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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1910)
Mmafm limarmd. M h SB t '' FORTY-FIRST YEAR. NUMBER 9. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1910. Hl. WHOLE NUMBER 2,011 T I J fr H '4 m K r F Mr Or Ik a ItV ItV a a u ItV ItV at a ItV ItV tftFtFtttFtFtFFF W In May Series "W" begins Stock now open for subscription BECHER, HOCKENBERGER & CHAMBERS - m m COLUMBUS live OHtB Wheat, new Corn yellow White corn MARKETS. m 80 4:5 45 Last Wednesday evening the business men of the city met in the Firemens ball in response to a call of the Commercial club ollicers, to discuss the celebrating of the Fourth of July this year. Presi dent Friscbhol. of the Commercial club called the meeting to order and he was chosen chairman and J. A. Mason secre tary. After the meeting had been called to order and there had been some discus sion of the matter, a motion that Colum bus should celebrate this year was car ried. An executive committee, com posed of Sam Gass, jr., Daniel Sch ram, A. J. Mason, Carl Kramer, .las. Haney, M. C. Cassin and Albert Kasmussen was appointed, with power to make other appointments and organize. Frank Schram and Ed Fitzpatrick were pre sent HB representatives of the ball team, and urged the celebration, and also said that a hall game bad been scheduled in this city for the afternoon of the Fourth. Already the sub-committees bave been organized and soliciting for funds com menced, and those in charge of this re port good progress. Dr. Naumann, Dentist 13 St. Dr. Morrow, office Lueschen building. Dietrichs, painting, Ind. phone Hogs, top $8.70 to$S..S() Commencement Exercises. This year, as is usual, the commence ment MxerciBea will be in three sections, the two Tuesday and Thursday evening, being held in the high school gym For Tuesday evening six members of the class were on t!ie program as follows: Ollie Meissler, "Helen"; Luciie Keeder, "Juvenile Courts"; Verner Wilson, "I'an ama Canal"; Carrie G Drake, "Canada"; Margnrciha llaumgarlner, "Chinese Pro gress"; Fred Schmocker, "Alaska." The musical numbers of the program were given by the Misses Greta Mace, Dora iiahcock, Esther Fricke and the Ladies' iligli school chorus. For tomoirow evening, Thursday, the following graduates are on the program: Ivy Muuger,"Sea America First"; Frieda Kipple, "Barbarous Mexico"; Christine Hoyd. "Immigration". Paul A. Becker, "What Next": John Uabcock, "Battle of Waterloo"; Clifford K. Galley, "Aerial Navigation " The musical program will be rendered by the MisseB Mae Kat terman, lied wig Jneggi, Ollie Meissler and Frieda Kipple. and the male quar tette composed of Messrs. Putnam, Schmocker, Babcock and Wilson. Friday evening the concluding pro gram will be given at the North theatre, and will include the presentation of di plotnas by Superintendent Conn. Those of the class who are on the program for this evening are Oarl G. Rhode, "The Gyroucopiu Motional"; Arthur P. Wil son, "Prospects of the Twentieth Cen tury"; Fred C. Cady. jr , "Public Trust"; Melviu Brtigger. "Heroes of the Gun nison Tunnel", Mathilda Stenger, "Class Prophecy"; Alwine Meyer, "Valedic tory." The musical program will be given by the Columbus City band, Miss Marguerite Willard and the class chorus. The invocation will be delivered by Itev. 1) I. Housh of the Methodist church. There are nineteen graduates for 1110 and class roll is as follows: Alwine Meyer, Margaretha Baumgartner, Luciie Keeder, Ivy Munger, Melvin Brugger, Carrie G. Drake, Olillord H. Galley, Mntlnlda Stenger. Fred O. Cady, jr., Paul A. Backer. Verner Wilson, John Babcock. Fred C Schmocker, Frieda Kipple. Carl (I. Klioile. Christine Boyd, Ollie Meissler. Arthur P. Wilson and llarrv Jenkinson. Memorial Day wa9 fittingly observed Monday, the exercises and program be iugin charge of Baker Post No. U, Grand Army of the Republic. The pub lished program was carried out at the iorin tueaire, alter the procession, headed by the City Band marched from the Grand Army hall to the theatre. At the conclusion of the exercises, the pro cession, headed by the City Band, and composed of the fireman, Spanish War Veterans, Sons of Veterans and Grand Army, marched to the Columbus ceme tery, where the memorial exercises were held at the grave of W. H. Lewis, the last veteran who had passed away prior to this Memorial day The organ izations then decorated the graves of their members, both iu the Columbus and Catholic cemeteries. Monday evening the new auditorium at St. Francis academy was formerly opened with an appropriate program and entertainment, which was enjoyed by a good audience. For many, years the academy has felt the need of a place for gatherings and also for the annual ex ercises, the hall formerly used having been outgrown. When improvements were contemplated over a year ago this need was provided for and the result was a very nice auditorium with a seat ing capacity of about five hundred. It is located on the second lloor of the new Wm 1C94. Millinery at a hie: discount at Gray's. Four room house for rent. Elliott, Speice & Co. Wasted Girl for general housework. Mrs. F. Strother. Dr. C. A. Allenhurger, office in new State Bank building. Dr. L. P. Carstenson, Veterinarian, In firmary, 11th and KummerSts. 100 acres of blue grass pasture land for sale. O. M. Taylor, Columbus. T. F. Askew of Council Bluffs, was a Columbus visitor Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meissler of St. Louis arrived last Thursday for a visit with relatives. Mrs. C. L. Stillman and daughter, of Lead, S. D., are visiting Mrs. Stilltnan's sister, Mrs. F. K. Strother. During May we will close out our China and dinnerware at cost price. liohrich's. Eleventh street. Eddie Gluck came up from Omaha Saturday evening, and remained over for Decoration day exercises. Rev. S. D. Harkness left Sunday for St. Louis, where he was called in con nection with the Doxey trial, now in progress in that city . Millinery at a biff discount at 0 ray's. Emil Schwarz, who is interested in a moving picture show at Kearney, arrived last Friday for a short visit with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schwarz. W. T. ltickley and daughter. Miss Eula, of Omaha, were here Sunday and Monday. Mr. ltickley is still employed in the Courtney & Co . store, where he has charge of a department. J. J. Moackler, manager of the Swift plant in this city, is taking a two weeks' vacation, and visiting relatives at Fre mont and other points His place is being filled by Mr. Thompson of the South Omaha office of Swift .fc Co. 8 ROOM HOUSE s Good barn and five acres of lnad, 12 blocks from Post office. PRICE $3,500 Elliott-Speice-Echols Co. Post Office Block Columbus, Neb. Mrs. M. K. Turner and Mrs. J. C. Turner vrcct to Lincoln last Friday to be uresent at the lrraduation of Miss part of the building and easily reached ' Gladys Turner from the orthopedic Marriage Licenses. George Mcllenry, Denison. la 30 llachel N. Evuus, Columbus 22 Lratcr K Sutton, Silver Creek 21 Hulda K. Hindi. Columbus lit llarry Spidle, Columbns 2 Mary Jareka, Columbus IS Albert Kurth, Duncan 27 Stella Welek, Columbus 24 Herman J. Kudat, Columbus 22 LydiaK. Ernst, Columbus 20 All the latest shades and styles in WALL PAPER Paper Hanging and Decorating Sign Writing a Specially D. C. KAVANAUGH and also accessible to other parts of the building. A stage in the west end of the room adds much to the convenience, and the lighting and setting of the stage is very good. The new edition of "The Alaskan" will be the strong attraction at the North Theatre next Thursday June 2. The company comes direct from Chicago where the new "Alaskan" had a most phenomeual live montlm' engagement, and was proclaimed by the entire Chi cago press in its new revised shape, to be amongst the best things in the musical comedy line seen there in years. Man ager William P. Cullen, who now con trols "The Alaskan1' has been exception ally liberal in giving the present produc tion a sumptuous mounting and the cos tuming is very elaborate. It is expected that the novel "snowballing" feature will prove as big a sensation here as it has elsewhere. The now famous train of Esquimo dogs is still a prominent factor. Tuesday morning J. S. Haney received a letter from Congressman Latta saying five hundred and twenty feet of pontoon bridge would be available for use as a temporary bridge across the Flatte south of this city, until the new struc ture was completed. Mr. Haney took the matter up with the Commercial club and was instructed to wire an acceptance of the tender. While the bridge offered will not span the entire river, it will he ample to span the deep portion and make a good crossing. The bridge will be shipped in the near future and placed in position, and this will give a good cross ing until the work on the permanent structure is completed. Something entirely new in the musical comedy line will surely prove an innova tion to our local amusement seekers. "The Alaskan" is promised as that and even more. The new and novel "Snow balling" number in which the entire audience is allowed to pelt the Esquimo girls with fluffy missiles which are exact replicas of snowballs, is very exciting. "The Alaskan" comes to the North Theatre next Thursday for one night on ly. Seat sale opens Monday, prices 50. 75,81.00 $1.50. This year the dates for the Columbus races are much earlier than usual, being this month. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, June 21, 22 and 23. The races this year will he equally as good, if not better than former years, and the pur-es offered total jl,500. Already applications for stall room are being received and the management are pre paring to provide ample accommodation for all. Beginning with this week the fraternal order of Eagles moved into their new hall, in the second story of the Cover building. This is probably the largest and best arranged hall in the city and no doubt a number of other orders will make arrangements to use it. Remnants 33 13 per cent dis count at Gray's. hospital, the exercises taking placo at the state bouse that same evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schreiber, accom panied by two of their daughters, went to Wisner last week for a visit with the family of Mr. Schrciber's brother. Wil liam returned home Monday, hut the women folks will not return until the latter part of the week. J. U. Brock, who was injured bv fall ing from the second story of the First National bank building, while assisting in placing the second tier of stone in position, in getting along nicely, consid ering the seriousness of the accident. Besides painful bruises bis broken limb is causing him considerable pain. Friday of last weeV- the Columbus con tingent of witnesses for the Doxey trial left for St. Louis, and the St. Louis, Saturday evening papers tell of part of their testimony. Those who went were C. J. Carrig. Mrs. O. H. Iluschman, August Groves, Okas. Todenhoft, Myron Wilson and Ohauncey Gaeth of Schuyler. Ladies suits at a big discount at Gray's. E. E. Uoyle, who Has been with the Tribune since the first of the year, re signed his position last week, and Mon day of this week became identified with the Telegram, in which he has purchased an interest. A. J. Mason, who has been on the local staff of the Telegram awhile leaves that paper and takes a like posi tion on the Tribune. Today, Wednesday, the annual tourna ment of the Nebraska Sportsmen's as sociation opens in this city. The shooters began arriving Monday even ing and Tuesday morning, and Tuesday which was practice day, a number of events were pulled off between the clubs. About one hundred and Gfty shooters will be present during the tournament, and some good scores are expected. A short meeting of the city council was held last Friday evening, and a request from the Union PaciGc railroad to lay a cast iron main across Eleventh street from the city light plant to their tank, was referred to the committee. This action would indicate that the rail road company are figuring on obtaining a portion of their water supply from the Electric Light company. The council awarded the contract for eight hundred feet of new hose for the Ore department, which will be delivered nt nnco. Monday afternoon the slaughter house one mile north of the city, owned by M. C. Cassin and rented by the Palace meat market, burned to the ground. During the forenoon the building had been used for butchering, and it is sup posed that a defective Hue wan responsi ble for the blaze. Tho?e who discovered the Gre telephoned for assistance, but as it was impossible for the department to reach it. no alarm was turned in . A few men who were there succeeded in saving the adjoining yards, but the slaughter house was a total lose. Dr. W. S. Evans, Unjon Block. Dre. Paul and Matzei, Dentists. Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block. Ladies suits at a big discount at Gray's. Cigars, pipes and tobaccos at Rnhrich's Eleventh street. Dr. Chaa. II. Campbell, oculist and aurist, 1215 Olive street. Dr. W. It. Nenmarker. office with Dr. O. D. Evans, west side of Park. Wanted A good girl for general house work. Wages $f per week. Mrs. Arnold Oehlrich. For Gne watch, clock and jewelry re pairing, try Carl Froemel, the Eleventh street jeweler. For Sale 100 acre farm lj miles from Columbus, well improved. C. M. Tay lor, Columbus. Dr. D. T. Martyn left last Friday morning for Chicago to attend the an nual meeting of the national association of physicians, of which he is a member. lSeiimaiits 33 1-3 per cent dis count at Gray's. Tuesday evening the sophomores of the Columbus high school gave a recep tion to the seniors, and also the high school pupils. The evening was passed with an entertainment and banquet and was held in the high school gym and halls down stairs. On The Diamond. Columbus won at Kearney last Wen needay by a score of 2 to 1. The game was a close one, Columbus scoring twice in the seventh and Kearney once in the eighth. Thursday's game at Kearney was post poned on account of rain. The first game at Superior, which was to bave been played last Friday was postponed on account of rain, and the second game on Saturday, was won by Superior, by a score of 10 to 2. Sunday's game with Red Cloud was postponed, and Monday Columbus lost to Bed Clond, the score being 8 to 0. Today the home team plays here with Grand Island, the game being called at 4iio on account of the show, and tomor row the same teams play. Friday and Saturday Seward will be here for two games, and Sunday and Monday Columbus will play at Grand Island, and Tuesday and Wednesday at Seward, returning home for games with Grand Island June !) and 10. Since the new buildings and remodel ing of St. Bonaventurn's church has been completed, the unsightly bill boards south of the church property ap pear more out of place than ever, and there are many who would like to see them located elsewhere. The homes of Fred Roberts and E. E. Williams were quarantined for scarlet fever Tuesday of last week. The Rob erts home was released from quarantine h short time ago, but another of the family was taken sick with the disease. On tLe same day the Stine and Paul Ko dak homes were released from quarantine for scarlet fever. State League Standing. Won. Ixwt. IVt. Fremont u s ,1M (iraud Inland 8 4 .KJ OirnmbiiH 7 r. HiWtiOKi) R 7 . - .117 svswaru. ....... ...... ., , .-117 Superior , 7 .117 ISmI Cloud .. 7 .117 Krarney. 4 8 .ten Congregational Church. The Congregational church offers the following services for next Sunday. Sunday school 9:45 a. m., Worship 11 a. m., Y. P. S. C. E. 7 v. m.. cveninir wor ship 8 p. m. Of the morning the pastor will speak from the subject: God's Gentleness. Of the evening the follow ing program will bo rendered: Organ prelude Gloria Invocation Hymn I know Whom I Have He lieven" Hymn -Is My Name Written There" Prayer Violin Solo Miss Goff Announcements Solo-"The Bird With The Broken Pinion" Mrs. Mark lUthburn Offertory Hymn "The Eye of Faith" Sermon Respondency of Jesus Duet and chorus choir Benediction Postlude William L. DinnLE, Pastor. m w 2f- msfcjm 'VVI F. J. Hinzlie Commits Suicide. Sometime between Sunday evening and Monday morning F. J. Hinzlie, rep resenting tbo G. V. lirecht Butchers Supply company of St. Louis, committed suicide by cutting his throat. Hinzlie arrived in this city Sunday on bis regu lar trip and registered at the Meridian hotel, as usual. On going to bed he left a call for seven o'clock, but when clerk Kellock went to awaken him Mon day morning, he received no response and found the door locked. Entrance to the room was then gained over the transom, and it was then the suicide was discovered. It seems that Hinzlie must have taken his lire shortly after be went to his room, as bis body was cold when discovered, and be had all his clothes on. Hinzlie was well known in this city, as he called on quite a number of the business men, and his rash act caus ed surprise to his acquaintances. His borne is in Dubuque, Iowa, where he has a family of grown children, ho being a man over Gfty years of age. When his body was discovered clerk Kellock noti Ged undertaker Uerrick, who took charge of the body until the arrival of coroner Gass. An inquest was held Monday morning, the jury composed of W. L. Boettcher, Tony ltothleitner, G. Launer, Steve Hogan, E. II. Stanley and Oarl Schubert, returned n verdict of suicide. The knives used to kill himself with were taken from his sample case and were about one foot in length with an inch and a half blade. Coroner Gass telegraphed both his family and the house he was employed with, and the body was sent to his home in Dubuque for burial. THE BEST is alone good enough for our custo mers. We have been in this business in Columbus for many years and have learned by experience many points in the coal trade which makes it possible for us to serve you better cheaper and more satisfactory than anybody else. SPECIAL PRICES NOW L W. WEAVER ft HARNESS AND COAL Y. M. C. A. Notes. The special summer membership is now on sale and privileges begin as soon as the fee is paid. $2.75 for men, $2.25 for boys between 10 and 18, $1,50 for boys under 16. Ask Charles L. Dickey, Dack, Walter Luere, W. E Hocken berger or David Thomas for these tick ets. Any member of the association will be glad to tell you how to get them. The prospects for the boys' camp are looking better and better all the time. A mighty good bunch of fellows are lining up for a mighty good time for about ten days. The camping ground is almost ideal, so is the "bunch," the fee is not too high for anybody, only three dollars, and there is still plenty of room for one more. Have yon got your application? Card of Thanks. To the many friends who so kindly assisted ua during the death and burial of our beloved mother, Mrs. Hannah Davis, we wish to return out heartfelt thanks for their many kind acts, sym pathy and Mowers, and especially to the Order of Eagles for their Horal offerings. Fred E. Davis and Family, Creston, George Davis, James Davis, Mrs. O. O. Shannon and Husband. The Doxey Trial. During the last week the Doxey trial lhad been progressing alrendv nt St. Louis. All the witnesses from this city teatiGed last Saturday and Monday of this week, their testimony bearing on the time Dr. and Mrs. Doxey were in this city. Following are the latest developments in the case, a num ber of the events spoken of occuring in this city: The most damaging evidence yet in troduced against Mrs. Dora E. Doxey, accused of the murder of William J. Erder. was presented today. Firt an attorney testified that the woman had predicted the death of a relative in a letter and sought to hive certain indebt edness held up pending the settlement of his estate. Then the pastor of the church to which the Doxeys belonged in Columbus, told of their straightened circumstances and just before adjourn ment tonight Mrs. Katherine Erder, mo ther of the dead man, corroborated the testimony of her daughter, Mf,a Kate Erder, who is regarded as Mrs Doxey's nemesis. The lawyer was O. II . Miller, the last out-of-town witness against the accused woman. Mrs. Doxey lift ed her eyebrows as if in surprise when the letters were nail. Her lawyer ex plained that she wns under the inllnence of morphine and irresponsible when she wrote them. Miller also testified to a conversation he had with Mrs. Doxey April 15, in which she told him of a man whose life was insured in her favor, hut before her alleged marriage to Erder. Three days before her mnrringe, to Erder, Mrs. Doxoy wrote to Miller to address her letters to Mrs. William .1 . Erder. Miller said Mrs. Doxoy told him her cousin had married Erder. Tuc defendant appeared much re freshed after her day of rest yesterday. The announcement was mude by the woman's attorneys that unuodylate of sodium, with which she is aliened to havo poisoned Erder, has been fcd to a dog for three week?, without deleterious effect. Throughout the day ther was the largest crowd that has attended the trial since it began . When court open ed at HiHi o'clock deputy sheriffo had difficulty in keeping order The corri dors were thronged by people apparent ly anticipating sensational developments nnd auxious to gain points of vantngo in the court room. The defendant's attorneys says the. ex perts who conducted the experiment with cacodylate of ttoda on a dog u ill testify that the animul, far from being dead, is fat, healthy nntl very much alive and that the drug which it is charged caused Hnler's death, is not destructive to human life. The animal is said to have eaten KM) grains of tlm drug. Mrs. Doxey, during her trial, is wear ing two wedding rings, those of Dr. Doxey and Erder. C. II. Miller, a lawyer of Des Moines, la., testiGed he received n letter dated June 14, less than a month before Erder died, from Mrs. Doxey, asking for a loan of $20. Slit: wrote him she was to get the insurance of a man who "is almost dead." The letter to Miller, which was introduced in evidence, reads in parts: "I am still sick but I hav word from St. Louis that the man of whom I spoke to ou is nliuost dead. You know I will get 2,.r(N, or maylte more, as foou mh his insurance is Gxetl up. I'll get something also from his estate when tlm things aro sold. Even if you have to borrow the money, get it. Von will get it hack all right, and you will not have to wait more than two weeks." The Grst part of the letter was written by Dr. Doxey. He offered to givo a note for money advanced to him. He closed his part of the letter with the fol lowing: "My wife will write on a fw lines." Attorneys of the state said they do not fear the defense's plan of exhibiting a dog fed on cacodylate of sodn. They cited that strychnine is u tonic anil at the same time poisonous The letter that Mrs. Doxey wrote to Erder's sister from Columbus, Neb., urging her to have pity because of "Will's unborn child." was admitted as evidence. In the croea-exnminatiou of Attorney Miller he wtw asked if he did not know Mrs. Doxey was a morphine Genii, und not "at" herself when she wrote letters to him. He said he did not know that. The Itev. S. D. Harkness pastor of the Presbyterian church at Columbus, Neb., which the Doxey's attended, testiGed that on his Grst meeting with the Doxeys June 0, last, Mrs. Doxey told him that Doxey was in straightened circumstan ces, but added that she had property in St. Louis from which sim expected to realize money shortly. In August, the minister said he saw Mrs. Doxoy again. This was after Erder's death. Sh told him she had Bettled up mntterH in 'St. Louis and explained that she had been nursing Will Krder, whose wife had de serted him on his deathbed. Sho said Erder had given her $700 to pay certain expense and said S."MNJ represented his sister's life insurance Mrs. Katherine A. Erder, tin: mother of Wiliintn J. Erder, took the wituon stand shortly lefore adjournment. Mihs Kate Erder, her daughter, to w1iop. de tective work the trial of this cose is due, burst into tears as her mother walked into the court room. The latter's testi mony was mainly corrnliorativc of that of the former Charles Shnfrr, an insurance agent, and M. J.Kregdll, a notary public, iden- ItiGed the insurance policies on Erder'a life and the checks, which they said were paid to Mrs. Doxey as Mrs. Erder. FARMERS The best poison in the world for GOPHERS, FIELD MICE and other pests is Starr's Poison Sold under a positive guarantee PRICE, 75c POLLOCK & CO. Th Druggist on the Corner Columbus, Nebraska Evans-McIIenry. Last Friday evening Grace Episcopal church was the scene of a very pretty wedding when Miss Nell Evans, daugh terof Dr. and M rs. Carroll D. Evans of this city nnu George Mcllonry of Deni son, Iowa, were united in marriage by Dean Ilecher of Omaha. The church dcorationR were elaborate, the color ncheme being pink and white nnd the Mowers consisting of roses, peonies nnd oppies. At seven o'clock the ribbons acroea the doors were drawn and the wedding party, which had formed in the crypt. inarched into the church, while Miss Clura Segelke, accompanied by Bliss Uedwig Jaeggi on the violin and Miss Vesta Sinter at the piano, sang "Oh Promise Me," anil during the ceremony Schumann's "Traunierei" was rendered by MiBfie.- Jneggi and Slater. Tho bridal party was preceded by IJruce Dock and Mark Hathburn, hs puga, who opened the Uoral gate. The Hower girl. Ellen Delight Nichols, fol lowed, strewing rose petals, and the mnid or honor was Miss Abbie McUenry of Denison, Iowa, two matrons, Mrs. Albeit Reckernhd Mrs. Julius lialle of Denison, Iowa; the four maids were the Misses Frieda ttills of Lincoln. Kuby Ott of Louisville, Ky., Mnrgaret McUen ry or Denison, lown, and Catherine Wall of Phncnixville, Pa. Then came the bride on the arm of her father and they were met nt the chapel by the groom and the best man, Mr. Capita of Washington, D. C, and the officiating clergyman. Dean Becher. The bride's gown was white satin trim med with Iiruges lace, and she wore a dia mond pendant, a gift of the groom . Those who acted as usbeis were North and Carroll Evans, brothers of the bride. I'atrick Murphy of Lincoln, Sears Mc llenry, George Seemnnn and Julius lialle of Denison, la. After the ceremony a reception was given nt the home of the bride's parents, and Mr. and Mrs. Mcllenry left at 10.27 for Chicago and other points on a wed ding trip, and after spending the month of July nt Lake Okobi.ji will bent home nt Denison, la., after August I. Route No. 3. Ferdinand Seefold marketed hogs Tuesday. Mrs. Gerhard Lubben, who was very sick last week, is convalescent. The Gerhard Krumland home has been iuuruutined for scarlet fever. Miss Magdeline KeiuB of UIoomGeld. Neb., is u guest of Miss Louise lirunken this week. Fred Urunken returned from Lincoln, where he b:ut been taking treatment for his eyes, and is much better. A letter from Fred 15ehlen, jr., says that he arrived safely at Fresno. Cal.. and that he has met his relatives there and they are all enjoying good health. Ed ISakenhus, who has been in poor health for some time, went to Excelsior Springs Inst week, in hope of receiving some benefit there. He was accompani ed by his brother Henry. Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the fnmous Munsing Underwear, the best popular priced Union Suits on the market Prices in men's from $1.51) to $l..r,0. boyn' from G0ct 75c, $1 Priced iu nnd $1.25. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we have a splemiid line ready for your in sction and ranging in price from 50c to 82 50 a garment. Buy early while t h sizes are con plete. GRAY'S