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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1904)
IFmwftVCT KtfT ry vc. G b e ID a 1 1 p Tlebrashan ... r . f& fa- f? birj, vfr r- :-r V W i . V w IS j BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and 4 to Mention the Paper ' While Doing So. ART GOODS Curtice, Lincoln Book Store. .JBANKS Columbia, First National. BARBER SHOP Palace, R. & C, Pioneer. .BARBERS'. SUrPUESA. L. Uncle- land & Co. BICYCLES, ATHLETIC GOODS SaM Hall, Sidles, Girard, Lyman. BOOKS & STATIONERY Portor, Co- Op, Brown, University Book Store. Sam Hall. Lincoln Book Store. BOOK BINDING Gillespie. CARPENTER Wilson. ''CIGARS Powell, Lindsey, Foliart. CLOTHING Unland, Magee & Deemer, B. 11. Paine, Armstrong. COAL Gregory; Dierks, Whitebreast, P. D. Smltb. Jf CONFECTIONERY Leming, Maxwell, DAIRY Franklin, Leming. DANCING HALL Fraternity. DENTISTS Boston Dentists. DRUGGIST Steiner, Woempner, Rec tor, Brown, Riggs, Wright, Red Cross. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE Rudge & Gucnzel, A. M. Davis, Hardy. "GROCERY Keystone. HARDWARE Hall. Rudge & GuenzoL HOTELS Llndell, Walton, Boyd. INSURANCE Connecticut Mutual. JEWELERS Tucker, Hallet, Wolfe, ' Trickey. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros., LIVERY Forbes. LUMBER Dierks. MILLINERS The Famous. NOVELTIES Thorpe. OPTICIANS Dr. J. J. Davis, Hallet, Trickey. . PAINT & GLASS Western Glass Paint Co. AT CONVOCATION Dr. Ross Discussed "The Open and Closed Shop." A lurge number of students were in Attendance at c,hapel to liEten to the discussion of Dr. Ross, on "Tho Open ami Closed Shop." Ho brought out th economic merits of labor and la belled It u commodity which waB bought and sold as any other product. The poor man. he said, has the labor to s'll and the rich man muHt buy It. Tho pony man has no reserve to fall back ''noii. tho man who buye his ser vices hu8. Labor, like anything else, nn lie told in the lump, which wo call wholesale traffic, and the organization ot labor inlons places it in a nonUion io be bandied in that manner. There are many defects In tho individual labor commodity, which are detrimental to the poor workman and the union snno? as a nitans of bettering these condi tions 'The '.ahor unions are an organisa tion. " Me continued, "for the pnrposa of making right some wrong. There is ninth i rgument for and agalns' il.o ccmbiro. The argument against It 1 f i.irt homewjiat of an infringenci.u on the right- and liberties of ihe p".pli '"y rt walking and o-Mnpellltr; others to i.ii likewiK-, also forcing eiiiplcyois lo Mi.ploy alJ union labor iv non-urlcn labor, (mi the oh',r hau'l they nro jrcoil hcenuso thay adjust nmuv of lio ti'(Vi-rics of the laboring num. Th-jy have Income well organise They hive biT.ught about a better vago.e t'.M'.i with shorter hours and c'.iiuir.aling inff.Icr workmen. " '."'e t'tlk was instructive in'l w? nil I'.irne'l something of the ;;ivat lr.l."r pri'i;:ein which has become ufi is.-iji in rv.r iiitticual politics. The Oliver Theatre F. C ZEHRUNG, and O. T. CRAWFORD Mrm. Phone 354. Cor. P and J3tb "Tho IlandHonicit Theatre In tho Wctt," WEDNESDAY MAT.& NIGHT ISABEL IRVING Management James K. Hacfcett. Winston Churchill'sThrilling Play THE CRISIS Original New York Production. Direct from Triumphant Engage-! from Weber & Field's Music ONE JOLLY NIGHT THURSDAY, MARCH JOth. Dig Laughing Mvical Absurdity "HOITY TOIT "V' Book by Edgar Smith. Music by John Stromberg. The Original $25,000 Production ments in St. Louis and Kansas City . Prices. Matinee, $f.00 75c& 50c Night, $J.50, $1.00, 75c and 50c Hall, New York. 50 People-Prize Beauty Chorus Special Prices, $1 to 25caBox $J,50 Academy Notes. & i PIANOS Schmoller &. Mueller, Ross Curtice. VLUMBING Korsmeyer. POOL & BILLIARDS Powell. ' PRINTING, Griffin Greer, New Cen tury. Ivy Press, Review Press, fieorge Bros. RESTAURANTS Westerfleld, Home Cafe, Don Cameron. .SHOES Perkins & Sheldon, Sander son, Anderson, STENOGRAPHER Shepherd, room 512, Richards blk. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS Red Cross Pharmacy. SUITORIUM Weber. THEATRES Olllver. TYPEWRITERS OIHver. TAILORS Unland, Bumstend, Union College Tailors. At i he chapel exercises Monday morning the principal entered a gentle complaint over the small attendance. It afforded him much gratification to receive at the close a number of ex cellent .suggestions as to means by which these exercises can be made more attracthe. The attendance of Academy students upon the University convocations is increasing and rightly for these helpful and -inspiring half hours are well worth the slight effort required. Is it possrblc-that young peo ple are glowing lees reverent, leBS ap preciative of the obligations resting upon them? Rather It Is probably due to the rush and whirl of university life, which distracts the mind. - Stelner-Woempener Drug Co., Suceofi t STEINER PHARMACY. HU O StNct' Phocii 707 Uncala, WtV. "Manufacturers of Steiner's Baleam Rhubarb Cold Capsules. Pile Oure and Gray' Oond'Mon Powdera, Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry Silverware. CUT GLASS, SPECTACLES, ETC. New store, new goods, new patterns, only first-class quality. Repairing and engraving. Eyes tested free. Graduate optician, 14 years experience. M. G. WOLFF, 139 So. 13th St Saturday afternoon the first Academy team dares to confront the University Midgets in deadly basket ball strug gle. Tickets have been selling rapidly in Academy circles. Ushers in dainty white have been appointed, patronesses have acccptodfthe honor and all things are now ready for 2:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Mr. T. K. llolden, for persistent neg lect of work, has been requested to leave the Academy. What a pity somo young follows fall to appreciate . Hid sacrifice of parents and the wealth of opportunity for-r ulture and Information and instead prefer temporary ease and Tun. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital $300,000.00 Binrolvji 110,000.00 Undivided Profits 40.000.00 fl. H. BURNHAM, President A. J. SAWYER H. B. FREEMAN VJce-ProB. Cashier. H. B. EVANS FRANK PARKS Aisst. C shier Asst. Cashier P. R, DABTDRDAY, Auditor. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Hotel Walton J5J5 0 Street. Phone 566 100 roomB beBt low-prieod houso In city: RATES-Si Per Day and Up COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL - - $IOO,OOO.Or T OFFICERS John Wrlriit, Pr. .T. H. Woscntt, Vico-Pres. JooSamucld. 2nd Vloo-Prca. P. L. Hall, Cuvhior. W. B. Ryona. Ass't. 0,ib. OUR PRICES Shirts any stylo ". Oc Cotton Undershirts Qq Cotton Drawers. . -5c Nightshirts , Qc Socles 5C Handlccrchiofs, 3 for 5c YULE BROS. LAUNDRY Tlts is an interesting week . for Academy students. Last evening tho flnal preliminaries took place, by which the three "best" men were select ed for tho Y. M. C. A. contest. At the hour of writing tills article no deci sion had been reached. The young'womon meet Friday after noon for the monthly social hour at the home of Mrs. Hodgman, 700 North 16th street. Rales $1.00 and $1.25. per Day. Special Ra.te by tho Week. BOYD HOTEL ' ' - MRS.lCXTE MARTIN, Prop. Qftlyone block from B.k& M. Depot Onlyonp block from Postofflce. ' - ANeat all street car lines. 731; O Street Lincoln, Neb. The Academy laboratory will be used for the chemistry work In the Univer sity summer school. Chapin Bros., Florlsta, 127 So. 13th. trading. ' it . i i Wright Drug Co., 117 No. 11th. 'phone 313. The Weber Suftorium Is the up-to date place where you can get yotff 'ClotliinQ Cleaned and Pressed Phone 708. Northeast Cor 11th and O. J. B. TRICKEY & CO. JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Come in and Have,Your Eyes At tended to. 1035 OSt. RED CROSS PHARMACY DRS. MOSSHART & STRETTON PHYSICIANS SUPPLIES, DRUGS, and Chemicals, Surgical Instruments. Phono G2fi, 1400 O St., Lincoln, Neb. ' FORBES STABLES W. O. Forbos, Prop. 1125-33 P 8t BOARDING and LIVERY Baggago and Cab Lino Carriage furnished for Wcddlngfl, Parties no FuncralH. OIllco MM P Streot. Tolcp'iono i33. THI BE8T ALWAY8 THE CHEAP- f8TThe Conneotlout Mutual Life nsuranoo Ccoffers a Polloy that Combines all the. valuable feature that experience baa shown to bo de sirable In lifo insurance, and is liberal, Just and definite In all its terms and condition. For further information or sample policy call on JOHN If. PLATZ, Agent 119 South 12th 8t. Lincoln All the Novelties o! the Season Woolou Vestiug8 otc. just opened. Coll and inspect. Oft! of O street prices. Repairing ' and pressing solicited. Oaktey & Anderson. tercliajft Tailors Special rate to students at'Hendry'aJHS No. 13tp.. ..Oliver Theater Bldg. . Wo are selling shoes at half price this week. Sanderson; , EDISON'S PHONOGRAPH - HOUSF f r ' C - For High Gr ade Bicycles Sewing Machines Typewriters Talking Machines l and Athletic Goods Call or Telephone C.A.LYMAN&CO. 231 So. HlhStiMwe 11232. P f X Special Attention &ycn to ttfeKiiingT . . - . . 3wvuvvuvvwiwWvwvuvwyw 3 "n i )i Jii r K! 1 Ji " . -ffl .a 1 ,' f .' 2.M J.U ; tt Ik. -. i,' A , , ' - . j , ! .V n i .Xr. j&i ti'-",;r?'' irn- 1 i V".r'V i. : 5 ,.- t H - 4 Ai' v . w AHssfi- " jt ' fti.V - W 1 ,-SX'H 1 i mis tl?&'.S .?, :tifc iT"l, WVtvUrtt. T--jJ , ft' .V-fj. v J. -f H. ." .,