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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1902)
V---HfV?t ' "- "ic- 3np?viM 41 " j- w ? r .. ..-- ' -I' ,- -""- r ' THE DAILY NEBRASKA!. -H 0 (M T ru I I I IE i T Your Money and Important Papers Shou'd bo kept in a safe plnce; 81 -! pnys for a Safe Deposit Hox for three months; absolutely stfe from fire and burglars. Sliverwaro and trtitikh stored in our Storage Vault. LINCOLN SAFE DEPOSIT and TRUST COMPANY, 126 North Eleventh Street. Evory now Student calls on James Hearn a37 So Iltn street And has his moasuro taken for tk Tamous Kalamazoo Uniforms, manufactured bp Zbt Jjtndtrsoti'JImtB Co. Kalamazoo, Wick Disagreeable February Will Boon be lure but February in Florida h 1 ko May in Ne bruska. Join tho Burlington Excursion und leave Lincoln Jan. 29. h. Spend Fetroary in Flori da; livo rn nico fresh pino-ap I Irs and oranges Ask or Write us for booklet descriptive of tho trip. City Otllce Cor Dili & O St., Depot, 7lh & PSt-. VALENTINE ABT The great Virtuoso and other great players use only the Washburn Mandolin Ho Bays It Is an Inspiration to Ulm. You, too, should enjoy a Washburn. TVblurn Mandolins. Guitars. Banjos, Zlthors are sola by ant-class muslo dealers oTerywhere. New Models Only Sifl.oo. Beautiful Souvenir Catalogue Free. LYON & HBALY, Maker, 17 Adams Street) Cklcago. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Miss Dean was .unable to meet her classes yesterday on account of sickness. The class in Ilotany 1, Is having a Kcncral rcTiew tills week, no advanc ed work booing assigned. The chancellor's class in practical ethics will havo Its final examination one wcck from next Saturday. Tho University Orchestra meets every Wednesday evening, in the music liall at tnc Conservatory of munic. Tho University lias received a call from tho superintendent of schools, Valley City, North Dakota, for an assistant in tho high school theic. HAGAZINES X 2C At Just OneHalf Prkce. Several of tho senior law cases will be tried this evening in the Justice court of tho school. Frank Manchester spent Sunday at his home In Omaha. Brownell Hall of Omaha, is asking to bo accredited to the University. K4440 Q"&0QOO 04C? ANNOUNCEMENTS. '000000000$0HC'0$0tC"C' Senior Basket-Bail Men. All Senior Basket-ball Men ceo C M Teacb, manager, (r I). K. 'I hoiuue, cap tain, at onco. Seniors. Senior Class Mooting Friday, Jan. 24, at Chapel timo in Old Chapel. Vehnon O. Batik, Prts Notice. Students wlio are think'u g of regis tering for Course 21, beginning assay ing, will please meet the instructor, for consultation, at 12-30 Wednesday 22nd, in Room 4, Chemical Laboratory. U. II. Nk'Hoi son. Forge Work A class in Forgo Work will boBlarted next to-noBter if there aro enough wish ing to tuko if. Anyono planning lo take tho course olTored noxt year in Mining Engineering and wiBhiDe, to get this much tkishod will please Inform Mr. Votaw, instructor. Notice. Any incidont of interest, reul or im aginary, happenin7 in connoction with any member of tho senior class, should bo reported to tho Senior Book Com mitteo eo that a more detailed account of '02's idiosyncracies may bo recorded. Harper's Weekly $ 4.00 World's Work..' 3.00 Public Opinion 3.00 Everybody's Magazine. 1.00 Nebraska Teacher 1.00 $12.00 ALL FOR $6.oo World's Work $3.00 Harper's Weekly 4.00 Everybody's Magazine.. 1.00 Nebraska Teacher 1.00 S9. 00 ALL FOR $4 50 All subscriptions must be NEW, and may be sent to one or different addresses. Send your orders to The University Publishing Co., 134 North 11th St., Lincoln, Nebr. t-i ryr fl'- I Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital Special attention fflreu to " S'KMS ndaU surgical diseases. X-ray examlnatloji wUhnodUeVfortor injur, to Pttsnt Jj rrythlna- as Homelike as possible. Board ui room reasonable. W 1117 L ST. LINCOLN. P.O.BWW1. Teiopko. Lost. A rod leather pocket book. It con tains paper which will idontify tho own er. Finder will confor a groat favor by returning it to 1246 Q St. Reward. Notico to Seniors. I wish to soo tlsis week all seniors in tho Industrial College who intond to graduate on Charter Day, February 15, 1902. See mo any day in tho Deans' oflico (104 University Ha'l), Lotwccn 11:30 and 12 o'clock. ClIAHLKS E. BeSSKY, Dean. Tumble Weeds. We have looked over with some care and growing pleasure a little volume of verse, by Will Reed Dunroy, issued by the University Pub lishing Co., entitled "Tumble Weeds." We find Mr. Dnnroy an inter esting person. He undertakes large things, and approaches them in a largo way. He aims evidently for nothing short of the highest work. It will be furious to see what a young man with this ambition can achieve. Mr. Dunioy seems to be distinctly a western man ono of those who are quite content with their own environment as a sphere for action und growth. His themes are things that exist, and that he can see around himself; it is men who can take this view, it seems to us, who are going to count on the future of cur western eivilization.vJ W One little poem on "Dawn" attracted us particularly, and anothct Otrijh Sergeant Floyd. We wondered a little at Mr. Dunroy's baring thoujjhfK!;r ' n necessary to put u pretty iittiu tuuig uuuub ixeurasna lino appsoroi . . t i a w . .i . , , . , 5RJyttt.l pne s uiniect .a peculiarity mat strueit us was a strain oi U.CVOU1 that nins through some of the poems, together, with soraet&k3l displeasure with the church organizations. J. Sterling Morton, in The Conservative. At all good bookstores or of the University Publishing Co., Lincoln, Nebraska, $1.00, postage prepaid. I Hahemann Medical College and Hospital of Chicago.... Continuous Course. Terms begin in September, January and April. Students may enter at the beginning of any term. Tho largest clinics in Chicago, with a largo hospital under direct control. Excellent laboratories. Graduates of colleges may bo admitted to advanced standing. Descriptive catalogue Bont on application. Persons interested in modical eduoation should address, S. Henry Wilson, M. D., Reglstrer, 381 1 Cottage Grove Avenue. ' 3'. j? rt' a p 'AS r n)?M i i 3-fapgjMBWMM ?, JiMz