Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1904)
pf "i ' , .i, ,.fi. , ., , HM'a i m i; ' ' o f be Stall? flebraehan . I' 3 & 1 a' ! . t schmoller Tmueller THE BIG PIANO HOUSE i Stcinway & Sons Schmollcr & Mueller Steger & Sons Vose & Sons Emerson Mueller A, B. Chase Geo. Stcck And 23 others. "We sell new Pianos on $5 monthly payments c 'UWW)M'MWWMWMWWM"WW rW OXOOOOOC)00000000000000000 New time Card -VIA- Missouri Pacific Effective December Oth, train No. 208 will leave Lincoln at 8:35 a. m. and run through with out change to Auburn via Dun bar, Brock and Talmage, with through coach to Nebraska City. No. 212 will leave at 9:55 p. in. and carry through coach and Pullman sleeper to Kansas City. Olty Office, B. "W. Cor. 12th & O. F. T. CORNELL. P. & T. A. DIERKS LUMBER & COAL CO. Wholesale and Retail Lumber and Coal Manut'ucturors Yollow IMno of Generil office 201-202-203 Fraternity Bldg Yards Z5 to HU So. hiqhth St. Telephone Gen. office 120; Yard 13; Coal yard 45. Lumber Lincoln, Nebraska. ,i JENNIE SINCLAIR 'General Stenographer, Mimoogra phlc Work A Spociolty 310 Richards BI'U. Lincoln, Neb. Phono B705 ll ! f 135 SOUTH llth STREET OUR LEADERS Campus Gleanings Convocation. Tin following la the conoatlon pio t?iatn for flic week: Tuosdny Reading, Fay tewing. Wednesday Speakers from arlous lolleges Thursday Speakers from arlous colleges. Friday Special music. The give a first year class in elocution recital tomorrow morning. will The examination schedules will ap pear on tho bulletin boards this after noon Miss C'heuvrant. one of the hteno giaphers in the office of the registrar, lias again resumed her duties after an illness of several days. Mr S. It. Williams, fellow in phy sics last j ear, lsstud)lng in Herlln. He reports that he is prognsing nicely and thoroughly enjoying his work. Fred Fair, who attended the Univer sity last year, is working for his fath er in a flour mill at Hardy, Neb. He sas he will bo here for work again next year. Mr Wycr left today foi New York Cit, wheie he will attend a mooting of the executive committee of the National Library nsoclation. of which he is a member in the abt-ence of Captain Hi own of Company C. together with the first and Miiind lieutenants. StYgcnut W C Ramse tooU (barge of the company labt Thursday evening Caplaln Itown and liust Lieutenant MiNamnia of Company C and Set ond I it .itennnt Matlui of company D. in spected the high M'hool battalion at Ciete Fiiday rwnii.g and appointed cadi t ofllceis Dr Whaiton addi.ssed the Y V C A Sunday alternoon He spoke on The Young Woman of the Coming (iineiation and the Plnn She Will Oil iii)j " His talk was highly appre (iated, as was the vocal solo l Mi ilnii Wharton. While in the act i.f cairylr.g a sai 1 of coin from the barn at the state lnnn Sundaj night a burglar was caught l Axel Stratton. a foinier Unlversitj student, now employed nt th-farm, and before he oul stop his man. who made con. Iderabh resistance. Stratton found It neceaary to draw bis revoher. le- sultlng In dihinga bullet tliio.igl) his abdomen For some tune it was known that torn was getting away in a waj unac lountable for and Stratton was ordered to capture the robber "Wlum he saw his man last night he ordered him to halt and failing to comply, Stratton shot H has since been identified as William Lewis, a farmer .at 13th and Fouth stieet. His injury may prove fatal. The Case Count y tion of University at heart the social club, .m org'uil.a peoplo. who liave unity of the stu- , dents from that section of the country, met this morning in U. Ill for tho pur ' pooe of discussing the propriety oT a i social event in tho near future. I Tho student members from Cass I county had a meeting last Octobor, which lesulted in the formation of this club, with Miss Davis as president, since wh ieli time they have enjoyed a very pleasant social gathering at her residence. The exact facts in regard to the bus- iness accomplished this morntngare not i known. Howevei, we hope they suc ceeded in bringing about the results at which they alined, that they may per petuate the social spirit in their midst. SENlOUS-jWednesday. January 20, last clay for J'hotob. Attend to this at once. Chapln Bros.. Florists. 12V So. 13tl Go to tho Burr barber shop if you want a first class have, halr-cuit oi nassage. Everything first-clasB and up-to-date. Shannon and Deramlck, proprietors. Waterman Fountain Pen $2.00 to $5.00 1200 O Street. RECTORS ESTABLISHED 1871 E. HALLETT Jeweler and Optician BYES RXAMINUD FREE 1143 O St. All Students Look Alike to lis Whether they belong to a Frater nity or not Jewelry at low pricey for everyone Special attention to repairs, FRANK C. JEWELER RICHARDS 1028 EDISON Phonographs and Records New hard Gold Molded Columbia Records at Half Price, 25c each Foil line of Barney & Berry Skates. ATHLETIC GOODS Ol' ISvery Description Girard Cycle Co. J 804 O Street. UBAa.tfiJHiJ,JSAJ2 ii!9 AjP, o SEE THE BEVIEW PRESS ABOUT YOUR Printing Phono 884 g 1131 N Street, 'Lincoln j rBmrTSwrBi' tfYmsrs s yc era Fraternity Hall 13th S N Street Newly furnished and decorated. Is now open for dates for College and Frater nity dances. Special rates to students. FAULKNER a SHARP Room 308. Fraternity Bldg. 00iZtti'jL Good Things to Eat EVERYTHING NEW AND CLEAN Good Old FnHhicned Homo Cooking. Meals Served a la Oarto. THE HOME CAFE 24 8YnV GEO. A. WILSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Office and Shop, 222 8, 12th. Telephone B 1397 Estimates fqrniahod npoa application. JOb work promptly attended to. LINCOLN, NEBRA8KA fiAiAi1! u yit 'to U & k 'it )k it it Selected by the Government it it it it it it it $ a it it it it it it it it it it it it 9S it it it it it it it I To carry tho United States Over land Mail acrosB the continent, on account of its being the best and most direct line :t it a n it il it it it it it it it it it n it n a it it a it it it it it n it it a a a it it it it it it it n it a it it n it a it it it it H it it it PlCTO VIA Omaha the Union Pacific is 204 miles shorter to Salt Lake City. 278 miles shorter to San Fran cUco. 278 miles shorter to Los An geles. 368 miles shorter to Portland. 12 hours quicker to Salt Lake City. 16 hours quicker to San Fraa- cisco. 16 hours quicker to Los An gftles. , 16 hours quicker to Portland. THAN ANY OTHER LINE I n it it it it it it n it it it it it it it n it it n it it lit Electric Lfhtcd Trains Daily E. B. SL0SSEN, General Agent Call at 1134 0 8t. OR TELEPHONE 812 For ail Kinds of Commercial and Society Printing Grlffln-GroerPrlntlng Co There is no watch, clock or article of jewelry we cannot fix C A. TUCKER The Up-to-lbe-Minute Jeweler PROMPT SERVICE. IJ23 O Street Jifcj j S3A q flwvro-c "M H V n 1 ' v. J. h J SJsrMaq6riwii maihtiiiumamifiuujstsitspmsBi6 .( m