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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1904)
ttbc DAilp Wetruhan 1 be Daily Debraskan A consolidation of The Hcoperinn, Vol. BlXTho Nebnmknn, Vol. 10 Soa'rlot and Crrnm, Vol. 4. Editor in Chief BaMtwft MiftiaRor Circulator D. Illce A. U.rShrelbr A. F. Bwker ASSOCIATE EDITORS Not - - - P. A. Ewlng AthlMic - ). W. Hoir I hcrtry - Dorothy Grtn Rtporr D. P. Dt Young nd Raymond H. McCaw OfSc; Editonnl, U 2a)',: BnMncw, U 211.', Pot Oflloo. Box l!l, Stntlon A. Lincoln. Bnbecrlptlon Price, 'i per yrnr, In advance Entered at the powtoflleo nt Lincoln, Nebraska as Rocond-clanfl mall matter Editorial Remarks A College Graduate's Chances. The college graduntc'B chances In the world 1b a theme of much discussion. It Is often pointed out that some of the greatest men the country ever pro duct d never went to college, but while an attempt could be successfully made to balance the showing made by those making such an assertion, It Is not feasible to deal with particularly well fated Individuals at nil. but to Investi gate more ns to the great generality. Also it is not necessary to dray a line t ctween college graduates and those who are not to consider each as a dlf terent type. The college graduate has merely had the advantage of education nnd in this way enabling him to do superior work in whatever line he finds himself adapted. It Is not so much a question as to whdher he can go out and win another's place away from him by making a superior, aB to whether he can go out Into the world and show himself capable of performing well the tasks that are his and winning the trust and confidence of others. His training is designed to aid him to do wrll whatever he attempts and to en dow hirn with qualities that will help him fight his way up. Statistics have been printed, show ing how much the collPge student is in demand. In special lines of wor-k in r articular. These are indeed con Nine ing and the compailsons show that an advantages lies with the college trained men. Special statistics have been brought to bear, showing how tollege men draw higher salaries than competitors In the same work. But this is only because, they have actually shown superiority, which does not of ten happen until much experience. The college graduate is what he makes himself. If he has cutllvatcd his talents and Intellect to ns great an extent as lies" within his power he has greatly bettered his chances of tiucess. But i.e must be able to stand the tests to which he may be subject ed, and he will not be able to take his place among those who have achieved Fucccss. until he has proved himself not only able to meet every emergency but to rise above It. He should util ize the abilities tnat he possesses, and if he does this to good advantage the results will be satisfactory to him. Whatever he has gained in character and Intellect will help him, and the greater the measure he has of both of these qual.iies the better will be his chances of success. The circulation of examination schedules serve as a reminder that the examinations will be upon us next .week. It has been decided that all jMMMlaMMaMMIIMMMMMMMMMlMtP BARGAINS University Writing Papers UNI. SEAL MONOGRAM-Llncn kid nnd bond finish, selling at 3fc now going fT ' "XC tfMVMftt. 25c nt UNI PENNANT Linen, kid and bond finish, 36c Now '. I UNI. INITIAL MONOGRAM Linen, kid and bond finish, selling at 3fic, Now y r at xOC UNI. WRITTEN AND PENNANT PAPER. Selling at 25c. Now nt 1 5c UNI TABLETS, Letter size. A 20c tablet, but printer put up wrong paper and goes at 10c BARGAINS in Fraternity Papers Etc. UNI. MONOGRAM Writing papers, kid finish, medium weight. Now Ts 40c WRITTEN. Name of fraternity written, in full kid finish, medium weight A.(r Now "VW FRATERNITY TABLETS. A good bond paper. Just the thing to carry in your grip. g Two for C Remember our Fraternity Pen nants. You should have one before you go away. BARGAINS in Fine Writing Paper -4 We have remnants of a line of 30c pnper that has been Belling down town in one of the large stores at f pedal sale at two for 36 .cents. This includes such papers as Old Holland Bond, Lancaster Linen, Opal Bond, Glazed Bond, Imperial Vellum, Empress of India, Princess of Wales, Imperial Wove Bond. China Silk, Etc. Our very special price to close out 1 5c Special line of Bond and Linen Tab lets, regular 25c nlue, Now 16c I THE CO-OP Ovwned and Managed fcy Stt4dents ' - " - """" - .. - ir.1--r r-LJ u iihi)IUuij JLJJL the instructors shall give examina tions. While the idea may not be agreeable to nil. we believe that It is best to make n system thorough, ns long as it is used. If exnminations aie to be glen let them be general, nnd If they aie not then let there be none at all. Until n definite under standing Is arrive at ns to the use fulness of giving examinations, and ns to whether the theory is practUnl or net. we believe thnt it Is best to touch on each subject, although there are few of us who would not willingly be excused because of the convenience Regarding The Exposition. The attractions at the world's fair nre many, and we are sure there are many thnt would appeal to those from here expecting to attending the ex position. A popular com ess-ion is Garrngier's Ancient Rome. The Rome presented will be the Rome of the profligate Nero, just previous to its being de destroyed by fire. There will be a view of the streets nnd squares, crowded with the populace made up of fr?ed men. slnves, enptives, gladlntors, nnd soldiery, with correct reproduction of the buildings, showing market places, bazaars, shops, etc. All the scenes wliriie true to life nnd students of history should be. Interested greatly here. At the Fire Fighters' exhibit, a true fire is enacted. At first all is quiet. Then the nlarni is given, nnd n large four story building soems to be on fire. The fire company arrives and displays the greatest dexterity in rescuing peo ple from thQ flames. A thrilling scene. Lincoln's Log Cabin, In which the mnrtyred president was born, will be shown, and people who lived near the great emancipator will be there to tell people of his life. The books in which Lincoln gained his education will ne on exhibition. T U,r i--nA mrti tit nirt not thine such a comfortable journey possible. The Union Pacific Tourist cars were a revel ation writes a distinguished American. TOURIST Cars RUN EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR TO Orepn and Washington, VIA. UNION PACIFIC E. B. SLOSSEN Agent. Professor Bessey now plans to re main in Lincoln during the summer, putting In his time finishing some sci entific papers which have been waiting for several years. The summer school in Colorado where he was to have lectured has been given up on account jof rival attractions at the world's fair In St. Louis. Lomlng's, Ice cream ana candy: 11th and , SU Don Cameron's lunch counter for good service. First Class Printing The Ivy Press Company Wlrick's Trunk &. Bag Store, 1036 O. Fraternity Hall, 13th & N Street Newly furnished and decoratod. Is bow pen for dates for Collego and Frater nity dances. Bura'al rates to student. FAVLKNEB & SHARP Itcom 308, Fratenlty Blfif. Melick's Stables i23oNSt. - Telekom 435 Carriages for dances and parties too. ' OUR PRICES Shlrta any stylo ttmL Cotton Undershirts . 'SC Cotton Drawera .".' 2 Nightshirts 2C Socks C Handkerchiefs, 8 for .7.7. .' .' .' .' .' . . . ' 5C YULE BROS. LAUNDRY CORNELL THE WALL PAPER AND PAINT MAN 1 130 North 13th Lincoln, Neb. "i .i