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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1904)
wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ' '" rtUIJillli)Hl,IU,'Mi)ltH Mll- X I) l. d TLhe IDail IFlebraefean VOL. m. NO. 70 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1904. PRICE 3 CENTS R V PLANS NOW READY Regarding the "Back Question:' Designs for New Physics Build- ; ing Have Been Completed. University Students Express Views by Means of Communication. Plans for the now physics building have been received nt the- office of Superintendent cf Construction Chow Ins. The plans are the work of McssrH. Fisher and l.awrle of Omnha, and pro vide for a huildinK that will not bo eclipsed by any on the campus for beauty of architecture and conven ience of arrangement. The entire struc- I ture will bi faced with hydraulic pressed brick ot a handsome granite tolor. In general style the building will bo Frisian, three stories high, with no basement except one small con stant temperature room, where tiro apparatus for regulating the tempera ture of the building will be placed. Tho building will face to tho east, with the south side on a line with the south sido of Memorial hall. This side will bo 124 feet in length. The plana are for an "L" shaped struc ture. Tho short side of this "I," wll bo to the east, and will bo 92 feet in length. At tho western end the building will be 60 feet long. The finest feature of the whole con struction will bo tho entrance on the east Bide. This will bo tho only en trance to tho building, and will bo a fine example of modern architectural design. It will bo faced1 with terra cotta to match tho brick used in the general construction. The first floor will be given up to chemical laboratories, kitchens, phy sics laboratories and physics work shops. On tho second and third floors will bo a large auditorium in the southeast corner of tho building. It will be 38 by 50 feet, and designed1 for general use. The second floor will also con tain more apparatus rooms and llbra l les, another lecture room 19 by 30 feet will bo situated on this floor, also three large laboratories. Tho third floor will contain meteorological and' astronomical rooms, special laboratories and work rooms. Toilet rooms will be located In the attic on the fourth floor. The completed structure will cost somewhere In tho neighborhood of $75,000. The Interior will be beauti fully finished in red-oak, and no ex pense will be spared to make the lab oratories thoroughly up-to-date and convenient. The contract for the work has not been let yet, but will be during February andi the building will be pushed as soon as spring sets In. It Is expected that the structure will be completed andi ready for use In about a year from the present time, or In time for the opening of next year's second semester. The plans have apparently been made with tho Intention of permitting the athletic field to remain on the campuB. Tho south goal of tho football groundB will be about fifteen feet north of the north wall of the building. This will, of course, be after UIF 'grounds- have been pushed to tho north. Tho plans for tho administrative building have not yet been received. The architects, however,are actively at work on them at tho present time, and It Is probable that tho twd build ings will be completed before tho mid dlo of next year. By these two addi tions to the campus, tho beauty of tho University grounds will bo Inestimably enhanced, and the departments that arc suffering now for lack of space will have better opportunities to expand than has been their good fortune since the founding of tho University.- Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13tk. Lincoln Transfer Co. Btfgage. Phone, 176. Chris' Bath Parlorw. 11th and P Sta. Restaurant Unique, 1228 U St " Union Shining Parlor, 1018 O St Chairs and ladles and gentlemen. As one who has for several years watched the "hack stunt" grow to alarming proportions, and has seen the desperate effort of University men to ke"p pace with it, we feel called upon to suggest that the students look the matter squarely In the fac and vlw the situation exactly as It Is, and consider Just what it means. That the average studonts now dare not attend a University function, unless It be a band informal, without his hack bIiows how much a hold the practice already has, as but a very small portion of the men are able to "hack It" to every affair it means sooner or later If not now that the social life of the school must bo consigned' to the few who hae tho coin. To the great majority, "the masses" no matter how talented, no matter how cultured, how deserving, tho social life of tho University Is Bhut In their faces, he-cause they were unfortunate enough to be born of a father who never won the "golden fleece." A man may be handsome, play on tho football eleven, make mince meat of Kansas, head the P. K. K. list and take all the honors in tho curriculum, but if he makes his own living by the sweat of his brow, he is debarred from attending tho principal functions of his own class because a few of the "moneyed" have set a pace which he and the majority of his fellpws can not buy. Money enough to buy a "drefes suit" or a "hack" Is the password, without any other qualification, either of per sonality, scholarship or character that admits to society, and all this oc curs In an institution where emphasis is laid en culture, where the student above all should be tho ideal and whero we are led to bellevo that men aro farthest removed from the "sor did commercialism" of the world. In tho social world of the University thlB question is the paramount one, that stares us in tho face. Upon what does It place a premium? Is it the man or Is It his pocketbook? And here we wish to locate the re sponsibility for this state of affairs. Various explanations have been given, all of them with more or less truth. Wo aro inclined to think that not a small part of tho resppnslbillty rests upon the young women who ride In tho hacks. The average University society girl would now resent the attention of a young man, however acoptable In oth er ways, who could not afford to pay her hack bill, even though her father and mother never ride In a hack. If the young men of University knew that the girls did not expect, much less require hacks and were willing to walk two blocks, on a beautiful night to a Junior Prom, the much mooted Hack question would bo settled. It Is be cause tho majority of tho boys believe that they aro expeoted to take hacks that they continue to do so. By their silence on tho question tho girls have encouraged this belief. How often has the hint been thrown out by a girl to her escort that a hack is unnecessary and undeslred. Wo bellevo that It Is In tho power of the girls to solve this much vexed problem. Let us hear from them. R. M. D. Away back In the tertiary period there was a man who mndo a remurn pomething like this: "Costly t!iv habits as thy purse can buy " If that same- man, and lie had a mighty insight Into human life, bail lived today and attended this Univer sity lie would probably have made that same sage remark regarding cabs. There is an Idea prevalent among many students that a cab is necessaty at all times, and' on all occasions, when they have to venture forth after night fall to a gathering, no matter how Informal' that affair may be. Thero should be temperance In all things and moderation In the use ot cabs. They aro a luxury and luxuries should bo used sparingly else they pall upon the palate. This thing seems like a most trivial matter, but beneath Its outward ap pearance thero lies a deeper signifi cance. The strong men of the world arc those that are least dependent upon the luxuries of life. A man In his early life determines whether or not hn-H going to be bound to tho luxuries or not. A man when ho once becomes used to them can not bo happy without them, and an unhap py, discontented man haw no rightful claim to life. Moralizing, however, falls short of the touching point. True living, "more llfo and fuller," does not mean expanding and branch ing out beyond one's means, but It does mean applying those means in tho best possible way. There are times when, unless a man can afford a cab, ho would better stay at homo, and there are times when If a man thinks he has to have a cab he would be better at home. At informal functions- University functions, unless tho night be bad, or tho distance too great to walk, men should not use cabs. Too often It seems as if cabs were UBed as intended marks of distinction, and1 in the true University life thero should be no such distinction or attempts at "castes." In the life of a great University snob bery Is a crime. X. We recommend tho following pro duct of a powerful genius and an In exhaustible wit to tho kindly forbear ance of our readers. All the compli cated points In the question discussed ajo touched -upon, and elucidated and tho evils- remedied by tho wise pro visions of the resolutions mentioned as having been drafted. We wish to thank our correspondent for the views he brings out and for his kindness In giv ing the public tho value of his opinion, which ho does In a manner that is even suggestive of Intelligence, but this can readily bo excused: SUGGESTIONS FOR THE UNSOLVED HACK PROBLEM. As a result of the article In Thurs day's Ibbuo of Tho Nebraskan, express ing the opinion of some of tho students on tho propriety pf hiring haefcs for social functions, a representative body of the studonts gravely considered the matter and decided that It Is tho most momentous problem that has beon be fore tho student body of the University of Nebraska for their deliberation dur- OFFICERS HOP Fraternity Hall, Friday, January 2gtli TICKETS $1.50 ----- TICKETS $J.50 lng Its existence of a third of a cen tury. Whereas, having. at heart tho wol faro of each individual and tho uni versity at large. They deemed It wlso and expedient to offer the following resolutions. Therefore, bo It resolved, That wo extent! our heartfelt eympathy to all young peoplo who arc eo attached to conventionality and so unnccuBtomcd to exercising Individuality as to require hacks for social functions at tho ex penso of board and laundry bills. Be It farther resolved', That hacks shall not bo used, only under tho fol lowing conditions: First All bills for perfumery, gum, bon-bone and other necessaries of llfo must first bo settled and a surplus of not le?.a than thirty-five cents cash on hand Second Tho distance must not bo losB than two blocks, except when tho sidewalks are wet, covered with snow or dust. Third Tho function must carry with It at least the dignity of a society re coptlon, class function, hand informal, musical recital, class hop, fraternity hop and othvr hop? too numerous to mention. Fourth In caBe of kidnapping ex peditions all tho foregoing regulations shall be Inoperative. Be It further resolved, That we de mand a reduction of ten per cent on tho reg.ilar price of hacks to be used In compliance with tho foregoing con ditions, and In case this demand Is not immediately compiled with a co operative hark; company will be formed which will supply all students with hacks at very'reasonable prices. Stock holders In this company will bo eligible under tho following conditions: First They, will bo held accountable for a flunks blc grads In at least eight hours work. Second They must display natural ability In tho art of conducting all manner ofEocial functions. Third They must have a continuous flow of wit and an inexhaustable sup ply of stale Jokes. Bo It lastly resolved, That wo so licit the earnest co-operation of all people in carrying out tho great prin ciples embodied In these resolutions, and wo do hereby pledge our honor and Integrity In promulgating, this mag nificent cause. B, A. Tho above embodiment of wickedness and nefarious designs Is too paralyzing to the senses for one to grasp fully. Yet throughout It all thero runs a vein of humor and some good points aro brought out. A Etrlct sot of require ments are demanded and a high stand ard set. Tho third clause under the rules of eligibility strikes our fancy quite forcibly. It saye: "They must have a continuous flow of wit and an inexhaustable supply of stale jokes." Under these conditions our correspond ent is highly eligible, . This presentation of ideas on tho question is a peculiar one, and there is nothing 'objectionable about it. It is evident that no "mud-sllnglng" is Intended and we deal. with It InH-he same spirit. We have only the best wishes for this representative organiza tion of students and hope that they may succeed Jn carrying out their plant). To the self-respecting and self-reliant girls of the University: The recent article in Th Nebraskan on the "Hack Question" reads some thing like a challenge. If it be truo that the described questions really "ex ist, that tho use of carriages for all functions has become a rule, that the custom: is in many cases a hardship,-? that thero are good financial, as well as other roasons, for abolishing tho custom, then it Is time for some one to call a halt . Girls, especially University girls, aro not selfish no hard, hearted, and not one of them would' enjoy ,. rido if eh thought for a. moment .that 'porno one would have "to sJcJd a meal to nav for I It. Of course wo all enjoy luxuries " i ii v w. " s ,-n :. .3i- . ?,' k ,kj& AiutMnlt .,&, it1 .AAt". ,. ( - .. '' !-,.... -. .... .'JTUfcAiL i ttSftt .'. I ' .-?, ". JL i, . jv jj.Tijw i. Mrummmri!'fvSsm. maK