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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1904)
wmbmhhmh afotBiS WtP$l --? V Xlbe P-aS IRebrasfean vol. m. NO. JOJ UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY MARCH J904. PRICE 3 CENTS iiiSi?S5raw V v U WISCONSIN BEATEN Nebraska Wins in a Rough and Hard Fought Contest. Nebraska rooters received a practical demonstration of the- value of a little cheorlng on a team when the Corn husker Ave braced up In the second half of the game with Wisconsin Saturday, and played the Badger team off their feet in the first fifteen minutes, finish ing the game victors by the score of 25 to 22. A crowd of about 300 witnessed th; game, and resisted the utmost efforts of the leaders to start a little room ing until the second half. Tho floor had been waxed for dancing, which perhaps accounted for the miserable fumbling during the entire first half. The goal practice of the last two weeks did not have much effect upon the team, and tho percentage of goals thrown out of the total number at tempted was extremely low. Even Hagenslck, who has always thrown at least half his -baskets heretofore, seemed to bo off color, and could not find the right place until the Becond half, due in a great degree to the ex cellent guarding of McLees, who played an excellent game, although he was a little too fond of football tactics,. Both nagensick and Stelnmetz did fine work at throwing fouls, getting nine and eight respectively. For Nebraska the guards, Benedict and Hoar, did the best work, tho latter preventing Steinmet. from throwing a goal until tho last five minutes. Stelnmetz and Schofield were the stars on tho Wisconsin s,la. the latter deserving especial credit tor nis game because ho was half sick and had been unable to play against Wee loyan. tho night before. Nebraska ex celled in team work, as they have 1a all their games this season, and during the greater part of the game the ball was In our hands, the forwards and center -often taking three shots at the elusive basket before tho Wisconsin guards could got the ball. The game was very fast, and also unnecessarily rough. Tho game opened with a good deal of loose playing on both sides, and not until both sides had scored on fouls waB a goal from field thrown, Elliott doing the stunt for Nebraska. Steln metz threw anottfer goal from foul, and McConochie followed with one from tho field, Elliott duplicating the performance a moment later. Hagen slck made a couple of points on fre throwa-and just before the half ended McLees made a superb field goal, put ting tho score 9 to 8 In favor of the Badgers. Between halves Mr. Gebhardt of the Lincoln T. M. C. A., and three of his pupils gave a very good exhibition of boxing. In announcing the event Dr. Clapp justified himself in presenting such an exhibition on the groundB that boxing had many good points and so few poor ones that it would be a very aesirame auumuu w mu umivtiv. in struction of tho University. This evoked a round of applause. The Cornhuskers seemed to have been infused with quite a little ginger between halves, and "Hagy" had gotten ' his nerve, for from the first whlstlo they rushed things, and soon had a very substantial lead, The only chance Wisconsin had to score was on fouls, and they toolt full advantage of thU. With five minutes left to play Steln metz wrenched his foot and had to take time out. ThlB rest seemed to have put the same spirit into the Bad gers that Nebraska had shown, and Stelnmetz got three goals, off Hoar. Schofield also got one. Their brace came too late, however, and when the whistle blew tho score was '26 to 22. The line-up: Wisconsin. Nebraska. Stelnmetz forward Elliott McOonochie Hagenslck Schofield center , Hewitt McLees guards Hoar Severln Benedict Goals from field Hagenslck, 3; El liott, 3; Hewitt, 1; Benedict, 1; Mc Conochie, 2; Stelnmetz, 3; Schofield, 1; McLees, 1. Goals from foul Hagenslck, 9; Stelnmetz, 8. Officials Anderson and KInsoy. Tho linlsli for the interclass basket ball championship will be played by tho Freshmen and Sophomores tomor row night. Tho Freshmen defeated tho strong Senior team a couple of weeks ago, and are confident of win ning from their opponents, who defeat ed the JuniorB in a rather slow game on the same night. Tho Sophs hold tho championship from last year, and will do their best to prevent tho Fresh men from lowering their colors, so a fierce and exciting game can be looked for. EDITORS ELECTED Sophomore Class Endorses Ap pointments of President. The Union Alumni Program. The Union program Friday night was by members of the alumni. Ow ing to unusual pressure in his office, due to preparations for the new build ings, Secretary Dales, '73, was unable to preside as was contemplated, and 0. W. Meier, '98, acted as president. Mr. Bootrum, '01, and Mr. Evans, '98, never sang to better effect, and both responded to pleasing encores. Dean Pound, '98, after indulging In a few amusing remlnescences extending back slxteon years, gave a most Interesting and enthusing talk upon the theme, "Have we outgrown tho classics?" He thought the tendency now is to build roof first without paying very much attention to the foundation, but thai this seeming disregard for tho human ities 1b periodical, and in time will give way to closer study of them. It is nat ural that It is so. We need men to de voto their whole attention to feeding, clothing and housing the peoplq, as much as wo need scholars. It would bo rather uncomfortable if everybody were scholars. We should not expect it, but a University Ib not doing all it should if it falls to turn out a com plete soholar, at least once in ten years. Barring tho modern strides in harness ing nature, there Is nothing but what has been worked out long ago, and to get hold of It in the best way it must be dugr out of tho original. One who never read Dante In the original never got the best out of It. It is the same with all literature and philosophy. And life 1b not too short to do thoroughly what Is worth undertaking at all. He. urged closer attention to the languages Under the title of "Cracking Nuts" Honry Meier, '99, gave an Interesting as well as amusing analysis of the charac teristics of "Woman." Tho scecretary read short responses from Mrs. Emma Wilson, Elizabeth Meier, Emma Meier, Mr. and Mrs. KuhlmannT and Louise. Pound. Tho Bocial hour was thorough ly enjoyed, and a "sing" closed one of the pleasantest programs of the year. Sam's Cafe. Tho only place in the city to get the famous "Little Gem Hot Waffles." Special service for ladies. Box of cigars given away every day at Powell's Oliver theatre building. Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. The Sophomores' met yesterday and endorsed the action of President Smith in appointing two editors and two bus iness managers for tho Sombrero next year. This completes an interesting controversy that has been hanging fire for some time. The men who have been placed In charge of the book hav! made a public declaration that thoy will try to distinguish their class and show themselves worthy of tho trust imposed in them by both class and president, and that they are not in it for personal gain, but for the honor of publishing the best Sombrero that the University ever had, regardless of whether Individually they profit or not by it. If they abide by their promises they will certainly have an opportunity to make a clean and honorable record, and give us the best Sombrero the University ever had, eliminating all the features of graft and unsatisfactory methods that have distinguished for mer publications. This the clasB and the University expect to Beo them do, as they are by honor bound to do it. Both sides in the contest may there fore claim a certain measure or success In their fight. Tho opponents of Pres ident Smith's action in appointing tho board have made their point, and forced the election of tho board. On L the other hand the president's follow ers succeeded in defeating the choice of a new board, and compelled tho ac ceptance of Mr. Smith's appointments, 'the result, however, Is generally con sidered to be a victory for the presi dent, although his opponents seems to regard that, since they have made their point, tho mattor of the personal make up of the board Is of little consequence. Thus one of the most strenuous fights in the hiBtory of class politics at the University has passed, and the Soph omore class is sottling dawn to peace fulness and tranquility such as It has not known since tho beginning of the present semester. Some degree of the bitterness and soreness that has marked the attitudes of tho different factions of the class still remains, but the fight is regarded as a thing of the past and general relief 1b felt. It has been a long time since politics obtained so strong a hold In tho minds of Uni versity people as has marked tho re cent struggle. The success of tho president's couroe of action must be attributed to the dila tory tactics of his follower. Their fight throughout has been one of ob struction. They have deferred action on tho question for over a month, In tho hope that tho sentiment against tho president would ultimately dlo out. In this thoy have succeeded beyond expectations. At the last meeting be fore yesterday's tho sentimenC was al most unanimously against them, and only the president's appeal to his par liamentary prerogatives saved his ap pointments from rejection. But, In spite of tho presenco of several uppor clnssmon at yestorday'B meeting, thoro Is no reasonable doubt of tho fairness of tho voting. Tho class can havo no kick coming. Tho meeting was called to order at 10 o'clock sharp, and after a tasto of tho usual bickering the vlnss at onco pro ceeded to the settlement of tho diffi culty. A motion, which tho president declared In order desplto tho unfinished buBincB8 of tho last meeting, was of fered Instructing tho socretary to cast tho vote of tho class for tho present appolntecB. This succeeded in ovoklng a somowhat listless discussion, which finally ended by a vote being taken on the proposition. Thu motion was car ried 8G to 67. During tho process of the debate Mason Wheeler addressed the class In defence of tho board as ap pointed by tho president. In effect, his remarks were Identical with those pub lished by tho board in a recent issuo of the NebraBkan. They evoked con siderable applauso. The class proceeded to the election of Bocrotary. Mr. J. D. Pollock and Mr. P. A. Ewlng were placed In nomina tion, but Mr. Ewlng withdrew his namo and tho election of Mr. Pollock was made unanimous. Misses Martha Cllne and Maude Conger wero nominated for treasurer, but no vote was taken and the meeting adjourned. Y. W. C. A. Notes. Tho artist who will appear at tho University chapel Saturday evening, March 12, under the auspices of tho University Y. W. C. A., 1b MIbb Martha Tyler, of St. Louis, who has been made tho recipient of many encomiums by the musical critics of that city. One of the best known of these, writing of Miss Tyler's recent recital at tho St. I-ouis Odeon, says: " Her numbers were all marked by a most unusual and delight ful blending of poesy, music and dra matic art. Rarely, if over, has a voice been heard hero so marvelously rich and puro, bo exquisitely flexible and sympathetic as the contralto of this artist. Her method 1b without a flaw; her perfect enunciation an unforgotable delight to the ear. How few singers there are who do not sacriflco tho poet to the composer." "Miss Tyler's work In this regard was a revelation. Each of her songs wns a beautiful and harmonious wholo, no one element subordinated to another, but all, harmony, poem, declaration, so combined as to form a matchless pic ture of word and tone that arouse tho coldest of her hcarors to enthusiastic applause. "The music world Is richer for Miss Tyler's coming and it 1b a Bafo predic tion that her rare talent will win for this lady a fame and position re served for great artists." Miss Shinbur, treasurer, would like to see all the-Y. WA C.JV. members wUo havo not paid their dues some time this week. She will be in tho Y. W. C. A. room from 12:30 to 1 every day. Tho Sunday Y. W. C. A. meeting was a Bible reading conducted by Miss Withers. Tho general theme was "Tho Mountain Tops of the Bible." a Miss TVieirtHe Tyler Of 3t. Louis ., , i Chapel, Saturday, WleircH 12, Auspices of Unl. Y, W. C A. Tickets, 25 cents. I G .p m The tickets for the concert to bo "given at tho chapel next Saturday even ing by Miss Martha Tyler, are on salo at Sanderson's shoe store. Professor Bessey Is about, publishing a paper on "Tho Natural Spreading of Forest Areas in Northeastern Kan sas," prepared by C. M. Yoder, a stu dent in forestry. Mr. Yodor sh.ows conclusively that the ""forests are spreading with a good deal of. rapidity ' In some sections of tho -west. .),, irco'j ' ... x : : n-,rh(,.v ,oii nosion ueniiHis, uesc wont ana ipw All broken lots and sample shoes. Big Reduction, Sanderson's Sale. :lt , "tr 4' in JU 4 ' x. ' rp l 1 s .' ', ; v tCa J il , ir Lomlng'B, Ice cream ana candy: llth and L Sta W v -$ JV 'k,-? ) . - v $!&&$$k&iLA&&mtJL , VJ fttea ? f7.