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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1904)
$be 2Mal? ifUbraeftan Cfte Daily Dtbrtskan A KnnHolldntlon of Tho HtfwrSnti, Vol. Ill, The N.-bmknn, Vol, 10 Snrlcit and (!r-atn, Vol. 4. t JKri(7fr"4n'C!Uf" OrrtiT! Mnnnper 'lrciilntor AxM't Adv. MnnnK'T Vnul'A JfRinR. A. . Shrvibr WHl'crK Stnndrvfn Fml NnuKhton ASSOCIATE BDITORS Nwi - - x .1 . Clyde Moore Attilttic Frl A. SwihIcj- Ixm-rI DP. Dt Young Sorlut.r MIhk Mlnnlo Blllnr Literary MIah Ltit Strtter ae RdttorlHl RouniN ami Biwinia Office U 'ill1, PjSt-QfjrtVv&Uit!pn A. Uwroln,'W1r. Bubwripllon Price, 12 per jVnr, In advance Ktitirttl lit the poHtolHcc nt Lincoln, Nebrnxkn n Hccond-cluHS mnll matter Editorial Remarks The notion taken by the innocents" estcrday morning .should meet the homty suppoit of every student In the unheiRlty. It hns surely been often cnuuKh.domonBt rated in the past, that (onHtnnt, organized rooting la essen tial to good football, and the Ne lra?lan believes that the sooner something tangible Is done toward the organization of well drilled rooting squadB, the better It will be for the fortunes of the Cornhuskeis. The football season Is over two weeks old already. Two games have already been played; yet the rooting that has to far been done would hae been lutlle In a game where the winning of the lctory bang upon It. Again, then, the "Innocents" hae set a pood example. Follow it up! MADE GOOD SHOWING. Inspectors Report Spoke Well of the Cadet Battalion. The following letter is the report ol the army ofllcer detailed to Inspect the cadet battalion last spring. On the whole, the report is considered decidedly-complimentary to -the cadets, and much gratification is expressed by the militaiy department .over the h bowing made by the battalion. Steps aie already being taken to remedy as lar as possible this year, whatever de lects may have tended to mar last j ear's showing: The Adjutant General, Northern Di- ision. St. I.uuis, Mo.: "Sir In compliance ulth paragraph 1. S. O. No. 20, c. s.. Headquarters Not them Division, and letter ol in htiuctionu from same headquarters, dated May It. 1904, 1 have the honor to submit the following ueport of my inspeition of the military department ol the Vniv?.'H'ty f Nebraska, 1 in (oln. Nebraska. "PuiEUHiit to the order uLoe cited, I arrived at Lincoln. Nebraska, on the morning "of May 17. 1904, and was met immediately by Captain Wilson Chase. Twenty-first Infantry, on duty at the University of ' Nebraska, in (harge of the mlljtary department. "1 carefully questioned Captain Chase on the subject maTfer of the questions eubmitted from your office lor my investigation, also on the gen eral subject of instruction and dis cipline at colleges wheie military fcleme and drill is made a feature. "In the alternoon I visited the Unl eisity. where I ins. ected the office and the department "of the military instruction and the battalion and de tachmen'ta of cadets. "I'-piTr-lose field return of the cor,s of cadets showing organization and strength present and absent on the date of my inspection. "Owing to the upfavorable weather conditions, the Inspection of the bat talion and detachments was Held In doors. "It was impracticable to have re view, parade or battalion drill, but the ceremony of guard mounting was performed ana a, temporary guard es tablished. Companies drilled in all Qexrelses Included in tnd school of the company. "The artillery and signal squads weie examined separately and ques tioned In the duties of their particular service.:.. "Follow ing" the " order of "questions ppeclally submitted to me for Investi gation, and report, I find: "The Oniver8ity of Nebraska Is not essentially a military school, the mili tary Instruction being merely a single feature of the course. In the standing of a cadet upon graduation, the mili tary department represents 4 1-2 points out of 125. "The students are not required to be continually In uniform and they cannot be f aid", to lead a military life. "The wearing of- the uniform is compulsory during the hours of mili tary instruction, drill and ceremonies and the enforcement of military dis cipline Is practicably limited to those hourc. "A true military spirit is developed to the extent of acquiring an excel lent esprlte de corps, a pride In bear ings and a spirit of friendly rivalry between organizations. There seemed to be present among the young men the appreciation of submisslvenes3 to puperlor authority as being a necessary adiunct to military discipline. "I should Judge that military duties were perCormed with cojnmendablc, zeal. Such was particularly the case on the day of my Inspection. "At inspection the appearance of the cadets compared most favorably with companies in the regular army, in steadiness in ranks and keen atten tion "The rifles wore old but servicable Springfield rifles, cadet size. Metal parts generally clean, but not reach ing the standard of a Saturday morn ing inspection in the regular army. Slocks were marred and gave evidence of long service. "Would recommend new stocks be supplied to replace old ones. Coats, caps, collars, gloves and shoes were gencially neat. Duck trousers were worn; In many cases being made long to allow for shrinkage, they were turned up at the bottom. A number of the cadets were not properly shaved. The equipment, including belts, scabbards and cartridge boxes, were in excellent condition. "For fle clays each year the bat talion goes into camp, during which time Instruction is given In minor tactics, field exercises and litter drill. Target practice with small arms Is also held during the period of this encampment. "I believe that by Judicious selec tions of graduates from this Univer sity most excellent young men could be obtained and commissioned as lieu tenants of volunteers to the great benefit of the service. "1 met and talked with students of the graduating class who were re volted to have shown particular ap titude for military service. They were gentlemen in manner, appearance and speech. "I believe them possessed with such a;.titude that practical and actual ser vice experience would make of them very desirable officers in the service. "Judging from my impressions made J on but a bingle inspection of the mili tary department. 1 can safely say there are cadets i.iere who might well be lecommended for commissions as sec ond lieutenants in the regular army. To. particularize, I would name the enrfet major, the cadet -captalnB, the cadet adjutant, and the cadet lieuten ants In charge of the artillery and signal detachments. "I desire in conclusion to make spe cial mention of the cadet band of twenty-four pieces, which in its ap rearanco. care of Instruments, and playincr. Is especially to be commend ed. The music rendered can compare favorably with that rendered by much oldev organizations. "Very Respectfully, etc" Captain Chase was much p'eased with the enthusiasm shown by the cadets at the first meeting of the bat talion last Monday night, and con siders the prospects good for an ex cellent battalion this 'year. The bat talion will meet again this evening, also tomorrow and Friday, g0OO0ttKKKO0OOOOCK0 Cadet Uniforms -B-T Get the best Henderson & Ames' uniforms, at Armstrongs. We have furnished most of the Cadet Uniforms for the University for the past nine years. We are prepared to do so again this year. Ask the students about our uni forms. The New Cadet Cap Call at the store and see them. THE B. L. PAINE CLOTHING STORE 1217 O St. - "A Good Place to Buy Good Clothes" oooooooooooooooooooooocoooooooooooooocxoockxoooooooo II i 1B V For Your Den Or Library j Our Mission furniture is the oply thing. It is made for peo ple who admire artistic, home like furnishings. It is unique and pleasing because of its striking simplicity, effective coloring and fini h, strength and durabil ity, and above all because it is comfortable, sensible furniture. We make a specialty of Mission furniture and at all times have a fine line of the same. Above cut illustrates the finest little rocker in .our stock for the money. Weathered oak, Spanish leather .upholstered seat. Height of back 33 in. $7.00. Lower cut illustrates our $U rocker,! finished as above rocker, but larger in every respect. Height of back 38 inches. Established 1878 Hardy Furniture Company n24j street 335Sa 1 TRY A TON OF Cardiff Coal (7 AA For the B V W Heating Stove jg Satisfaction Guaranteed t Your Money Refunded. Whitebreast Co. SSn?- . AUTO PHONE 3232 . BELL 'PHONE 234 5i3r. -