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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1910)
fes FRISCHHOLZ BROS. shoes clothing Gents' Furnishing Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. 405 11th Street, ITEMS OF INTEREST ST. KI'WAKD t rom tin A'lvniu't. Lust Saturday .-ifturnoon 15. I Abliutt bought tliH V. A McCutcheon So acre farm .south of St. rid ward for h consider itLiuti of 1(1,100 This establishes si new luli record for rcul e.stute in this vicin ity but Mr. Abbott ban without doubt I'uiiie int poBScBBion of one of the beet farms in the vicinity. Mrs. Jum. O'Donnell fell lust Thursday ereninjj, fracturing a bone in lier hip. Her condition whs considered very criti chl and Sfiturday she was taken to St. Mary'a liospital, ColmnbuB, for an X-ray examination. She was brought homo Wednesday afternoon and is reported to be improving nB rapidly as could bo ex pected. SIIKI.I'.V. l'Vom tin Sun. Uev. and Mrs. Franklin Lohr, who have been visiting here at the home of their daughter, Aire. W. A. Cornish for the past two months, returned to their home at Columbus Monday. Mr. Lohr was confined to the house while here with a severe attack of rheumatism. Charles Merrill went to Omaha Tues day and returned home Wednesday bringing all the Starkey children except the oldest girl. We are informed that Starkey had left tho children to lookout for themselves and they have been brought home to be cared for by relatives. .1. V. Lott, father or Mrs. D. C. Cole, died at his home in Kisitig City hint Fri day morning after an illueps of only a few days The direct cause of his demise we are informed was pneumonia. He was (XI years old and was one of the early settlern in this vieimly, having lionie tU ended the farm known as the Ham llirth place. Funeral services were held last .Saturday and the interment made in the Rising I'ity cemetery. IIUMl'llKKV. l''rnii tlm DoiniKTiit Mrs. Max Kliasnnd children of Colum bus were in town the fnstof the week, visiting Mrs. Kliati' sister, Mrs. Joseph Vanderheideu. It seems certain within a very short time arrangements will be completed whereby the Humphrey Telephone com pany's lines will have connection with the St. Bernard line. Messrs. Garlow and Staedelman of the Humphrey com pany, in company with n few Humphrey J - ?iWW'"ll3aiMBMMaMWMwiai . lv .iJ9VBnHVtBF.arZflUHB2VHHiHl i&lrnf--s?T T-- - ' i i i i CUT PRICE POST CARDS 1c Each Regular 5c and 2 for 5c Cards, including LOCAL VIEWS sold by us for lc each. Come in and look the line over and be convinced. Don't be held up any longer. THE OLD RELIABLE Poesch's Candy Factory All mail orders filled promptly Columbus. ABOUT OUR NEIGH BORS AND FRIENDS CLIPPED FROM OUR EXCHANGES business men, attended a meeting of the stockholders of the St. Kernurd farmer line nt St. Bernard, and a proposition agreeable to the two companies was pro posed and practically accepted Are we going to let the band question drop or are we going to help push it along to a successful orgnniJition? Any live and up-to-date town has a band, and we don't see why Humphrey cannot have uh good a band as any town in this part of the state, lly having band con certs a night or two each week trade can be drawn to town which would otherwise not come, oven trade from other towns will he drawn. A good band is a good advertisement for n town nnd should be nssisted by the citizens. MONKOE. From tin; Itotinblicun. Will Graham of Mondamin, Iowa, is hero visiting thiB week. Louis Schroeder of Columbus has a force of men here moving two houses on to the farms or C. W. Hollingshead and S. C. Terry. Duve Williams is having his house improved by a new coat of paint and fixed up. It looks as though Dave was getting ready for the near future. Mrs. White who Iiob been running the Commercial hotel here sinco last. No vember nerved their last meal Wednes day noon and left Thursday for Hastings, where they will run a hotel. George Illand came up from Columbus the first or the week, where he has been for some time, confined to the house with sickness. He is now on the road to recovery, however, and will soon he in his usual health. Forrest Butler of Columbus has rent ed tho W.O. l'ugsley farm, between here nnd Genoa, and will farm it the coming summer. The place was recently bought by August Dietriehs, but he decided not to move onto it and rented it to Mr. Butler. Farmers report their winter wheat in had shape, many of them saying that the last freezing in February killed it While it may he a little early, still there is only a field here and there that shows any green, and those who have examined tho roots eay that a large per cent of it is dead. People who get results advertise in the Journal. PLATTE CKNTEB From the Siena!. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Smith and children, who have made their home the past few yeara in Holt county, returned to Platte county last week and will reside on the Joe Oftdy farm, 0 miles west of town. When will people stop encouraging beggars aud fake peddlers? Every few days one or more of this class of people canvas this town. Monday morning two well dressed men walked in from the sonth and proceeded to "work" our people. One of them bad wire clothes hangers and the other needles and other trinkets. Both told bard lack stories. One was lame, at least be carried a cane, though he frequently forgot to limp. The other was sick with consnmption. Tbej' succeeded in picking up several dollars, people buying their truck, not because they had any use for it, but "just to help them along." They left on the evening train, each with his bide us full of whisky as it would hold, and a bnttlefull in his pocket. Tuesday n woman was calling at residences and business houses, selling lamp mats. She said she and her family were driving from Dakota to Lincoln, the whole fam dy were sick, they hadn't bad a bite to eat that day, and had no money to buy even a loaf of breail with. And she could produce a Hood of tears every time she told her story. We never saw as leaky a person. It is a wonder that any of that family are alive today, for this is the third time in the past two years that they have been here, and each time they were in the same desper ate condition. Down at the stock yards she had a comfortable bouse wagon, and a good team of horses, a healthy looking man and several sleek dogs that didn't look as though they ever saw a sick hour or felt the pangs of hunger. The proper way is not to listen to such people, They are adepts in their line, but without exception entitled to no consideration. Turn them down, Say 'Xo' to their ap peals and they will be forced to earn au honest living or starve. CENTRAL CITT. From tho Nonpareil. Miss Kate Oaterman nnd ber little neice, Alice, bad an exciting experience Monday afternoon as they were driving to town. As they came along the rail road track about two miles west of town a passing train seated their horse and it began to plunge and run. It finally ran into the fence at the side of the right-of-way and upset the buggy. Mies Kate was dragged for jiuite a distance be tween the buggy and the fence and Anal ly lost her bold on the lines. After she had done so, little Alice managed to reach over the dash-board and recover tbcm, after which she kept the horse in the center of the road and was finally able to turn it around and drive hack to where her aunt was. The latter, very fortunately, was not seriously injured although she was painfully bruised and received a gosh on her face. It is a won der that she was not killed when thrown against the fence, but good fortune was on her Milt in this instance. ;. K. MeUiirne, who recently came west to investigate a deal iu which a farm tlmt he owned in Perkins county had been transfered to another party without his knowledge, committed suicide nt his home near Monlpelier, Ohio, on Thnrs dny, March .!rd. He took carbolic acid atul was found dead by bis wife in the barn on their farm. No reason is known fur his net. His brother-in-law, .1. K. Dorehiuer, who was looking after his in terests in land matters, received a letter from him which was mailed but a day before his death and in that he appeared perfectly rational and did not appear to he worrying over the trouble concerning the farm. Mr. lleOarn was a brother of Mrs. M. A. Brannan. He lived here for a number of years and is known to man)' of the old settlers. He was well to do and bis business affairs were iu good condition. What could have been the cause of his act is a mystery, but it is likely that be was suffering from tempor ary mental derangement. IIKMjWOOD. From 1 tie duett. We notice that one of the farmers in Alexis township is again indulging in "fast driving" on our streets and some of these das somebody is going to get run down. It's now up to our city dads to make him slow up while passing through the streets. Ever since the wash out of the wagon bridge between Columbus and Bel I wood our little burg each day has been Oiled with people and our stores are all doing a thriving business. It is now up to our business men to try and bold a good part of this new trade. Tho more ignorant a man is the more contentious be will be. When a man learns enough to know that he does not know much, then there is hope for him; but the stupid individual who is eternal ly running his tongue about things he is absolutely ignorant of, there is no living with him in peace. He is worse than the 7 year itch or the cbiggers in hot weath er. Everybody wants to run when he comes around, in order to avoid his fool talk on subjects he knows nothing about. Swat bim. Ex. A newspaper printed in Pike county, Missouri, contains the following notice: "State of Missouri County of Pike. To whom it may concern: The undersign ed will on September 29, A. D. 1857, sell at public outcry for cash, on premises where Coon creek crosses the Old Mis sion road, the following chattels, to-wit: Six yoke of oxen, with yoke and chain; two wagons with beds, three nigger wenches, four b'uck nigger, two nigger boys, two prairie plows, twenty-three steel traps, one barrel of pickled cab bage, one hogshead of tobacco, one lot nigger hoes, one spinning wheel, one loom, three fox hounds, one lot of coon and skunk skins and a lot of other arti cles. Are going to California. John Doe. Richard Roe, cryer. Free headcheese apples and hard cider." Electric Light Always Ready Brilliant Clean Safe Have your house wired Columbus light, Heat & Power Co. Columbus Plumbing Co. LUEKE & MULLIGAN Proprietors Sanitary Plumbing Steam and Hot Water Heating 13th and M Streets Columbus, Nebraska CAUSES 95 PER CENT OF DIS EASES. Advice Concerning Stomach Trou bles and How to Remedy Them. Do not neglect indigestion which leads to all sorts of ills and complications. An eminent doctor once said that ninety five per cent of all the ilia of the human body have their origin in a disordered stomach. A physician who made a specialty of stomach troubles, particularly dyspepsia after years of study perfected the for mula from which Rexall Dyspepsia tab lets are made. Our experience with Rexall Dyspepsia tablets leads us to believe them to be the greatest remedy known for the relief of acute indigestion and chronic dyspepsia. Their ingredients are soothing and heal ing to the inllamed membranes of the stomach. They nre rich in pepsin, one of the greatest digestive aids know to medicina The relief they affotd is al most immediate Their use with persis tency nnd regularity for a short time brings about a cessation of the pains caused by stomach disorders. Itexal Dyspepsia tablets will insure healthy appetite, aid digestion and pro mote nutrition. As evidence of our sin cere faith in Rexall Dyspepsia tablets, we ask you to try them at our risk. '' they do not give you entire satisfaction, we will return you the monoy you paid us for them, without question or forma lity. They come in three sizes, prices 25 cents, 50 cents and SI. 00. Remember yoti can obtain them only at our store. Pollock .v. Co., the druggists on the cor ner. SILVKK CHEEK. From t he Sanil Mrs. Rieder or Columbus is a guest of Mrs. C. L. Sprague. Ed Williams of Columbus spent a con pie of days in town ttiis week. Mrs. (1. W. Ketfer, son Merle and sis ter. Marguerite Williams, returned to Platte county on Wednesday. Mib. S. M. Torrence is home again af ter a long siege at an Omaha hospital She seems to feel better and her many friends are rejoiciog over her recovery. The board of supervisors voted to put in three SO foot spans of a steel bridge at Silver Creek with If. foot roadway. This is what we need and eventually it will be a steel bridge clear heroes the river. Tuesday last the school ltoard of Dis trict No. 8. at Gardner signed a contract with C. N. Powers to bnild a new school house. It is to be of cement blocks. .'51 Ix 40 with clow ts etc and a belfry tower It promises to be one of the ltest se.bonl houses in the county. The contract price is $1,850. UNIOK PACIFIC THE TIILE in WEST BOUXD. 11 H:l am 13 1:40 am 1 10:15 am ! 11:20 am 17 3.05 pm 15 ri:i pia 3 liOpm 5 t:35 p m 21 J:45iui 19 llit'nim Ti'.i 7.-(J0n m EAST No. 4 .... No. 12.... No. 14.... No. 8 No. 16.... No. 10.... No. 18.... No. .... No. 22.... No. 20.... No.58.... BOCRD. .... 4:21am ... 1027 pm .... firta m .... 2:Jpm .... .... 3:05 pm rtjUftiin ... HMpo .... 7:12 a m .... lsOOpra .... 5:05 pm No. Xo. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. BRANCHES. NORFOLK. HPALDISO AUIOK. No. 79 inxd .. d n:0O a m No. 31 pa ..d 1 JO p m No.32pM ..1230 pm No.fUmxd..a7:00pui Xo. 77 mxil . it 7:20 a m No. 29 paa 7 00 p m No. 30 pas ..a 1:10 pm No. 79 tuxil. .a 6:10 p m Daily except Sandar. Star: Noe. 1, 2, 7 and 8 are extra fare traiaa. Nim. 4. 5, 13 ami 11 are local paaaengera. Noa. 58 and 59 are local freight. Nos. 9 and 18 are mail traiaa only. No. 14 doe in Omaha 4:45 p. m. No. 6 doe in Omaha 5:00 p. m. C. 1. 1 1. This Tahlt No, 22, Pat, (daily ex. Sunday) leave.. ..7:35a m No. .t. Fit. 4 Ac. (d'y ex. Saturday ) lT.r.KJO p a No. 21, faM. (daily ex. Soaday) arrive.. 9:20 p m No. 31, Fit. & Ac. (d'y ex. Sunday) ar. ..CJ5 a m mm STKOMSUUBQ. From the Headlight. Mrs. Foakett received word from Rev. Foakett last week, that while making a trip from Sheridan to Greybull, Wyo , be was stuck for two days in a snow drift and all he had to eat was the con tents of a traveling man's sample case which was shared among the passengers He, we imagine, did not enjoy the ex perience. Mrs. Boroff left on Tuesday for Cali fornia where he will make her hdme with a daughter. Mrs, Makever accom panied ber as far as Central City, where she caught a through train . Mrs. Roroff has made her home here for many years, living alone since the death of her hus band and it is gratifying to all that she will be cared for in her declining years. A modern dude wit!: narrow striped clothes, saddle colored shoes, a loud necktie, hair parted over his nose and amoking a cigarette, addressed his best girl as follows: "If you were me and I was you, what would you do?" She hesi tatingly said with a smile: "I would take off that hideous tie, put that vile cigarette in the stove, part my hair on the side and pray God for brains." Too many people pass through lifo op pressed by the idea that they are slaves dominated by environment and iniluen ca that are fixed; that they are victims of circumstances and cannot change their condition. This is a sad mistake. We are largely what we think we are, aud our station in life, and our character is dependent upon our thought and will. We are not victims of circumstances, ex cept on rare occasions. We may be mas ters of our lives if we will. Ex. A. P. Linder met with a very senouB accident at Dnrant on Monday, lie was unloading hay from a car and left the lines lying loose, and when the train started the team became frightened and ran away. Mr. Linder was thrown out and the wagon passed over his arm above the elbow fracturing the bone, the end protruding through the flesh. lie was cared for by a local pby6ican but the in jury was of such a serious nature that be went to Omaha yesterday to consult a surgeon. It is hoped that he will be able to return and that his injury will not prove too serious. GENOA. From the Time1. John Janeick, of Rellwood, has pur chased the Robert Anderson farm of 1.52 acres southeast of Genoa in Platte coun try for 42, 500. O. E. Green, accompanied by the fore man of his ranch, J. S. Lambert, left for Odebolt, Iowa, Tuesday to nttend a stock sale. From Odebolt Mr. Green will go to his farm near Rurke, South Dakota, toirrange for placing a tenant on his farm. The former tenant. W. U. Blair, was recently killed by a kick from a horse. From th Iuler. Itoliert Anderson is reported to have v' bis farm east of town to a party i rom near Columbus for $100 per acre. John Nelson, who went to Columbus a couple weeks ago ami was operated upon for uppeiiilieitis, returned home Saturday last. Joe Krause sold his farm west of town the last of the week to K S. Ogden. The farm contained -I2 acres for which he received 05 per acre. Mrs. Thoison, who went to Denmark last fall, returned to Genoa tho last of the week in very oor physical rondi dition. She was detained at New York several weeks by tho immigration ollicials in order for hert.Hhowthntshe possefn ed vi.-dhle means of support Somebody has been making war on dogs the past week by a lih.TuI distribu tion of ioison evidently all along tin line from hero to Silver Creek, a dead dogs and cats are reported to line the highway the entire distance. A large number of town dogs were caught. Now a dog is the most faithful friend known to mankind, and while the canine tribe is made up of both dogs nnd curs, with a large per cent of the latter, it is due principally to their bringing up, nnd the man who will distribute poi-jon promis cuously should he coiiin)IIo 1 to spend the remainder of his days working for the state liebicd bars A Lit ION. From the News. S. 1. Phillips returned Tuesday nf ter noon from (JolnuihiiR, where he had been to see his daughter, Mrs. Frank Duncan, who recently underwent a very serious operation for nppendicitiK. lie found her getting nlorg nicely. Some of the farmers are finding good seed in their corn which was planted early last year nnd which stood in the Geld all winter. This corn matured well last fall and stood in the Geld well protected by the busks. Farmers who have such corn will do well to te.t it This may solve in n measure the ques tion of securing good seed this spring. The editor of Wallace's Partner suggest ed this idea several weeks ago to his readers and some of our farmers nre Gnding this to lie true. On last Monday, II. K. Hestehind, wife and four children started for uyisit to Norway. The length of their stay will depend on circumstances, but it will lie anywhere from six months to a year. Mr. Heetekind came to America foity-one years ago, then a lad of 1H years. His possessions then consisted of a strong pair of arms and adeteriuina tinn to win. He Grst located in Wiscon sin where be married his wffe, and then came to Boone county in 1874 His in dustry has been rewarded, and be now owns 240 acres nf good land besides per sonal property. He can afford a year's vacation, aad a visit to the scenes of his childhood will, no doubt, be greatly enjoyed. 'MODERN CLOTHES $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00 COME AND HAVE A LOOK GREISEN BROS COAL Pocahontas tSmoReless Illinois. Rock Springs and Colorado Coals at prices that will interest you. Let us figure with you lor your winter's supply. T. B. Hord Grain Co. Bell 188 Better ANY homes should than they now tried not only to do MM 1 rtlnmrtinor tlmn ur ever At A A r p , . , "- "" uv-Mfci man any body else can do. The vol ume of work we are now doing shows how we are suc ceeding. We use only genuine 9lmtikdr plumbing fixtures and employ only experienced workmen. Our repair ing service is prompt and reliable. tAtA Kur nufffAf rhrtn i A. BUSSEJA & SON, Columbus, Low OneWay Colonist Rates In Effect Dailv Prom March 1 to April 15, 1910 TOE 1 Just as long as young chaps insist upon being distinctive in their dress Modern Clothes are going to be popular. Just as long as we give you splendid values our store is going to be popular. The most distinctive styles "ever," are shown by us this season in "Modern Clothes" and truly we could not ex tend better values. Ind. 206 Plumbing have better bath rooms have. We have always better -it n nir -r Nebraska good ran From Columbus TO 1 it ry-MJl njPLw i -sw i' i r T jSBaTt t ir 1'EBSEl r zr vSOH i iUDbh - "VmBSH5C' 1 J California and the Pacific Northwest Via Union Pacific "The Safe Rend to Travel" Ticlcets (iood on Comfortable Tourist Sleepers on payment of berth rate Electric Block Signals Dining Car Meals and Service "Best in the World" For tickotn and information ohII on, or addreeB E. G. BROWN, Agent, Columbus, Neb. k