest, and probably not until tome time later. Mr. and Mis. Hayes left yesterdaj afternoon for their home in St. I ouis. They will be greatly missed bv the glr's of the University Woman's Build ing. Mr. Hayes has done a great deal In making the building commodious and comfortable. A large gong has been placed on tho second floor this week, as well as a long distance and an automatic phone. A grand Weber piano has been placed in the reception room. Fleming. 1211 O St.. Is showing a nice line of Jewelry. Chapln Bros.. Florjsts, 127 So. 13th. I Ingoln Shining Pallor. 1018 O St. Chairs for ladles, and gentlemen. W OFFERS REPORT. Tho College Settlement Board Issues Statement. Tho coin notion peilod jeHteiday monlng was given up almost exclu sively to the college settjlenlont work era, who hold a short business hesslon In which they elected four student members to tho board of director. Professor Caldwell was then called upon for a repoit of the past year and he gave out the following: Cash on hand Sept. 1 1903 28 Debt, about $ GO. 00 Cash receipts for year Sept 1, 1903, to Sept. 1. 1904 $324.9:'. Jash expenses tor year 48G.R."i alance Sept 1. 100 5 38.30 Donations Gas stove $18.40 Coal 00.00 After thlH report was given Dr. Bol ton gave a very able and intei estlng talk on the purpose of the work at that Institution. He said In part: "We extend hearty welcome to all people who are Interested iu this kind of worlc. This settlement Ir not a charity organization but It Is a labor atory for .sacrogloglcal oxperlmonts. It Is a place to practice the theories that we havo been teaching to find out whether or not they will be success ful; it is an experiment station to try tlie-m I efore they are tried on the pub lic." He omphnsl.od tho point that It h lmpoitmt to teach people economy and that at the college settlement all these questions could be thoroughly tested. The new student members of the boaid who were eloc ted yesteichv weie Miss I umrv, MIsh Woodsman. John Fooler and F H Wllloeford. Tho fucultj members are Profesnois Grum niann. Bolton and II. H. Smith, the latter being also choson venteiday. The city jiiemberH are J. E. Miller and G. W. Rhodes, with a child member to be ohopn. At drill last ovonlng the men were assigned to companies. Company D has been revived this year, and It Is expected that the organization' will be made pormanent. now that tho sys tem has been changed lak to four semesters. Although no formal ap pointments will be unnounced until tonight, the four companies were in charge of the following nron. who will doubtless be appointed captains: Com pany A. I ucian Cheldon: Company B. R H White; Company C. W. ('. Ram Bey; Company D. John Hyde R A Town will probably be adjutant. It Is reported thaf two gills have made their appenranco In the lanks or the Fresh man law class. A H. Miller has been elected cap tain of 'the Academy football team to succeed John F. Dudgeon, who was compelled to re3ign hecuuee of very heavy work. Mr. Miller hasjiejil down the rooitlonof rlglvtguaid on the team for the past two vears and ptomh-jy to make an exc client man for the captaincy. FxtPiiihe impovements aie being made In the law library room. New taLles havo been Installed, and a new syBtem of lights la being placed direct ly over them. An lnno'vajtion In the way of a mode couit room In the loom Just opposite Dr. Pound's office Is being prepaied. It Is equipped with Judge's bench, wit ness stauds and Jury boxes, and fully fitted to Initiate the embryo lawyer Into the realities or actual practice. The No-Meat Place. Good Health Cafe. If you got it at Armstrong's. It's right. Meals or Lunch. Good Health Cafe. Get the host Henderson & Ames' uniforms, at Armstrongs. 4 XI A 1 r ' : it' '! r v Si f. ; , ' J , .'' , - ' - Jt dLml "p. L b ' v" ..- . . , " -""-' -i " ..