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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1910)
M FRISCHHOLZ BROS. snoKS CLOTHING Gents' Furnishing Goods RELIABLE GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. 405 11th Street, ITEMS OF INTEREST LINDSAY. I'roin the I'obt. Andrew Christenaen mul wife went to Columbus to uccoiupimy their daughter home who has Ijeen in a hospital there. "Jim" Sweeney the popular j'oung b:irber of Lindsay has recently received Hti offer from two different base hall lea gue teams to '"try out" thia spring. One being the Columbus state and the other the Nebraska City team of the Mink league. Jim went to Columbus Monday to .sign up. We, with hi.s many friends wish him success and we believe that he will make good. ST. UDWAItl) From llu Adwtwv. Miss Maude lliumau is spending the week in ('olumbiiH. a guest of Miss Marguerite Willard. Mr. and Mrs E. II. McKelvey, and Mr. and Mrs. II. 1). McKelvey left Wed nesday evening for llaswell, Colo., where they will occupy their homesteads. Mrs Geo. Reeder left Wednesday for Columbus on a visit to her husband who is still a patient al St. Mary's hospital. Mr. Keeder is reported very much im proved and it. is hoped that he will be diM-.lmred from the hospital within a few weeks. SILVKK I'KEKK. I'roin thn Sam! Mre. J. Nichols of Columbus was a guest of Mrs. L. A. (Sntes Friday and Saturday last. Mrs. .1. E. Peterson and Mrs. Mary Williams of Columbus came up on Thursduy to enjoy themselves. OleOlson who has beenscction foreman u number of years has resigned his posi tion and has been succeded by Charlie Van Huskirk. Mr. Oleson will move to his farm in the western part of the state. For a few months, however. his family will remain here occupying the .1 S. Matthews property. At a special meeting of the school board last Monday evening at which all members were present, petitions signed by !! legal voters were presented asking the board to call a Bpecial election to submit a proposition to vote bonds not to exceed twenty thousand dollars for the purpose of building a new school house. CUT PRICE POST CARDS 1c Each Regular 5c and 2 for 5c Cards, including LOCAL VIEWS sold by us for lc each. Come in and look the line over and be convinced. Don't be held up any longer. THE OLD RELIABLE Poesch's Candy Factory All mail orders filled promptly Columbus. ABOUT OUR NEIGH BORS AND FRIENDS CLIPPED FROM OUR EXCHANGES PI.ATTK CENTEK Kro m the Signal. Mre. Ed. Ballon and children, of Co lumbus, were guests of their many rela Uvea ut this place the latter part of last week Mr. McCombo and family, who have resided on the David Thomas farm the past two years, moved this week to the Pat Murray farm, near Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Edwards, of Luke Crystal, Minn . but formerly of the 1'oat ville neighborhood, arrived here last Friday and will spend some two weeks at the home or Mm. Dave Williams and other friends. Misses Louisa Fugger, Anna anil Lizzie I'illen went to Columbus Tuesday to visit at the bedside of Miss Agues I'illen, who underwent an operation at the hospital last Friday for appendicitis. Miss Pillen- is reported convalescing, much to the satisfaction of her many friends. nowr.Li.s Prom the.lourntil. Anton Drahota, a farmer living south west of Stanton ten miles, met with a painful accident last week. While rid ing on horseback his horse fell and he was thrown in such a manner as to break both hones of one of his legs. Iteuben Dickinson was up from Schuy ler the first of the week on business con nected with the transfer of his old farm home, one mile south of town, to its new owner, Chas Dvorak. It is one of the best farms in the northern part of the county, and as our readers will remem ber, the -M(l acres sold some months ago for SlJiO per acre, the record price for Colfax county land at that time. After eleven and a half years of faith ful service on the Journal F. C. Hrabak oh Monday laid down his stick and rule and for the present, at least, left a held of labor in which he was most success ful. Not alone was he a good printer who at all times earned his wages, but was reliable and trustworthy in every particular. Tuesday morning he enter ed upon his duties in the Colfax county bank where he has a position as book keeper. That he will prove as valuable an assistant to his new employers as he did to us we haven't the slightest doubt. First-class printing done at the Jour nal office. GENOA. From the Time-. The amendments to the Indian bill offeied by8enator Bnrkett, providing for a cottage for the superintendent, an employes' building and an extension to the carpenter shop at the Indian echool have been reported favorably by the senate committee on Indian affairs. Dan Pearse, who manages a farm for his mother eight miles north of Genoa, has been testing his seed corn, and finds that out of every 100 ears tested '5G were worthless. When it is taken into con sideration that one car of good seed corn will produce about 12 bushels, 30 worth lets ears, if planted, would mean a loss of 432 bushels. Mrs. C. C. Horton, formerly of Genoa died of small pox at the home of Bob Osborne, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Thursday of lost week. Mrs. Horton passed away at ten a. m. and was buried at 2 p. m. Undonbtedly the Osborne home is under quarantine, as all the family have Iteen exposed to the disease which caused the sudden death of Mrs. Horton. I'min the1caler. When it woman takes ns much interest in her home as she does iu her church she will lind her husband as easily pleas ed as her pastor, truthfully says nn ex change. Fred Jernberg took his daughter to GolumbiiB the last of the week where she was operated upon for appendicitis, and we are glad to announce that she is rapidly recovering from the ordeal. Lust Thursday night brought sorrow to many homes in this section, occasioned by a visit of the grim rcaer. Death, who garnered three ripened sheafs. Mrs. Phoebe Killhatn, aged 77 years, mother of John and George Killbam, living in Council Creek, Mrs Clara Wablgrecn, aged fit years, wife of II. Wahlgreen of Monro township and Mrs. Anna Kim, aged 85, mother of Claud Him, and the Mesdames Larson and Kchumaker all passed to their long rest upon that date. The funeral of Mrs. Elm wnB held on Saturday, that of Mrs. Wnldgreen on Sunday and Mrs. Killham'son .Monday. I,!HON Pnmi Hie Neutt. If someone calls you n hog don't get unify until you lind out whether he does not mean to be complimentary. The hog is an aristocrat these days W. II. Dulton, or Detroit, Mish., who has had nn investment in land near here for several yetus, was here this week. Four years ago he bought a farm on the IJonaiizii. and this week he sold it. and doubled his money. Since selling he is convinced that he sold it too cheap. The Farmers' Co-operative Creamery Co., have sold their produce husines here, which has been iu charge of John Animenunn, to F. A- Tuffs of Kearney. The new business will be conducted un der the firm title of Albion Hotter .v K-t; Company. Mr. Tuffs has moved his fam ily here and taken charge of the bu.-i-ness. A new law was passed by the lust legis lature for the drawing of a grand jury in each county once ii J ear, unlcei; the court shall order otherwise in writing. Upon a showing by the county attorney that t here was not sufficient cause for the calling of a grand jury in Bonne county the judge has made the neceseary order and there will be no grand jury this spring. Andrew Seboe, of Shell Creek, has sold his Boone county poseesions and will go to Aubiirndale, Wis., to make his future home. He has bought pome land in the timber belt from which the timber has been cut. and he will cleiirolT the stumps to make a farm. That will surely be quite a change from Nebraskn farming. He expects to get away this week or the first of next. Word was received here last week that M. B. Martin hail passed away at Cedar Rapids, where he had been living for the past few years. Mr. Martin was a baker and restaurant mun by trade and resided here for a number of years, be ing in the employ of H. C. Pesrks. It seems that he had no relativis 'iving near here and an effort is bring made to get trace of them. mokiioR. From t lie lleimlilican. Geo. Itland is reported ax getting along as well as could be expected, and his many friends will be glad to f-ee him home again. John Gibbon is building a !age ad dition to his barn. We hqjr he is inning to start a dairy with twenty cowp, thi summer. E. I; Van Allen is doing the building. Quite a scare was caused on the line Monday, when John Talbitzer's chimney caught fire, hut a few buckets of water put it out. It was reported that the house had burned up. Mrs. & 0. Terry has had a new barn built, and will move n house from Mon roe to her quarter section south of Arthur Watts' which makes that part of the country look better. Willie Graham arrived Friday morning from Mondamin, la , for a months' visit. His parents expect to move to Modale. la., this spring, but next year they go to Ponca, Neb., where they have purchased a farm. Mrs. Frank Henderson, well known to many residents of this locality, died February 11, at her home near Wol hach, Neb. Mrs. Henderson was 44 years of age. She came to north of Monroe and Platte county in 1SIW, living here eight years. She was married to Mr. Henderson October 1.1, 1S84. There are three children, Emma W., aged0;!; Melvin W.. aged 20. and Hattie Hell, aged 11. Her last illness was of about seven months' duration. She was taken to her old home in Bingham, Iowa, for burial, the funeral being held Februniy Electric Light Always Ready Brilliant Clean Safe Have your house, wired Columbus Light, Heat & Power Co Columbus Plumbing Co. LUEKE ii MULLIGAN Proprietors Sanitary Plumbing Steam and Hot Water Heating 13th and M Streets Columbus, Nebraska ASbtSIUS. There Are Many Varieties of This Pe culiar, Puzzling Substance. Of nil the queer minerals which na ture seems to have provided for no other purine than thut man might show his ingenuity Iu their use noth ing compares to that miucraloglcal vegetable nsbestus, which in its native state is both fibrous and crystalliue, elastic and yet brittle, a stone which will Hunt r.uii which may be carded, spun and woven like tins or silk. As bestus is mined Iu practically every section of the globe, and the nsbestus of the various countries differs as greatly iu appearance as does the foil nge of the trees and plants uatl to each. UN alike iu but one feature that it is Absolutely indestructible, no known combinations of acids even af fecting the strength or npitearance of its liber ami the fiercest flames leav ing it unscathed. It is a nonconductor of heat and of electricity. Some varieties of nsbestus are as compact as marble and will take the highest polish; others have loose, silky libers. "Mountain wood' is a variety presenting an irregular filamentous structure, like wood, and other vari eties, taking their names from their resemblance to the various materials, are rock. cork, mountain leather, fossil paper and fossil Haw Ashrstus is really si variety of am pliibule or hornblende, composed of separable filaments with silky luster. Its colors aie various shades of white, gray or greeu, passing into brown, red or black. Although as perishable as grass, it is older than any order of animal or vegetable life on earth. Life. It has been said that life Is made up of three things -heredity, enviroumenl and the will. If the heredity and en vironment of the child arc what they should he the will will choose the right and do it. COLUMBUS MEAT MARKET We invite all who desire choice steak, and the very be9t cuts of all other meats to call at our market on Eleventhstreet. We also handle poultry and fish and oysters in season. S.E MARTY fc CO. Telephone No. 1. - Columbus. Neb. WANTED Tlie rielit party can I M-cun- an excellent to-itioii, salary or coinini" ion for Colunilm- am! vi cinity. State axe, former occupation ami trivf reference. Adtlre? LOt'K i:i)X 43S, Lincoln, Neb. UNION PACIFIC TIME TULE WEST BOCSD. 11 h:I0 a in l:t I :U)n in 1 10:45 n ui '. UiUnni 17 arid p m 15 i:a inn :! iH i in r. HsC p in Jl f:l i in l'. UiTuiiii 5'. 7:1X1 a m KA8T BOD5D. No. 4:21 am No. 12 1027 pm f:am No.6 HDprn No.lO 2:15 pm No. 10 3:05 pm No. is H.tJrtpm No. 2 SjiOpm No. 22 7:12 am 10 pm No.M 5jD5 pm No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. BRANCHES. NOHFOI.K. Sl'ALDIXO AUIOff. No. 79 mxd..(l 6:00am No. 31 pas ..dlAIpm No. 32 pan ..al230pm No.80nix.l..a70im No. 77 mul. (lTflam No. 29 taa ..! 7.ft p m No. SOpas ..h l:lipm No. 7s nixil..afclO pm I aily except Sunday. NOTE: Nos. 1. 2, 7 and 5 are extra fare trains. No. 4. 5, 13 ami 14 are local passenger. No. M and 5H are local freight. Son. 9 nad Id aru mail train only. No 14 due in Omaha 4:45 p.m. No. 6 dae in Omaha 5.-00 p. m. e. . & q. TiM Table Q9 No. 2, Pass, (daily ex. Uamlay) leave 7:35 a m No. :. Kit. A. Ac. (d'y ex. Saturday) lv.50 p m No. 21, rase, (daily ex. Sunday) arrive.. 9:20 p m No. 21, Frt. & Ac (d'y ex. Sunday) ar. ..6J5 a m UNITED DOCTORS MAKE FREE OFFER Will Cure Fw ratltnts fim T SUtw Winders of tho New Siftttm. Free examination, free consultation and free treatment until you are entirely well. Sncb is the generous offer made by the United Doctors to all patients accepted for treatment during their vis it to Columbus at the Thurston Hotel on Wednesday March 16th and Thursday March 17th. The only charge that will be made is for the medicine used, which mast be paid cash. To very poor patients the medicine will be furnished free also. The object of the United Doctors in makinglhis grand free offer is to secure a few supposedly incurable cases quick ly to demonstrate the tremendous cura tive powers of this wonderfnl new sys tem of medicine ss used by the United Doctors. These specialists solict one or two of the most difficult cases from each locality in order to show what can be done by scientific treatment, even in the worst forms of diseases. The treatment used by the United Doctors is non surgical. They never use the knife, never mutilate the body which God has made in his image. On ly the best and porest of chemicals are used by thee specialists, their motto being that every sick person is entitled to the beat medicines that are to be fonnd in nature. To obtain pure drugs they prepare all of the medicines in their own lalioratory and thus every patient is as sured of pure medicines, the bent obtain able, regardless of coat. The expensive and elaborate instru ments nsed in disgonosis and the ex treme care used in securing pure drugs and preparing them especially for each case, makes the treatment used by the United Doctors more expensive than ordinary treatment, yet the larger num ber of patients treated makes it possible to place the price of treatment within the reach of all. This is really a vary remarakable and generous offer by these great specialists. It is an offer of free treatment until well regardless of the length of time required to complete the cure This offer is good only in cases accented for treat ment during their visit to Columbus on Wednesday. March HUh and Thursday, March 17th. Consultation and examination is free to all, but only curable cases will be ac cepted for treatment. If your case is in curable you will lie told so and not one penny of your money accepted. How ever, many cases that are incurable by the old methods can he quickly cured by this wonderful new met hod of the United Doctors. DON'T BE BALD. Almost Any One May Secure a Splendid Growth of Hair. You can easily tiud out for yourself if our hair needs nourishment, if it is thinning, getting dry, harsh and brittle, or splitting al the ends. You simply have to pull u hair from the top of your bead and closely examine its root. If the bulb i plump and rosy it is all right; if it is white and shrunken your hair is diseased and needs nourishment. We haven remedy for hair trouble that cannot lie surpassed. It has a record of growing hair and curing baldness in 93 out of 100 rases where need according to directions fur a reasonable length of time. It will even grow hair on bahl heads if the bcalp is not glazed and shiny. That may seem like a strong statement- it is, and we mean it to be, and no one should doubt it until they have put our claims to an actual teat. We are so sure that Kexnll "ftl" Hair Tonic will completely eradicate dandruff, prevent baldnesp, stimulate! he calp and hair roots, stop fulling luir and grow new hair, that we personally give our positive guarantee to refund every penny paid us for ltexall "ftt" Hair Tonic in every instance where it does not do as we claim or fails to give entire satisfaction to the user. Rexall "!tt" Hair Tonic is as pleasant to use na clear spring water. It is per fumed with a pleasant odor, and does not grease or gum the hair. We have it in two .sizes, prices 50 cents and SI. 00 We urge you to try Rexall '-fti" Hair Tonic on onr recommendation and with our guarantee hack of it. You certainly take no rink. Iteinetuber, on can obtain Rexall Remedies in Columbus only at our store. Pollock & Co. the druggists on the corner. BELTVWOOD. Prom the (Snzctte. The Catholics or St. Mary's church at David City on Snndny Inst raised $14, f0o toward u $25.1)00 new church build ing to be erected ut said city this spring. Nine of the members gave $l,ooO eacb. but a small number of the membership of the church has been asked for a dona tion and the amount required for the new ohurch building will be raised with out difficulty. Uncle Sam is going to he good to young widows of old soldiers by giving them pensions. The present pension law grants annuities only to the widows of soldiers of the Civil War who were married before Jan. 27, ISOo. As is well known, many of the old soldiers took helpmates unto themselves since that date, and for the past twenty years Con gress baa been besieged in the interest of this multitude. Literal. "What shall I write about?" asked the lazy reporter of the busy editor. "Right about face!" saapped the edi tor. And. taklas him at his word, the reporter wrote an article oa the care of the complexion. Unfortunate Emulation. A North Carollnan recently eloped with three women on the same train. And it seems that events will persist In showing that Solomon lived for BOtklng. Salt Lake Tribune. vvsrL- Pocahontas Smokeless Illinois, Rock Spring's and Colorado Coals at prices that will interest you. Let us figure with you tor your winter's supply. T. B. Hord Bell 188 Perhaps. "I don't have no opinion of these newfangled women's notions." said Sir. Hyde when his wife timidly ex pressed her desire to Join the Woman's Self Improvement society. "But we learn so much there." ven tured Mrs. Hyde. "Don't believe Itr snapped Mr. Hyde. "Women don't know much, that's a fact, but let 'em stick to their domestic duties and learn them. That's ray opinion. Let 'em follow St. Paul's Injunction stay at home and ask their husbands if they want to know any thing." "But. John"- "I've settled It. and that's enough, Jane." "But. John, that's what women have been doing all this time, and perhaps that's the reason they dou't know much." And then Mr. Hyde threw his boot at the cat and boxed Freddy's ears for grinning. Pearson's. An Eye te usintss. One day a man with a ease full of handbills entered a restaurant in Cin cinnati run by au astute old German. "Vot haf you derer the latter asked as he observed the man about to dis play several of the bills on his walls. "Railway circulars excursiou." "Oh, ho." exclaimed the proprietor, "one of dose cheap ten day excur sions! Go avay cheaper vot you stay at home, eh?' "Exactly," said the bill man. "Und you vnut to hang dem up herer "Certainly. You've no objection?" "I haf most clear obgectlons." said the German decidedly. "Duke dem avay! Do you dake me for a fool, man. dot I vould vant my customers to read dose bills und den go avay und eat at some cheap place for ten days?" Detroit Free IYess. Pleased His Majesty. The dark monarch from sunny Af rica was being shown over an engi neering establishment in au English city by the manager, who iu explain ing the working of certaiu machinery unfortunately got bis coattails caught iu it and in a moment was being whirled round at so many revolutions per minute. Luckily for the manager, his garments were unequal to the strain of more than a few revolutions, and be was hurled, disheveled and dazed, at the feet of the visitor. That exalted iersonage roared with laughter and said something to his in terpreter. "Salt," said that functionary to the manager, "his majesty say be am ber ry pleased with de trick an' will you please do It again?' Sketchy Bits. ees and Ants. Bees will place their honeycombs In any place regularly or Irregularly shaped, and when they come to cor ners and angles they seem to stop and J consider. Then they vary the shape of the cell, so that the space Is exactly filled. It could not be done more sat isfactorily if the whole thing had been worked out on paper beforehand. Ants make hard aud smooth roads and drive tunnels compared to which man's ef forts in making such things are insig niticaut. Low One-Way Colonist Rates In Effect Daily From March 1 to April 15, 1910 m Grain Co. Ind. 206 Settling a Matrimenial Dispute. Mme. Sada Yaeco, the famous Japa nese actress, who bad been a friend of the ussassiuated Prince Ito from her childhood, told the following amustag anecdote: "Iu my frequent quarrels with say husband we sometimes asked Prince Ito to judge between us. One day when we had had a more than esasJly violent dispute at CblgasakI the prince came in unexpectedly, and 1 asked him to decide the question. Bat he declined, while proposing the follow ing solution: " 'Go down into the garden, both of you. and tight it out like sumo tori (wrestlers). The one that wins will naturally be the one who Is la the right.' "No sooner said than done! In a trice Knwakami and I were ft wrcs tling trim. By good luck my hashaad was just recovering from a serkms Ill ness, and as be was very weak I aoon threw him to the ground. This. the prince enormously, who. Of i had foreseen the end of the aneqi match." Cemeteries Where Women Oessiaw Friday, the Sabbath of the Moateaw. when all true believers of the awsca line gender makea point of going to church, their wivesV sisters and daugh ters resort to the cemeteries and wall for the dead. But all their time la slot spent in weeping, and sorrow is not the only emotion they display, on these occasions. They take with tnera bunches and garlands of flowers and decorate the graves of their relatives and pray and weep over the dead for a time. Then wheu this pious duty 9 performed they gather In little groups and have a good time gossiping about the living. Thus the day of mourning is very popular among the Moslem wo men. It gives them almost the only opportunity they have of cultivating the acquaintance of their neighbors. The Lion and the Unicorn. The unicorn came Into the royal arms with James I. it belongs to the royal arms of Scotland. The signet riug of Mary, mother of James, is In existence, having a unicorn on It. In the royal arms, therefore, one support er represents England, the other Scot land. The lion and the unicorn occur also in ancient Buddhist scriptures, placed together as supporters. Both of these animals also are seen playing draughts together in the well known Egyptian painting. Rut the oldest connection of the two is in the blessing of Jacob and of Moses. London Xotes anC Queries. Second Thought. "Dear Mr. Hicks," Nshe wrote. "I am very sorry that' what you ask I can not grant. I cannot become your wife. Yours sincerely, Ethel Barrows." Then she added: "P. S. On second thoughts, dear George. I think I will marry you. Do come up tonight and see your own true Ethel." A Subtle Difference. "And so." began the browbeating at torney to the shabby witness. "yoO live by your wits, do you':" "No. sir: by other folks leek of them." corrected the witness modestly. $25 From Columbus TO California and the Pacific Northwest Via Union Pacific 'The Safe te Trevor Tickets Good on Comfortable Tourist Sleepers on payment of berth rate Electric Block Signals Dining Car Meals and Service "Best in the World" For tickets aad information caU'on, or address E. G. BROWN, Agent, Columbus, Neb.