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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1904)
r, - - ., -.r. ', rv ' jf.j- I -' T- C i V , A ','" -V J- ---t. ' - it. V. v .-a:.- , -.". . - ' r - atlp IFlebrashan l K' i5 ' ra. v VOL ffl. NO. J02 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY 0 MARCH 9, J904. PRICE 3 CENTS r;;-;?. :i' TLkt 5) &. W i K ' f Jjp. A -i t .,' (4 A DECIDING GAME Sophomores and Freshmen to Settle Rival Claims Tonight. The basket-ball season closes tonight with the same between the Freshmen and Sophomores lor the Intertill championship. The 'arslty feason n:il el Saturday night with the Wlsi or.lii victory. Negotiations for the wet-Urn trip and for a game with Iowa ha fallen through and the team has ceased practice.' The schedule this year wa- not nearly as complete as last jrai's, only four outside games being plajcd The team came out a little better than even on the season, and by the victor over the Badgeis Saturday added qui' a little glory to themselves. The game tonight will be fiercely contested from the first whistle, and promises to be as exciting as any la.s game ever played. The Fresh-men fee! that they can stand the strain of be ing champions for a year or so and the Sophomores aie determined to held the palm for another season at leant. The make-up of the teams and the learn irom which each man comes are a? IoIIowb: Freshmen: Forwards, Miller, South Omaha High. Swan. Omaha Hlg!i tenter. Mosher. guards. Lott, South Omaha High. Hammill. I incoln V .M C. A. Sophomores Foi wards. Mathewso.i. Lincoln High: Kumniell. Lincoln JUgh center. Krake, West Point High; guards. Winchester, Lincoln High: Clark, Cheyenne High. Everybody who "attended the finals last year, when the Sophs defeated th present Senior team -by the score of 21 to 24, will be sure and go tonight and take all their friends. It Is especial! desirous that a few men from each class get together and do a little roo1. IgJor their teams, If any money is left over from the gate receipts after the expenses have been paid It will go to the winning team to do with as they please, the team generally deciding to buy caps or Jerseys. The Freshmen are especially desirous of winning this distinction, since they lost the tame privilege In football by such a slender margin. -"-"-V"-rr---n-.--,vJ.--vv-J"v-Jfl-A,iV"-"-Jw--r.v- 1 J NON-COM-HOP FRIDAY NIGhT, MARCH nth FRATERNITY HALL TICKETS $i.5o. Eddie Walt's Ord?csza J "jwjv V-.---.V.-.T v.-.-, -"-"--"V"-"-"U-----L.-.-'.-.-.-.-.--V'W GIRLS' BASKETBALL. The vrday morj . to the d'-ntn .some 1 asket ball tournament on Snt- at 2:.",0 in the I'niverslty nr- promlscs to be very interesting University and Academy stu- The ' Midgets," composed of of the best University players, among them being Margaret Pillsbury, Harriet Mitchell, Inez Everett and Adflo Koch, will play the -Academy team, which has sonic strong players Hazel Camqron. Helen Bonekcmper. Elizabeth Lyman. Jane Blamhard. Lila LefJon. Carrie Lute and Eleanor Har l.oui Those playing on the first and s-econd University teams aie well ki.own to all the students, and it is e.p(ted that the) will play their usual exciting and Intel esting game. The gamri will he ni ranged in the form of a tournament, giving still more inter est to the matches of the afternoon. Thketsare on sale at both of the Unhcisity book stores. Fire at Captain.Smoke's House. About a hundred students warmed themselves on the bleachers yesterday afternoon during the baseball practice. About twenty-five men were in uni form, Including Captain Townsend. Af ter an hour's work they divided for a practice game, which showed that a marked impiovement both Tn batting and fielding had occurred since the first of the season. Among the new candi dates 1b Eager, who l&trying for first base.- As yet Miller and Barta are the only men trying for tjhe backstop position, Bender not yet having gotten out. The pitching department Is still the strongest. Townsend, Morse and Beltzer of last year's team are out, and also Adams, a Freshman from Wahoo. The first came Is still several weeks off, and with a fair degree of good weather tho team ought to bo In the pink of condition before the intercol legiate Heason opens. The athletic board met Monday and awarded basketball Jerseys and "N" sweaters to the following men: Elliott. Hageuslck, Hewitt, Hoar, Benedict. A track meet with the University of Colo .rado to take place at Boulder was sanc tioned, and thfr board consented to change the game with Colorado next fall from Denver to Boulder, an addi tional guarantee being made by Colo rado. , The following item from the Yale News concerns Captain Smoke, the' for merly commandant of our cadet bat talion: "At about .1 o'clock yesterday aftei noon a fire broke out in the basement of Captain Smoke's house, No. CO Yall street. Working upwards irom tho basement the fire burn! part vay to the floor and wall of the library, and did considerable damage to the third floor ns well IJeTore tho firemen could get it under control. The blaze started in come way from tho furnace and burn for s-omo time within the walltf and flues before It was detected. The losn was principally confined to Captain Smoke's prlvato papers and the furni ture, which was not insured. been left of consideration The reason for not deferring the election to June Is that the new members may be initiated Into the society sufficiently long before the end of the jear to give them an opportunity to enjoy some of the association life, such as the Initial banquet, the annual meeting of the as sociation and the annual banquet. TENNIS PROSPECTS Change in Location of Courts. Minnesota Scheduled. Academy Preliminaries Come Off As a result of the second preliminary debate held at the Academy last een ing the following men will represent the Academy in the debate against the city Y. M. C. A. to be held the fiit of next month: De Young, .Miller. M ers. Messrs. Moigan, Shaw and Wolfe will (ompose the second team Last evening's debate was on the question which will be threshed out In the coming meet with the Y. M. C. A.: "Resolved. That it is to the best in terests of both countries that Canada be annexed to the United States." C. P. Craft. N. M. Cronln. and Ira Ityncr acted as Judges. Leland Powers Will Visit Here. P. B. K. Arrangements. Thirtime Is approaching" for the P. B. K announcements, as these will be made the day before tho spring vaca tioi. opens up. For the first tlmo in the hlstoiy of the society this election will be announced at a later date than Charter Day. During tho vacation there will be a meeting of tho society, at which the new members will bo banqueted. This change has been made foi two reasons. An opportunity Is af forded those- making tho choice to have the uee of the records showing the re of the first semester's work. Here tol'oie the first semester's grades linv Leland Powers, the noted Imperson ator. Is expected to arrive In tho city this evening for a short visit with friends In the University. If he can be prevailed upon he will speak at con vocation tomorrow morning. Mr. Pow ers has established an Inlet national icputatlon for himself a& an imperson ator. He has appeared In Lincoln sev eral times, and was here this fall in one of the numbers in the Y. W. C. A. lecture course. Indications are fnvorablo lor a ten nis meet this spring between Minne sota and Nebraska. Secretary Tyner of the Tennis club has been In communi cation for some time with the tennis arsoclatlon of the University of Min nesota, and while no definite arrange ments have as yet been made. It Is riobhble that a tournament between the clubs of the two institution will take place on our campus sometime during the latter part or May. If this airangemcnt is mnde, It Is nlso likely that a return meet will he scheduled with the Gophers to come off In Min neapolis next fall. The local club will begin the sea son, therefore, with a veiy bright out look. While It will be necessnry to move the courts about thirty feet south of their present location In order to make room for work on the new phy sics building, this will Jic Immediately attended to, and ft Is thought thai practice will not bo seriously delayed. The club at present numbers about thiity men. and new applications for membership are expected to come- in ns scon as the season opens. While ten nis is not supported in this unjversltj by the athletic department. It' lias of late years held np unimportant place In the athletics of the Institution, and may bo expected to command still further inteiest this year if the match with Gophers Is definitely arranged. meeting of tho club will probably the A SENIORS! Will you kindly pay Miss Stephen your two dollars for Senior play clues at once, as some of the money is need ed now. The Senior class includes aca demic, agricultural and engineering students. - MABEL H.STEPHEN. Treas. of Senior Pluy. As spring Approaches better brighten up your cadet suit by securing nn ex tra pair of trousers. 'Splendid values. r Paine's Clothing, Stpre. be held some tlmo next week. At Hint time, preparations for the coming sea son will bb made, thoMinncsota tour nnment discussed, and the matter or moving the courts attended' to. The local management will be at consider able expense In bringing the Gopher to Nebraska, h,pt It is thought that tho extra inducements that will be afforded In arranging the meet will call forth enough patronage to make the venture a big bucccss. Nebraska lino put forth men In the past who have attained much more than merely local fame, and no uneasiness is felt that Minnesota will not have her hanclB full In meeting us In tennis this year. With euch as Cassady, Mathewson, Tyner and Scrlbner, Nebraska ought surely to produce a winning team. The tournament will probably be of two days' duration. The first day will be devoted to singles, and the second to doubles. Three-games will bo played In singles, witiriwo men on' a side. There will be bit one contest, of courao, In the doubles. For the benefit of any who may de- fiireta enter for the tournament, wo are requosted-to state tlfat $1.50 yrlll obtain full membership In the Tennis club. One-half Price That Is the way aro selling Sample Shoes. They beauties,, Sanderson's. vfe are Lomlng's, and Li Sta Ice cream ana candy: 11th V; . Don Cameron's good service. lunch counter foi Transfer Cq. Baggage Miss Martha Tyler Of St. Louis 0 Chapel, Saturday, march C2. Auspice of Uni. Y. W. C. A. Tickets, 255 cents, 8 p. m. Fixing Date With Kansas. The finishing touches in making final arrangements with Kansas are no; oeing applied. The question of tho date is now being settled. Secretary Ityner has received a note from Kansas asking for some date between 4prll 15th and May 1st It Is probable that any date within the limlts'set wjll meet our con venience as hosts to the Kansas team. Sam's Cafe. The only place In the city to get the famous MLlttlo Gem Hot "Waffies." Special service for ladles. Boston Dentists, work and dv prices. . All broken .lots and, 'sample shoes. Big Reduction. Sanderson's Sale. ' : i'v ChanH Bros:, Florfists, 127 So. 13th.' i XH i v. fVlricoln Phono 17C. v .t- f -v . 1. y i- A h t-S'Jt ,J vr x: fi M v , it K.K l Ji'TJI