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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1902)
Jfcinii hy""'-""'1 " "i1 T3f "" H" 'V "-"; sbEWS '" I' v "r . . J"V fs s THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ffu iii yf I,'. ii,iTJ,i)i. , yjwf JKiT.Ifii"!!, im'ii'j iiHij''t ';, !.., -; i 4 t A K fc C K i t o H r V- &: I . fe'u The Daily Nebraskan A newspaper derotcd to the Interests ( the Utaiveralty of Nobraaka. Published at tho Unlvcrnlty of Nebraska. A consolidation of THE HESPERIAN, Vol. XXXI. THE NEBRASKAN. Vol. XII. THE SCARLET & CREAM, Vol IV. Entered at the postofllco at Lincoln, Neb., as second class mail matter . Bubscrlptle Price f 2.00 er rear. Managing Editor Robert T. Hill. News Editor John F. Tobln. Advertising Manager P. P. Duffy. Postofllco Address, Station A, Box 13. COMPIJ3TE l'HOORAMH or -run HTATK TKACI1KKH' AHHOCIATION mai it m II A II FKKK AT TIIM KISCJIHTUAK'H OKFICK MAICK YOl'U I'USN TO ATT1CNI) DEG13MU1CR 'A I, lOOti ANII JANUARY 1 a mi, 'J lOOU V?J Conwocatlon Announcements. The following Is the convocation pro gram for the rest of the week: Thursday Prof. Caldwell, "Venezu ela's Troubles." Friday Messiah. (There will be no 10:30 classes Friday. W. C. Smith, county superintendent of Cass county, was in the city yester day making arrangements for the re ceptlon of Cass county'a teachers at the association. Mr. Smith Is a grad uato of wVleyan, but took post worV at the university- f rat-llackman War The war of tho fratirnlttlro vs the ha kmen Is being actively carried on, and the probabilities are that unlCBs tho latter back down find establish a more reasonable rate heronf'er street tars will be used Instead of hacks. The fraternity men. "In congress assem bled" have united nnd mad this declaration- Either tho hackrrnn must establish a rate of $1 fit) for all "lasses of vehicles or Iolo the custom of fra ternity people The loclarntlon has boon circulated among tho different frateinltles. and th" indl ldunl moni tors have for tho most pait signed It. If the hncKmen si.bmlt to the pioposl tlon. all is well, If thoy do not they will be much the 1 sei by Ui"Ii jut'nn. for all Ikii k engp.gerient" mace for Friday night will bo cnncelled A: ran p. inents made with the Traction company are so satisfactory that it will be eisy to stand by the position taken rp A sufh ( lent number if will l)e engaged to ao ornirodale the crow.l, and thev will bo lc pt in waiting unl'l th .lance is; over. Theie will be a car for every )ne In the city, and all will be aide to go within a short distance of tnolr des tination, and at a very leasonable rate While the hick corr panics are not charging above the rate allowed by law nevertheless they are liiarlng what Is generally considered a very exorbitant rate, and one most unfair to the stu Jonts. Thc'r action Is supposed to be duo to tho fact that tho legislature meets this winter, and the students are to be made to suffer along with the lawmakers It Is extremely doubtful that the hackmen will back down and university men must be ready to de fend their action to the last. If every one stands by tho agreement it will be a success. If they do not, it will bo a dismal failure. Much depends upon how matters turn out Friday night, for If tho men fall to hold together their opponents will hav-e already won. cHOJWE FOR OTSTMAS iw f fHMKSBSMHBHlBI PEKHAPS Vou S M&hUKbAmL3hShQR spend your vacation Kf tRcB at nome- Doubtless you ? BBm "kS w'" nec'd a cw "extras" w fiSflfifflfifcWSB before you go. Let us re- 5 Ife9 m E9 mind you that we arc prc- HJjv f H&fl Pare(l to serv you with c RiHk l "v:1 ' " .dmwk all that is new in f iBHKSflfl Men's Furnishings yes, C. M9BI9hIII0DI!QH anc Good Clothes, too. HflHJDHfeBfl Call on us before going s home C We wish you a Merry Christinas, a pleasant visit and safe leturn. Mrs. Professor Aylesworth Is well again after a seven weeks' illness with lung fever. Fred ueweese, class of '02, and Allen Sedgwick, both Phi PsI's are attending Columbia University this year. Neithor of the boys will spend his vacation at home. During vacation, tho library will be open from 9 a. m. until 5 p.- m. each day except Christmas. The door will probably be open on New Year's day for the benefit of visiting teacheis. In some way or other a statement appeared in a recent Issue of the paper to the effect that a certain party had offered the besb work In English Jl un der Professor Fogg.' However, no offi cial statement was made to this effect. The Phi Gamma Deltas gave a danc ing party at Walsh hall last evening. The decorations were pretty and light rotreshments served during tho even ing. The'gentlemen dispensed with the use of city haeks In getting their com pany to the scene of festivity. A paper by Dr. G. E Condra has ap peared in the first pages of the Geolo gh,ts' Journal on the coal measures of Nebraska. Some fifteen or twenty pages of text are devoted to subscrip tions, accompanied by nine or ten plates, sme sixty or seventy '1l'i'c. Mr. Aahlin is having borue charts made by Mr. Cornell, the university photographer. These charts will Illus trate the various kinds and growth ot orn and Its respectlv vnlues. Mr. Ash tln Is going to make a tour of tho tate, lecturing to the farmers.' Institutes. .-cMA&EE ft f)EETO-- When You Want Information on Books GO .TO A BOOK STORE GIFT BOOKS Gibson's Social Ladder $5.00 Wensel's Passing Show 4.25 Gibb's American Sea Fights 10,00 Christy's American Girl Calendar 2.50 Tobacco in Song and Story 1.25 Bath Robes and Bachelors 1.25 POETICAL WORKS Riley's An Old Sweetheart of Mine, illustrated by Howard Chandler Christy -. 1.60 Riley's Child Rhymes 1.00 Riley's Farm Rhymes 1.00 Riley's Book, Joyous Children 1.20 Shakespeare's Works, large print edition w . 1.00 Shakespeare's Works, 12 vols., half Morocco 12.00 Longfellow's Poems, free calf 3.85 BOOKS IN SETS Dickens' Works, 15 vols, buckram, fully illustrated 15.00 Thackeray's Works, 10 vols, buckram illustrated 10 00 Scott's Works, 25 vols., silk cloth stamped with crest, gilt top 1 8. 09 Scott's Wors, 12 vols., cloth 8.00 Hugo's Works, 10 vols., buckram, illustrated 10.00 Dumas' Works, 15 vols., buckram, illustrated 15.00 Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, buckram, illustrated , 5.00 Dicken's Work's, Temple E Jition, 40 vols. , full flexible leather 161110, colored fronticepiece 24.00 CALENDARS "U of N. " Pennant Calendars .25 Engagement Calendars ' . . . . 1.00 Porter Calendars 1.00 American Girl Calendars 2.00 t The Lincoln Book Store 1126 O Street With many people reputation is largely a matter of locality; to them the quality of a thing depends on the place from which it comes. In the matter of location the Effete East has an advantage over the Progressive West. People accord to one things which the other has to secure by the hardest kind of fighting. We may not be from Boston, but we make as good chocolates 'as anybody on ear'h. The taste is there; the quality is fhere; the appearance is there. What more do you want? For sale at your booc stores. THE MAXWELL CO., 206 S; 11th 1426 O St. -Al m a $ a h.y 41 v1 Xv ?- "?., ' t .it r. tnm' i ' 'if ..'jilyi.'1.filyffnri7S,tl ,Jt. "i '"J fUBVaAtli