Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1902)
ipm)f a:.- i :.''.--: r- : ' " J ' -vy "f- 'wf'w v' v 'Awn I w?( fx r )V -n 1 V s t I. ! V ' y THE DAILY NEBRASKA!. A r i Pi J"t ;w r, H Li K iff r ii- iff )P Legislative Gallery S&U$9ytfSM& Portrait and Landscape botoflvapber Ballary EstabllaW 120 So. 11th 81. 1171 Lincoln, Neb. ,,rMTi 1 Square meals at "square" prices THE UNIQUE, 1230 0 ST. VERY LOW RATES . . . Every day during the months of March and April, 1009,. the UNION PACIFIC will sell Coloslsts one-way Uokete at the following rates: ritou MISSOURI RIVER $20 OO To Oft-den and Salt Lake City. $20 00 To Butte.Aaadoadaand Hel ta a. $22 flO To Spokaae. fa 0O To Point OB Qreat Northern j., Sgokane to Weflatehee iao rla Huntington and Spokane. S25 00 To Polpts oa Great Northern y., west ofWehatohte, rla Hunting ton and 8eokane. 82S OO To Forslaad, Tacoata and settle, T e)9ft OO To Ashland", Ore., and later ausdiateiMfeft.luolmibiir Branch Llnea ob S. P. Co. south of Portland tla Port land. $90 00 Tjs Sao Francisco, Lei An roles and otlsr California Points. Full iaformation oheerfully fur alsasd on application to B. B. 5L0SSEN. $45 CALIFORNIA AND RETURN Tickets on sale- April 2isfto 27th, May 27th to June 8t!'., August 2nd to 8th. Liberal stopovers and limits. Call and get full informa tion. . Utty OWM "ft. O Dtf,TUrPlW. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ;; ' SOPHOMORES. The sophomore lass will mcot this morning fit 10 o'clock in University hall Important business. CONVOCATION ANNOUNCEMENTS. The program for the rest of the week is aH followH. Thin morning, mans meeting In the interests of the Nebraska-Colorado de bate Thursday, meeting to encourage or der and neatness on the university campus Friday, concert by the cadet band ANCIENT METHODS USED TO PRE VENT COUNTER I-'EITI NO In (he Inst let tnre of the free series glen at the University of Pennsylva nia museum. IVof .Joseph C Hoppin. in speaking of Creek coins I relation to Creek nrt and history, remarked that (oinage could be traced back to 700 H. C. among the Babylonians, and that during the sixth century It was in (ommon circulation among the Creek peoples To avoid the striking of coins by indllduals. which might not be pure gold or silver, as the case might, be. a device representing the city oi the special god of the city was put on the coin. This stamp on a coin denoted that the god was called upon to witness that it was of standard weight. AUTHOR OF "BEN BOLT" SERI OUSLY ILL. l)r Thomas I). English, who has be come famous as a statesman, poet and physician, is seriously ill in Newark, N. J. His principal, and perhaps the most popular, literary production is "Ben Bolt." In medicine he has made an exhaustive study of phrenology, his llrst work upon that subject having been written when a student at the University of Pennsylvania, which was submitted by him as his graduation thesis IF GOING ABROAD, WRITE WARD BROTHERS, (ienoml Miunishlp Agents. I.oni purhonal tourlut; experience. 'j!ks South Chirk SI. Chicago, 111. DO NOT FORGET that you will soon be going away. You can't carry your trunks. Call us up and we will take you to any depot and send a hack to take you. Tel. 303. Ensign Omnibus & Transfer Co. liittrelltgtaU Bureau. COTTELL & LEONARD 7S-47S 1 road way Albany, Naw York Makers of tha Caps,Gown$ and Hoods To the American Colleges and UniTeraitles. Illustrated Manual, sample prices, eto., on request Gowns for the pulpit and bench. sOmaha Medical College. TKNTH AND PACIFIC STREETS, OMAHA, NEBK. mmsmimmn sagas asasaslaasBSBsaasBSBwBsBfci EWING BROWN, Secretary. NEBRASKA BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND 60LLE6E BCAD BUILDING. .7th AND Sectional View of Actual Builnesi and Banking Department. SHkMsaaSBBaaaaaaaaaaaaal V Endorsed by high school principals, leading business men and official court reporters. Absolutely thorough. The finest and most thoroughly equipped institution in the West; $4,000 invested in standard typewriters; $3,500 banking and other fixtures placed in actual business department. Elegant roll-top deBks ordered for Commercial Department. Another floor has been leased that all may be accommodated. Situations procured for over 90 PER CENT of last year's enrollment. Students may enter any time. Address A. C. ONG, A. m!lLB. RRES. Write (or Klcgnut Catalogue, Free. JohnB. Wrijfht, PreB., J. H. Westcott, 1st Vies President, J. Samuels. 2d Vice President, P. L. Hall, Cashier, VV. B. Ryons, Assistant Cashier. . . ....CiLUMIIA NATIOUAL IANK.... CAPITAL 100,0. LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA. If. SbK-ukaVi Mut. fofitil Sa?95 isst WSlli va L ST. LIirOOLM. 0aMlslatteaU aryaVEtas teeatreeaa Hi 11111 o. This college offers a graded course extending over four annual sessions. The advantages and re quirements of the college are fully up to the require ments of the present times, and the conditions laid down by the Association of American Medical Colleges, of which this college is a memDer. For information address I HARNEY STS., OMAHA, NEBR 1 . Established Nine Years. A School Without a Superior. Employs the Ablest Teachers. BOOK-KEEPING : Actual Business fron the,. Start BANKING As It Is Practiced. TYPEWRITING The Touch Method. SHORTHAND Graham and Gregg Systems. ENGINEERING Practical and Thorough. OMAHA. NEB rs Attention Student! I wish to know you. I wish you to know my work. For this reason I will fire you your deattl wofk at abeut half the us ual rates for about sixty dava. WtA. B. AVERS, 1J7 3o. iat. The Pioneer 2 Glean Linen Bines t of Toilets Fi bt-claas SMsrvioe W. WHITJBOHD. psormnrroM lit gautk 11th St.. LiaoalH, Neb. 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