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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1902)
MV ' - n $&'" t -yfv yffi&'y''f ?$?$' : "; U The Daily Nebraskan I i J v m r. IP VOL I, NO 78 WE3LEYANS DEFEATED LINCOLN, NEB., MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1902. BIG LIST OF DEBATERS Varsity Basket-Ball Toam Wins From the Methodists Good Toam and Individual Work the Feature. The 'varsity basket ball team won :i magnificent victory from the Wcb Icyan toam last Saturday night In tho Armory, by a scoro of 03 to 14. The second team also defeated the high school boys by the close score of 20 to 18. The first team plaved with deter mination at every point often to such Rood purpose chat two or ihreo goals would be thrown in as many minuted. Then might follow a period of biilllant Dlay on both sides, Weslo yanbracinu up against tho losing score in right loyal style. The scores they won wero fairly earneo. They were :iii tnii RnnrtBinen like fellows and it is a great misfortune they aro so severely handicapped for the merest conveniences. With the use of a good lloor they would liavo made a vastly different appearence In tho (orlng. At tho beginning they started with spirit enough to make tho onlookers who favored tho home team a trifle nervous, ana hero did the best part of their work. Soon, however, tho large smooth floor began to givo favor to tho nomo team who wore much lighter on thoir feet and rapidly settled down into their usual close, accurate work. Pillsburyat center had no difficulty in over-reaching his opponenL and starting ovory play as ho pleaBed. So sure of this point was ho that a sys tom of Bignals could bo used to groat advantage. Often from tho first pass tho ball would go to the basket. If it failed "Pill" would be be neath to catch it. What "Pill" accomplished by tho advantage of height nncr steadiness. Cortclyou did through extreme swift ness and clever eluding of his onpu nent. In the latter he was so suc cessful as orten to have a free throw, wbilo tbo latter was.recoverlng from an inoffcotivo rush. Once ho touch ed tho spectators off after several unfortunate trials at tho goal, shout ing at tho obstreperous sphero the command, "Get in, there!" Hagonslck threw quite as manv oals as eithor of the otuers out no did it in a less spectacular way. II is raovoments wero clover and su cat-like that no would often have the posi tion ho desired before his guard unew bo had moved at all. His accuracy aU-tUo goal on such cccaslons was pjoverblal, tho ball would drop neat ly through tho basket without touch ing its edges at all and often so quickly that tho onlookers failed to boo it in time for a full spontaneous oncer. Koebler and Raymond, protected Choir goal in an effcotivo way and oftion found timo to run forward for a goal. The strategem of changing tho forwards and guards in position was worked successfully several times. Tills trial lea tho guards of tho opponents down the field and often failed to nring their forwards up. So the goal was left entirely unguarded to the lncreaso of Nebras ka's score. The second team was far more equally matched against the high school and though they finally won, It was often vory doubtful how it would turn out. T'c high school sadly miss Benedict and llagensick who, last year, did such enthulsastic ana brilliant work. The second team on tho other hand Is very strong and often gives the first a merry chaso In practice. Some of the members may be pushed up to a place on the first. The teams wero better equipped than ever before, as far as uniform ing goes. The first team wore scar let trousers and white jerseys bear ing the "Varsity" N of the team, and the second team were furnished with black jerseys in contrast. The opposing teams were quite as well uniformed. THE FOOTBALL SCHEDULE. Tho dates of four of the games to bo played next fall have practically been settled. They aro as follows: Lincoln high school, September 120; Doano College, September 27; Minnesota, November 1; Northwestern, Thanks giving day. Arrangements with all but Minnesota have pratically been closed, and a mutual arrangement has been made with Minnesota which precludes much chance of a change. An exohango of letters be tween tho authorities of both Insti tutions indicates that the date will bo satisfactory to both. Despite rumors to the contrary there is still a llkelyhooo that the Wisconsin gamo will be plaved. If the contest comes oil it will probably bo uctober 18 at Milwaukee. That dato Is satisfactory to Nebraska and correspondence from Wisconsin indi cates that It will be acceptable to thorn. Iowa is anxious for a game early in the season but Coach Booth is op posed to a hard contest so early in tho season so nono is likely to bo scheduled. Thirty-une Mon Preparing for the Preliminaries The Contest Will be Held in Two Sections Soon. in preparation for tho preliminary contest In debate to select tho mon who arc to do the University's work In Interstate debating this year with Colorado, Kansas and Missouri, thlr-tv-onc students are engaged. The preliminary debato, which mil be held either the end of exam ination week or at the beginning of the following week, promises to be exceptionally interesting tills year, because of tho oxcellonco of tho ques tions ard also because of the uniform ly high-grade ability In real de bato of tho whole group of aspirants for the places on tho interstate squad. The registration list Includes tho following, about equally divided be twben the two questions: Mr. At kinson, Mr. Baldwin, C. J. Berkoy, C. M. Bracelen, W.B. Catlln, J. L Clark, C.P Craft, N. M. Cronln, J. C. Doubt, b.C. Hawthorne, O. O. Home, F. M. Ilun tor, F. J. Kelly, C. A. Kutchcr, G. A. Lee. B. G. Lewis, W. F. Meier, J. T. Mllok, Thomas Maxwell, W. Morrow, C. C. Kortn, J. N. Norton. J. n. Overturf, H. G. Strayer, D. D. Stull, P. H. Smith, Mr. Thomas, J. F. Tobin, Mr. Willotts and William Yodor. Tho dato of the preliminary con test, which will bo held on two evenings, will bo fixed by the T)o batlng Board in a few days. a ?' IN ENG ENGLJSn 11 DEBATES. Tho debato in the Monday section of English 11 this week will bo on Resolved, That there should bo a property qualification for voting in municipal eleoyons. Tho principal spoakers will bo Messrs. Ryraer, Uchuvleman, James and Peters. In criticising tho debato last Fri day Miss Howells assisted. Messrs. Dungan and Taylor, AlcCaw and Burko argued tho proposition that the United States would be justified on moral and economic grounds, in re-onaoting tho Chinese oxoluslQM law. CHURCH AND SECTS LAND. Church and Sects in England .was tho subject upon which Dr. Jones spoko to tho University convocation Friday morning. ni remarks wero prefaced with a "little sugar coat ing" as ho called it. To his mind theTe were two kinds of poeplo In America those who did nut like the English and thoso who did. Tho view of the former was doubtless due to lack of acquaintance with tho English who aro extremely hospltablo and courteous. In faot the Ameri can often feels at a loss to under stand tho cause for such attention. The friendship and tho fellowship of tho Enalisiiman, however, have their bounds and these are quiokly reached when he is approached on the subject of religion. To him re ligion 1b a very touchy subject and ho is religiously intolerant. To be thus, he believes it his duty. Evon such a porson as Cardinal Newmann, a man of the most courteous and cultivated manners and who, it said, was possessed with a feminine kindness, said that heretics (those who differ ed from him in religious views) should bo shown no friendship but dealt with harshly. Intolerance 1b tho dominant issue THREE CENTS in tho Church and this was r.lcarly shown by Its refusal to take part in the Church Confercnoo recently held at Chicago. To participate in this meeting, it scorned to them, wns to return to paganism. With tho American people it is diff erent. Thoy oro rollglously vory tol erant, not, as the English bellevo because they liavo no religion but because they have found n modus Vivendi whereby sects can livo side by side in perfeot harmonv. Not bo in England. There no modus vlvendi has been found but on tho contrary, a religious orisis is now in progress which Is tho result of historical causes. The Church was originally a com promise between tho Puritans and the Anglo-Catholics. In 1002, came the first schism in tho Church with tho passage of the Acts ot Noncon formity. This was followed by Wesley ism. From that timo tho Church was gradually dividing, the crisis finally coming in 1832. Public opinion soon oamo to tako a strong Btand in the Cburoh. The spirit of liberalism was rising and thus we And Cardinal Newmann at the head of the Oxford movement. To stem this revival came a strong Catholic (out Roman) revival. Tins gavo particular emphasis to tlie ex ternal form of the Church and scorned everything Protestant. The success of this was duo to the fact that as yet tbo catholics had not been attacked in this nonconformity movement. The demand of the Non- cof or mists for tho disestablishment of the Churoh has been growing rap dly In England. And Id 1800, there is found for the first timo a move ment against the Catholic party. The high Church party is now de manding the disestablishment of the Church on tho ground that it long ago ceased to be free. Owing to the lack of time Dr. Jones was unable to concludo his nd dress. DR. PAINE ADDRESSES STUDENTS. Yesterday's meeting of tbo Y. M. C. A. was one of the best attended as well as most interesting which hare been held this year. Dr. B. L. Paine spoke to tho young men on "Com promise's" showing that tu lead a Christian life it was absolutely acces sary to .cling to ideals, not to bo drawn astray in tho least and com promise oneself with evil. To have an object in life coupled with some firm resolutions is tho only safeguard against compromises. After the address by Dr. Paine tho matter oflnoreaslng tho mem bership of the Association was disoussed. By the new pian a largo number of tho members have pledged themselves to sc our o new mombers. It is hoped by this means that the association mombers will tako more aotlve In terest and help the crowth of the Y. M. O. 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