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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1910)
- ! COLUMBUS JOURNAL VTROTHBR 6 8TOCKWELI4, COLUMBUS NEBRASKA FROM DM TO DAY GENERAL NEWS AND NOTES FRESH FROM THE WIRE. II WIDE AREA IS COVERED Embracing a Condensation or fcventa In Which Readers Generally Are Interested. Wasmnsron. The report of the conferees on the river and harbor bill was presented in congress and was approved. As final ly agreed to it carries appropriations aggregating $51,y47.718, a net reduc tion of 705.500 from the amount of the bill as it passed the senate. The City of Omaha. Neb., will be required to purchase the waterworks system of the Omaha Waterworks company for $G,2G3,21-.;9 under a de cision of the supreme court of the United States announced recently. The court affirmed the udgement of the circuit court of appeals in the matter. President Taft announced that dur ing his administration he should not lend his approval to legislation de signed to give government aid to specific interests in Alaska. Instead lie favors a general law which will apply to all who comply with its pro visions; a law modeled after the policy which for years has been In ef fect in the Philippine Islands. Military establishment in the United States Is a startling expensive proposition, according to figures com piled by Senator Clay of Georgia in support of his argument that the time has arrived when the government must cut down its expcndtiurcs for the upbuilding of the army and navy Senator Clay uoclares that the sums xpended for the army and navy are far in excess of the money expended ly tho government for maintaining the civil establishment. Genera. The Injunction against the railroads was made at Taft's suggestion. The supreme court sustained the in terstate commerce in the Missouri river rate cases. Every section foreman employed by the Southern Pacific in Texas as or dered on strike. Weakness in stock and cotton markets forced down the price ot wheat at Chicago. The month of May lived up to its reputation and, outside of politics, thero was not a disturbing element. Chinese warships with troops have been dispatched to Nanking in anti cipation of a native outbreak against foreigners. President Ouv Potter P.enton. of Miami university Oxford. O.. was J coln- Nebr Ex-Go v. Mickey of Nebraska died at his home in Osceola after lour months illness. President Ripley of the Santa. Fe says the roads will fight the court in junction against Increasing freight rates. The abscess on the right wrist of Emperor William Is healing and his majesty's physicians appear to be satisfied with the results of their treatment There is no reasonable doubt that the United States will hold that the I Estrada faction in Nicaragua is en titled to collect the customs at Blue fields. At Hannibal, Mo., twenty-five west ern railroads were temporarily re strained by United States District Judge Dyer from enforcing or making a general advance in interstate freight rates. Thomas E. Watson, once a demo cratic member of congress and once named by the populist party for presi dent, announced in a card issued last week his return to the democratic party. The supreme court of the United States set the corporation tax aside for reargument at the beginning of the next term before a full bench. This action was announced by Chief Justice Fuller. H. W. Lyon, who is said to be the president and vice president of several banks and corporations in Minneapolis, Minn., was held in New York on the charge of smuggling two pearl necklaces, a brooch and a gold watch. Charles Stuart Rolls started in an aeroplane in an attempt to fly across the English channel from Dover to Calais. He bad gone only a few yards, however, when the motor broke down and he was compelled to postpone the flight. Premier Rutherford tendered his resigation as the head of the Alberta government cabinet. Chief Justice Sifton has been called on to form a new cabinet. United States Julius C. Burrows of Michigan announced his candidacy for re-election and his desire to be endorsed by popular vote at the polls next fall. The deposed shah of Persia, who Is living at Odessa in a villa placed at his disposal by the Russian govern ment, has taken up the study of medicine. Returns from the vote at the prim aries in Ohio county. West Virginia, indicate that candidates for the state legislature favorable to the re-election on United States Senator N. B. Scott, won by 500 maority over the support ers of Congressman W. P. Hubbard. It is authoritatively announced that the resignation of Viscount Sone, resident general in Korea has been accepted and that Lieutenant General Viscount TerauchI will succeed him. Net profits of $110,000 were realized for the actors fund, to be devoted to the care of aged and needy stage fol lowers, by the recent lair held in New York city. Charles L. Burr, a well known at torney of New York city, a member of the legal firm of Mackenzie & Burr, died of typhoid fever in his forty-first year. Ho was born in Lin- TALKS TO TEACHERS GOV. SHALLENBERGER TALKS OF STATE'S WEALTH. THE NEBRASKA SCHOOL WORK MONEY FOR LINCOLN. Honor to the Memory of Ex-Governor Mickey Other Matters at the State Capital. Governor Sballenberger addressed the State Teachers' institute, giving his endorcement to any movement which tends to the upbuilding of Ne braska schools. The governor paid many compliments to the great work of the educators and repeated thet when it comes to cutting down appropriations, the last item to receive the knife will be the school appropriations. The governor said he had been in formed thai Nebraska spends some llb.000.000 every bienniura on its schools rnd It was his opinion that every dollar of the money spent in this work is money well spent. He believed also that the state could af ford to spend that sum for he had received from the treasurer of the state some time ago a notice that he had on hand $100,000 and no place to invest. ' This was the first time any. state treasurer of Nebraska had ever served such a notice, which is required by law when the general fund reaches that amount with no place to put the money. The law rehires that the governor shall be notified of this condition, after which he and the treasurer and auditor shall invest the money in government bonds at 4 per cent. The law is an old one. but there has never been occasion to use it until recently, be cause of a lack of funds. Treasurer Brian found a place for the money, however, so it was not necessary to hold the meeting. elected president of the Boston university. Thirty thousand dollars has been of fered to the first aviator who ilies in an aeroplane from New York to St. Louis, or from St. Louis to New York. "Wildcat evangelism" was denounc ed at the closing session of the fiftieth general session of the South ern Presbyterian church by Dr. Charles R. Nesbit of Nashville. Tenn. Premier Rutherford tendered his resignation as the head of the Alberta government cabinet. Governor Hughes has signed the bills to enable lie state of New Nork to accept gifts of land and money of fered by Mrs. E. H. Harrlman and others for a park embracing the Hud eon river Palisade The long-continued dispute be tween Missouri and Kansas ovr the Doundary line between the two states will be settled by the state in ac cordance with a joint resolution adopted by the senate. Seventy-five per cent of the farm ers of the United States plant their crops according to the moon's phases, but scientific investigation shows that potatoes planted in the "dark" of the moon are no better than others. Sydney Webster, an authority on corporation and international law, and private secretary of President Frank lin Pierce, died at Newport, R. I., Mon day. Mrs. Gunjiro Aoki, formerly Glayds Eniery, daughter of Archdeacon Emery of San Francisco, is at Carson City with her child, and mother, Mrs Emery, to establish a six mouths' resi dence prior to obtaining a divorce. The widely-heralded cour t of do mestic relations, exclusively for hus bands and wives with martial dis putes, was approved by Mayor Gaynor when he signed a bill recently passed by the New York legislature creating euch a tribunal. Additional areas in Wyoming and Utah were designated by the interior repartment for disposition under the cngaded homestead act. Captain John Penmbrooko Jones, the oldest graduate of the Vnitea State naval academy at Annapolis and a veteran of the Mexican and civil wars, died at Pasadena, Cat. The dead body of Alma Kellner. the long missing Louisville girl, was found in a basement. President Taft takes full responsi bility for the Lawler letter. United States Senator Julius C. Bur rows of Maryland has announced his candidacy for re-election and his de sire to be endorsed by popular vote at the primaries next fall. President Taft wrote a letter to Representative Tawney deploring re flections on southern hospitality. Seventy-five thousand mines with $750,000 fund behind them are on a strike in Illinois. House insurgents have about aban doned efTorts to oust Speaker Can non at this session of congress. Eighty-five tins of opium, valued at $5,000 and believed to have been smuggled into this country, were seized by United States government 'agents in a Chinese grocery store at St. Louis. A platform advocating a "protective Honoring Mickey's Memory. Out of respect for ex-Governor Mickey, who died at Osceola, the flag over the state house was flown at half stall and state officers discussed the work of the former executive. Governor Shallenberger sent to Mrs. Mickey the following telegram: "Mrs. J. H. Mickey. Osceola: Please accept my profound sympathy for yourself and family in your great grief. Nebraska mourns with you the loss of your distinguished husband." Adjutant General Hartigan issued the following order to the national guard: "With sorrow the commander-in-chief announces the death of ex-Governor John H. Mickey, which occurred June 2, 1910. "Governor Mickey was born on a farm near Burlington. la., September SO, 1S45; was educated in the district schools and Iowa Wesleyan univer sity. "He was a soldier of the civil war Senate Passes the Bill for Federal Building. Word reached Lincoln by telegraph that the United States senate had passed Senator Burkett's bill appro priating $425,000 for the extension and improvement of the federal build ing at Lincoln. Lincoln people are jubilant over the prospects of having the postoffice building enlarged now as it was originally designed. The present postoffice building has been occupied only a little over three and one-half years. The rapid growth of the city and its postoffice business has so crowded the present building that when the inspectors were in Lin coln from the department at Washing ton in March, besides making out their regular report, they prepared a special report to the department set ting forth the conditions in the Lin coln postoffice and saying that unless more ample room were furnished the postoffice business of the city could not be properly carried on there. Senator Burkett in introducing the bill asked for an appropriation of $650,000. The committee appointed to take up the matter reported in fa vor of $425,000. and it was this sum that was voted on by the senate. The history of the Lincoln post- office began in February. 1873, when the president of the United States ap proved an act of congress, entitled, "An act to authorize the construc tion of a fire-proof building at Lin coln, the capital of Nebraska." Under this act was constructed the old post office building, which was occupied for that purpose from 1879 to 1906. and is now the city hall. The cost of the old postoffice building was $227, 361.91. Its dimensions are SSxSS feet. covering a ground space of C.101 square feet. On June 6. 1902. the president ap proved an act popularly designated "the omnibus public building act." which carried as one item an addi tional appropriation of $300,000 for the enlargement of the old govern ment building in the city of Lincoln. Subsequently the idea of enlarging the old building was abandoned, and on March 3. 1903. the president ap proved an act authorized and direct ing the construction of the present building. The original design of the present building will simply be carried out and completed if the appropriation carries. HER OH TARIFFS DAINTIES FOR TEA TABLE RAILROADS ARE UNDAUNTED BY FEDERAL INJUNCTION. WESTERN MANAGERS SESSION Practically Every Railroad From At- lantie to Pacific Want Increased Comodity iRates. Appetizing Dishes That Will Bring the Family Expectantly to tha Evening Meal. tariff that will cover the difference in i and served with credit and honor as a the cost of production here and abroad." but not mentioning the Payne-Aldrich tariff law. was adopt ed by the republicans of the Ninth district of Indiana. One man was killed and several in jured as the result of an explosion at the Dolores mines in the state of Chihauhua. Mexico. The explosion started a fire which houses, rendering 500 less. Asserting that it is better not to observe a memorial day at all than to make of it a Fourth of July, Com mander J. Willard Brown of the Mas sachusetts department of the Grand Army of the Republic, in a statement declares a resolution for the changing or abolishment of memorial day will be introduced at the national encamp ment of the G. A. R. On their summing up for the "prose cution" Brandeis and Pepper unmerci fully scored Secretary Ballinger. Glenn H. Curtiss flew from Albany to New York in an aeroplane, win ning the prize of $10,000. The commissioner of labor of Cali fornia made a report on the result of employment of Japanese. Senator Burkett's bill giving $425, 000 for an addition to the present postoffice building at Lincoln passed the senate. member of the Eighth Iowa cavalry. 1S63-'C5; served as a member of the Nebraska house of representatives. 1SS1-'S2. and was chosen governor of Nebraska November. 1902, and served four years In that office. "Governor Mickey was always inter ested in the progress and advance ment of the great state which non- destroyed 100 1 ored him. and which he honored, and persons home-I in his passing the state suffers irrc- pa-able loss. "All armories of the Nebraska Na tional Guard will be draped in mourn ing for the next thirty days in testi mony of respect to the memory of this soldier and statesman." Does the State Owe This Bill. John Dick, president of the Pheonix Iron Works of Meadville, Pa., arrived in Lincoln and called on state officers and the attorney for the state school, formerly the home for the friendless. Mr. Dick was in Chicago and he thought he would come on to Lincoln to see why ho could not get $1,36S which he claims is due his company for boilers and material in the heat ing plant at the state school. He has in his possession a contract signed by A. L. Weatherby, secretary of the board of control appointed by Gov ernor Shallenberger. The board al leges that it contracted with G. V. Ballard for a heating plant and had no dealings with the Meadville com pany and that it owes the company nothing. Massachusetts to Invade State. Adjutant General Hartigan has is sued an order granting permission to the National Guard of Massachusetts to cross the state fully equipped for war. The companies are going to at tend the Spanish-American war vet erans reunion in Denver in September. Washington Undaunted by the government's proceedings under the Sherman anti-trust act, by which a part of the proposed increase of freight rates In the territory west of the Mississippi river was suspended by injunction, railroads in the east and in the middle west have filed with the Interstate Commerce com mission tariffs embodying increased rates. Attorney General Wickersham de clines to indicate what course be will pursue In behalf of the government, and the senate. Just on the verge of passing the administration bill, hesi tated, and finally postponed action until Friday. Tonight practically every railroad system from the Atlantic to the Pa cific has filed with tne Interstate Commerce commission the legal noti fication of proposed increases In com modity rates. The increases range from three to thirty-one per cent. The day started off by the filing of schedules of increases by the New York Central, the West Shore and the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western. Then the official proposal of the roads traversing the territory from Chicago and Milwaukee to In dianapolis and Ohio river points, twenty-three in all, was brought in to the commission. During the after noon increased tariffs from the At lantic seaboard to Chicago, St. Paul and intermediate points were fixed. The Bulitmore and Ohio filed with the commisison a revised tariff on commodities rate from Chicago to the eastern seaboard. Like the rest, schedules filed by the roads west of the Mississippi Increased tariffs from the central freight association teri tory were fiicd in concert. On tne other hand, tho eastern railroads filed their revised tariffs individu ally. The time set for the increase to go into effect on the eastern roads was generally July 5. Of the roads in the middle west July 1 was the date fixed. Before the revised tariffs be gan to rour into the offices of the commission Attorney General Wick ersham was receiving telegrams from western shippers, asking him to take action to have the injunc tion inssued by the federal court in Missouri extended to other com modities, especially wood. Replies were made that it is now too late. It was explained that the government included in the bill such rates as had been called to its at tention and that the failure of other rates to be included must be laid at the door of the shippers. Milk Toast and Cheese. Make some rich milk toast, and spread on a flat dish; cover with a thick layer of grated cheese, and put In tbe oven till the cheese melts and burns. Servo very hot Celery Toast For a small family, clean one moderate-sized stalk of cel ery, using all the stalk, root and such leaves as are blanched and tender. Cut In small pieces, put over tbe fire and boll till tender, taking care not to have too much water, so that It may Don down and retain all substance. Add a generous pint of milk, keep over the fire until scalded, then thicken very slightly with flour. lasUy adding a piece of butter the size of a hickory nut You will need eight slices of toast, which should be brown and crisp. Butter these and lay in a deep covered dish. Turn the celery gravy over It and serve immediately. Do not dip the toast In the milk. Date Muffins. One cup of chopped dates; mix two cups of milk and a well-beaten egg: sift together one heaping teaspoonful of baking powder, three cups of flour and two table spoonfuls of melted butter: add the milk and egg, and last the dates, and beat hard till light and foamy; bake in buttered gem-tins for about twenty minutes. Scones. Into a quart of flour stir a teaspoonful of salt and two teaspoon fuls of baking powder. Sift three times, then chop into the mixture a heaping tablespoonful of butter, and when well blended add enough chilled milk to make a soft dough. Handle as little as possible and turn out upon a floured board. Roll quickly and light ly into a sheet and cut into rounds with a small biscuit or cake cutter. Lay upon a hot soapstone griddle, and when brown turn and brown; split open tearing, not cutting the scones and butter them. Oatmeal Scones. Take a cupful oi oatmeal and a cupful of flour and stir well; add two teaspoonfuls of baking powder and a teaspoonful of salt. Add two eggs, well beaten, and a cup of milk. Stir into a soft dough and drop by the spoonful on a greased tin. Bake in a moderate oven, split open and butter. Serve at once. Description or a Mountain. -Jimmy." said the teacher, "what la a caper "A cap la land extending Into the water. "Correct. William, define a gulf." "A gulf la water extending into the toad. "Good. Christopher," to a small eager-looking hoy, "what la a moun tain r Christopher shot up from his seat so suddenly aa to startle the teacher, and promptly responded: "A mountain la land extending into the air." CUT THIS OUT And mall to tha A. H. Lewis Medietas Co. 8. Louis. Ma. and they will send you frea a 10 day treatment of NATURE'S REME DY (NR tablets) Guaranteed for Rheu nattem. CoaaUnatton. Sick Headache. Liv er. Kidney and Blood Diseases. Sold by all Druggists. Better than Pills for Llvar Ilia, It's tree to yon. Writ today. Desire tor Information. "Mrs. Gaddington wants to know at) about everybody's business." "Yes," replied Miss Cayenne. "She regards matrimony aa a failure be cause she didn't marry a census taker. CnarttpattoB eaeaes sad aagreyataa mrnwr aariona diarasea. it la tborouchly eorrd by Dr. Ptercaa PlaaaaatPeUata, Tbe Tirila family laskUva. The man who beta on the wrong horse la apt to have a race prejudice. Lewis' Single Binder rives the sauker a rich, mellow-tasting 5c cigar. Some men put on hotel airs oa a boarding house salary. Art Ysi Dieting And thereby hoping to cure yourself of that annoying stomach distress? If so, we want you to try a better plan take Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. It tones the entire digestive system and prevents any after-eating: distress, such as Gas on Stomach, Sour Kislnfis,Belchind.Indi- tfestion. Heartburn, Cos tiveness. Biliousness and Malaria Always ask for iSltflWme B OSTETTER'fl 0 CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTER LAND GRAFTERS SUSPECTED. Personal. Mrs. Doxey is showing nervousness under the strain of the trial. Mr. Roosevelt caused a stir by his speech in Guild hall, London. Senator Cummins announced he would support the railroad bill. Senator Burkett thinks the Oreeon Fees Collected by the Secretary. The fees collected by the secretary or state during the month of May amounted to 13.860.20. This was di vided as follows: Articles of Incor poration. $2,148.05; notary commis sion". $62; motor vehicles, $1,495.55; brands. $33; certifications. $30; trade ma' Us, $2; corporation permits, $103. Cement Walks Instead of Canals. The State Board of Public Lands and Buildings is figuring on putting in ccuiout walks around the state house in place of the flagstone that is now there. Tho present walks for years have been nothing less than canals and every shower the water stands on the walks until it has dried every where else, so the board will try to improve things some. Fined and in Jail. Ernest Rottman of Murdock. who gave his age as sixty-nine, pleaded guilty in federal court to the charge of sending an obscene letter through the mails, addressed to Mrs. Anna Burkholder of that place. He was fined $50, and being unable to pay, wa3 committed to the Lancaster county jail. Forgery in Securing Deeds to Semi nole Indian Lands Alleged. Washington. "Land grafters" are said to be industriously operating In Seminole county, Okla., according to reports quoted in a letter submitteed to the house by Secretary Ballinger. Secretary Ballinger calls upon con gress for an appropriation of $6,000 from the Seminole funds to defray the cost of government suits to set aside illegal conveyances and protect tbe possessions of the Seminoles. The Agreement Sanctioned. An agreement looking to the inter change of traffic between the inde pendent telephone companies of Ne braska and the Postal Telegraph Ca ble company was sanctioned at a gen eral meeting of forty telephone man agers from over the state, held in this city. Apply for Seine Licenses. Chief Game Warden Dan Geilus has already received forty-live appllca- plan of electing United States senat-1 tious for licenses to seine and net ors will come into use in Nebraska, j fish. The last legislature amended Champ Clark says he would rather j the game law so as to permit seining be speaker than United States ; anu- 'netting of cat fish. carp, buffalo senator. State Senator Broderick of Chicago and other alleged bribers gave bond at Springfield and were released. The Brown amendment to the rail road bill was defeated in the senate. Senator Norris Brown was an orator at a memorial day observance at Washington. A permit for the Jeffries-Johnson fight was issued at San Francisco. Senator Clay of Georgia declares the militsiry establishment of the gov- J ernment is too costly. 1 Protesting against the proposed Jef- j frie-Jolmson prize fight July 4. the In- ternalional Reform bureau has issued 1 an open letter to members of both houses of congress. The first cabinet of United South Africa has been formed by General Louis Botha, who has himself taken the portfolio of premier and ministet of agriculture. James A. Patten Is credited with losing a million by the slump in May wheat. President Taft will not attend the Roosevelt home-coming celebration in New York. Senator Burkett's bill appropriating $425,000 for improvements on the Lincoln federal building passed the senate. and gar fish from June 1 to October 31, the price for a license being $2. George D. Follmer. former state land commissioner, was given to ver dict for $1.!CC0 in district court in his suit auainst the state for $1,500. The suit was the outgrowth of the Boyd county land cases. Senator Burkett Files. Elmer J. Burkett. at present United States senator. Is candidate for re-election. He paid his entrance fee of $50 to the county treasurer of Lanraster county and then filed his name with the secretary of state as a candidate for the republican nomination. Miss Stotsenberg's Marriage. A marriage of special interest to Nebraska people was solemnized at St. Margaret's church in Washington, when Miss Laura Anncsley Stotsen burg became the bride of Lieutenant Charles It. Mayo of the Tenth cavalry. The bride is the youngest daughter of the late Colonel John M. Stotsenburg. commander of the First Nebraska regiment. Colonel Stotsen burg was killed in action in the Philippines and his remains were brought back to Washington to be buried at Arlington, where they lie under a beautiful monument given by tho state of Nebraska. Iowa Wants In. Des Moines. Iowa shippers and manufacturers became alarmed Try tomato Juice Instead of milk for the omelet Never wash woodwork with hot wa ter and strong soap. A few minutes rest after eating facilitates digestion. White of egg poured over a burn will give quick relief. Honey is said to be a good substi tute for cod liver oil. A weak solution of salt and water will brighten mattings. Milk should not be covered tightly. Use muslin or cheesecloth. Wcrnout lace curtains, cut Into squares, make good dishclothes. Every cellar should be thoroughly whitewashed at least once a year. When the skin seems too dry. use less soap and more good cold cream. A dish of vinegar is an essential touch to a sharp salad dressing. If a child's stomach is acid. lime rater should be added to the milk. Sponges are great germ collectors. They should be frequently scalded. Water should never be used to clean silt frames. Use a dry, sort cloth. Newspapers are better than any- Your Liver is Clogged up That's Why You'ra Tired Oat 5rts Hat No Appetite. , CARTER'S U1 LIVER PILLS will put you right aaarewaayi. Theyd ractrdory. On BO BS Seal assssssssssssf"-- .ssssssMrADTTO jfaBBBBBatT WITTLC BBBBBSs" VlVER JTX MlmL MAIL TOX SMALL DOSE. SMALL rlKB GENUINE an bear scnature: &ZC?&&-z, Thitrsrtnv nvpr th rennrts that the in junction asked for by the government 1 thlnK clse for ""Alng out bows and in the federal courts to prevent the Meeting of Bankers. The annual meeting of group one of the state bankers' association will meet in June 22. at Lincoln. Ar rangements have been made, through committees, by the local bankers, and entertainment will be furnished by the Lincoln members of the group. Not Up with Reports. Heads of state institutions have not been complying with the sugges tion of the state auditor to send in monthly reports of the institution showing the condition of the larder and giving other information set out on blanks furnished, so Mr. Barton is going after them. When the audi tor conceived the idea of getting these reports, so it would be possible to tell every month just how the in stitution was faring, he consulted tbe governor and the idea was endorsed. Bishop Offered Official Position. E. C. Bishop, state superintendent of public Instruction, wa3 notified of his election to the head of the public school division of the extension de partment of Iowa State College of Agriculture at Ames, by the Iowa state board of control. increase In railroad rates fails to In clude the schedule which affects rates to most of the Iowa points. They took it up with the attorney general and railroad commissioners, and they immediately wired to Attorney Gen eral Wickersham to have Iowa points Included in the suit, and thus secure accruing benefits. sleeves. To take out iodine stains, sponge as quickly as possible with pure alcohol. Silver may be cleaned and bright ened by letting stand half an hour in sour milk. STOCKERS & FEEDERS Choice quality: red an J ro.-ns, bought on order. Ten of Ttou anda to tlect from, bati-fai-tioo Guaranteed. Correspondence InTl ted. Come and see for juurbeU. National Live Stock Com. Co At either KaasasGty.Ma. St.Josesb.Bf. S.Oaaka.lfeb MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, Certain Relief forFeTertaaaaaa fJeaatlamiioB. Heart ache. Araeaarh Traantes, Teef ala- lraae. TbryBreaJsateCalda Trmda Mark, la 14 hoars. AtallDraKitta,acta, ton taccMt Saarpla maitad FKEK. Addraaa, aatistitats A.. OUtSTCO.LaRayrN.Ya Jail Sentence Present. New York. For a wedding present to young Edmund A. Guggenheim, a nephew of Senator Simon Guggen heim of Colorado, the court of general sessions today gave him a fine of $1,000 and a sentence of one day in jail. Through his counsel young Gug genheim had pleaded guilty to a third violation of the automobile speed law. It was urged that he is to be married next Monday and that a prison sentence would be an unnec essary humiliation to his bride-to-be and to his family. DAISY FLY IULLER tract a aula al law .(.cJn.o-am o Latta alls.... !- pLI or U.rr.tl2 titMllrijar .. Ihiaj. Carmaf-! f r.t.uraili. irol ooarK IMIwaalkAt.. Brllj a. !. OPIUM Snow Pudding. Take the pulps of six baked apples, carefully separated from the skins and cores, one cup sugar, whites of two eggs. Beat whites of eggs to a stiff I Br.aa.oojrruxx. froth. Add apples and sugar mixed Beat all one hour. With the two yolks I - - make a custard, which place in a dish lNt3DraSKl OaTeCtOrV u .a-t. lUtli UUUU UC C1JUW UJJUU his. r Morphine Habit Treated. rre mal. Cic :iere other remedies haYe lai!d. s;ciii!r rlestred. f:re rr-wt;'ir. M. MW.USt..ftj?xa Custard One pint of milk, heated In double boiler. Add teaspoon corn starch, wet with a little of the milk, and two beaten yolks, and sugar to taste. Put sugar In the milk first. When cooked flavor. amajafja NaBaa' Private High School Successful. State Superintendent Bishop has just returned from a visit to the pri vate Fchool conducted for the benefit of the children of J. J. Johnson and his neighbors, living six miles from Colon, in Saunders county. Mr. Johnson employs a young woman graduate of the state university for teacher and pays her the regulation salary paid to high school teachers. Twelve pupils are now enrolled. In cluding five of tbe Johnson children. The regular high school course Is be ing taught. It Postponed a Vote. Washington But for the fact that Senator Overman of North Carolina. t succeeded in having tbe senate In corporate in the rai'road bill a pro vision regulating injunction proceed ings affecting state laws, the senate probably would have voted on the railroad bill Thursday. The accept- Economy in Meat. When ordering meat always bear In mind that the beef when boiled loses nearly one pound in every four, and when roasted quite IS ounces. Mutton will lose even more than this. For this reason pies, puddings, etc., are far more economical and in many cases more nourishing. John Deere Cultivators ARE THE BEST ASK VOCU DEAI.KIl OR JOHN DEERE PLOW COMPANY, Omaha. TYPEWRITERS tlv0on.!up. All standard Ma. r .oldur rea:i- Jriit applied If Jon p'irrfc. Miwhtnr .h'pprd uirdM. onappmt!. S"nrtpo.ltri!ird Wri:i'forl.rirn!Uu LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 122 Nortn uth Streat Lincoln, Nab. WPL niNaVUT0 GE0US B' ww SsaaTaaViBVI thi process all broken pans of machinery made food aa new. Wc!da Cast iron, east steel, aluminum, copter, brat or any other metal. Eipert automobile r;tvinr.c ERTSCHV MOTOR CO.. Council Bluffs. Chicken Salad. One cupful of cold boiled chicken, one pint of celery cut into cubes, one cup of English walnuts blanched and broken Into small pieces, one table- RUBBER GOODS tT nwll at ect prlrra. Peed tor frco eataloj:-.. MYERS-OILLON DRUG CO., Omaha, Neb. K0D1K FINISHIN6 anco ot xnat. provision nau me enect . F,)0onfui of parsley chopped line. of inclining some democratic sena- cover with salad dressing and serve tors more favorably to the bill and of on i;re(ided lettuce. causing the democratic side of the consulation before voting. Mail order riven ni.l neniioa. mi tuppiifH ror tD? Amateur trictl fresh. Snd for catalogue and flnNhlesr prlel THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO.. Box 1197. Omaha. Neb. Ex-Governor's Funeral. Osceola, Xeb. The funeral of the ate ex-Governor John II. Mickey will be held here at 3 o'clock p. m.. Sun day, at the Osceola Methodist Episco pal church. Rev. A. A. Randell will afilciate. Open to the World. Chlcago.John C. Shaffer, who- ha3 ruaranteeed the $25,000 purse for the Chicago-New York aeroplane flight, announced that It would be open to aviators of the world and that Euro Dean entries were expected. TUCDAYTlIM Hotel I ll-L I flA I Uli Eurc Rooms from !.() u tdnvle. Tcnti , CAFE PRICKS REASONABLE Turban Pad From a discarded hat I took the J I HA I till EorODSirl Plan wire crown, covered it vwith brown silk. ; cafe Paicks RuVoMa.. r and net over this, to match my hair, leaving a round hole in the lower part to bring the hair through. I fas fen it on with wire hairpins, and it works like a charm, without the out lay of one penny for materials. Rhubarb Sherbet. Boil In three pints of water six or eight green stalks of rhubarb, four ounces of raisins and figs. When the water has boiled one-half hour strain and nix It with one teaspoonful of rose water and juices of one orange and lemon. Sweeten to taste. Drink cold. 119 MILLARD HOTELS" American S2.00 par day and upward. uraaaan SLOO sae day and wataarda. Sts aftBBSBBBBBBBsSsBBBBBBBBBtd laaP alssssssssssssssssssssaBBSSassssssssssssssssssss9 "iaBuaBBSSSSSBSBSSSSSSSSSSSSV Tan Dodaa 8trat t iJnMMi Dapot. OftMna .!OME MILLER