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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1910)
OMttnro '- i -. Islet tost FORTIETH YEAR. NUMBER 49. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1910. WHOLE NUMBER 1,999. m Imrrimr . tSftttfeftte GET A HOME of your own. Good Dwelling Properties for sale at $1,000 and Up m m m m I I Or a a. a a a u a. a ii EASY TERMS BECHER, HOCKENBERGER CHAMBERS & f, a44-4-3frf--- COLUMBUS MARKETS. Outa :s7 Wheat, new Il7 Corn 44 Hogs, top i,1 SltJIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIimilMUlUllUlllUUMie I MANY YEARS AGO. 5 SlMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHlHIUlllllllUIUlllllIlUlW Files of the Journal, March 14. 1S77. If yon don't want to have all the dogs in town ninnif'K after and barking at yon. don't wear gloves made of dogskin. One of our friends was pestered by dogs before lie knew what the cause wae. and the above advice ia for him liven the drumming of the prairie chickens, the caw of the crows ami the returning of the wild geese are not al ways eure indications in Nebraska of the leturn of spriug We were forcibly re minded of the above fact by the weather of a part of last week. Let a dozen of our weather prophets get together, say tomorrow, appoint a shorthand reporter, and then let it he recorded what each one thinks of the weather for tin coining week. We want to be present at the end of the week to hear twelve out of a doen say. 'ftohi you so " A farmer iu Illinois writes to our friend Dan Kane as follow-: "Illinois will not raise wheat. I do not know a runner that raises his own bread stuffs. There is more sickness here this spring than was ever known before. Farmers have been on the drag for the last seven years, we lost two crops altogether, had two good crops, aud the other three were little better than half cropB. One thing sure, if ue lose next year's crop moat of the farmers iu this county will lie in bail shape Congregational Church. The Congregational church offers the following service. for next Sunday: Sunday school i:-l.ri a. in . worship 11 a. in.. ..1 S. O. K. 5::M) p. m : evening worship i.'M. Morning subject "Divine Sunxhip." The choir will render the anthem Praise Ye The Futher" Gou nod. Of the evening the following pro gram will be rendered by the large chorus choir ae-isted by Miss Fuller: O r.ran prelude (on:i Invocation "Whiter Than Snow" He Will Hide Me" Prayer Duet (selected! Me-srs Swain and Whiimoyer Announcements Solo "Like as The Hart" West Mies Fuller Offertory Sweet By-and-By" Self Element in Personal Salvation Pastor Draw Me Nearei" Choir Benediction Postlude We invite you to worship with us. Wil.r.iAM L. DimiLE, Pastor. All the latest shades and styles in WALL PAPER Paper Hanging and Decorating Sign Writing a Specially D. C. KAVANAUGH Cold storage is a necessity; that is, it is it -we would preserve the perishable products of plenty against the time of scarcity. The housewife has long recog nized thiB law in the preservation of fruits by cooking and then sealing in air-tight vessels and for centuries the farmer has had practical cold storage when he has buried his apples, potatoes, and other vegetables in the ground and covered them over with straw and loose earth, to keep them from freezing. The refrigerator of the home has long been a necessity to the housewife. Circum scribed nnd inadequate as it often is, nevertheless the residence refrigerator dors on a small scale what cold storage bouses do perfectly on a large scale. Before cold Htnrage facilities were avail able, during the time of plenty, prices weie extremely low to the producer. Conversely, during the season of scar city, prices rose rapidly and were ex tremely high to the consumer. Many classes of perishable products were not procurable even at extreme prices. The cold storage warehouse acts us a bal ance. It insures that a fair supply of the products of plenty, produced in their seasons, shall be available throughout the year. It materially lessons the ex tremes between the former minimum and maximum selling prices, which is a decided advantage to both producer and couBiimer. Perishable products for cold storage purposes are those produced and stored during the season when the finest quality is produced anil available and these products are very carefully select ed of the highest possible grade, packed and quickly handled into storage. Great care must also be exercised in the hand ling of these products while they are in cold storage, although the system is very simple. Product in boxes or other con tainers must lie properly stacked, to per mit a free and even circulation of the air in the room, and the temperature must be kept at whatever degree of fahren heit is most suitable to that particular product. Absolute cleanliness must prevail throughout a cold storage ware house, and the rooms must he kept per fectly dry and sweet. All the large cold storage warehouses welcome inquiries. Information regarding the system, the methods pursued, or the purposes ac complished will be given. The time for marketing any stored product is govern ed by the requirements of the consum er. That is, produce, fruits, and certain vegetables are usually taken out of stor age during the cold months, when nat ure is dormant, just as they are placed 1 in cold storage during the summer and fall, when nature is proliGo. These sea sons are as well defined an are the sea sons iu the dry goods business, whose merchants sell summer fabrics in spring and summer and winter fabrics in the fall and winter, although the time for manu facturing may be, and generally is, in op posite seasons. Cold storage may be classed as public utility concerns and common carriers. As a rule, they do not own, therefore neither buy nor sell, the product handled. Cold storage places are warehouses whose facilities are at the command of all who have perishable pro ducts to preserve or store. The rates of storage are uniform to all. No distinc tion whatever is made, and any one who wishes to do so has the privilege to buj and store during the season of plenty that he may sell or consume in the time of s-caroity. As a result of the high water and ice in the Platte last Saturday Columbus was cut off from communication with all those living south of that river, and, realizing the Benousuees of the situation, the two Supervisors of this district, No. '. and 7, Louis Schwarz. and Adam Smith and Mayor Held called a meeting of the citizens of Columbus and vicinity Mon day evening to find out what the senti ment was regarding the placing of the structure. As all of the bridge was washed away except the new steel spans it was evident that the amount required to replace it was beyond what the sup ervisors could appropriate, and as it was absolutely necessary that something should be done, the meeting proposed that a special bond election be called as soon as possible to vote the necessary bonds, Sil.OOO for Columbus and $5,000 for Columbus township, to replace the structure. Besides the inconvenience to those living 011 the south side of the Platte, rural route No. 5, which crossed the bridge will be discontinued for the present, unless some means of crossing be provided. The rebuilding of this bridge is also of the utmost importance to Columbus as under present conditions a large namber of lho?e who trade in this city are compelled to go elsewhere. The Platte river bridge at Duncan will be repaired and placed in a passable condition at once, such action being made possible by the resolutions passed at a meeting of the county commission ers of Polk and the representatives of supervisor district No. ( and 7 in Platte county, held at the court house Tuesday afternoon. The resolution provides that the expense of such repairs shall not ex ceed $2,000, and that the work is to be done under the supervisors of Polk co unty. Should any of the portion of the bridge that was washed away be return ed to the contractors at Duncan, it shall he used in the construction of the bridge and credit given for the S9iue The ex pense connected with the repairs shall be borne equally by Polk county and Butler J township, as they are the ones who built the bridge. Dr. Naumanu. Dentist 13 St. Dr. Morrow, office Luescben building. People who get results advertise in the Journal. Four room house for rent. Elliott, Speice & Co. For Sale A email cash register. Phillipps Rudat. Wanted Girl for general housework. Mrs. F. K. Strother. Dr. C. A. Allenburger, oSo in new State Bank building. Drs. Carstenaon & Hyland, Veterinar ians. Both phones 212. Dr. W. R. Neumarker. oSoe with Dr. C. D. Evans, west aide of Park. T. F. Askew of Oouncil Bluffs was a Columbus visitor Sunday and Monday. For line watch, clock and jewelry re pairing, try Carl Froemel, the Eleventh street jeweler. Mias Mazie Magill left Monday morn ing for Genoa, where she will assist in the Times office a few days. Found A Highlander pin, gold. Owner can have same by calling at Journal office and paying charges. Miss Emma Brunbober left Monday afternoon for Omaha where she will visit her sister. Mrs. F. Jones for a cou ple of weeks. Found On the road between Colum bus and Platte Center, a lap load. Call at Journal office, identify robe and pay for this notice. Carl Scherrer who has lieen at the home of Jacob Glur for the past six months, left Tuesday evening for his home at The Dalles, Oregon. Besides endorsing the recommenda tions of Superintendent Conn, the board of education took stops toward provid ing for an extra teacher and also an extra school room for the coming year. The annnal spring vacation of one week will be held the first week in April this year. Mrs. Henry Beiermann, of St. Bernard, died at the hospital Saturday, aged 37 years, death being due to apoplexy. She had been at that institution about two weeks for treatment. Besides her hus band she leaves seven children. Satur day she was taken to St. Bernard for burial. Next Wednesday, March 1C. is the date selected by the hoard of supervis ors to discuss the court house proposi tion. This meeting will be for the pur pose of the board ascertaining the senti ment of the people regarding the court house, and give them an idea as to what course to pursue in the matter. lturul route No. 5 from Columbus ia being served via Bellwood at present, and this will continue until anew bridge is built over the Platte Under the pres ent arrangement the mail is sent through the Bellwood post office and taken by the carrier from that office anil delivered to carrier Brock, who supplies the pat rons of his route living on that side of the river. Outside of the routine business, the city council granted a permit to the First National Bank to occupy a portion of the street while erecting their new building. A committee of oitizens, in terested in paving the city, appeared before the council and presented the proposition to them. All of the main business streets were represented and it was the unanimous sentiment that a pav ing campaign should be started this year. Fred Boesiger, who is moving from route No. 2 to south of the Platte river bad a narrow escape last Saturday. He had driven his cattle across the Platte and had gotten over with one load, when the ice took the bridge out. Had be been just a few minutes later, he would have been on the bridge when it was taken down the river. Oneof the teams he had hauling for him stopped at the bridge, as the driver thought the struc ture was unsafe, and while he was stand ing there looking at it the ice took the structure down the stream. Attendance at the Farmers' Institute, held in this city last Friday and Satur day, was certainly disappointing, espe cially to those who had it in charge. A splendid program, in fact, the strongest and itest one ever put on in this city, was put on for this year. These institu tes are especially for the farmers, and are of great benefit to all who take time to attend them. Different dates have been tried in Platte county, with the hope of increasing the interest, but it seems as though the time of holding has nothing to do with the attendance. Last Thursday's dailies told of the ar rest at Fairhury of a former Columbus piano dealer, Fred A. Foster, at Wichita, Kas., under a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. The following is the item from Fairbury. Neb. "It is al leged that Foster, who was formerly em ployed in the piano store in this city, left several months ago and went to Plymouth, where be persuaded Mrs Minnie Hoppler to go into the piano business with him at Oolnmbus.Nebraska giving him two notes, for $1,600 each. Foster took these notes to Columbus and sold them and skipped and was not heard from until last Saturday, a ben he was located by Sheriff Cbirnside. He was arrrigned this morning and bound over in the sum of $3,000. FOR Four Room House, located with in 6 blocks of Post Office. Fine shade and a desirrble location, $1450 ELLIOTT. SPEICE Q. CO. Post Office Block Columbus, Neb. Dr. W. S. Evans, Union Block. Drs. Paul and Matzen, Dentists. Dr. Vallier, Osteopath. Barber block. Dr. G. A. Ireland, State Bank bldg. Dr. Chas. II. Campbell, oculist and aurist, 12If Olive street. Joseph Henggler, who has been here some time on business, left last Satur day for his home at Siockville, Neb. Wednesday of this week County Judge Ratterman issued the licenses and per formed the marriage ceremony for Harry D. Saunders and Isadora M. Tomlins on both or St. Edward. Ed Bossiter returned Tuesday evening from an extended trip in the east, he having left Columbus December 20. While in the east Mr. Roesiter visited at Pittsburg and Butler, Pa, and also at Chicago and Omaha. Clarence L. Pittman and Miss Nellie M. Standen, both of this city, were mar ried at the home of the bride, in east Columbus, Sunday evening, Rev. Dibble performing the ceremony. Only rela tives were present, as it was strictly a home wedding. In this week's Journal the treasury department is iviking for bids for the new ioet office in this city. The $65,000 appropriation for this building was se cured two years ago, and as it is now available, the department is asking for bids. Columbus has long been in need of this building, and it will lie a splendid addition to the city. In speaking of the recent earthquake shock felt in this city and the surround ing country, George Henggler, who has been a Platte county resident for over half a century, said that in 1ST0 there was a slight earthquake shock felt in this locality, and it was much more sev ere than that of two weeks ago, as nearly everyone living here at that time was aware of the fact that there had been a shock. Last Wednesday evening the City Band completed negotiations with Dr. Laird of Omaha, and employed him as their instructor for the coining year. Under the present arrangements the doctor will meet with the band every Monday, and later is expected that he will be present at the weekly concerts. For the present he will reside in Omaha, but later will probably make his home in this city. Monday night of this week was the first night with the band, and the boys are much pleased with him. Word was received by the local lodge of the Knights of Pythias of the death of H. M.Tbuma in Omaha Sunday from typhoid fever. Mr. and Mia. Thuma re sided in this city for about two years, he being employed by L. W. Weaver & Son and the T. B. llord Grain company, mov ing to Omaha the first of the year. He was quite prominent in the Pathian lod ge, being chancellor commander the year before he left. He was also a Spanish American war veteran, having enlisted from Missouri, and was also a member of Union Camp, Sons of Veterans of this city. Monday afternoon he was taken to Oregon, Mo., his former home, where the funeral was held. THE BEST &Ti naaaaaaaaaaaaaaFK is alone good enough for our custo mers. We have been in this business in Columbus for many years and have learned by experience many points in the coal trade which makes it possible for us to serve you better cheaper and more satisfactory than anybody else. SPECIAL PRICES NOW L W. WEAVER i SON HARNESS AND COAL SALE Have you joined the Once-a-week Club meeting every Monday night at the North theatre? If not, yon had better get busy, and be initiated into the realms of high class dramatic entertainments that are being held once a week in this city. When the Grew company first proposed their one night a week visit to this city in high class productions, many doubted the success of the plan, claiming that the public would tire of seeing the same faces every week. From the at tendance at the return engagement of this popular company last week, this claim was disproved beyond a doubt On next Monday at the North theatre, the William Crew Players return for their weekly visit, in the latest New York and Paris success. Is Marriage a Failure? a three act comedy by A. Plau det, and adapted from the French by A. Daily. Every member of the popular company has been cast to advantage. While out riding lost Friday, T. W. Adams of the Clother hotel met with an accident that will lay him up for some time. In company with Hilton White they had been down to the Loup river bridge to look at the ice, and were on the other side of the bridge, when a team being driven by Mr. Chlopek be came unmanagable on account of the ex plosions of dynamite being used to blast the ice. ami started toward them. Mr. Chlopek thought lie could do nothing with the team and jumped from the buggy, and they came on a run toward Messrs. Adams and White, who were rid ing in a MUgle buggy. The latter at tempted to get out of the way of the runaway team, but was not successful, and the team struck their buggy and de molished it. and Mr. Adams was thrown under the team and had two ribs and a leg broken. Mr. White was fortunate enough to escape without injur' Mr. Adams was brought to the city and given medical attention, and at present is getting along nicely. At last the heavy ice in the Loup and Platte river has broken up and unexpect edly it was the Platte instead of the Loup river that caused the damage. Saturday four bridges over the latter river in this locality were damaged more or less, at Silver Creek, Duncan, Colum bus and the Burlington bridge. At Dnncan three spans of the newly com pleted bridge were damaged eo that il will take some time to repair it, at this place all of the Platte river bridge left standing is the three new steel spans put in this winter, all the remainder of the structure being washed away. All the wreckage of these three bridges, and also of others west, washed down against the Burlington railroad bridge, causing slight damage, the first break being Sat urday afternoon. This was being re paired and the work almost completed, when more ice came down the river and Sunday afternoon another break occur red in the bridge. Thia was repaired, however, so that regular trains were running Monday. A permanent organization of the Col umbus base ball club was completed last week, enough stock having been sold and the cash guarantee put up. Last Friday evening a meeting was held and otlicers elected as follows Daniel Schrani, president; Frank Kersenbrock, secretary. Daniel Scbram, W. L. Boet cher, E. H. Chambers, 6. B. Speice and O. W. Phillips board of directors. The remainder of the officers will be elected at a later meeting. At a meeting held Saturday evening the constitution and by-laws were adopted Monday evening the board of directors selected W. L. Boettcber. one of their number, as man ager. Already the club has had quite a number of letters from players who wish to play with the Columbus team this season, but as yet no contracts have 1een signed up. May 14 is the opening date for the Nebraska State league, and Col umbos is scheduled for one of the open ing games. The enthusiasm and push in organizing the Columbus team would indicate that the games will be popular here this summer and well patronized. Marriage Licenses. Gus Behlen, Columbus 23 Ida Albers, Columbus 18 Clarence A. Pittman.Columbus 21 Nellie M. Standen. Columbus 19 Harry D. Saunders, SL Edward 23 Isadora M. Tomlinson, St. Edward. . . 18 School Freaks. The Board of Education at their regu lar meeting on Monday evening unani mously endorsed the following comments of Superintendent Conn on "Sneak Day" and other such events. "It is a question whether teachers have a right to discipline pupils for not going to school. Non attendance is merely a violation of the truancy law and ia a matter for the truant officers and not for the teachers. It would be conservative to say that more than three hundred children returned to school last Thursday and Friday with excuses from their parents for being out, or with the statement from their parents that it would havo met the tatter's approval bad their children gone on the 'sneak of Wednesday. Ibis seems to indicate that there ia quite a public sentiment in favor of such things. The school is a public institu tion, and if the public wants to have sneak days, and is willing that the school should suffer the disorganizing effects, no matter how mnch the teach ers may disapprove, they can not well stand opposed. All the authority the teachers have is delegated to them by the parents, and if the parents in any considerable number of them encourage the pupils to organized opposition to the teachers, the efficiency of the school is at an end. The parent is the employer, the teach er the employe. When a parent encour ages pupils to acts of disobedience, we have the absurd spectacle of the em ployer seeking to destroy the very autb ority he has delegated to the employe. If the directors of a corporation should encourage the workmen to resist the authority of the managers we would have a position almost as silly, but bad, because the workmen are dealiog with blocks of wood and stone and not with children. The only purpose of organized action, is that immunity may be secured he- cause or the number involved. Men sometimes organize themselves into a mob and take the law into their own hands or trample it under foot. The organization of pupils against school authority is the same spirit in the embryo. Children do not need to be encouraged in this direction, because we already have too muob of the mob spirit, and too much disregard for law and order, to wink at acts of disobedience. Reduced to its final analysis 'sneak day means an organization of pupils. encouraged by a few parents for the pur pose of opposing authority and feeing the results. The whole thing is said to be a plan to have some fun at the ex pense of the teachers. These alleged jokes do no harm to the teacher, because the teacher is only a passing incident in the life of the city. But any thing whiob tends to array the pupil against the teacher is only a stumbling block in the child's pathway. Much ill advised criticism only widens the breach between the teacher and pupil, it causes him to lose confidence in the teacher's ability and sense of justice, it poisons-his mind against the school and bis Ikmks and helps to drive him to the street. The training of children is the work of both parent and teacher, but most responsi bility ib upon the parent. For the sake of the child, the ineffi cient teacher should have most help from the parent, and in all easts the wellfare of the child demands that the parent and teacher work hand in hand. No child will be punished for sneak day in this particular instance by my sanction. There is no need of organiz ing to sneak. When any parent feels that his child will be bettered by sneak ing, he has the right to sneak. Organized freakiehness of all kinds has been condemned in unmeasured terms by both the state and the National Educational Associations. If such things are detrimental to colleges and universities where older student are con cerned, then surely they should not be encouraged in our public schools. Such organized action is never started by the best students, but those who trail the class. Pupils of all classes through fear of being considered disloyal, or of being called cowards or 'pikers' are drawn into the plot. If there is no pen alty, there is no violation and therefore no need for organization. When the penalty is removed, pupils can not be driven into the plot through fear of be ing called cowards, and the whole thing will disappear because none will wish to be out of school and lose their markings and credit except the Hunkers and fail ures who always head such movements. The mere loss of time is of little con sequence, but the demoralizing effect upon the school cannot well be estimat ed. Such incidents tend to array pupils against teachers. Pupils look upon teachers not as their friends but as their oppressors. The efficiency of the school is lessened, the child's mind and interest is diverted from bis work and his pro gress is impaired. I sincerely hope that Columbus has seen the last sneak day in her public schools. I know that parents do not want anything to occur to the detri ment of the boys and girls of our town, and to the end that they may receive the best possible direction both at home and at school, let us as parents and tea chers get better acquainted, and have a better understanding as to wbst really needs to be done for the well being of our future men and women." U. S. Cora. Ladies Do away with the scrub brush and bucket " USE Transparent Waul Oil Grease will not spoil it. No dust in sweeping. Not slippery. Is not expensive and saves labor. POLLOCK & CO. The Druggist on tha Corner Columbus, Nebraska Creston. Mm. Edith Newhoff has been sick, hut is improving rapidly. qaite Ora Shannon of Columbus was a vis itor here the later part of last weak. F. S. Gray's mother of Uni varsity Place is visiting at his home this weak. Nent Maxwell had another attack of heart trouble last weeek, bat is musk better at this writing. Win. Knglebart is now installed ia his new restaurant on the south &ida of the Btreet, and he speaks quite highly of bis trade. Miss Myrtle Smith, who has bsea as sisting her sister, Mrs. F. Gray daring her illness, left last Friday for her hosts in Central City. Mrs. F. S. Gray who has been coenasd to her bed for the past weak with a fractured knee, is slowly improving, aad the doctor thinEB p he will be able to leave her bed sometime 6oon. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Moran gava a dance in the opera house here last Fri day night and it was well attended. Hay Clepal was over from Leigh aad some boya were over from Humphrey. John Craig, Everett Craig, John Wil son and families left Friday moraiag for Southerland, Neb., where they expect to make that their future home. They were old settlers and residents of thia county and vicinity, and the people greatly regret their departure. Route No. 3. Farnsworth is painting his O. L house. D. A. Becber had a car of cattle on the South Omaha market last weak. Msrtin Albers and Peter Lutjsns were on the South Omaha market with hogs this week. MLsa Kittie Perkinson. teacher in dis trict No. IKi, spent Sunday at her home in Platte Center. Mm. J. F. tioedeken. who was quits sick Saturday and Sunday, is mack im proved at this writing. Emil Brunken returned home Satur day from Scriuner. where be has been for several weeks helping his brother-ia-law at Pebble Creek mills. tius Behlen of this route and Miss Ida Albers, were married last Thursday at the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. anil Mrs. Wm. Albers, Rev. Heary Koch of the Shell Creek Baptist church per forming the ceremony. Only relatives and a few friends were present at the wedding. The couple will go to house keeping on the groom's farm, eleven miles north of Columbus. STRAYED OR STOLEN. One Mark Shetland pony and dark bay yearling colt. Jorh Randall. Underwear UNION SUITS We have the agency for the famous Munsing Underwear, the best popular priced Union Salts on the market Prices in men's from $1.60 to M.50. Prices in boys' from COc, 75c, tl and $1.25. Underwear TWO-PIECE SUITS In two piece garments we have a splendid line ready for your in spection and ranging in pries from 50c to $2 SO a garment. Bay early while the sizes are complete. GRAY'S