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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1910)
IM u . n li il I' ij i;t .1 . I l Columbus Journal. Columbui. Nobr. Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte Connty Argue January 1,1908. catarad at the Poatotfice. Columbus. Nabr.. i nad-claa mall matter. TBKH8 OFSDBBOBIPTIOIf Qua yr. by mall, portaga prepsid fLbO alx'mo&tha .78 riiresaoath 40 VKDNKBUAY. MAKCII 23, IflO. STBOTHEK i STOCKWELL. Proprietors. HkNEWALS The data opposite your name on yoar paper, or wrapper shows to what time joor abacription la iid. Thus J an OS fclurs that payment baa been received op to Jan. 1, 1805, PebOS to Feb. 1, 1MB and so on. When payment ta made, the data, which answers as a receipt. will be chanced accordingly. DldCONTlNUANCES-Keeponsible subscrib ers will oontinne to recoive this journal nntil the publishers are notified by letter to discontinue, whan all arrearages must be paid. If you do not eriah the Joarnal continued for another year af ter the time paid for has expired, you should preTioaaly notify us to discontinue it. CHANGE IN AUDKESH-When ordering a o bancs la the addrees,snbscribers tshonld be sore to le their old as well aa their new address. RAILROAD COUR'IESY. The announcement that the Union PaciGc is going to establish a school in which it will teach iU employes the art of courtesy to the traveling public is of interest as showing the growing belief among modern railroad men that it is to their interest to have the good will of the public The day of the public-be damned railroad mau is over. Il is a fact that .some of the old timers find it diflicult to realize, but it is a fact, nevertheless. The public refuses to be damned these days. It has come to recognize that it has certain rights which even cor porations, and among them railroads, must recognize. And as the years roll by it becomes more insistaut that those rights shall be observed. Au editor ial writer in one of the railroad publi cations a short time aro said it was his belief that most of the feeling of the public against railroads was due to the treatment received at the hands of railroad employes with whom it came iu contact, and that if these men were taught good manners, polite attention and all that, much of this felling would disappear. Perhaps it is this belief that actuates railroad officials in de manding nowadays that their employes shall be courteous in the treatment of patrons. Buiialo Express. GREATER IRELAND. A liner just arrived from (Queens town includes in its freight several boxes of Irish soil, which has been brought over by Irishmen to be placed where President Taft will stand when he lays a corner stoue at Chicago on St. Patrick's Day. Accompanying the soil were other boxes filled with shamrocks. The Irish are a people of sentiment ami glory in the fact. As Americans they retain the trait and are appreciated for their warm hearts as well as manly courage, energy and ability. A Greater Ireland has sprung up in this country through im migration.. 1 1 is in the United States that the Irish strain of blood has had a fair field for the first time, and its America history can be traced iu the biography of distinguished statesmen, soldiers and captains of industry. A reader of Grant's memoirs will notice that his right hand in bringing about the end at Appomattox was the sou of Irish pareuts. When, in the early spring of l.S(5fi, Grant had a personal interview with Sheridan, and the lat ter agreed positively that the end could be forced at once, the command er in chief gave his orders for a final effort. The general sprung from poor Irish emigrants accomplished for his part all and more than he had promis ed. Whatever Ireland may get in the shape of home rule the Greater Ire land must always remain on this side of the Atlantic. Beautiful as is the Green Isle, and filled with inspring traditions, it is a small bit of land com pared with the continent in which transplanted Irishmen and Irishwom en have reached their best material conditions and find their best broad opportunities. When Thackeray wrote his sketches of Irish travel in 1842 the famine in the island was near at hand, but sharp as were his literary perceptions he failed to see the omin ous signs or to realize the catastrophe that a single bad harvest could bring about He was a student of character, not of economics, and yet he was get ting close to the material affairs of the people. Probably no Englishman has ever understood the Irish, nor has England ever been able to assimilate the race giving it scope to make the best of itself. The United States has afforded the chance, and it has been well improved. Irish-Americans have their full share of what goes on in America, and even if the population of Ireland continues to decline the race is marching on elsewhere. St. Louis Globe Democrat. THE GOLDEN TALENT THAT FRIGHT BURIED. Copyright, 1910, by E. J. Edwards. Up to the time of his death in 1902, Frederic D. Tappan had been for half a century one of the leading bankers of New York City, and for years he was the head of the metropolitan clearing house. "I think," he said to me one day "that one of the most curious expe riences that ever came within my per sonal knowledge was the silent, almost pathetic, evidence of the great fright which once held in its grip Wilson G. Hunt, who was famous as a banker when Commodore Vandcrbilt and Daniel Drew were strong men in the financial destinies of the country. "It was the so called Bland silver bill, which was passed in 1878, and which provided for the coiuage of not less than 82,000,000 nor more than S4.000.000 worth of silver bullion a mouth, that gave Mr. Wilson his great scare. But that you may haye a good understanding o? the incident, I want to say first that, besides Mr. Wilson, there were a good many old fashioned bankers and men living upon their capital, or the income of it, who lie came greatly disturbed when the Bland bill became a law. "Why, do you know that even as shrewd, clear headed and icy an intel lect as Samuel J. Tilden became greatly alarmed when the Bland bill was enacted into law. Gov. Tilden whispered to some of his friends his fear that the country was going exclu sively upon the silver basis. He thought that meant the cutting down of capital by at least oue-half, and you should have seen his representatives buying foreign exchange, and a good deal of it. His purpose, evidently, was to convert that exchange into gold, and very likely keep it on deposit iu some of the greater hanks of Lon don. But I guess that Gov. Tilden ot over this scare earlier than Mr. Hunt did, at all events I never learn ed what he did with the exchange he bought. "But it came within my jiersonal observation what Mr. Hunt did. Whether he bought exchange and con verted it into gold or not, I do not know, yet I do know that when he trembled for fear that the country would go to a silver basis, as a result of the enactment of the Bland bill, he somehow secured approximately !MM), 000 iu gold, huil it packed iu little canvas bags, properly marked with the amount of money in each, ami stored these bags in the vault of a certain bank, one of the strongest institutions of the kind in New York City. If the worst came, and the rest of his fortune was cut in half by the country going to a silver basis, he would at leat have close on to a million dollars iu the sort of money that is good the world over. Mr. Hunt died about ten years later, and some lime before the Bland law gave way to the Sherman silver law. In the meantime, the gold that he had hoarded against the possible evil day of a silver basis lay uutouched. It did not bring him in a penny of income, and he never looked into the vault where it was stored to see if it was all right. Indeed, these little bags lay so long iu the place where first they were put that gradually they became moldy and the canvas liegan to rot, and at last, when it became necessary for the administrators of Mr. Hunt's estate to remove that gigantic nest egg, do you know that some of the bags were so badly rolled that their golden contents broke mil and scattered upon the floor of the vault at our feel? "Mr. Hunt," concluded Mr. Tappan, "was a wise man and very courageous iu many things, but he had that curi ous dread of silver and that unwar ranted fear that the United Slates would lapse to a silver bajs. That dread and thai fear he carried to the grave with him. It has been my experience that the most courageous capitalists and I have known many of them will sometimes lose their senses aud be persuaded to do very foolish, almost silly, things in order to protect their fortunes. Without ex ception, every rich man that I have known has had some weak point in his armor iu this respect" E. J. Edwards. THE PROHIBITION ROW. You can't get away from the pro hibition row. One is going on now iu Texarkana, and the Courier prints the following from an address delivered by Henry Watterson at the Lexington fair. We print the seech liecause "Marse Henry" is a noted man, ami loved in the South, aud says giod things: "I protest against the religion which sands the sugar aud waters the milk before it goes to its prayers, I protest against that morality which poses as a saint in public to do as it pleases in private. As the old woman said of the old man's swearing. 'If there's anything I do hybominate it is hypocrisy.' In my opinion that which threatens Kentucky are not the gen tlemanly vices of the race course and the sideboard, but perfidy and phari seeism in public aud in private life. The men who made the Bluegrass famous, who put the brand of glory up on its women and horses and its vin tage, were not ashamed to take a drink or lay a wager; though they paid their losses and understood where to draw the line. They marked the distinction between moderation and intemperance. They did not need to be told what hon or is. They believed, as I believe, that there is such a thing as pretend ing to more virtue than honest mortals can hope to attain. I know very well how I shall be rated for saying this; how my words will be misrepresented and misquoted and misconstrued; I told you not to ask me to come here; but being here, I am bound to speak as I am given the mind to think and the light to see, and to warn our peo ple against the intrusion of certain 'isms,' which describe themselves as 'Progress,' and muster under the stand ards of what they call 'God and went by a very different name; 'Morality' but which fifty years ago, 'isms' which take their spirit from Cotton Mather, not from Jesus Christ; 'isniB' which, wheie they cannot rule, would burn at the stake; 'isms' which embrace the sum of all fanaticisms and intolerance, proposing that, instead of the rich, red blood of Virginia, icewater shall flow through the veins of the people; 'isms' which, in one word would blot Ken tucky out of the galaxy of the stars and recreate her in the dread image of Maine and Kansas. I refuse to yield to these. Holding the Ministry in reverence as spiritual advisers, reject ing them as emissaries of temporal power, Id) not intend, if I can help it, to be compelled to accept a rule of modern clericalism, which if it could have its bent aud sway, would revive for us the priesthidden systems of the Middle Ages. I do not care to live in a world, that is to good to be genial; too ascetic to be honest; too prescrip tive to be happy. I do not believe that men can be legislated into au gel?, even rednosed angels. The 'blue laws' of New England dead letters for the most part did more harm to the people, whilst they lasted, than all the other agencies united. I would leave them iu the cold storage, to which the execration oi some of the neglect of all consigned them long ago, not embalm aud import them to Ken tueky to Mison the meat and drink aud character of the people. I shall leave my home life, my professional career, aud my familiar associates to say whether 1 do not place ami have not always placed the integrity of man, aud purity of woman and the Sanctity of Religion above all earthy things; bul I hope never to grow too old to make merry with my friends and for get for a while that I am no longer one and twenty." Atchison Globe. ANOTHER VIEWPOINT. A Lincoln man got a new viewjMiint the other day while talking with a farmer up in north Nebraska who is rated as being well-to do. "1 bought this laud," said the farmer, "for an average of about $!"" an acre. It is now worth, if I am to take what my neighbors have sold their holdings for an average of S75. That is to say, it is worth five times what I paid for it. I have a section of it, and that section is supposed to be valued at $50,000. I could get that amount of money for it if 1 would sell it, but I don't waut to sell it. I want to live here the rest of my days and to bring up my children and make homes for them on the laud. It isn't worth $50,000 to me; that is, the returns on it are uot as much as $50,000 invented in a good paying business would be. I have to pay three times as much taxes as I did a few years ago, aud my wife and the girls, figuring that I am worth $50,000 lie cause my land is valued at that, want to raise their standard of living to that basis of my supposed wealth. I get good prices for what I sell, but I pay whooping big prices for what I buy, and when the women of the family take to dressing on the $50,000 family fortune basis it costs some. I get about $10 a hundred for the hogs I sell. I have put iu a number of mon ths taking care of them, paying for their feed and housing them. The packer has them in his slaughter house for about half an hour and sells them for approximately twice what he paid me for them. Yes, I'm supposed to be worth $50,000, but I am not uuless I sell, and I don't want to sell. So the question with me is, where am I any ahead, really and trully ahead, as matters now stand?" Lincoln News. A Model. "Oh. im." declared the younger one. "my busbaud never goes to clubs or any other places of amusement unless he can take me with him." "Dear me! What a splendid man! How long have you been married?" "It'll be seven weeks next Tuesday.' Chicago Record-Herald. A Reasonable Preference. First Fair Invalid Which kind ot doctor do you prefer, the allopathic ot the homeopathic? Second Fair Inva lid I prefer the sympathetic File cendc Blatter A HERO OF THE LONG AGO. Thirty-five years ago on May 16 next a man whose sense of danger and love of his fellow man were well de veloped achieved immortal fame in 4 western Pennsylvania. His name was Daniel Collins Graves. For some thing like a year his name was on every tongue in the country. He was the subject of pulpit and platform orators. John Boyle O'Reilly, of the Boston Pilot, immortalized him in stirring verse, which included these stauzas: No bona; of a soldier riding down , To the raging fight from Winchester town; No ong of a time th-it shook the earth With the Batioru' throe at a nation birth: Hut the song of a brave man, free from fear Ah Sheridan self or l'aul ltevere; Who risked what they from strife. Ami its promise of glorioiw pay hi life! When heroes are called for, bring tliecmw n To this Yonkre rider; send him down On the Btretiin of tim with the 'urtiu old; Hi deed aa the KomanV was brat and bold. Ami the tale can aa noble n thrill n"nki For he offered hi life for the Moplea ak. And then the country seemed to forget, but Graves remained the hero uf his section and his death at the age of 70 in his old home village of Wil liamsburg brings him once more iuto the public eye. Mill river, the most eastern branch of the West field, had been dammed three miles above Wil liamsburg, thus securing au additional head of twenty-four feet for power purposes. Above a long, narrow val ley, thickly dotted with villages, hung a liody of 1,000,000,000 gallons of water. Collins Graves had lieen on au early morning errand on the morning of May 10, 1874. As he drove into his yard a neighbor hurried past shouting: "The dam is giving way!" Instantly Graves knew what this would mean. He tore the harness from his horses sprang to its bareback and dashed down the valley on the run shouting the alarm and telling the inhabitants to take to the high ground. Fifteen hundred Jives were at stake and Graves' horse was uot of the racing type aud ill fitted with wind and limbs to make time against a roariug catar act with a fall of 100 feet to the mile, but he served for all but 250. A large part of Williamsburg with a button factory, woolen mill, saw and grist mill were carried away. A silk mill at Skinnerville and fifteen houses were swept aloug. At Haydenville the brass works aud several dwellings, the entire village of Leeds was destroyed aud considerable damage was done at Florence and Northampton. The financial loss was $1,500,000. The Mill river disaster was a notable event iu history uutil the more appalling flood occurred at Johnstown, Pa. Daniel Collins Graves deserves a inou umeut lo iieriietuate the memory of his famous ride. Detroit News. WAITING FOR A WIFE. One Man Who Thought Twenty Years Was Just a Starter. "There's romance for you." said lit tle Bitiks. putting aside his morning paper. "This paper has a story of a college professor who met a beautiful girl twenty years ago, fell In lowwith her at first sight aud then lost sight of her altogether. Now, after waiting for twenty years, he is rewarded by lead ing her to the altar as his bride. Just think of it. waiting twenty years for a wife!" "What of it':" asked the genial phi losopher. "There's nothing extraor dinary about that I've waited thirty live years for mine." "You? Waited thirty-five years? Why, 1 thought you'd been married that long!" said little Binks. "I have." said the genial philosopher. "That's how I kuow how long I've waited. I've waited for her to get her gloves on about three j-ears. I've wait ed for her to change her hat about four years. I've waited while she said just one last wonl to the cook for at least five years. I've waited upstairs. I've waited downstairs. I've waited at church. I've waited at the theater, and I have waited iu cabs, omnibuses, tax les, motorcars and the Lord knows what else besides. Fact Is. Biuksy. I've waited so long, so often and so regularly that between you and me that little college professor of yours. with only one wait of twenty years, strikes me as a miserable little piker." Harper's Weekly. The Word "Woebegone." The word "woebegone" Is an Inter esting survival of the far past. "Ite gone" here represents the past partici ple of the Anglo-Saxon verb "began." to go around about, a word which has otherwise entirely disappeared from our vocabulary, but which has Its anal ogies iu such verbs as "beset" and "be gird," in which the prefix "be" repre sents the modern preposition "by." A woebegon countenance is thus that of a man compassed about with woe. though jierltaps It is most generally used in a somewhat slighting manner to imply that the appearance of grief is greater than the circumstauces war rant Thus it has partially undergone the same process of degeneration which has made "maudlin tears" original tears of penitence from Mary Magdalene bear a contemptuous meaning. London Standard. Still In the Family. Jack My grandfather had a very One collection of silver, whjeh he be queathed to my father on ihi condi tion that it should always remain Iu the family. Ethel Then you have it still? Jack Well-er my uncle has it. His Suspicions Aroused. Reggie I hear you've broken it all off with Edna. Archie I should say so. That pet parrot of hers is all the time saying, "Kiss me again. Jack." That Isn't my name, you know. Lip-pincott's. SHE READ HIS SECRET. Which Lad Him to Express an Opinion on Married Life. A young man from Kansas City was talking to a young woman from the same town whom be bad met by acci dent at a matinee In New York. The young woman was married. The young man was not. "You've heard that we're to have a new theater back home?" the woman asked to make conversation. "Ob, of course," the young man an swered. "I cet all the news. I get a letter from Kansas City every day." The woman began to laugh. "So when you go back borne for t!iat vacation you're going to be married?" sbe mused. "How did you know that?" the man cried. "We loth said we wouldn't telL And now she's" "You told me yourself a few seconds ago, everything but the date," she an swered. "You see. no matter how fond your brother may be of you or your uncles or aunts or your mother or fa ther, none of these would send you a letter every day. There's only one person who writes a letter every day, and that's a girl who's engaged to be married. For the rest of ray sentence I added two and two." "You're right," the man mused. "Say, a married man must have to play close to the bases. It must be like living with a mind reader." Bos ton Herald. The Admirable Korean. With all his languor, the Korean is a particularly agreeable person. He is the polished gentleman in the setting of the savage. He is one of nature's cheerful spirits a Mark Tapjey who goes whistling through life despite thej multiplication or his misfortunes, lie Is the victim of his own good nature aud is couteut to sit unconcernedly on his boundary fence and witness the robbery of his estates. It is a pleas ure to visit Korea if only to meet the Korean himself, says the Japan Week ly Chronicle, for lie Is the happy-go-lucky, good tempered simpleton who unconsciously eontributes to the pleas ure of others. Subdued. Hotel fitiesi (to pretty waiter girlj This steal: is uot very good. Pretty Waiter Cirl-TeaorcoiTee? Guest This steak it's tough and Pretty Waiter Girl (to another pretty waiter girl) Charley was asking after you this morning. Jen. (To guest) Did you say teaorcoffee? Guest (gloomily) Coffee. New York Sun. r VERY man who puts I" his trust in us on HHHp. . mm a m clothes will get put into the Hart Schaffner & Marx class; and he'll be a first prize winner; the clothes we provide being the prize. It's the easiest way to win we know; and the best of it is, you get satisfaction out of it for a long time. All Hart Schaffner & Marx fabrics are all wool; always. its $15 to S25 This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes HART'S Columbus COLUMBUS MEAT MARKET We invite all who desire choice steak, and the very best cuts of all other meats to call at our market on Eleventh street. We also handle poultry unil tish and oysters in season. S.E. MARTY fc CO. Telephone No. 1. - Colnmhufl. Nb. SCENES NORTH THEATRE, Iff AN I til Vsmvsmmsmsmsi pBIH I"" ' B"1 n,,, rfoht party can I fmiN tcan nu ncellnn ixeitioii, t-al.iry bHIIHIIIISIIIIIbI MBl - ?.. W. m lkliinilnti ohil vl VMS. HMBHBHBHBHBHBHBlBamBHBHBHBHBBl rav VBZV A W NW rW " Bk h or COIUHU--IU" """""" BsmBWSmBmBaBmBmi s. w. wmiWiUEi. uisanu y a BHl r r o.e.k inrnuir iirrnnnlmn SHI & BmmmmmmmmmmBsmBM - " ,"':.-f ,r';," a i iVEh K BmmWSfnfinasmi 1004 raraaai Street, OmO IpjBHfjBHfBmBBBsmmmsmmmsmsW Vsmsmsmmmml BmmmsvmsmVBVssBmmsmmwsmsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmv raflPmsBHT v '"y TBSSBI .BmBmA'dBrSmf BBKn BTi BHVrBBB9?HBBXflBfcBBH 7 ft" I BsBser: jJsy HSIP38B1bbTI!!. v .PAmasBiiiBBmmmmmmmmms S3lv sli? HKf H &te?2V. -BABmmMiBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmVr ISmmVdseM H v Baw ' B.tBBBBx- BS J0f V - w sJ$&&&. JtsW IT I eMMPsNrVe9sSe9IMlreler f -.. . t&WtezSK esaBBmBmBacPlaka k.AAA: ?. Svb'LH PlPiBMaffSHflSH .stamT emmWB eMBaamemV ljy' L-.y s HjK&yV liaitoftLf HI POWDER Ml, BlnrW.l9BaW. AbaoluUly Pure JWr BUiWiUsss i-yt BBBBBBBSBBF " '.RRRRRkSBS xT'BVrjBBflHB His Critic What astonishes the visiting Briton most Is the manner In which every kind of immigrant to the United States adapts himself to the prevailing Ideas about Englishmen. In the course! of conversation with the noble Italian who condescends to brighten shoes the visitor Informed the bootblack that j he was an Englishman and English-1 men had a great respect for Italians aud had entertained Garibaldi in grand style. "Inglees! Ha, ha! Inglees!" said Diego In soft, musical tones. "Ha! They spic no good. Dey droppa da hiatch!" Exchange. No Encouragement. The family had stood the long strain of Uncle Hobart's Illness well, but the Iieculiarities of the physician chosen by Uncle Hobart himself had been, to say the least, trying. "Do you really think he will recover. Dr. Shaw?" ask ed the oldest sister of the invalid, who had borne with his vagaries patiently for years. "I know how you feel, with Thanks giving coming on. and all," said the doctor, peering at her from under his shaggy eyebrows, "but it's too soon to tell. He may get well, and then again he may not. I can't encourage you yet either way." Youth's Companion. sKv3lBBEBhflK!lllllllH ssvplBuKHH lLB 4toLLLH1sLKBmLLLHLLLH BBBBBflBA " 'HaF'kKkVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS BBBBBBBw V SBBBBBBBbSbBBBbWBIbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ BBlsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKaBSBSr-BKBBHki BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflBHBflBBBflBflBSBBBBBtfBvMRflBHEvb.ttMiM?wpaHh.' North theatre, Easter night, March 27, under auspices of Spanish War veterans. Presenting a sacred musical recital of vocal and instrumental numbers. Opening overture at 8 :30. Seat sale at Pollock's drug store after Friday, March 25. Tickets may be procured in advance from any of the Spanish war veterans in Columbus. Reserved seats, 75c. & w Mjtnr wwwms Spring and Summer 1910 Plan mw a 5,000-nilt Swmw tear if tht Gaasff. See the far west with its diversified sections broadening under scientific cultivation; visit its incomparable cities with their environment of intensive land wealth. A Coast Tour is a broad education and the world's greatest rail journey. tf 5-f Brand trip, central Vetarmtka to California or Paget Sound, ?"" via direct routes, Job 1st to September 30th. $50 Kouid trip en special inclusive. $1j Higher one way tartagh California, Portland and lv Seattle. $q One way, eastern aad central Bebraska to San Francisco. Los j Angeles, San Diego, Portland. Tacoma, Seattle. Spokane. etc., March 1 to April 15. FROM "POIXY OF THE CIRCUS," AT THURSDAY, MARCH 24 King and Commons. King James I. of Euglaud. although keenly alive to his own divine right. yet recognised the power of the house of commons. Sir Kobert Cotton was one of the twelve members to carry the famous declaration against mono) olies to the king of Newmarket. When the king e:iiight sight of them he call ed out. "Oh. chairs, chairs, here be twal kynges cominV" His majesty mounted his horse on one occasion to find hi usually quiet steed in a restive mood. "The de'il i" my saul. sirri'i." said the king to Jhe prancing brute, "and you be no quiet I's send you to the 500 kings In the house of com mons. They'll quickly tame you." Crossroads Burials. Formerly it was a general custom to erect crosses at the junction of four roads on a place -c!f ccscccrated ac cording to ilu piety of the age. Sui cides and notoriously bad characters were frequently burled near to these, not with the notion of indignity, but In a spirit of charity, that, being ex cluded from holy rites, they by being buried at crossroads might be In places next in sanctity to ground actu ally consecrated. Westminster Ga zette. We are not in this world to do what we wish, but to be willing to do that which it Is our duty to do. Gounod. dates each Month from April to July, Proportional rates from your town. Consult nearest, ticket Rgeot or write me freely asking for pnblieniiot.s assistance, etc .stating rather definitely your general pinna ear Ageat Net. PRICES I 50, 75, $1, $1.50 'T-. X".' TJr