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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1904)
Hbe 2)ailv IRebraehan VOL. IIL NO. 155. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, MAY 26, J904. PRICE 3 CENTS RECORDS AT HAND ALUMNI BANQUET. DEFENDS PRES; McLEAN. I Track Men Preparing to Meet South Dakota. From all reports coming from South Dakota the team Intro has not done a well as our men. They were pretty badly defeated on the loth ly the Brookings Agricultural College Their sprinters do not appear to he very fast, an Brookings took most of these events. . .Comparing these with our records, tho home men should win most oL them. The'mlle run was won In 5:15, while States made It In 4:42 last Saturday The 100-yard dash was won in 10 3-5. 82yard .In 23 2-5. by the Brookings saen, so that Nebraska should take f rat and second In these events. They. however, won the hammer throw at 117 feet, which means a close contest in that ovent. In the discus throw Jfeey 98 feet, and about 34 feet ip the shot put. U Is expected Ha user will win first in both hurdle- races. South Dakota may take the broad jump from us as their man has made 21 -feet, 5 inches. On the whole Nebraska ought to win the meet handily, although a team can Improve wonderfully In the space Of throe weeks. In the meet Monday Nebraska ought to show marked superiority: ' The showing made against Minnesota was consistent with the true (lass and speed of our men when they are in their best form. In fact it was the first try-out that they have had In Which it vraa possible for them to show their true form and the effects of heir training. Tho last time we met South Dakota we were outclassed, but at the coming meet it is more than, probable that Nebraska will show up to much better effect. The comparison of records cer tainly argues weff for us. and these ran not deceive to such an extent as to turn the balance against us. Nfext Monday our baseball men will Ejplay two games with the brawny men from Havelock. Last jear our team defeated the Havelock mon quite hand ily. This year the Law team has lost several well played games to them. Havelock, however. ,plays a ttrong game of ball throughout the whole sea son Thoy bad -a-rattling-good-toam last year, and the games Monday ought to bo good ones. Considerable interest has been man ifested In tho great dual meet between Vale and Harvard last Saturday, in which Yale was the winner by a score or 57 7-12 tp 46 -7T2. Four dual records were broken In the two mile run. the jl20-yard hurdles, the shot-put and the hammer throw. The time for the two mile run was 9 minutes 51 1-5 sec onds, and for the 120-yard hurdles. 15 3-5 seconds. The distance ror tne nam- mer throw was 143 feet 8 1-4 Inches. ind for the shot-put. 45 feet 1M- Inches. cause of this meet Yale and Harvard ire tied in the number of meets won. Mr. C, B. Pornell. E. E.. and Mr. A. Sheldon, M. E.. boin or wie class of '190B, have been elected to Sigma Tau. Frank B. Lee, successor to F. T. Jhepard, public stenographer, mlmeo- iphlQK. Special rates to stuaoms. )l-50t RIchar Blk. Phone, Auto 1155. . SUMMER VACATION IN COLORADO .ow Excursion Hates this Hummer via the Rock Island System. WritA for rates and a beautifully 11- llnstratcd bQoU descriptive of Colorado scenes and scenery. - F. H. Barnes. U. v. a.. 1045 O Street. Lincoln. Old Grads Will Sport on Campus June 8th. the Tin following is the piogiain of the annual Alumni Reunion, whlrh will 1p held at the University Wednesday, Juno X Class I reakf'asts. SCO to 10:0 da in. "Annual address, "Prophets and Prophecy." by Jesse H Holmes, Ph. I), ( Ijss of 'SI. professor Biblhal his tory, Swathmore college, Swathmore, Pa 1-30 to 11:30 a m. Business meeting. 11:30 to 12:00 m. (Mass dinneis and reunions 12.00 to 2:00 p m CJrand festhal of all alumni. Univer sity form. 2:30 to S:00 p. m. Invents in various sports: Basket ball, baseball, foot race&, tennis, hoiue shoes, guessing on weight of stock. exhibits of stock. Farm lunch, with taosts, 5:00 p. ra. John A. Magulre. '98. president. J. A. Barrett. '88. Sec. and Treas. H. W. Caldwell, S0r chairman of executive committee. Tho furm will belong to the alumni for the day. There will be continuous carriage serice In waiting for view ing tho farm, and splendid- car service Is promised to cairy alumni to the farm, starting from the postoffice at frequent iutervals. deception rooms and rests rooms have been provided for that afternoon, where guests may gather to renew old friendships. There will be no charge for supper, all ex penses, aside from t tte ge,nerous hos pitality -or the state rra "hosts, being met from the Alumni treasury. It Is expected that all good alumni will pay the annual dues of 50 cents. Rates of ono far and a third from Nebraska points have been granted, going June tl. 7, and 8. and good until and im hiding June 10. L. H. S. Alumni Banquet. The committee which has In charge arrangements for the banquet of the Lincoln high school alumni, to be held at Fraternity hall on Friday. June 3. urges that every alumnus make it a point to be present, as the immediate success of the enterprise, as well as the permanency of the association, de pends on the Interest shown in sut h a leuniou. There has been a notable lack of Interest In the past few years This is perhaps due to the- fat t that the banquet as originally instituted waa given nil loaniiiclL 1q darning, a form of amusement which the older members do not enjoy. "This pleasant feature will be eliminated by the judi cious. arrangemcntlf the program. A reception committee has been appoint ed and the reception rooms will be open at 7:30. At 8:30 an elaborate ban quet will be served, which will be followed by a number of toasts. Mr. Dean Ringer will act as toastmaster. Those desiring lo dance at 10:30 will be supplied with a: good program of Mr. Walt's best music. Kveryone should be there, if only for a part of the evening. Tickets, one dollar and fifty cents, of the committee or at the high school. Remember the date. New Periodical Obtained. The first number of the new period ical The Journal of Experimental Zo ology, has arrived at tho University. It is a large octavo In form, with 105 pages and many figures. The namo of Dr. Henry B. Ward appears among I ho collaborators. The Journal will b published quarterly at Baltimore, and includes only papers embodying orig inal research of an experimental na ture. When making graduation presents, whether they be ' books.' monogram stationery, pictures, or burned wood novelties, don't forget that the Lln eqln Book Store carries the moBt artistic and original lines in the city. An Opinion from Iowa Concern ing Difficulties There. Few authentic opinions have ome fiom the University of Iowa concern ing the difficulty In which President MacLean has been involved Hence the following from the Dally low an may pioe interesting to those who km w i'resid nt MacLean when at this University: "The widespread circulation of re ports both pro and con concerning President Maclean have resulted In nothing but a wild chaos of press dis patches and denials. That thiB attack should be made by an alumni oigani .ation is uncertain and Improbable slnco it lacks the judiciousness and sano policy which generally charac terize the proceedings' of any alumni body. That It might b the attack of an individual inspired by a personal motive is hard to believe for such an attack to receive credence at all should be signed. Thus far to all appearances It seems to be another outbreak of yel low journalism Tho untrutnful quot ing of the University faculty and their prompt denial of any statement what soever and the Impossibility of finding the source or foundation of the many reports would seem to demand that' public opinion be suspended and no ciedence at all be given to such vague and unauthorized reports. When dol lars and cents appeal more to such journalism than honor and truth It Is difficult tor one to keqrfr silent. In a land where Tree speech 'and the liberty of the press is maintained it is not strange that a few abnormal species should result once In a while. It is a matter of evolution Blmply. Not until public sentiment maintains a stricter censorship upon its own credulity will we ever hope to be freo of bucIi. The higher ono proceeds In the scale of life the fewer parasites one finds in evi dence. But the virulence and tenacity of the few, however. Is startling. For once In the history of the world let the human race condemn sueh Utrdealrable detestable growths." Prize For Essay. ' " Tho Consumers' League of the city of New York offers a prize of fifty dollars ($50.00) for the best essay on "The Consumers' League." It must treat of the Consumers' 1-eague. its principles, aims, methods and field of .action aw well a-gUo-practial-jaig gtstions for the immediate extension of its work. The competition Is open to women students, graduate or undergraduate, who are engaged In work at any col lege In the United States. Mr. John Graham Brooke, the presi dent or the National Consumers' Lea cue: Mrs. Florence Kelley, the secretary; and Prof. Charles Zeublln, of Chicago University, have consented to act as judges. The publications of the league will be found in the college library. Essays must be submitted before May 1st. 1905. to The Consumer's League Prize Competition. 105 East 22d St.. New York City. Dr. Moody Visits Uni. Dr. Robert O. Moody, head of the Hearst Anatomical laboratory at Cal ifornia, visited at the University Tues day. He will deliver, the commence ment oration for the Medical College at Omaha Thursday evening. While here he visited The Nebraskan office In company with Dr. Ward. He ex pressed himself as highly pleased with our University and was enthusiastic in his praise of the fine personality of Chancellor Andrews. The topic of nls address Thursday night will be "Re search and Medicine." 8pecial rate to students at Hendry's. S0AKEDJJY RAIN Cadets Go Into Camp at York Under Weeping Skies. I I'toni our Stuff Correspondent. Camp K. Benjamin Andrews ) York, Neb.. May L'... 1 9lM The bouillon of cadets arrived hufe ly at York at S p. m.. Tuesday evening, and immediately marched to Camp An drews The camp Is located on a pret ty slope, one-half mile southwest of York, near the city park. The camp' was In readlnoKs and the cadets ttft hum.'d the strenuous duties of camp life In true Htyle. A soaking rain was the only feature of the first twenty four hours. The guard house Is well filled and "roustaliouts" are numer ous. The following order was issued by Commandant Chase: Special Orders No. 22 1. The camp of Instruction of the battalion, established at York. Neb., will be known as Camp Andrews. In honor of the Chancellor of the Uni vtirlty 2. The Commandant desires to, call -the attention of the cadets to the fact that the camp 1b csabllshed for the purpose of instruction, and it Is expect ed, and all cadets will be required, to observe strictly ail camp orders and regulations. No cadet will be allowed to leave camp without the authority of the Commandant. Ay misconduct on tW&rart of any cadet in or out of camp will result In his expulsion from the camp and a special report In his csbp will bo made to the chancellor. By or der of CAPT. CHASE. The following will be the dally pro gram at camp: A. M. 5:40 First call, reveille. 5:55 Assembly. i: 00 Reveille. (5:30 Mess call. 7:00 Sick call. 7:20 Company drill, first (all. 7:30 Assembly. 8:30 Recall. 8:50 Guard mount. 8:55 Assembl. 9:10 Adjutant's call. T):50 Sompany drill, first call. 10:00 Assembly. 10:30 Recall. 11:00 First Sergeant's (all. 11:40 Mess Call. 1'. M. -2r00 Seltool-nrllr : ' - 3:00 Recall. 4:10 Battalion drill, first call. 4:20 Assemb.l. 4:30 Adjutant's call.' 5:00 Recall. 5:20 Dress Parade. 5:30 Assembly. 5:40 Adjutant's call. G: 30 Mess call. 9:30 Tattoo. 10:30 Taps. RAYMOND H. M'CAW- An Error In History Corrected. The recent article on tjie Morton History of Nebraska which appeared in The Nebraskan and which attracted widespread attention was prepared with a great deal of care, but one error Inadvertantly crept In. It was said that the chapter on the animal life of Nebraska was written by Professor 1 awrence Fossler. whereas it should have beep crediled to Professor Law rence Bruner, the eminent authority on tbis Bubject. The article in question was widely quoted and we make this explanation in justice to Professor Bruner. Summer work. Student agents want ed for McClure's magazine. Large commission. Cash prizes for beat work. Easy. Dignified. Write now for full particulars. 141 East 25th St.. New York City. -SP" v