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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1910)
lYOI See that Stripe! That is distinctive of Cooper.Wells&Cas Style No. 69 One of the best known 25 cent stockings made. 2-ply Egyptian yarn with sufficient twist to 1 give most wear. We recommend! No. 69 to our pat rons because we believe in it. Comes in black only. Oizci Wi to 10 Try It H. GALLEY Not Iron But Lots of Hard Wear in Them. 505 Eleventh Street Columbus ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT OUR NEIGH BORS AND FRIENDS CLIPPED FROM OUR EXCHANGES .ST. EDWAKI) From the AdvHUf'. Mrs. O. K. Willard returned home Monday to Oolumbus after a brief visit to St. Kdwurd relatives and friends. Nl-Ib llaBHelbalKh returned home Mon day from Excelsior Springs, Mo., where he Lhb been taking treatment for ht'iatica rheniiiatiflm Mr. and Mre. Simon Burrows left Mon day for their new home at Albion. Mr. UurrowB has purchased a line property at the county seat and expects to make that his home, lie mill likes St. Edward certainly entertains the same feeling for him, but he waB inlluenced to move to Albion because he had relatives there and thought it would be more homelike. nun I'll KEY. From the Doinoi'rat E. McCarthy and J. Elder of Oolum bus arrived in town Wednesday evening and have made arrangements to conduct aSuitonum at this place and locale here permanently. M. H. Hardin returned home Tuesday evening from Omaha where he had taken his son, Leonard, to have the eye he had injured last week by the explosion of a ntle cartridge attended to. He tells us that a small piece of the cartridge went all the way through Len'a eye and that on last Saturday the doctor had to re move the injured optic, which will be re placed by a glass one. Len is feeliug lirst rate and will be home the latter part of the week. Mrs. Hardin went to Omaha Wednesday to keep her son com pany until he returns home. OENTKAI. CITY. From the Nmim-H. Mrs. W. P Kizer, residing west of town, was thrown from a buggy at the Union Pacitio depot Tuesday morning and had one of her shoulders dislocated. Sh had driven in to take the Stroms- burg train for Beatrice to attend the state Sunday school convention and hud reached the yards when a passing train frightened the horse and the buggy was upset. Dr. Newell Jones was immediat ely summoned and he attended to the iujury. Mrs Kizer was taken home and will wait until next year to attend the state convention. She has many friends who wiuh for her speedy recovery. Poor seed corn, cold weather, and wire worms have made a combination that has caused farmers in this section a great deal of extra work tlii spring The Noupareil man haB talked to inauy farmers in the last week and the major ity of them say that they have had to re plant portions of their corn. Some have had to replant but ten acres while others have had to replant as much as ninety acres. Poor seed is ropoumble for much of this trouble, but the cold wea ther and early planting is blamed almost as much. The wire worms have also done damage, the laek of sunshine and warm weather being very fuvorable to their work. ALBION. From the News. G. W. Williams, who was taken to an Omaha hospital a week ago Saturday for an operation for quinsy, has been getting along nicely and is expected borne in a day or so. Last spring P. J. Mullin informed us that he had invested in a seed corn tes ter and was going to test his seed before planting. A few days ago he said that he had a splendid stand of corn and was greatly pleased with his investment. It is these little things which to some seems like a useless waste of time and money that are making some farmers so successful. Several people were injured in a fire panic at a moving picture theater at Norfolk, last Thursday night. The films caught fire from croased electric wires and exploded, setting the theater on fire. Esoape by the front entrance was cut off and the rear exits were packed at times. The house was crow ded with women and children. One girl was thrown through a window by a man. Seats were knocked over, block ing the aisles. No one was seriously injured. MONRO. From the Republican. Fred Read left Friday for Pleasant Hill, Mo., where he will join his wife and children who have been visiting rela tives there. Mre. E. O. Morrow left Saturday for her home in College View, Neb. after a abort visit with her daughter. Emeline Lawrence. After a lingering illness, Mm J. T. Evans passed away at her home Wed nesday morning, The funeral will be held Saturday at 2 p m , from the Welch church, as relatives from a distance are expected to arrive. Miss Emeline Lawrence entertained about twenty-five of the young people Thursday evening in honor of Miss Goldie Snyder. The evening was spent in playing games, after which refresh ments were served. All present report it a very enjoyable affair. Raymond Gibbon who has been sick with the appendicitis for some time, weut to Oolumbus Saturday and Mon day underwent an operation at the hospi tal. His parent were with him during the operation. His operation was a suc cessful one and it is hoped that he will recover and return home soon. John Talbitzer returned on Wednes day morning from Alliance, Neb. He reports his brother Will is doing as well as could be expected. Will's injuries are quite seriouB, while no bones are broken he is covered with scratches ami bruises from head to foot. The injury was caused by a switch engine leaving the traok throwing him and anotheryard mac under the front running board of the engine and dragging them some dis tance. Ben Nelson is the first man on the route to comply with the new ruling of the post office department regarding the fixing and painting of the boxes, aud it is surely neat and shows that the owner appreciates what the government is do ing for the farmers. It is nearly eight years since the service was established and some of the boxes are in very bad condition, no care being taken of them. Posts are rotted and ditches washed In front of them. Some are on wire fences others on telephone poles, which is against the rules. A few minutes, some rainy day would put them in shape. The routes will be inspected soon and it will not make a very good showing if only one patron has complied with the de partment's order. COLUMBUS MEAT MARKET We invite all who desire choice steak, and the very best cuts of all other meats to call at our market on Eleventh street. We also handle poultry and fish and oysters in season. S. E. MARTY & CO. Telephone No. 1. - Columbus, Neb. THE COLORADO DESERT. Its Stunted Tree Forms and It Petri fied Forests. In places In the Colorado desert are stream beds wlvre perhaps once Id several years heavy rains In distant mountains will cause water to flow for a short time. In these dry water courses several varieties of stunted tree forms are often found. The des ert willow, which resembles the willow with which we are familiar, though smaller In size; the val verde, or green tree, a tree which Is a bright green from trunk to tip of limb in every twig, and the Ironwood, so dense In fiber that It turus au ax's edge, are the principal varieties. They are rarely above twenty feet high and, like all desert vegetation, have not a leaf. They are apparently outcasts from the two great tree divisions, deciduous and citrus, for they have leaves nei ther to lose nor to keep. These may be called the living dogs of the tree family. We will find here also the dead lions. Not far from the mountain range we will come upon the remains of what were once extensive forests of gigantic trees, now turned to stone and lying as they fell centuries ago. The great trunks, perfect In grain, knot and bark fiber, cumber the ground In tangled confusion In those places which have been protected from the drifting sand, giving evidence that what Is now a desert was once upon a time a tropical wilderness. Travel Magazine. I.EIGH. From ttie World. The neighbors of U. Johannes says that he has already begun planting corn. But we have noticed that be always has good corn when it comes husking time. A rouoing game of base ball was play ed at the Emil Burger farm last Sunday between the Platte county aud the Col fax county boys. It was a rattling good game und the Colfax county boys come out victorious by the score of lfi to VI. Wm. Lueschen and family of Colum bus, Fred Schindler and family of Schuy ler. John Uenke of Bissell, and Henry Loseke and family, of route 3, were vis itors Sunday at the home of Herman Losekc where a pleasant day was spent and the visit thoroughly enjoyed by all. We received a card from Fred Oltman ns the first of the week from Liverpool, England.' He in company with Wm. Wenk, sr., of Creeton, are making a vis it to the old country and he states that they arrived in Liverpool May 24. He adds that they had a very pleasant voy age and are enjoying themselves immen sely. Itay Alberts showed the boys last Sat urday afternoon that he could run an automobile about as fast as any one and sailed through main street at a great rate of speed. On his return he was taken in charge by Marshal ijee anu taken before Justice Carletcn for violat ing the speed law. Mr. Alberts plead guilty and was given the minimum fine which is 325 aud coats, amounting to $31.50. There are many around here who should have received anoh a dose long ago. scnoYLEit. From the Han. ' George Hoar has disposed of his inter eat in the saloon business to his partner Frank Kutledge and has sold his pool hall to a patty from West Point. He contemplates moving his family to Columbus. Young man, let us givn you the benefit of our observation. We have noticed that at least nine tenths of the young men who have been lief ore the courts for misdemeanors are those who take no interest whatever in education, seldom read a newspaper, and are always ready to make fun of other young men who use correct language and try to be somebody. It comes natural to them to discourage the studious and ambitious young men of their acquaintance. Their minds run toward dirty stories, midnight sprees and bad company. This in a short time means trouble, a sheriffs invitation to attend court, and a fine or term in jail. A preacher came at a newspaper man in this way: You editors do not tell the truth. It you did you could not live; your newspapers would be a failure. The editor replied: You are right and the minister who will at all times and under all circumstances tell the whole truth about his members, alive or dead, will not occupy his pulpit more than one Sunday, and then be will find it neces sary to leave town in a hurry. The press and the pulpit go hand in hand with whitewash brushes and pleasant words, magnifying little virtues into big ones. The pulpit, the pen, and the grave stone are the great saint-making triumvirate. And the great minister went away looking very thoughtful while the editor turned to his work, and told of the unsurpaasing beauty of the bride, while in fact she was as homely aa a mud fence. RUB THE OTHER EYE. And Let the One In Which the Bit ef Cinder Lodges Alone. Nine persons out of every ten with a cinder or any other foreign sub stance In the eye will Instantly begin to rub It with one band while hunting for a handkerchief with the other. This Is all wrong. The right way hi not to rub the eye with the cinder hi it, but to rub the other as vigorously as you like. A few months ago I was riding on the engine of a fast express. The en gineer threw oien the front window of the cab. and 1 caught a cinder In my eye, which jntve me intense pain. 1 began to rub the eye desperately, when the engineer called to me: "Let that eye alone and rub the oth er one." Thiuking he was chaffing me, I only rubbed the harder. "I know the doctors think they know it all, but they don't, and If you will let that eye alone and work on the other one you will soon have the cin der out," shouted the engineer. 1 did as he directed and soon felt the cinder down near the Inner can thus and made ready to take It out "Let It alone and keep at the well eye," again shouted the engineer. I did so for a minute longer, and then, looking Into a small glass the engineer handed me, I saw the offender on my cheek. 1 have tried It many times since, always with success. Chi cago Record-Herald. FR1SCHH0LZ BROS. SHOES CLOTHING Gents9 Furnishing' Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. I FRISCHHOLZ BROS 405 11th Street, Columbus. PLATTE CENTER From the Signal. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Parker returned Sunday evening from a short stay in Omaha. Mr. Parker is anxious to again resume his duties at the depot, but his physicians advise another month of ''enjoyable idleness." After an illness of several weeks Mrs. Jobn T. Evans died at her home nine miles northwest of Platte Center on Tuesday evening June 7th . Her health had not been good for some years, but her serious illness dates back about seven months. The latest new enterprise in Platte Center is a second bank. It was whis pered around last week that such an enterprise was contemplated now it is a settled fact as will be verified by read ing the articles of incorporation of the "Farmers State Bank." published in another column in this paper. Mr. Kil leen, who is to be president of this bank, lives in Schuyler and is president of the First National bank of that city. Mr. Dowd, who is to be cashier, is now a resident of North Bend, where he is con nected with a bank. Matt Nenbauer, whom everybody here knows, is to be assistant cashier. The list of charter subscribers for stock is composed of substantial business men and farmers of this community. The corner lot oppo site Cronin'e drug store has been pur chased from Geo. Seheidel, sr., and we learn that a substantial brick banking building will be placed on it at once. In the meantime the bank will be opened for business in temporary quarters the latter part of July or first of August. GENOA. from the Leader. News reached the eity Tuesday night that Frank Bellman, who has been work ing for Harry Wells out on the Skeedee, disappeared Tuesday afternoon, and up, to this writing, Wednesday afternoon, no trace of him has been found. No cause for his disappearance can be imagined, and his wife and friends are very anxi ous fearing that some accident may have happened to him. A young eon of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Yetter of Upper Skeedee was taken vio lently ill last week and died Saturday from what was thought to have been arsenic poisoning, and a few hours after his death a small sister was taken with the same symptoms and Dr. Evans was called from Columbus Sunday, who pro nounced it poison. Where they got the poison is a mystery which was not solved at this writing. Here is a good time saving and temper saving suggestion: Fill an old oil can of any kind with ashes, then pour in sufficint kerosene to saturate the ashes, and put the can in a safe place away from fire. A table.-'pooi.ful is plenty to keep a blaze until the wood is caught, and it is worth all the patent lire kind lers. There is absolutely no danger, and by keeping a supply always made up, the children will not be attempted to use the kerosene can with the too of ten fatal results. BELLWOOD. Prom the Uazetto. In many fields the Btand of corn is poor, caused by poor seed. Wire worms are also doing considerable damage. People are now fording the Platte river to Columbus. Last week Wm. Houser hauled lumber for a new house across the river. While Kay Parks of UlysseBwos plow ing in the field the latter part of last week his little 7 year old daughter climb ed upon the plow, which was a riding one. Her font got caught between the beam and the slanting wheel and before the horses could be stopped her right leg was broken twice. She was taken to the hospital at David Oity; but died on Monday of thi s week. State Auditor Barton has issued a statement warning people against buy ing insurance in the State Farmeis' Mutual Hail Insurance company of Minnesota, Mr. Barton says he will not permit foreign mutuals to be licensed in this state. He says that if the law permitted this he would license the com pany, as it is a strong institution, but that as long as the law bars them he does not propose to stand for an invasion of the law. Getting Into Moral Debt. Philip D. Armour, millionaire and philanthropist, continually warned young uieu against getting into debt. He loved free men and despised slaves. When asked if he admired a certaiu brilliant orator he said: "He may have a superb voice and fine presence, but can't you hear the rattle of his chain? That man Is not free. He Is uuder moral obligations that demoralize him He is not speaking the deepest thing In his soul, and I haven't time to hear any slave talk. I want a man to be just as free as I am." On another occasion he said: "Don't get Into debt I mean moral debt. It Is bad enough to get into debt finan cially. There goes a young man who Is mortgaged. That young man Is leg ging It aloug with a debt, and it will take twice as much power to get him along as the man without a debt. There are other debts and obligations that are embarrassing In their entan glements. Don't get Into debt morally, my boy; don't get luto debt so that you may not exercise your freedom te its limits." The Cede ef Slang. It Is rather a clever notion In a re cent story to make two Americans communicate with each other by means of slang In a Central American1 republic at a time when all telegrams are carefully Inspected. If they used Spanish, that, of -course, would be Im mediately understood. If they used English the officials would find some one to translate It As they bad no cipher code prepared in advance, they could not resort to it. Consequently the first American telegraphs to the other American in "the great and m tent code of slang." Here Is a tele gram which slipped through the fin gers of the curious Central American officials: "His nibs skedaddled yesterday per Jack rabbit line with all the cola in the kitty and the bundle of muslin lies spoony about. The boodle Is six fig ures short. Our crowd In good shape, but we need the spondulk-s. You collar IL The main guy and the dry goods are headed for the brluy. You know what to do. Bob." Bookman. A Fire Alarm. First Boy Where yer goln In such a rush? Second Boy (on the rum Fire alarm! First Boy-Where? Sec ond Boy-Boss sajd he'd fire me If I wasn't back from his errand In ten minutes. Boston Transcript. His Objection. Artist-Why do you object to this miniature? Xurich-It looks like me. I'll admit, but It's too stingy. Better make one life size. Llpplncott's. Electric Light Always Ready Brilliant Clean Safe Have your house wired Columbus Light, Heat & Power Co. The right party en ecure an excellent itiou. Mlary orromraiwion fur Colombo ana . ciuit. atea,foriocpatioa. aud givi reference. Addree IAMa BOX 438. lancoln. Neb. VTMSmfftBBT HM PACIFIC TUKTULE WKST BOUND. No. 11 .) mm No. 1 1:38 a ui Nu.1 ItKSara No.u llJStm No. II 36 pm No. 15 S3 pm No. 3 S0pm No. 5 0:35 pm No. 21 11:10a m No. IV 1120am 8:33 pm No. 7 Spm BAST BOUND. No. 4 ..4:32 a a No. 12 IO:Wpm No. 14 6:34 am No. S SHSpm No.M 2:1a pm No. 10 IWPB No. 18. No. 2 ... No. 22... No.'JU... No.2... No. H .. 57 pm 830 pm 1:20 pm 3:00 pm 7:12 am 8:15 p m NORFOLK. BHAMOUa. BPALOINQ ALBION. No. Timid, d ":20 am No. St pa 7 00 pm No. 30 pa ..a 1:10 pm No. 78 iuxil.. B:10pw No.7mxd..ds:00am No. 31 dm ..d 1:10 pm No. 32 pa ..al230pm No. SO mxd.. a 7:00 pm LOCAL KKPKKSENTATIVK-Salary $K0 to $150 monthly. F.itra roiumttioa and ottiro ox-IM-uses. liepmtentativo must hnvo r"uttiri.-nt cwh torariy btiM'k to supply th ilnmml creat ed by New Ijiuh nnd other ronditioii. Snd reference!), l'.wition periii-iiu-nt. IJaiit ad vancement to :"il man. Addiwt SturKis Thnjer, Saleit Director, 4U0 National llunk t'oin merro IhiihlinK, Miuneaioli, Minn. TUKASUU Y DKl'A M'MK.NT. office of Soper vWiik Architect. WaMilntrtin, D. C .May 28. I'JIO. Hcaleil rooonln will be received In Hits office until 3 o'clock p. in. on the Utli day of July. WW. ami then opened, for tlw conatrnrtioa coiiiplete.tfnrludinK plainbiiut.KaM piping, heat in; apiiarntUH. electric rondlitH aud MirinK) of the l.S. rt Office at Coluinhutf. Nebranka. in i.rnmhinr.1 with dmwintM anil Mucciticatiom. copiittof uhich may lie obtained from the cus todian of ttite uM oluinuiit. iSeiiraitKa.orM Mia office, nt the discretion or the Mioerv ibid ircn- -. . IIMLV utinv TlVlol.' neri. .i.ui-... ""; liaily except Haaday. MOTS: No. 1. 2, 7 and 8 are extra for t raise. No. 4. 5, 13 and 14 are local paeaeafen. Nob. 58 and W are local freiMa Noa. V aad M are mail traiaa oalr. No 14 due is Omaha 4:43 p.m. No. dae ia Omaka BdW p. m. C. I. & (. TkMTafcla No. 22. Pane, (daily ex. Sandey) leare-. . .35 a m No! :. Krt. & Ac. (d'y ex. Satarday.) W.fcM p m No. St, 1 ana. luaiiy ex. nuauaji amvo. .. v .u;,ta h. ,Vvi;ini?rchit.t. No.31. Krt. & Ac. (d'y ex. Snaday) ar r Hpn Where History Began. Describing a visit to tbe tombs of the Egyptian kings, Albert BIgelow Paine in Harper's Weekly writes of "the splendid tomb of Amenophls IL, of tbe eighteenth dynasty, who lived In the glory of Egypt 1C00 B. C, a warrior who slew seven Syrian chiefs with his own hand. The top of the sarcophagus Is removed and Is replac ed by heavy plate glass. Just over the sleeper's face there Is a tiny electric globe, and I believe one could never tire of standing there and looking at that quiet visage, darkened by age, but beautiful In Its dignity, unmoved, un disturbed by the storm and stress of the fretful years. How long he has been asleep! The Israelites were still in bondage when he fell into that quiet doze, aud for their exodus a century or two later he did not care. Hector and Achilles and Paris and the rest bad not yet battled on the plains of Troy." Moral Suasion and a Strap. "She seems to have abandoned her mnrnl suasion Ideas relative to tbe training of children." "She has." -now did it happen?" -Well, I was largely instrumental in bringing about the change. You see, she has no children of her own, and I grew weary of her constant preaching and theorizing, so I loaned her our Willie." "Loaned her your boy?" "Precisely. She was to have him a week on her solemn promise to con fine herself entirely to moral suasion. "Did she keep her promise?" "She did, but at the expiration of the week she came to me with tears in her eyes and pleaded for permission to whale him just once." New York MalL Confucius on Kingcraft. "What is kingcraft?" demanded a disciple. Confucius replied. "Food enough, troops enough aud a trusting people." "Were there no help for it which could be best snared of the bree?" "Troops." said the master. "And were there no help for it -which could be better spared of the other two?" "Food." said the master. "From of old all men die, but without trust ft people cannot stand' Literal. Rummy Robinson Yes, mum; once for n whole year 1 turned me back on likker. Kind Lady -Ah. my noble man, what were you doing at tbe time? Rummy Robinson Driving a brewer's I dray, mum. London Tit-Bits. Go Out Into the Union Pacific Country Where there are greater opportunities and less competition; where nature is generous in both climate and soil. It is in this section that thousands will find homes in the next few years. GO VIA UNION PACIFIC "The Safe Road" Electric Block Signals Dining Car Meals and Service "Best in the World" bow Homeseekers' Fares First and Third Tuesday of Each Month During 1910 To Many Points in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Oregon and Washington For information relative to rates, routes, etc., call on or address B. G. BROWN, Agent, Columbus, Neb.