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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1902)
FiiirlTTmiirT i n h n iirrrrifiwriT" fml mi frriiiTiTiinriiTtHliTTTff , ,$& JCj" THE DAILY NEBRASKA!. ijrFqn,ii.wT.iM4.y.w?wt''MiM :v IBBBBBSBBBEESBSeSBBBSBBSEI g PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 8 a u nnncnccinanncncjinntannnnnEn aDcaiaEWTOCiaciaBiucaciaicaEaiaciuoa JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Omoo 1100 O Street, Rooms 212-213-214 Rioh ftrds Block, Telophono 535. Residence, 1810 G Street, Telephone L984. DR BENJ. F. BAILEY; Dr. May Louise Flanagan; Ofllco, 141 South 12th Streot. Tolephono C18. LP. DAVIS. ). D. S., Dentist. Bridpe and Crown work. Ofilce room 7, over Rock Island ticket ofllce. Phone 349. Compliments of the NEW LINCOLN BOWLING ALLEY to the Pniversity students. Football team especially invited to call and en joy a nice clean entertainment and healthful exorcise Club rates jriven. John S. Cain, Propr., 130 South Tentn. A Close Shave A haircut, or anything elee you want a barber to do for you, at the Y. M. C. A. Barbkii Shop, 13TH AND 1 STREETS. Siiareineals at "square" pi ices THE UNIQUE, 1230 0 ST -.6 t Hill & Co. will make w Mil cl clean your suits with Lt.sfact.on1. I 1222 0 Street. Phono AS72 WE SELL KODAKS 117 5SSS:-1 P- E. DePUTRON What Do You Think of In the line of fiction, that you would like to have? Come in and look over our stock. It's always strictly up-to-date. Wilson & Hall BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 1123 0 STREET. Yule Bros. Laundry 1514 0 St. Phone 754 YOU CAN FIND IT y inserting a notice in the Daily Ne 'trnakan at one cent a wor'l per insertion. FOR STRICTLY High Class Work SEND TO THE EVANS. Local and Personal. Eat at Hendry's, 1?N. 11th. FIno furs, Steele, 143 do. 12th. The Hygienic Cafe, 316 So. 12th st. C. 10. Itrown, dertist. Burr block. Steele, the furrier, 113 S 12th st. Bass Photographic Studio, 102(5 O utreet. INone better. A special sale of shoes at Webster & Rogers. 104:t O street. For sheet music and supplies co to tho Mathews Piano Co., 1120 O street. Mont. H. Case is pledged to Delta Tau Delta. Miss Nettle lhirllngamo will not attend school next semester. Washington and Leo University re quires its professors and intsructors to wear caps and gowns in class room exercises. Over forty per cent of the students of Columbia hold degrees. "The College Student and Ills Prob lems '' Is the title of a book written by Bx-Clianccllor Canflcld, which has just been uublisned. Copies of the work have been received at tho University. Delta Kappa Epsilon has recently given a charter to a chapter at Stan ford University. A course of instruction in tho dialects, customs ana manners of tho Filipinos has been added to tho curriculum of Johns Hopkins Uni versity. 'Mr Ilcdgcock and Mr. Sheldon read papers at tho Uotanical Seminar last Thursday afternoon. Mr. Morrell manager of the basket ball team has received tho contracc for a gamo with Minnesota at Minne apolis, February l.r. A game is scheduled with SlouxUity for the lYEh. Mr. Cross has somo line specimens of Begonias In bloom in the green house. There are also somo beautiful Omaryllls. Of course you'll have to keep your room warm this winter Gregory, the Coal Man Has the Scuff Eleventh and O Streets Second-Harid Books Osborn's Old Book Store 131 North 12th St. Miss Pcrtha Carney's mother haR been visiting hur the lust few aays. Tho Nebraska Acadomy of Science will meot in Lincoln January 24-25. Papers will bo road by some of the University instructors. Tho products of tho Dairymen's Association will bo on exhibition, Tn the Grant Memorial Hall, threo days beginning with Wcdesday January 22. Tho meeting which was to have been hold last night in tlic old chapel under tho auspices of tho Agncnltur al school, was postponed owing to tho inclemency of the weather. Ad dresses were to havo boon mado by Chancellor Andrews and ex-Governor Poynter. Tho annual Dairy exhibition will bo held in tho Armory this week. The exhibits will all be hero by Wed nesday, it is hoped. This annual event has always proven of great in terest to tho 8tuaont8 and professors and will doubtless do so this year. During tills exhibition the regular gymnasium work will be discontinued. C. E. Teach and l). E. Thomas have been appointed manager and caotaln of the Senior Hasket-Uall team. The annual "Hop" of Cj. It given tho second week in M Wa h'i Hall. will bo arcli at MilesIIouok, who was In sell year, visited at tho Phi Delt over Sunday. ool las i house "Pete" Milans spent a few days In Lincoln last week. Georgo Llbbv. or Atlantic, Iowa, visited friends In the city over Sun day. Murray Townsend returned yester day from a visit in Tecum soli. A fund of :0,000 Is held at Minne sota for tho assistance of needy stu dents. Tho following tetter has been re ceived from J. II. Johnston, '94, wlu is now county attorney at Miles City, Montana: "Inclosed lind P. O. Order for 3.00 in payment lor my subscription for tho Daily Nobraskan. I congrat ulate you upon tho Dally, and I sin coroly trust that it has oumo to stay." LOST AND FOUND NOTICES" in the Daily Nebraskan, one cent per word per in sertion. No notice for less than ten cents. California Southorn California ito loroly eonsld i rPBiTtP, oraogo groves beautiful gnrdonu and quaint old illusion towns uro Visited Every Year by thousands of tourists who travel Over the Union Pacific bocnurc it iG tho best and qulclr oet route nnd the only hoc run ning through trans to Culi'or rna ficm Omaha In ndJition to the Pullman Pal ace Sleepers tho Union Pa cific runs Pullman Ordinary Sleepers every duy. Train Leading Lincoln at 1:45 P.M. These Ordinary Cars nro Per sonally Conducted over? Tuos day nnd Thursday from Chicago nnd ovory Wednesday and Fri day from Otnuha. A Pullman Ordinary Blooper also Icuvos Omaha evory TuetcUy at 11:30 p. in. for Los Angofes Full informat.on choerfully furbished upon application. E. H. SLOSSOV, Agent DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eyes Examined Tree. Prlcei Reasonable. 1238 O Street, LS- The Pioneer . rienn Linen Finest of Toll.ts First class Service W. J. WJIITFORD. PJioiMUKTOlt 113 South 11th St., Lincoln, Nob, Italian Cream Bar Is the stuff dreams are made of. It's five cents a. ban r; w. maxwell ca. AlnkcrsofQood Chocolates, win O fltreot and 200 South 11th Street Legislative Gallery. BEST OP RATES TO STUDENTS. L Portrait ail Luslcape ftetegrapkei ise dentil ntli Street. LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. OALLERV ESTABLISHED 1871. i T :'i Si vj Z il .''! A t i -4. . -,