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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1904)
'; " " ?u?.rtir I . C be D a i I e TRebr ag ft a n " V f COOP SALE OF STATIONERY Wo shall offer Bomo real bargain vi1uch in UulvorHlty Htntlonory nnd flno wilting jmpurK THURSDAY, FMDAY AND SATURDAY January 21, 22, and 23 8tatlonory 1h Bnch o nocesHRry nnd constantly usable nrtloln that yon will do well to avail yourself of those harcalns. ovon If not in ncoo of any at present. Home hlnta of valm-s offered 35c Uni. Stationery 24e 25c Uni. Stationery 17c Some J5c Uni. Tablets M)c 50c Whiting's Violet Writing 25c Fine Writing paper 16c 25c Writing Tablets 17c Slightly soiled J5c Fraternity tablets 07c Romombir tho Days THE CO-OP Owned nnd managed by students r The Old Reliable Brown Drug & Book Co. Text Books and Stu dents' Supplies. THE SWAN FOUNTAIN PEN Has no superior. We sell it. 127 South II Street. jjrj JJJMJJJJMMMJ WE ARE SHOWING 3 Stylish Shoes f The celebrated Han an, Walk-Over and W. L. uouglas makes for mon. Hanan and Sorosis Shoos for Women. Swedish Gymnasium Shoe. None genuino unless stamped ''Perkins' Swedish." Dnrlino ft i r ci itmo snemon uo. 1129 O St. (iwmim; B LU E FRONT S HOE SHOP J. Kolbach 1326 O St TWO MORE VIEWS. (Continued from page 1.) poorer men. ho persists In hiring hacks for any anil all occasions, he accentu ates his selfish traits. As the masculine side of UiIb ques tion is not alluring, suppose we look on the other side of tho fence. If, as the boys think, all girls expect to qo in equal style to functions, the pro viding of hacks for a few seems '.o demand the hiring of hacks for all. However, all girls do not get hacks, and possibly they feel considerable mortification on this account, as do the boys. But UiIb chagrin of "in jured pride" Is not tho main evil. Tho more the boys Bhower their wealth needlessly upon the girls, tho less do the girls appreciate the at tentions which may be appraised by lollars and centB. This is a natural result. Did you ever stop to think, girls, that the three dollars for a hack man's service which affords you a ride of say, forty-five minutos. cost your gentleman frioud ten hours or more of weary toil? No. you do not think, and in the majority of instances the girls are guilty of no greater crime than thoughtlessness. Tho third phase of the hack problem is the effect upon University society. The true purpose of social affairs is to bring people together in such a manner and under such circumstances as will afford them the greatest pleas ure. If this bo the criterion of a suc cessful function, the hack custom is anti-social by causing discontent and embarrassment to those who can not afford, without augmenting the real hapiness of the recipients. Further more. It prevents many from attend ing because they have not money to expend in this way. and consequently, many girla who do not really care for hacks, do not receive Invitations at all. Moreover the hack custom Is based upon n standard of pecuniary emula tion. It measures pleasures by expend itures and not by receipts. It crowns him king of society wno scatters the most coin. All this gives credence to the- remarks heards about the campus, that society Is a fraud, a lie, a mere keeping up of false pretences the man Is sized bvthe length of his purse. This spirit nas no legitimate place In University life. It place a premium upon flat, not true character. To summarize, by the hacir custom, nothing ot value in character or pleas ure is gained by boys or girls, and tho transient enjoyment is not an off set for the subterfuges which deceive no one. Now. where does tho blame lie? A University boy recently said: "Why Is the hack question being discussed in Ine Nebraskan? It won't do any good. There" will always be the fellows who will hire hacks in order to get a stand in with the ladies." Here is the key to the solution. The blame really r?st3 with the girls. It is they who give the impression to the moneyed few that they can "got a stand in" by furnish ing the hacks. If the girls would re move this impression the spending pace-setters would soon slacken their speed. " Why do those mon who can not af ford th luxury indulge? The answer is that they consider it a reflection to fall behind tho pace set -by tho few. They fear tho girls wjll think less of them If they fall to furnish a hack. The girls will think them "tight-wads." The girls "will feel neglected. Rarely do the girls express themselves. They maintain a strict silence which to the boys Is equivalent to expecting a hack. It is tho opinion which tho boys feel the girls have which 1b the deciding factor. A prominent member of Uni versity society told the writer that he had not Gone to a function this year, except one band Informal, without a hack. But he added, "when I go up to a sororltyi house and see 'the streets lined with hacks, If I do not have a hack, the bitter mortification I feel Is more unbearable than the hardship of spending the dollars for a hack. Euch is the Gcrdian knot. It rests with tho girls to cut it. C. A. S. Sam's Cafe. Tho only place In the city to get the famous "Little Gem Hot Waffles." Special service for ! dies. The Whltebreast Co.. at HOG 0 St. Is the place to buy coal. The Shadow OF- T& OLIVER Typewriter WMnanmHHWMMmBHiHnw The Standard Visible Writer EXTENDS OVER ALL THE :.:imm ..'KS:tf?sS EARTH nsWffl? &AfiAaA2AS.t,9.tfiAatAAAA.iAt THE P. D. wm&v:&mQwmm3p&' j" fmim7!frrxcx . jxxvttv x smsm ssfi W hJ'.yWi-iK 2v iiSK.'TCW1 -S SSilMnRtPi. I cMm&XKmEBBBm&Mm& 1 oMisLLMLKw.tW vffMYwr!Hn v ViW'vtvT?H 1 l ivzcx-iLi.TiarHPiHKKv-rjftM'rviviL- . i i w ' - V M Carry all the best grades of domestic coals, among which will find the Rex Lump at $7.25. Rock Spring, Wyoming Lump at $8.00, and the best Maitland you ever saw at $7.50. All kinds of steam coal, the best money can buy. jt jt j jt i j Office 1140 O. Phone 329. rtfrffVcrrtfrcrsirr&rcrrcrswtf Quality goes a long ways with particular people We solicit the patronage of all particular people jf- & j j KEYSTONE CASH GROCERY jLASCH & DLAKE, PROP. Phones 744-773 LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN Seo onrJt nil line of fanoy boxes, Inolud Ind FOOT BALLS and DRESS SUIT OASES. Try our Bittor-Sweetfl, But termilks and Venitrans. 1337 O STREET W. F0LIART 1131 0 STREET Cigars and News Novels lor Sale or Exchange v The Weber Sujtorium Is the up-to date place where you can get your Closing Cleaned and 'Pressed Phoa700 Ncrlheast Cof. Ulh &0 SU. Stelncr-WQcmpcner Drug Co0 Succjom to 8TEINER PHARMACY. tUi O Strut Pfccot 707 lincdn, NtV Manufacturers of Steiner8 Balwm Khubarb Cold Capsules. Pilo Ouro and Gray's Condition Powder. UF1 1 ttHSBSMSSer ' fw v 1 vc5t(tfCC(C9fwnb7 II A 7 CAT ALOf. i ncr ON APPLICATION ")- , H OLIVER TypcArrHir Q OMAHA NKB. r!V aAfiA&&A5AaAf aiAAJtJtSAflA S SMITH CO. Yard 6 and N. Phone 370 I sfrtfrBTtrrffiw Phonographs, Bicycles, Typewriters and Sewing Machines. $ Rented, Repaired - , and Exchanged .- 231 SOUTH Itth STREET Telephone B. 1232 LYMANS - SPORTING GOODS HOUSE 0 :r J Hotel Walton S5J50 Street, Phone 5c5. 100 rooms best lbw-prfoo-1 house In city. RATES ft Per Day sad Up : : !: : : : n a- - rf fyirM:ti: 'tf&M&Mi yL wtmssfm miimnljo Vm . 0 imkihik