Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1904)
!" "w .? 'y y';,Nii '''grT: wt - 'a-av Xlbe Pail2 IFlebrashan ki t. 't-i " ,J VOL. ffl. NO. J03 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY MARCH JO, J904. PRICE 3 CENTS nmy yigfy? Wf 'wwtwyip P ' ypBBffiPj t IT J IV ' ill itu iiif aur hr contemplate! rtn wing will not READY FOR BIDS Physics and Farm Building to be Advertised Saturday. The completed and revised plant for the new physics and state farm build ings have heen returned to the office of the Superintendent of ConbtructioiJ, and bids will be adveitibed for Satur day In the Lincoln and Omaha papers No material alterations were made in the original plans for the physics building, as it was discovered that they might be carried out as at first Intend ed, without doing away with the ath letic field. Even th shortening oi the north wing be made. This will necessitate the extending of the field clear to the board fence on the, north end. The earth excavated for the new building will be used to 1111 in the holow there, and It Is thougat that the work may be done at very little expense to the athletic board. Ajn ple space will be left for the north goal, although the one of the south will be somewhat Inconveniently locat ed on account of the building just bade, of It. In the southeast corner of the field only about four feet will Inter vene between the building and the goal line. The northern wing will extend lo the west along this line for about twenty-nine feet, but as has alreadv heen explained, plays in this corner may be transferred to a corresponding place on the other bide of the field if necessary. On account of the time that will in tervene before the next meeting of the regents It is possible that the bids for the new structures will be opened be fore that session . Work will actually commence about the 20th of April, and . pushed with all speed In order that the buildings may be in use by the first oC noxt year. A section about 48 feet long on the southern end of the grand stand will have to be removed to the northern, -end. In addition to the changes in the chemical laboratory already announced plans for an entirely new addition to tho old structure are being made by Superintendent of Construction Cho " yfr and w111 k submitted to the re r,jeTlls for approval as soon as complet- jaL For the present the additions win constructed with the idea in view '.raising it, to the same height us the rlglnal building: It will extend soutn the present laboratory about the- imo distance as the length of the rthern wing, and will be laid out In nearly symetrlcal lines with that rtlon aa possible. It Is thought that h'e $30,000 appropriated by the leglor. ituro for thiff-purpoBe two years ngo Fill be sufficient for tho expense of this Idltlon, as well as for remodeling the illdlng. A new entrance will be lade at tho west side of tho building about the middle of the completed tructure. LTho University will have practically fur new buildings under course of instruction, therefore, as boon as the eather permits, to say nothing or the ample. Yet notwithstanding these im- vements we will be much cramped room. The greatly Increased de fends of the law and medical depart- jnts make the construction of a Mlding especially for them a mere itter of tlmo, The regents, foresaw le ultimate neeu oi sucu a uunmus 3t year, when they adopted a model the campus as It will ultimately ap- tor. This cans ior a law ana inuuicai illdlng just west of the library, ano lodelod after the stylo of that struc- re. It is possible that the next leg- llqture may be asked for an approprl- tlon for this building. . ITKe .demands for a new auditorium re also becoming insistent. As condl- ions exist at present, our chapel is in Elmos t constant use as a lecture or jcltatlon room, or as a gymnasium. It Is possible, however, that the need will be satisfied by the Temple building. The plans for tho Administration building will admit of an addition to the uoithern side of that structure when it becomes necessary. This, how ever. Is too far in the future to require attention nt presont, since the new building will amply fulfill the uses to which it is to bo put. THE EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT. Material Coming Still and Ship ments Will Soon Be Made. The material accumulated for the Nebraska educational exhibit at the world's fair is gradually finding Itrt way lo St. Louis The returns from th schools and arlous wDman's clubs of the state have bee most satisfying, as a large quantity of fine work has been received. Since the first of the year, and especially during the past few weeks. Dr. Barbour and his as blstant.s have been greatly rushed In preparing material for shipment. Tho work of classifying, assorting and packing lias required the taking of great pains and care, as well as mm h -skill. On February L'Oth, the first carload of mateilal was shipped. An enormous furniture car was completely filled and still a part of the material then on hand was left over until the next ship ment, when another carload of material gathered in both Lincoln and Omaha will be sent. The Lincoln schools have promlset! an unusually fine art exhibit, and thep is little doubt but that they will come up to expectations. It will be placed in the Nebraska booth in the Palace of Education. As a special feature Super intendent Stephens is endeavoring to have a phonograph record of singing done in each of the grades, to illus trate the vocal work done in the city schools here. Miss Edna Bullock, who Is connect ed with the circulating library at the capitol, is gathering statistics pertain ing to all the libraries throughout the state. She Is also making a complete collection of photographs of these, ns far as It is possible to obtain them. These will Include both internal mid external views. Tho state museum lias been drawn on very liberally, yielding for tempo rary use the best of its treasurer, whWh will be classified and appoi tloned among the Agricultural, Mines and Metallurgy, Education and "Irriga tion buildings The attempt is being made to have all schools, both private and public well represented. Whatever space remains over when the exhibit is installed will bo used for the Uni versity exhibit. Material 1b still com ing in abundance; every Inch of space will bo In demand. Mr. Kimball, a prominent Omaha" architect, and formerly a student of this University, who designed the elec trical pahico, which is accounted one of tho most beautiful buildings on the world's fair grounds, has finished the full designs for the educational booth and tho Mines and Mining booth. These, were forwarded Monday by the super intendent of the educational exhibit for the approval of the chiefs. The design for the Nebraska build ing Is to be in white like marble of very choice order, decorated with flambeaux, open book and scroll de signs, with the great seal of the state of Nebraska, the seal of the Universi ty, and smybols of education in relief. Mr. Kimball also designed what la known as the Nebraska Agricultural Theatre, which has a capacity for seat ing' several hundred people and Is built In the main aisle of tho Agricultural building, which covers twenty-two acres. The following circular sent out by Dr. Barbour contains much important In formation, calling attention among other things to the fact that all of our exhibit must be installed by April 29th or a forfeit prfid. . "All departments of the University f Nebraska which are to be represent ed by exhibits of any kind at the St Louis world's fair, are urged to take immediate action In fact everything should be In hand now, and all aiv urged to send at once whatever they hae to offer. The next shipment will be made about March 20. After April lht. It will be difficult. If not Impossi ble, to receive exhibits, since every thing must be completely installed by April 29th, or a forfeit paid. You an; particularly urged to send any and all published books and papers, or at lcaH a list of them, including those written by the heads of departments, instruct or or fellows, or students. Please give a concise history of your department and its growth. This history and any accompanying statistics may be wri ten In lead pencil and we will tran scribe it. Send any photographs of lec ture rooms and laboratories, any orig inal models, diagrams, etc., also stu dents' worn, etc. "We are forced to call attention lo tne need for Immediate action, an w-ll as to the desirability of having the University of Nebraska well repre sented, standing as it does at the heud of our educational system." A JOINT PARTY. Three Literary Societies to Give Party in Art Hall. On Friday evening one of the larg est annual affairs connected with thf University will occur. The Palladia;). Union and Dellan. societies will hold their annual joint party in the art gal lery In the library building. These parties have come to be a reg ular fe.atuie of the social life of the Unhersity and arc greatly enjoyed by all who are privileged to attend. Much attention was drawn to the party last year because dancing waa lett out. It was believed that it would be impossible to entertain such a largo crowd without dancing, but all who were present last year will reinemb"r that it was adequately demonstrated that the absence of dancing did not In any way detract from the fun. The party this year will be conduct ed ifpon the lines of last year's party, and no dancing will be indulged in. Ample entertainment has been provid ed, and It is expected that the party will be a great success. A short musi cal program will be rendered. Members of the faculty who are members of the thnv societies will at tend. The committeo having the party in charge is as follows: Russell Moore. Palladian, chairman; Messrs. Doughters, Anderson, Town. DCon, Waltman; Misses. Barnhart, Mathews and Holllngsworth. Corporals Appointed. nt The following orders were read drill las-t evening: Special Orders No. 15 The following appointments are hereby made in the battalion to take effect this date: Company E Private F. T. Dayton, to be corporal.'Signal department. Private A. L. Nye, to bo corporal. Private F. A.tewart, to bo corporal. They will be obeyed tnd respected accordingly. By order of CAPTAIN CHASE. FRESHMEN VICTORS Run Over the Sophomores and Win the Championship. The Sophomores were easy victim for the Freshmen J n. a game for the interclass basket ball championship last night that although fast from the first whlBtle. was too one-sided to arouse much enthusiasm in tho small audience present. Miller began the ceremony with a goal on the second pafis', rind followed It with tljree more In as many minutes. After that he glowed up a little, but added two move field goals before the half ended. Mosher at conteP did not have any troublo In out-Jumping hiB much short er opponent, and also managed to get loose from him long enough to throw nine goals from the field. In this half Miller and Mosher were decidedly the stars, although Mathcwson did some very excellent work for the Sophomores r by throwing six goals. The half end ed 37 to 17 In favor of the Freshmen. The second half was much moro In teresting, since the Sophomore guards did better work, although the forwards could n,ot locate the baskets. Swan, who had been unable to bcore before, threw three goals, and Mosher got the same number. Lott came up from guard to toss a couple also. In this half the the score was 21 to 10 for the Fresh men, making tho final score 57 to 27 This js the largest score made this yeai In basket ball, and there can be no room for the squabble that ensued from the closeness of the score in the final game. last year. The Freshmen1 were superior to their opponents In every respect. The goal throwing of Miller and Mosher was eab lly the feature of the evening, while I i team work the Sophomores could not approach them. Mathewson and Krake did the only good work on tho Soph Bide, but could not overcome the other team unaided. Klmmel, a regular for ward, did not apear, and while his sub stitute, Corlett, did, creditable work, tho team as a whole suffered. Tho llne ,up of the tenmB was: Sophomores. Freshmen. .forwards Miller Swan , . .center Mosher . .giiardB Lott Hammlll Swan 5. Lott 3, Krake 2, MathewBon 0, Winchester 2, Corlett 1. Goals from field Miller 4, Krake 2, Mathewson 2, Winchester 1 Officials Hoar and BeorB. After tho game the Sophomoies elect ed L. S. Krake, of West Point, captain for next year. Botween the halves a very fierce game was played between tho Fresh man Laws and Senior Laws, which end ed iu a victory for the latter by ttre scoro of 19 to 9. The game, was re markable for the football tactics and horseplay indulged in. by both teams. Milek and Lightner did tho best work for the Seniors, while Laird was the only Freshman who seemed to hat an idea of what was wanted. Mathewson Winchester Krake . . . Clark . . . Corlett Earl J. Woodwaid, M. D., treats dis eases of the eye. ear and throat. Rooms 2"07-08 Richards bjock, 'Phone G6G. Sam's Cafe. The only place In the city to get the famous "Little Gem Hot Waffles." Special service for ladles. The Whitebreast Co., at 1106 O St., is the place to buy coal. Lincoln Transfer 'Phone, 176. Co. Baggage. Junior Cap Committee Meets. The Junior Cap committee met Tues day, but no denfinite arrangements for securing the distinguishing headgear were reported. It is planned, however, to obtain some design, if possible, that will be suitable to the boys and girls of the class alike. Special rate to students at Hendry's. Drop in and se.e our stock of spring, shoes. At Sanderson's. All broken lots and sample shoes. Big Reduction Sanderson's 'Sale. Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. As spring approaches better brighten up your cadet suit by securing an ex tra pair of trousers. Splendid values. Palne's Clothing Store. 4 ? T w .4 1 l V i r. : i -, '3 m r ,i J' l L .JLt&m :i!ikvi ' x-&&& J. i