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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1902)
pT'm.j-i&tin t " "r The Daily Nebraskan N 1 Ml (1 VOL. I, NO. iat. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1902. THREE CENTS tj " Vnr j . -1 v. h V r s COLORADO "DEBATE Contestants from Two Bute Will Meet Tonight in Memorial Hall. ' Both Bides Prepared for the Fight. The enemy has arrived and before the weary students shall have retired tonight all will know whether or not we are "hlsn." At any rate the Colo rado debaters were scheduled to arrive in Lincoln at 5 o'clock this morning, when, they were taken to the Llndell hotel, where they will be the guests of the debating association. Those who are not able to get a glimpse of the "Websters" from Colorado during the day will find their pictures in uni versity hall on the" faculty ' bulletin. They look as If they came for busi ness and it is very probable that the Memorial hall tonight will be the busiest place In Lincoln. Extensive preparations have been Koing on for -some time and the debate tonight promises to be a very success ful affair from every point of view. Not only will those attending be given an opportunity to listen to the best speakers whiph tho two universities can put up, but also to hear the gov ernor of Nebraska preside at the de bate and the university band render some of tho selections which have -made' it bo popular this year. An organ solo will alBO bo given by Professor Kimball In order to place the audience In a receptive mood and to All the de baters with a martial spirit. After Pro fessor Robblns lecture yesterday morning to the law students, in which he urged upon them tho desirability of attending theso dobntes and taking in terest In them, for success in their pro fession would In a largo measure be governed by their ability to debate, it is very probable that all the law stu dents will attend in a body. In order that the speakers may not be inter rupted by tho passing of the crowds, no one will bo permitted to enter while a speaker has the floor. Tho Judges of tho debate for the evening will bo: Hon. J. H. Mcintosh of Omaha, Judge Sedgwick of the su premo court and Hon. Albert Watklns of Lincoln. Tho debates will begin promptly at 8 o'clock and everyone should be there on time in order not to Interrupt the speakers. DEBATING MASS MEETING. The attendance at convocation Wed nesday morning was not as large as it should have been and the mass meet ing In tho interests of debating was rather devoid of the enthusiasm so manifest in like meetings last fall. Chancellor"vAndrowB, in Introducing the subject, laid Bpecial stress upon the support duo all teams of the uni versity by tho student body. Prof. E. A. Itoss. who is lecturing at Harvard this week, sent the following note, which Chancellor Andrews read and emphasized: "Though I am absent, my heart is with you In the debating roll. Surely the team which has for three months been working in silence will be greeted by a full and cheering house. Every footbnll enthusiast wjll attend, unless ho thinks brawn deserves more en couragement than brain." Professor Fogg, when Introduced, gave two reasons why the university shquld support the thinking contest Friday night. In the flrstplnce, the WIN AN EASY GAME Varsity Baseball Team Defeats Nebraska Weslejan in a One-Bided Oon- teat. New Men in the Line-Up. The Nebraska Wesleyan nine proved easy victims to the superior skill and ability of the 'varsity team yesterday, being defeated by a score of 18 to 1, after seven Innings of rather one sided play. ThlB was the first game of the season with a team from another school and the boys were given a fair chance to show what they could do. The Methodists were out-played in every respect, and could hardly make tho game Interesting to Captain Bell's colts. The Wesleyan men have not had the practice and experience of the university team, and It Is greatly to their credit that they were able to do what they did ENGINEERING NOTES. Mrs. Emerick gave a pleasant sur prise party Wednesday evening at her iiome, 515 North Thirteenth street, for J. A. Green. Mr. Green will go soon, to Fort Dodge, la, to do construction work for the C. & N. W. railroad. Most of the guests were engineering; Btudonts of the university Frank Dobson Is going to Mitchell to gaugo tho Platte river nt that point. J. C. Stevens will go to Superior to gaugo the Republican river. Colorado Tonight! MEMORIAL HALL, K O'CLOCK SHARP. "MunicipaLl Ownership of Street RaLilwaLtjs" DR. ROSS AT HARVARD. Dr. Ross has been absent fromvthe university this woek, being engaged in a lecture courso which he presents at Harvard. While there he will deliver four lectures on different subjects in cluded under tho study of sociology. Ho will also speak before the Twen tieth Century club of Boston on "The Probable Future of American Society." He will be absent about ten days. representatives of the university de mand It. In the annual interstate de bates the university has its only oppor tunities to discover what it Is develop ing In the mental line. In debating the university is undoubtedly behind other universities of its own rank in other matters. In Colorado the debater gets the credit for what ho deserves, and In Wisconsin he receives the highest honors awarded to anyone. Mr. Fogg Impressed it upon his hearers that tho university owes the team support both because it deserves it and because it needs it The members of the team, ho said, have spent much time and labor on the debate and it is only fitting that they should be given hearty sup port. Dr. Hill said that at times there was some reason fQXJndtfference in debat ing because often the "debaters are mere talkers. This year, however, the de baters have been spending much time on sound thought and careful investi gation and they have beon made to think instead of talk. It will be a de bate of intellectual skill and the uni versity should Bhow the team that ltB work is appreciated, so that hence forth the best students will enter. Professor Caldwell spent a little .time In discussing the reasons whjrthe debaters should be supported. A largo number of tickets were pledged by both faculty and students. Captain Bell did not appear on the field, his place being taken by ex-Captain Rhodes. Tho 'varsity pitchers were all given u chance to work out. The line-up: University. Raymond lb Gaines 2b Hood 3b .. Rhodes sh Wesleyan. Allen Mills . . . A. Enyert Sullivan and Pewesenbury I committee C M. Hummel, who has been out on a B. & M. surveying party as draughts man, is in tho city. ' Jake Frankforter, the Janitor of the. mechanic arts building, was tho re-( clplent of a pleasant surprise. The students of the C. E. department pre sented him with a meerschaum pipe. It was presented with a great deal of ceremony. 8OPHOMORE8 MEET. The sophomore class held a meeting Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock In tho old chapel. The president called Mr. Tobin to the platform to speak on, the coming debate. Mr. Tobin told of the time and labor the debaters had. put on their work and urged his fel low classmates to support them. The subject of the sophomore party was then taken up. Mr. Kanzlor, as chairman of the committee, reported' the progress that had been made. He predicted a good time for all who at tended the party. Tickets were ready for those who wished them. Tho op portunity of getting acquainted and the chance for exhibition of class spirit by attending tho party was clearly shown by several speakers, Messrs. Belli Al len, Blckford, Baldwin, Wilson, Weeks. Johnson and Misses Erford and Mc Eachron. The president appointed a reception consisting of Messrs. 1. r. . ..Olson c. f. .O. Enyert, Capt. Townsend and Roth Do Putron Sholmer and Wright Doano and Bender Bender, Thomson, Lentherby and Rohrbaugh and Townsend p Sullivan Umpire Koehler. Ritchie, Thomas, Blckford, Baldwin, MlBses Erford, Kocken, Douglas, King. C. A. Tucker, university Jeweler, 1128 r. f. c. Sampson , O street. .Atwood The young ladles In the Bccond year claBB in domestic science, numbering about nineteen, made a trip to tho uni versity farm yesterday afternoon to study the scientific tests for milk. Miss FACULTY RECOMMENDS NEW COURSE. The faculty of the industrial college at their mooting Wednesday evening agreed on the following courses.which they will recommend to the regents (or adoption: A .new four-year pro medic group; a three-year course in the school of agriculture; a new course for the nine weeks' winter courso of agriculture and a special course in dairying. They also propose some changes in tho present domestic science course. J. J. Thomas has gone to Chicago to visit at home a few weeks, after Jones of the department conducted the which he will go to Nevada to take party. i charge of his mining. interests. - SOPHOMORE PARTY. The sophomore party committee is making preparafib'ns for what prom ises to be a very pleasant social event. i to be held in the armory to- morrow evening. All that can be done for tho success of tho party is being, done. Dancing and games will be the chief amusements of the evening. One end of the armory will be reserved for those who wish to play games and .the remainder of the -floor will bo 'used, by those who wish to trip tho light fantastic to the music of Quick's orchestra. Mr. Kanzler, chairman of the committee, promises that refresh ments will be served. A reception committee of eight will see that their classmates do not remain strangers to each other. Many have signified their intention of attending and all indications go to show that the party" will bo well attended. 3 a i ! A 1 a ...-1 s J i ? J J - V,