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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1910)
i m l0ttrii FORTY-FIRST YEAR. s S I ii w ?? In May Series begins W" Stock now open for subscription BEGHER, HOCKENBERGER & CHAMBERS i4-r-f- - COLUMBUS MARKETS. Rye Outs Wheat, new Corn yellow White corn r.:t :'() H7 is 17 UogB.tOp H.rr HuniiJiiiJUHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiimi5 I MANY YEARS AGO. 5iimMiimjiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiMiiI Fileb of the Journal, .lime 0, 177. The weather report for the month of June, 1877, records that there was a alight frost in the low places mi June'., and also thut grasshoppers in consider able numbers lly north from the 14 th to the 17th It is the request of the committee of Odd Fellows and Masons that those hav ing old or odd coins or any kind, pre serve them for deposit in one of the cor ner stone of the new hall shortly to he erected Tor the two orders. In the proceedings of the county board: The resignation of 1 11. Kelley afa justice of the peace of Lost 0 reek township was accepted and CJ. W. Shaf fer appointed in his place; also tho re sanation of W. 1). Wilson, justice of the peace in Stearns precinct, was read and accepted. I.. 11. North says that the Pawnees are greatly dissatisfied and not without cause. According to the censi.s taken here there were iiGtiO in the tribe, where as the census this spring, there, hows they now number 1580, a decrease of 1040 sonle, or very nearly forty per cent m two years. The fever and ague slays them off very rapidly. It is little won der to put the Poueas under military es cort in removing them Trotn their old reservation to the Indian Territory. Route No. 4. F. .1. llilmer and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Uoerle were visiting at the home of Val Kuhn Sunday. Miss Nellie Dineen left Monday for Kearney, where he will attend the bummer normal. Hoait Overseer Knsiuinger is doing some very much needed work on route 4. in Shell Creek township Dennis Uleason of Monroe, accompan ied by his sisters, the Mispes Nellie and Marguerite, were guests at the Dineen home Sunday. Miss Mary Dineen closed a very suc cessful term of school in district No. 25 last Friday with appropriate exercises. Her sister, Mis,s Josie, has been elected teacher in this district for the coming year Route No. 1. John lleibel has purchasod a new auto Pauline Kreye has been quite sick, but is now improving. Hob Byrnes came down from Fnllerton Saturday and will spend the Bummer with his unole and aunt. Mr. and Mm II 15 Reed. William L Cattail aud Clara Kosche were ruarriad at the Loske Creek church Monday, Rev. Deninger, the pastor, per forming the ceremony. Only relatives and intimate friends were present. All the latest shades and styles in WALL PAPER Paper Hanging and Decorating Sign Writing a Specialty D. C. KAVANAUGH NUMBER 10. Axel Nelson nnd his wife have present ed the city council with a claim of $2,261 against the city for injuries sustained by Mrs. Nelson on account of falling od a tlcfective sidewalk, and medical at lentions during the time she was suffer ing from the injuries, and the matter was referred to the city attorney. There were two bids for the construction of cement crossings for the coming year, eubinittod by Jacob Glur and McCord A: Johnson, and the contract was award ed to tho former. The request of the Union Pacific railroad to lay a main across Eleventh street to the power house of the Columbus Light, Heat & Power company, so they could get water from them, was turned down, and the committee reported that a warning had been served on both the railroad and electric light company not to construct the main. The city objects to the rail road company purchasing water from the light company when they are sell ing water, unit would like to supply the the railroad company. It is quite pro bable that nn ordinance will be passed requiring mai a uuiiumg permit uo do cured before the construction of any building be commenced. This will en able the city to exercise a stricter sup ervison over structures built within the tire limit. Dnssell .v. Son were paid the balance on the new wells, $804.11. and the engineer, John Martz, allowed 820 for his servies in accepting them. All city water mains and service pipes will hereafter be laid in a uniform manner four feet from the curb line. The city is now advertising for the sale of the $25,000 Platte river bridge bonds, re cently voted. The petition for the re moval of the lumber yard, south of the Union Pncitic depot, is still in the hands of the judiciary committee, but report is expected soon. After an illness of two months, Mrs. Robert Pinson, wife of Postmaster Pin son of Platte Center, died at her home Monday morning, aged 77 years. Mrs. Pinson was born in Ely, Cambridgeshire, England, December 28, IS!. Here she grew to womanhood and moved to Nor wich and later to Saxlborpe, England, where hhe met her husband, Robert Pin son, and they were married at Norwich, England, September 1865. In 1870 they crossed the ocean and came to America and direct to Platte county, where they took up a homestead in Lost Creek town ship, which has since been their home. In 1S80, when Mr. Pinson was first ap pointed postmaster at Platte Center ' they moved to that town, but again resided on the old homestead for four years. In 1897 they again moved to Platte Center, which has since been their home. Mrs. Pinson was a sister of the late John Eusden of this city. Besides her husband she leaves one daughter. Jennie, wire of Willard Obapin of Walla Walla, Washington, and one son. T. J . E Pinson, who lives on the old home stead m host Greek township. Mrs. Pinson was a member of the Methodist church. The funeral services, which were held Tuesday at the home in Platte Center, were conducted by He v. D. I. Roush of this city, and she was brought here on the Norfolk passenger for burial in the Columbus cemetery. Monday , evening the Nebraska Fish commission car "Antelope" arrived in this city on u trip from Lincoln. The car was in charge of Deputy Fish Com missioner O'Brien and besides the lish distributed between this city and Lin coln, he had '20,000 young bass for dis tribution in this locality, and quite a number for shipment to Fullerton, St. Paul and Rig Springs. Those distribut ed here were allotted under the supervi sion of the Columbus Fish, Game and Protective association, which has done much toward restocking this locality with game and lish. Mr. O'Brien re ceived several encouraging reports re garding the croppie he distributed here several yearn ago, and is of the opinion that these lish will be the most plenti ful game lish in this section. The car will vUit this city again in October, when another lot of spawn and fish will be distributed. Friday evening the city council will hold a special meeting to consider the proposition presented by the Columbus Light, Heat & Power company, and they desire that all the patrons of the light company who are interested attend the meeting. The proposition of the light company is substantially as follows: The highest rate charged shall be four teen cents per killowat. with a ten per cent discount if the bill is paid before the tenth of the month. This rate ap plies to users of leH than fifty Idllowats per month, but on larger quantities a sliding scale will be made, a reduction for each additional fifty killowats used. This proposition has been lefore the council for several weeks and they have been considering it, nnd the Friday night meeting will probably dispiweof it. Mike Gold, who runs ine lmneemn street pool hall, aud Sam Bordy, who was employed by him until last Satur day, had some trouble the first of the week, and Sam got the beat of the argu ment. Gold receiving a bad gash on the face. He said that the wound was made with a knife, but Sam says he fell again st a show case. Judge O'Brien heard the case and he assessed Bordy $10 anil costs for his part of the affair. Misses Bertha and Anna Glur left Monday afternoon for Kearney where they will attend the normal college, they expect to be gone eight weeks. COLUMBUS, Dr. Naumann. Dentist 13 St. Try Leavy's Laxative Lozenges. Dr. Morrow, office Lueechen building. Wm. Dietrichs, painting, Ind. phone 1694. Try a refreshing dish of pure ice cream at Leavy's. Four room house for rent. Elliott, Speice & Co. Wanted Girl for general housework. Mrs. F. Strother. Dr. C.A. Allenburger, offioe in new State Bank building. Dr. L. P. Garstenson, Veterinarian, In firmary, 11th and KummerSts. 100 acres of blue grass pasture land for sale. O. M. Taylor, Columbus. C. J. Garlow returned the first of the week from an extended sojourn in Mexi co. Mrs. W. U. Xandera returned last Fri day from a ten days' visit at her old home in Broken Bow. Mrs. Will Hall and little daughter of Norfolk are visiting at the home of her father, Paul Hagel. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becher who live near Primrose were Columbus visitors a few days last week. G. B. and W. I. Speice left last Satur day for Kingfisher, Okla., to attend the wedding of their nephew. John Elliott, who graduated from the school of mines at Rapid City. S. D., last week arrived home Monday. Floyd Hedberg of Polk, Polk county, was a guest at the home of his uncle, G. M. Hall, while enroute from Omaha. Carl Schubert, jr., left Sunday for the Pacific coast and the Lakeview. Oregon, country, where he expects to remain permanently. B. Gilmore and W. J. Simeon, two plain drunks, were before the police judge last Friday and contributed 81 and costs for their good lime. George Bloedorn, who was at Roches ter, Minn., 6ome time for treatment of his injured limb, was compelled to re turn there Monday for another stay at the sanitarium. Conductor F. B. Kenyon of the Bur lington, accompanied by his wife, left Monday morning for a four weeks' trip m the east, including Maine and other i .- .. . jNew ungiuna states. Miss Katherine Speice of Springfield, Mo., arrived Wednesday evening for a visit with relatives. She is employed in the office of the superintendent of the Santa Fe at Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbon of Monroe were in the city Monday with their eld est son, Raymond, who was operated on for appendicitis at St. Mary's hospital. The operation was successful and the patient is getting along nicely. Monday of this week recorder of deeds Oarrig's office recorded the $50,000,000 mortgage given by the Union Pacific railroad company on its property. This mortgage is filed in every county in the state through whioh the road passes. Will Wagner, formerly of this city, and Miss Mamie Boyd of Oakland, Cal.. were married last Wednesday. Will was in the newspaper business before leaving this city and also after locating in the west, but he is now in the real es tate business at Kamrath Falls, Ore. He is the youngest eon of Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner of this city. Material for the Platte river bridge will begin to arrive in about a week and work will be commenced. Foreman Hep perly, who had charge of the work last winter, has charge of the second con tract, and is in the city. He has been getting ready to begin when the mater ial arrives, and will have the prelimin ary work completed by that time. Daniel Jameson and John Powers came here with the circus, but at Grand Island they quit and returned to this city. They had an altercation on Thir teenth street last Friday, and were taken before Polioe Judge O'Brien, who fined Jameson 825 and costs and discharged Powers. Jameson was unable to liqui date and is now a boarder at the county jail. Hnnarintendent Wm. James of Dor- cheater is busy reserving space in Ag ricultural Hall for County Collective Exhibits for the coraingState Fair, Sept. 5th to SUb. This department of our Fair is acknowledged to be the best in the United States. Fair officials of other states never fail to express astonishment at the magnitude of this part of Nebra ska's annual showing. Last Thursday the first suit ever filed iu this city to enforce the cigarette law was filed against Mike Gold, who oper ates the Thirteenth street pool hall. The complaint was 6Worn out by Sam Bordy ,who swears that during the month of May, Gold sold or gave to Carl Boet tcher. Bernard Burns, Fritz and Ray Rector. Dick Carpenter. James O'Brien. Bob Hayes and others cigarettes or material to make them. The case was up before Police Judge O'Brien Monday of this week, and a continuance taken until June 30. Gold declares that he is innocent and the complaint is an attem pt by Bordy to make him trouble and I injure him. NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1910. 8 ROOM HOUSE Good barn and five acres of lnad, 12 blocks from Post office. PRICE $3,500 Elliott - Speice Post Office Block Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block. Drs. Paul and Mntzen, Dentists. Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block. Red Oxide barn and roof paint at Leavy's. Cigars, pipes and tobaccos at Robrich'a Eleventh street. Dr. Chas. II. Campbell, oculist and aurist, 1215 Olive street. Dr. W. R. Neumarker, office with Dr. O. D. Evans, west side of Park. Wanted A good girl for general house work. Wages $5 per week. Mrs. Arnold Oehlrich. For fine watch, clock and jewelry re pairing, try Curl Froemel, the Eleventh street jeweler. H. O. Newman leaves Thursday for a month's visit at his old home nt York, Pennsylvania. For Sale W) acre farm 1Z miles from Columbus, well improved. C. M. Tay lor. Columbus. The rain of Tuesday night and Wed nesday morning, which is of inestimable value to the growing crops, measured 1.K0 inches at 7 o'clock Wednesday morning. Miss Lucile Jodiet. accompanied by her brother Frank, came up from Omaha last Tuesday to be present for the Ernst-Rodat wedding. They returned home Thursday. Thomas Petco of Leigh died at the hospital Sunday nnd was buried Mon day. He was twenty years of age and was born in Hungary, and had been in this country but a short time. Itan Weidner of east of St. Edwnrd was before the board of insanity this week, and was committed to the Norfolk asylum, where he will lie taken by Sheriff Lachnit as soon as room is pro vided for him. Mrs. MniriMe Genie, who has been a patient at St. Mary's hospital, died Tues day morning. She was twenty-live years of age, and her father anil mother, Mr. nnd Mrs. John lteminers enme up from Garrison and accompanied the Inidy to that place for burial. With the change in the plans for the government building the treasury de partment is again advertising for bids for construction of the new post office. The building is practically the same with the exception that brick is substituted for stone in some of the work. Platte Center is to have another bank according to one of her citizens. The promoters are Schuyler men and all the necessary stock has been sold, mostly to residents of that town and .surrounding country. Just when the new institution will open has not been announced, but they expect to be ready for business soon. 6REIT CLEMINS SUE. On account of having my building moved into the street, I will offer my en tire stock nt cnt prices. Some goods are 6old at cost or even below cost. CARL FKOEMBL. Eleventh Street Jeweler. THE BEST is alone good enough for our custo mers. We have been in this business in Columbus for many years and have learned by experience many points in the coal trade which makes it possible for us to serve you better cheaper and more satisfactory than anybody else. SPECIAL PRICES NOW L. W. WEAVER t SON HARNESS AND COAL Blaaffi. felawBJK - Echols Co. Columbus, Neb. Y. M. C. A. Notes. All boys who work during the sum mer should arrange for swimming hours in the evening. Only those who have arranged for a special time allowed to take a bath at any time other than the regular hours. A representative of the Redpnth Slayton Lyceum Bureau was in the city Tuesday, making arrangements for the lecture course to be conducted by the Y. M. O. A. next winter. Nothing very definite has been decided as yet. The time for the special summer mem berships has been extended until the first of October, instead of September 1, as originally intended. Those who join immediately will be allowed all the pri vileges of the association for almost four months, at a cost of less than one-third the price of u whole year's membership. All of the base ball boys, as well as sev eral others, have taken out one of these memberships. Secretary Pntnnm and Rev. Dibble left with their hoy campers Tuesday morning. Although it was raining when the party started, all of the bnys wore a determined look, and it will undoubted ly take a good ruin to turn them back. Several Oolumbns people have announ ced that they will visit the campers be fore they return, and. if the visitors tnke along a little gmb, they will be sure to find a royal welcome from the boys. Mr. Putnam started with seventeen boys at 7 o'clock, and they intend to walk the distance in less than four hours Rev. Dibble and two of the boys started in a wagon about two hours later. The whole party were probably given a good shower bath by the rain before reaching their destination. The camp is to be lo cated on the farm of John lllnser, fifteen miles west of the city. Tho following boys composed the party Roger Uoldcn James Col ton, Earl Colton. Clarence Newman, Ruby Hntcher, Dewey Hatch er, Kd Anderson, Fred Strother. Everett Welch. Carl MuMnllen. Frank Rhode, Earl Babcock, Homer Rush.Carl Rusche, Carl Walter, Phil Uockenberger, Walter Nauman, Wellington Rathburn nnd Leonard Her. Congregational Church. The Congregational church is planning for a full day next Sunday. Of the morning children's day will be observed. The little ones will do their part. The pastor will preach a abort sermon from the subject The Child and The Chris tian Life, Of the evening there will be a sacred musical by tho choir. The fol lowing program will he rendered: Organ prelude Gloria Invocation Anthem -Lord Thy Mercy Streaiueth Rubenatein Oboir. Scripture Prayer Dresden Amen Solo (Selected) Mi68 Fuller Anthem and Alto Solo -"The King of Love My Shepherd Ib" Shelley -Choir Offertory Solo (Selected) Mre- Milton Rowers Announcements Anthem and Alto solo "The Sun Goes Don" Spicker Choir Anthem "Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace" Choir. Benediction Poetlude Wilmam L. DutiiLE, Pastor. Route No. 3. Henry Beblen bought a new auto last week. Geo. E. Syas was an Omnha visitor Tuesday. D. A. Becher is having his residence improved with a cont of paint. Wm. Goedeken and daughter Lena were at Platte Center Saturday. A good deal of alfalfa on the route has been cut nnd is down in the rain. John Adaray, who has been working on route No 1, is again on this route. Laura Ilrunken of Columbus is the guest of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ilrunken, sr. Fred Buss is at Excelsior Springs, Mo. I taking care of Ed Bakenhu?, who went I there for his health. Reports says that Mr. BakenbUB is improving. On The Diamond. This week Manager Dolan released shortstop Oooper and right fielder Pasha and signed Littlejohn of Illinois and Brown of York to fill their places. Catcher Agnevv of the Omaha team has also been signed and will probably play with the team on their return here Thursday. During the last week Columbus won but one game that of Wednesday from Grand Island. Nansen, who was in the box for the visitors, passed two men to first, and then passed another and forced one man nome. two wnu piicura brought in two more runs and he was re lieved by Mnrry, but the game was won by Columbus. Thursday the teams played and in an eleven inning game Grand Island defeat ed the home team by a score of 11 to 12. Seward was here Friday and Saturday and won Friday's game by a score of 8 to 2, Dolan saving the home team from a shut out by knocking a two bagger in the ninth. Saturday the most exciting game of tho season was played, requiring eight teen innings to decide it, Seward win ning by n score or 2 to 4. Sunday and Monday the Columbus team played at Grand Island, losing both games, the first score of ( to :! and the Monday game by a score of 1 to 0 The three new players higned by Col iinibus wfll materially strengthen the team, and the Fremont-Columbus game tomorrow will no doubt be a good one. The two Columbus-Seward games, scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, were postponed on account of rain, and Thursday and Friday Fremont plays here, Columbus playing Saturday and Sunday at that place. Monday, June l::, there will lie a postponed game play ed here between Columbus and Kearney. The management have arranged for twenty reserved stalls for nutos or rigs, located on the south side of the diamond next to the fence. These can lie reserv ed either up town or at the grounds. State League Standing. Will). IjMtt. Fremont...... 1- Jj (irnuil Nlnixl H S'Wanl 1" " SiiM'rior W H ('Imtiluis " Kearney. B 1M lluKttaKtt 7 '.' ICi-ri Cloud 1- IVI. .(ill .Krt .r..M; .411 .441 .41-.! Nebraska State Sportsmcns Associa tion. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week ono hundred shooters from over the state anil also other states at tended the three days' shoot in this city. Visiting shooters spoke highly of the arrangements made by the local com mittee, and pronounced it one of the best nnd most satisfactory shoots held in the state. Wednesday the scores were good, but Thursday the high wind prevented high scores. Thursday was a good day and the shooters made very good Bcores. All the events were 200 targets. The annual business meeting of the association was held in the council cham ber Thursday evening and the following officers elected: E. C. Brownfield, Lin coln, president: W. D. Townsend, Oma ha.vice president; Ed Woodard, Lincoln, secretary-treasurer. Lincoln was select ed as the next place for holding the tournament. Grand Island also extend ed nn invitation to the shooters, but the vote stood 0 for Lincoln and 21 for Grand Island. Knllnwim? are the hiirh scores of the general average: Professional: J. W. Garrett. Colorado Springs... 570 Geo. Maxwell, Hastings. Neb OSl Ed O'Brien, Florence, Has 5.17 M. K. IlenBler, Colorado SpnngB... 551 Tom Marshall, Chicago 547 Amateur: Jesse Ayleswortb, Omaha 5HJJ C. C. Tuppan. Gandy 5W Harvey Dixon, Onowoco. Mo 5J1 W. II. Illian, Albion 5411 F. Miller, Berwyn 547 Two long runs were made. Harry Dixon 12; nnd J. W. Garrett 117. Sacred Concert. Sunday morning. June 111th, at the First Methodist church, the choir will render special music and the pastor will sjeak on the snbject, "Victory Through Defeat." Sunday school will be held at 12 o'clock. Junior League at :i and Ep worth League at 7. In the evening a sacred concert will be given by Mra. Lydia Worth Smith. vocaliBt, and Miss Charlotte Coleman, pianoist, of Teka mah, Nebraska, as follows: Regular oriental? exercises at 8 p. iu. Song Without Words Mendelssohn Hunting Song Mendelssohn Mias Coleman How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings.. Liddle The Lord is My Light Marsh Loving Father Teres a Del Riege Mr?. Smith To a Wild Rose Mac Dowell Mennette Schubert MisB Coleman Sunrise and Sunset Spross God He Merciful to Me Percippe Mrs. Smith Short Sermon by the Pastor Come Unto Me Farrell Make Me Clean Byshe Mrs. Smith Impromptu Schubert Miss Coleman Eli Aria Michael Costa Mr?. Smith Dwight I. Rousu, Pastor. WHOLE NUMBER 2,012. FARMERS The best poison in the world for GOPHERS, FIELD MICE and other pests is Starr's Poison Sold under a positive guarantee PRICE, 75c POLLOCK & CO. The Druggist on the Corner Oolumbns, Nebraska Among the democrats from tbia oity who attended the meeting of the deoao- cratio state central committee in Lincoln last Saturday were Chairman J. C Byrnes, Edgar Howard and Christ Gruenther. Last Friday evening the closing pro gram of the Commencement exeroisea of the Columbus high school were given at the North theatre. The entire olaas was .seated on th stage, but six orations were delivered, the remaining members having been on the two previous pro grams given at the high school building. The Friday evening exercises included the valedictory and class prophecy, the latter being enjoyed by members of the class. After the conclusion of the pro gram, in which was included several musical numbers, the diplomas ware presented by Superintendent Conn. The following from the Alliance, Neb., Times tells of an accident to W. M. Talbitzer, son of Postmaster Talbitzer of Monioe: Another unfortunate rail road accident occurred in the yards Wednesday morning, in which switch men Ed Owen and Wm. Talbitzer nearly lost their lives, and switchman Jonas was slightly injured. Spreading rails Ib supposed to be the cause of their eegins leaving the track. The three men wars standing on the foot board whea the crash came. Mr. Johns managed to climb upon the engine, but the other two were caught under the front of the en gine and crushed into the cinders. Mr. Owens suffered severe internal injuries, while Mr. Talbitzer is suffering with a leg so badly lacerated and bruised that amputation may be necessary. It took sometime to dig the men from under the engine at the time of the accident. The Doxey Trial Ends. Saturday morning's dailies contained the closing chapter of the trial of Mrs. Dora E. Doxey for the murder of William J. Erder, and the verdict of the jury waa acquittal. In his instructions to the jury, the judge instructed them o bring in a verdict of murder in the first degree or acquittal. That the verdict was a surprise to Oolumbns people is putting it mild. Mrs. Doxey was re-arrested on a charge of bigamy by the Clayton coun ty, Missouri, authorities, and waa releas ed on 82,000 bonds. After being released under bond, Mrs. Doxey left St. Louis for this city arriv ing here Sunday. She is looking after some business matters and her house hold goods, which were left here at the time of her arrent. Marriage Licenses. Harry L. George, Albion 48 May Fay Fuller, Albion 86 William L. Oattau. Columbns. 28 Olara Roeche, Columbus 21 Henry L. Oelsligle, Tilden 28 Martha E. Bossford. Tilden 23 John Cy boron, Nance county 25 Leocadia C.apla, Polk county 17 Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agenoy for the famous Munsing Underwear, the best popular priced Union Suits on the market. Prices in men's from 81.60 to 84.50. Prices in boys' from 50c, 75c, 81 and $1.25. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we have a splendid line ready for your in spection and ranging in price from 50c to 92. 50 a garment. Buy early while the sizes are complete. GRAY'S