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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1904)
Cbe Dull; flebraefian E. FLEMING Time Inspector M. P. R. R. Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver. Graduation Presents a SPECIALTY. 1211 0 Street. 1 Lincoln. Sam's Cafe The only place In the cilv to cet the 'Famous Elttle Gem Hot Waffles. Spe cial serrice for La dles. Repairing Done. TrunkB Exchanged. Valises, Pocket bookB, Belts, Etc. WIRICKS TRUNK FACTORY 1036 O Street. If you want a suit with style and fit call on A. KAPPELIN 206 South 12th. BellPhones Office 16.M F741 Anto. Phone Offico 1651 Gonsumezs' Ice Co. Office 1 1 40 OSt. Lincoln, Nebr. DAKEKDRD5. LNGrtAVlNC CO. J. H. STUCK EY Wholesale and retail ice cream Wholesale trade a specialty. Special attention given to dealers and hotels. Also entertainments, both public and private. LINCOLN, Neb. 142 9 O St. 'Phone HOC ywvivwvwwwwwwwvy American Cafe a6 South llth St. Regular Meals age. Meal Tickets, 2 J Meals, $4.00. 8jdl Service Given to Prtl and Out. FitjQjHPj'sH if ILLUSTRATORS W ENGRAVERS (M I TURBINE I I A CLUETT COLLAR I I QUARTER EACH, QUARTER SIZES I I CLUETT, PEADODY A CO. I MAKHS OP CLUITT AND MONARCH tHIRTt Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Engineering Notes. Frank Miller, an old student, has been visiting friends about the Univer sity, and looking over the old stamp ing ground. Mr. Miller Is now a bridge engineer with the Canto Bridge Co , and has headquarters at Omahn. In cidentally the annual competitive drill vwas taken in. . During his Senior year Mr. Miller was flrBt lieutenant of Com pany C. and his company won second place In the competitive drill that year The UiprIs of Messrs. J. B Davidson and I. W. Chase, which is Hearing completion. Is probably one of the most Interesting and valuable ever un dertaken In the engineering depart ments. The subject of this thesis is '"The "Design. Construction and 'Effi ciency of a Pour Horse-Power Gaso line Engine." and It will be offered as part of the requirement for the degree of B. Sc. In mechanical engineering. The work has been particularly com plete, involving the design of the en gine, construction of patterns and cast ings, and the complete construction of the finished machine, together with a series of efficiency tests of the com pleted engine. The engine Is of the two-cycle, closed crank case type, and it pos sesses a number of novel features in its design. While a number of diffi culties have been met in connection with the work, they have been suc cessfully overcome. In connection with ..the tests a novel form of.ea.lor.-d fineter was designed to determine the heat in the exhaust gases. The heat ing value of the gasoline was deter mined In a Junker's calorimeter, so with the knowledge of the heat In the exhaust, a complete heat balance be comes possible. While the work possesses a consid-J able general Interest, the value to the men Immediately concerned is very great, as It has given them experience larely obtained in undergradute theses. It is understood that Mr. Chase has been offered a position in the gas en gine works of Fairnanks, Morse & Co.. and Mr. Davidson with the Amer ican Gas & Mining Machinery Co. Ware and Thomas have completed the readings on their thesis. The series of experiments they have completed bears on the "Strength and Security of Bridge Floors." and constitutes one of the most Important and valuable additions to practical engineering sci ence eer contributed by students of the University. Not only was the development of the subject in itself a difficult work, but the devising of means for making a large number of reliable and compara ble tests was In itself no small achievement. This was accomplished by means of an ingenious system o. levers, the load being applied by the large Riehle testing machine. The re sults were entirely independent of any eriatic action on the part of the lat ter, the deflections of the floor being measured by an Independent leveling device. Thus the results attain an accuracy and reliability impossible in direct leadings on even such an excellent testing machine as the Riehle. While, of course, laboratory tests can never equal in value those made under service conditions yet the in formation obtained by the experiments is of considerable! general value and will be for the men themselves- of more benefit than any of their other school work. ' It is perhaps pertinent to point out that it is by furnishing to the scientific, wcild such results as these and in graduating men of capacity and energy to attain them that a University proves itself worthy of a place among the great educational Institutions. Frank E. Lee, successor to F. T. Shepard, public stenographer, mimeo graphing. Special rates to students. 501-&02 Richards Blk. Phone, Auto 1155. Special rate to htu'dents at Hendry's. Wright Drug Co.. 117 No. llth, phone 313. Erie B. Woodward, M. D., eye, ear, ijose and threat. -Glasses fitted. Rich ards block, Lincoln. The Wnltebreast Go., at HOC O 8L, (a the place to buy coal. YW EHDCDLATE5 BDNHIN5 Sold Only by Harley Drug Co., 11th and O Street. LINDSEY'S CIGAR STORE Up-to-Dnto Soda Fonntain and Magazines. HO North 11th Street. 1426 0 13th and N M (REAM ICES MINI And (OraiONERY Then k ao watch, dock or article at Jewelry we cannot fix G A. TUCKER The Up-4o-the-Mlnute Jewels PROMPT SERVICE. JJ2S O flfcted COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBHASKA OAPITAL - - tlOO.OOO.OO OFFICERS John Trlh, Pr. J. H. Weaontt, Vic-Pre. Jo Bamtiela. lad Vlce-Proe. P- L. Hall OahJr w. ft. Ryona. Xm'i. Oua. WW W V WWW W WW W V W WV l Western Glass and Paint Co. I W t1U ot A C. f I...U M.V.lfV 1VU1 UUU i" JU., &.IU14JU1, HWIHIWA wwwwCrw The Weber Suitorium h the tfp-te date place where yew caa get yoee Clothing Cleaned and Pressed Phone 708. Northeast Cor llth and O POWELL'S BILLIARD AND POOL HALL was opened this fall with tables all newly covered, best cues and balls, newly papered, everything up-to-date, including customers. B.P. POWELL, 146 N llth St. PHQfte L6fi4 Hotel Walton I5J5 O Street. Phone 566 100 rooms best low -prised house in city RATES-$i Per Day and Vp EmuJI s 18iffii2S2i mJTfCDTTUJT HIGH GRADE STUDENTS Foriirst-dats Tailoring ittov pricci, ict Union College Stu dents Tailors. Telephone 120 Union College Tailors South Entcrance Collcre Bid Wedding Gifts. Sterling silver arti cles make the most appropriate wedding gifts and our lino of Sterling goods is the best In Lincoln. Special prices to clubs and societies. 139 So. 13th St. m. G. WOLFF 139 So 13th. Mrs. J. A. Retry Wholoflole and Retail B AKLERY 'Phone 564 234 So. llth Use Hot Water for House Heating The Modern Method Estimates furnished for work anywhere in the state. Korsmeyer Co., 188 South Tenth Street MelieMVtenpeier lri Cv. 8uccM0(i to STEINER PHAIWACY. 1144 OStMtt PfcMMTOZ LIMBIC Manufacturers of 8teiers Baleen Rhubarb Gold Capsules, Pile Oat am dray's OonJ'iou Pewdara. L. J. HERZOG 1230 O Street, Lincoln, Nob. Fine Tailoring Spring & Summer Novelties Prices the Lowest ' Quality the Best ;;' h. J. HERZOG i ' 1280 O Street, Lincpln, Neb. J 4rt&Q4$Q4$Q$$$Q&$w C5 V- ' Jrt