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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1902)
vvWJF? -V t-v- (; '.-" s The Daily Nebraskan. $ VOL. 2 NO. 65. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1902. . -PRICE THREE CENTS. 7 .. r I' L V for- SENIORS RECONSIDER Masciline Contingent Take Action on Athletic Board Request To Oordcr New Bats, The Senior class met yesterday to consider the request of the Athletic board to change the letter which the class proposed to place on the class hat It Is customary In all the large institutions to allow only athletes to wear the initial letter of the schooP Nebraska has followed this plan and has awarded "N" sweaters to those who have won distinction on the athletic Hold. The Seniors proposed to appro priate the university "N" and place It on their hats. In the meeting yester day, nowever, that matter was taken up and not only thiB but the whole ac tion concerning hatB was reconsidered Several addresses were made advocat ing different styles of caps and hats, but no action was taken. A new com mittee, consisting of Messrs Hurt, Brooks and Hansen was appointed to assist the old committee in securing designs, to present to the class today nt 10 o'clock a. m. The action of the moeting today will probably be definite and some design of cap will probably bo ordered at once. Academy Notes Through the kindness of the execu tive office the students of the academy are allowed tho same rates and dates as students of the university. Miss Weldy, secretary of the univer sity Y. W. C. A. conducted chapel Tues day morning and gave a very helpful talk, especially directed to young women. Tho prospectus issued Inst spring promised that the academy would not be a guaranteed easy entrance to the university. The truth of this is al ready' evident in tho serious work of the classes. Tho committee on constitution and by-laws of the new debating dub have completed their work and will submit It to the judgment of the society at the next meeting. It ib hoped that C. P. Craft can safely guide the craft for tho next few weeks until it strikes still water. The society starts in with flat tering prospects, having a large mem bership with enthusiastic feeling. The delav in issuing the poster and calendar is due solely to slowness in tho preparation of plates, a delay that BeomB wholly Inexcusable to the man agement. As oilglnaily planned the posters would have been on sale in book and art stores in ample time for use as Christmas souvenirs. It is felt that their artistic merit would have commended them as gifts. This plan seoms now impossible. "How did you get in on the Glee club try-out?" Made first baso on four bawls." Social Side of Europe I)r White spoke on the social condi tions of Europe at convocation yester day. Ho said that one must look at Eu rope as made up of several distinct parts in order to understand Its social problems. The northern nations must be considered apart from the Latin countries. "One of the first things that struck me," said the speaker, "was that there were no slum districts in the German cities. The government regulates the size and type of the houses that are built In conformity to other houses in the vicinity A house is rarely occu pied by only one family "In German and other northern coun tries there are few beggars. The labor ing people interested mo the most be cause a sort of pride in labor prevails In both city and country. The work men seem to have accepted their lot and they are satisfied with It. They are a hard-working, economic and pleasure loving class, but are not ambi tious. According to an established cus tom they all subscribe to some sort of saving fund, which brings them a pen sion when they become old and unable to work. The result is that most of them are satisfied with a fair living. This does not Inspire inventive genius, however. One of their customs Is a 9:30 lunch with a glass of beer. Strikes are uncommon. They seem to be un able to grasp the significance of modern improvements. Many operations, es pecially agricultural, are carried on in a very primitive way, partly because they have no Incentive to adopt new methods. In the Latin countries conditions are totally different. There, begging Is a profession. When In Rome at the Eas tar season, I was told that 30,000 beg gars had come to the city from the provinc es for the occasion. The labor ing classes work by hand rather than with implements. They often play sev eral days for each day they work." SEASION'S fIRST GAME Varsity Basket Ball Teams tt Lincoln High School To night A New Line Up. The first basket ball games of the season will be played in the Armory tonight The first team will play the city Y M. O A , and the second team will contest for honors with their old, the Lincoln high school. These games are an annual occurrence, but ordinarily take place after the holidays. This year It has been thought bent to get down to hard systematic work from the first. The lln-up will be as fol lows: University Elliot and Ferguson, forwards; Hewitt, captain, center; Hiltner and Hoar, guards. Y. M C A Hamil and Hagensic, forwards; Fields, center; Bently and Bently, guards. All the men of the first squad are players of considerable experience. This will be the first time, however that the majority of them have ever played on the leading team. Tonight Is the opening game of the season, -and tne student body should turn out and gie the team a hearty send-off. Nearly all tho following games will depend upon the encour agement that the team receives at the start. The price of admission Is placed at 25 centB. The Junior Prom. The Junior Prom will be held at the Lincoln hotel, Friday evening, Febru ary 0, 1!H)3. Preparations for the event have been going on for some time and every thing points toward the Prom this year being one of the most successful and elaborate social functions ever held In university circles. No pains will be spared to bring the event to a higher plane than In former years Hereto fore many of the smaller features, or those considered as such, have been sadly neglected, such ns decorations, neat programs, etc. These little things, while they may appear to some as small, add much In making an event of this kind a success. Th music for the accoslon will be fur nished by Walt's orchestra, comprising some eight or nine pieces. Those who know the qunllty of Mr. Walt's work will at once realize that tho procuring of his sei vices Is an Important stop to ward the success of this event. In all the leading colleges and uni versities of the country the annual Ju nior Prom has become on established Institution, and Is made the most elab orate event In social circles during the year. It is attended not alone by the student body, and the faculty, but by many former students and alumni, also by friends outside the Institution, but In close touch and sympathy with It. It was the misfortune last year to have other leading attractions In the city, on the same evening, but arrange ments have been made whereby there will be no conflicts thiB year. pictures will bo purchased for the drill Friday night The captain ra tion to help establish a perma- "larks were greeted with applause Prepare tor Exhibit The Nebraska art exhibit will open December 2f In the University art ball, and last for two weeks. Preparations are being made for a good exhibit and one shipment has already arrived from New York, which will be unpacked the last of the week. The association was formerly known as the Hayden Art society, but in the last year or two it has become a Btate organization. Front tho proceeds of these exhibits one or more collectl nent art hall. In the gallery there are at present seven pictures which have been bought at various times by the so ciety. AA Chess Tournament At a meeting of the Pan-Hellenic congress last Saturday it was decided to hold an iuter-fraternity chess tour nament, each fraternity to select two men to represent them. This Is a worthy project and should receive the attention of all fraternity men. Chess tournaments have proved a success at several of the universities, notably Minnesota. English 13 Debate The debate in English 13 this after noon will be on the proposition to re strict Immigration by a literary test and the imposition of a $25 certificate tax. The affirmative will be supported by J. C. Doubt and Fred Hunter, and the negative by J. T. Mllcck and John Tobln. A Christmas Present Captain Chase addressed tho battal ion briefly during the latter part of the drill hour last night. He expressed himself as well pleased with the work of the cadets during his stay here, com plimented them on their behavior, and wished them a "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year." John Uhl, the janitor of the Armory, was called out and the commandant anounced that at the last meeting of tho officers it was decided to make Mr. Uhl a ChrlBtmas present of a uniform of the design of a second lieutenant. Mr. Uhl was in structed to have his measurement taken for a suit in the city. The cadets called "speech," but no re sponse was made. The commandanWi Mrs. Pftizner is no better. Profes- School of Music Notes Miss Elva Walker is 111. also announced that there would be no Miss Rose Olson of the conservatory has gone to Strornsberg to spend the holidays. Miss Winifred Howell left this morn ing for her home in Centervllle, la., for the holidays. sor Pfitzner has been kept at homo for tho last two days on account of her illness. ' the cadets. Palladlans Elect The Palladian Literary society held a special meeting in tneir hall yester day and elected the following officers: President, Sam Anderson. Vice president, Emma Shlnbur. Secretary, Susan Barnhardt. Treasurer, Andrew Hutton. Critic, Ed Rowe. Corresponding secretary, Mrs. Wa ters. Newel Elliot has been apolnted man ager of tne basket ball team, and Lewis Llghtner captain. Mr. Price, tho artist, has juet finished a large number of anatomical charts. These will be hung on the wall and used by Dr. Wolcott to illustrate his lectures. The Sophomore basket ball 'earn has arranged a game with the Recond team of the city Y. M. C. A., to be played January 14th. Phi Delta Theta gave a bob-sled par ty Tuesday night, after which the par ty went to tho fraternity house and had some oysters. About fourtppn ron pies were present. ii V! -3 n . Jl ' '. Q 1 1 j. i JM '1 : 7 . 'f. Sc 2W ! ! 'i v . C J K .JM r.h.' i J-d &m sn .-. i w,-JSJ ..',v r . 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