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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1902)
,.; y '.-th .' 7r-w 7-rtyite 'ftp??ryy y ffWM T'jffiffi!!l THX DAILT KBURABKAM. - j, . 7?f. ft- u If fc V k p l"v R & f h-' ? I Id il ligcgnnnaGaoaiatnEHaBsiBnDpgD idacaDaaSuaaacacaoacBaaaQ I DO PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ncnnnnncsanncanainnnaiinpaii DDUDQDODQDDDIQiSQDl JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Offloe 1100 O Street, Rooms 212-213-214 ttloh rdi Block, Telephone 535. RaaicUnc, MOLO Q Btit, Tclephoo L964. DR. BENJ. P. BAILEY; Dr. Mt Louise Flanagan; Office, 141 South 12th Street. Telephone 618. X P. D -Li Brid DAVIS. D. D. S., DcntUt ridge and Grown work. Office Roc U Island ticket office. JrfS2jk72s Photographer. 1029 0 St. Reference: Seniors, '02. We en n give you all the new style In cards nnd finish the market affords. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. The Only Up-to-Date Billiard and Pool Parlor in the City POWELL'S &8S&V& st The FIRST NATIONAL DANK Of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, $200,000; surplus and profits, 168.837; deposits. $2,715,000. S. H. Burn liam, -President; A. J. Sawyer, Vic Prest.; H. S. Freeman. Cashier; H. B. ETvans, Asst. Cashier; Frank Parks, Asst. ashler. UNITED STATES DF-POSITORY. Tk Utter CUstf 5 Prilling and Engraving Due Fnfraas u. Menu TM NEW CENTURY, U21-U23 N St, Students, Your Suitorium Js located at 'JlH No. Iltli Street, phone I.KWH, at BLUMENTHAL'S. Telo Those hats 1 1 buy of me will he taken care of free of charge Sjirlni; style Hats Id soft I'auama sliapes and Stiff Hats. PICTHE SALE! Now is the time lor you to get bargains in Framed Pictures. This week we will give you 33'.? percent off or better on our line. Pictures, former price $1 5. 00, Now $10.00. Pictures, former price $6.00, Now $4.00. Pictures, former price $1.00, Now 65c. Wilson & cflo.ll, Bookbdlers 5 Stationers, 112S OSt., Lincoln, Neb. Yale Bros. Laundry 1514 0 St. Phone 754 1 11 1 )o you want a PKKTTY SL1PPHR 01 Oxford, we have our new Spring Styles. Tln-y are beauties. S JINWKf r"-roni.siw 2I3 0-STREET. J& LINCOLN, NEBR. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Huy your hosiery at the Famous Eat at Hendry's, 129 N. 11th. Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. Steele stores furs. See him. The Ivy Press prints thlngR. C. E. Brown, dentist, Burr block. The Hygienic Cafe, 31G So. 12th st. Eat at Don Cameron's, 118 So. 11th. Get an tip-to-date university hair-cut at Westerflelds. For sheet muBic and supplies go to the Mathews Piano Co., 1120 O street. Dr. Woodward, oculist. Richards blk. Win Irk sells suit cases;; O St. Hoy Hanlen Is confined to his room with the measles. Miss; l.eotti Muriell of Fremont is six mil uk ii few dayR with Miss Honnle Forlx s. Delta Tan Delta will hold its an nual banquet Saturday evening, April 12, at the Lincoln hotel. Chancellor Andrews Is expected back from his trip to C.ranvllle, N. I), this morning. A letter from A. H. I. yon, '!)!;, law '01, conveys the information that he is In Tonala, state of Chalpa, Mexico, in the employ of the Pan-American Railway ( ompan Cameron's lunch counter, 118 S. 11th. Souvenir given with $1.50 purchase in ladies' furnishings at the Famous. Huy your gloves at the Famous. Kappa Sigma have initiated Foss Jenkins. The cadet band will give a conceit at convocation Friday morning. The mechanical engineering depart ment has just received some exception ally fine new drawing boards. The moon will be the subject of a'i address by Professor Swe.ey at the Methodist church next Tuesday e cuing. W. F McNaughton, law 'Ul. has formed a law partnership with C. 11. Winsor and is now practicing at Sioux Falls. S I). A large bed of cannas will be layed out at the front of the campus near the fence. The bed will be thirty-six by sixteen feet In size and will add ma terially to the appearance of the campus. Professor Sheldon Is building a small shed in back of the greenhouses for use In experiments with asparagus. All of the flower beds are being dug up and fertilized preparatory to the set ting out of the spring (lowers. Professor Swezey is having a new transit instrument constructed, the castings of which are now being made in the shops. Miss Amy Couger has left for her home at Hillsdale, la. She will not complete the semester's work on ac count of weak eyes. The Dellan society, at a special meet ing, voted to adjourn their Friday evening program in order to attend the Nebraska-Colorado debate. The College Settlement has for sale the opera house boxes for the play, "A Pair of Spectacles," to be given May 2. Societies, fraternities, sorori ties or individuals who may wish boxes may engage them at any time. Firm come, fin t served. Inquire of H. W. Caldwell. The students interested In politics took more than usual Interest in the city election yesterday. Among others, the university was represented by Dan Horrigan, who was running for police judge, on the democratic ticket. Mr. Horrigan was a graduate of last year's law class. After the recent Y. W. C. A. mem bership contest, in which over one bundled names were added to the membership roll, a reception was given the new girls and" the winning force by the defeated Bide. It was held In the city Y. W. C. A. parlors and was a very Informal event. From eight to ten the room was crowded. Delicious ice was served and everyone present thoroughly enjoyed the occasion. Uni. pins, Watch f ob$, Souvenir poon$. Kvoiy stud nt should wear some emblem of his university. It is a patriotic duty which few neglect. Don't forget to purchase a pin, before leaving this spring. dot o.:e right away. TI11C CO-OP. has a gieat variety of styles jn Pins, Uadg'-s, Watch Fobs, Hat Pins, Cuff . Buttms, Rings and Souvenir Spoons. Vou can suit your taste and your pocket book, at Tne Co-Op. Yodr Spring Sdit Of course you'll have to keep your room warm this winter Gregory the Coal Man Has the Stuff Eleventh and O Streets RPtf ' Vou can' come here and select a Suit and wear it the same evening. NO such "waits and 'delays" as a tailor may give you. NO such prices as he will quote you; but a suit that will fit vou faultlessly, wear satisfactorily and save you money. EWING CLOTHING CO. 1115-1117 O St., LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Prewitt IAIE5 GOOD PHOTOS Little Ovals 35c per dozen Come andee my work. 1214 Q Street (TRY THE i Boston Cash Market Choice Heats and Groceries I 1311 O Street A. B. CURL, Prop. Phone 620. ' i i i M il 1 i I V