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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1910)
II m ', ' i M ; M M I . i i . ! olumtms goxirual. Columbut. Nobr. Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the Platte County Argus January 1.1900. Xa:rd at the PoatoBce. Colambae. Nebr. u -oad-olaM mail matter raxa orcasaBipTto5: Oaajraar, bymalLpoctafe prepaid fLM dlx iBoataa 75 fbreemoatba 40 KDNBDAY. .MAIU'H V, IfclQ. BTHOTHEH & STOCKWELL. Proprietors. BfcNE WAL8 The date opposite yonr name on jroor paper, or wrapper shows to what time our rfabacriptlon is paid, 'fhns JanOS shows that payment Las been reoeived np to Jan. 1, 1905, ITabOS to Feb. 1, 1905 and so on. When payment l made, the date, which anew an a receipt, will be changed accordingly. DlBCONTIS DANCES Besponsible sabecrib srs will continue to receive this journal until the publishers are notified by letter to discontinue, when all arrearages must be paid. If yon do not wish the Jomroal continued for another year af ter the time paid for Las expired, yon should previously notify ns t discontinue it. CHANGE IN ADDREBH-When ordering a j banc la the address,snbscribers should be sure to give their old aa well as their new address. SUGAR TRUST SCANDALS OF '92. The campaign of 1892 resulted in Mr. Cleveland's election. It was cer tain, long in advance, that if Cleve land won there would be t a rill' revi sion. The sugar trust did not care about tarifl' revision in general, if it could only make the sugar schedule to suit itself. The trust, to make assur ance doubly sure, contributed liberally to both campaign funds that year. The contribution to the democratic fund has always been popularly placed at one-half million dollars. That contri bution was the price of the privilege of "fixing" the sugar schedule to suit the trust, if the democrats should win. The big contribution to the republican fund was payment in advance for the same privilege if the republicans should win. You may see that Mr. Havemeyer was thoroughly nonpar tisan. Well, the democrats won, and con gress met to revise the tarili. It soon came out that powerful forces were insisting on a duty on sugar. The trust wauted it just as high as possi ble. There was a tremendous roar of protest from the country, but the big democratic Kliticiaus who had raised the campaign fuud stood by the trust, and in the end they won. A duty of 40 per cent ad valorem was imposed, and the wicked Dutch standard whs retained in the law. Henry O. Havemeyer, head of the trust, and a fine entourage of lobbyists and manipulators, made headquarters at the Arlington hotel in Washington. The sugar schedule was the pivot of the whole situation. Senator Ciormuu, chairman of the democratic national committee, flatly declared there could be uo legislation unless tne sugar schedule was "right," which meant unless it was satisfactory to the trust. The scandals became so serious that at length the senate was actually forced to investigate itself. The charge was made that senators friendly to the trust were making big money specu lating in trust stocks. Senator Lodge introduced a resolution demanding the investigation. A committee was ap pointed with Lodge as chairmau. It took testimony that filled over one thousand pages, and examined every member of the senate. There was a New York broker in the Havemeyer menage at the Arling ton that busy season, whose business was receiving and placing orders for sugar securities so it was auegeu. This broker E. H. Chapman by tame was summoned and declined to produce his books to show his trans actions for senators. Two Washing ton newspaper men, John S. Sh river and Klisha J. Edwards, who had printed articles charging scandalous things in the relations of the sugar lobby to statesmen, were examined, aud refused to tell their sources of information. Henry Havemever was likewise recalcitrant; he would answer no questions that might involve him self or public men. Proceedings were brought for con tempt against these unwilling witnesses. Havemeyer and the newspaper men were held by the supreme court of the District of Columbia to be within their rights in refusing to testify, and were set free. Chapman was held guilty of contempt and went to jail for two months; but he did uot tell anything. And that was thenet result of a very solemn looking effort to gel at the in wardness of the most scandal-fogged tariff performance that Washington ever saw! The trust got the tariff "fixed" as it wanted; a few senators admitted dealing in trust stocks; a broker was locked up for a short time, and President Cleveland, declariug it was "perfidy and dishonor," refused to sign the tariff act, which became law without his signature. Out of all that scandal the sugar trust made profits of millions by rush ing in vast stores of sugar while it was still free of duty, to be refined and sold with tiie tariff added after the new law was in effect. That is the trust meth yl .Tndsnn C. Willver in Marchl Hampton's. WHY SHOULD A MAN MARRY? "Why should a man marry? I do not mean should in the sense of 'ought to'; but what is there in it for him? "Man is the conquering hero. He is the power that is. The laws are his, for he made 'em. The sea is his, for he owns the yachts. The land is his, for he votes the taxes and improve ments. The beasts of the fields are his, unless he prefers a motor-car. The sky is his for aeroplanes. The fishes with fins and the mermaids without tails are his till he marries. "Why should he marry us? Why not be honest? Isn't it the plain, un varnished truth, that a man who con templates exchanging his undeniably blessed singleness by asking to be doubled with some fluttering and un certain female ought to be examined for the symptoms of some mild phase of insanity? Isn't there room for a suspicion as to the quality and kind of his gray matter? "Acquiring a wife, he is at home nowhere except at home! It's the only place where he really ought to be when he is not in his office, earning the wherewithal to pay for the cage. Every hour brings its proof that he has given up his freedom. "And for what? For one of us. "What are we? What is there iu one of us to pay for all he relinquish es? By what divine right are we commissioned to make him ovei? What gives us the privilege of regulat ing or trying to regulate the num ber of cigars he smokes and the priie thereof? "Unmarried, a man has only to feel a longing and have the price. There is just one person on whom he really ought to spend his money-that is him self! Afterward-well, he has to fight with his conscience or his wife before he can waste good cash on the foolish, unnecessary, but delightful desires which, before he married, to feel was to gratify. "It may sound jocose, all this talk about what a man gives up; but it is no joke for him! Once free aud tin trammeled, he marries to find himself corraled by a whole lot of written ami unwritten laws of convention that sit on the fence of matrimony aud peck at him i" he tries even to peep over it. Marriage has invested him with its seriousness. He has exchanged the good things he has known for the good things he believes you to lie, my sister. "You cast money, and you take more tloor space than he needed for himself alone. He has to live in a locality far removed from his former haunts, in order to accomodate you. When he gets home, he stays there for various reasous. lie drops away from his old associates. If he tries to keep in with them, his new sense of accountability makes a killjoy and'a bore. Aud why does he do it? What says the profit side of the sheet to balance the account of the loss page? What makes him pay so big a price for you? Why will he exchange the almost ideal state of his single days for the risks, compli cations, expenses, and sacrifice of com foit aud self-love that he must assume when he marries you? "Behind the superficial carelessness. underneath the apparent conscience lessuess with which men indulge them selves, there is a deep, instinctive, and like all of nature's institutions un alterable wish to love some one more than self, and to make that love the beautiful highway that leads to some one better than self to the child! "Were net this instinct to create so strong that it rides down every barrier of self-consideration, uo sane man would ever marry. Why should he? What would he get.' In getting you, he had some disagreeable moments during the interview with papa and mama. He remembers how they skinned him bare of pretense. He re calls how they dived into his pocket book and examined his bank account. He thinks of the way they probed to find how he stood with the head of his firm, and what chance he had for advancement- He has a sold, hurt con sciousness that hj was gulled; that the questions were clever thrusts put in be fore he could inquire what you knew about keeping up your end of the string. "But it's all right! There are a rea son and a justification for it all. The re is one aspiration of his that you alone can share one service that only you can render one need that you can supply. You can hope with him for the child. You can give yourself to mothering it. You can help him to the self perpetuation that was the deep seated if uuanalyzed reason for his marrying you." (Catherine Eg- gleeton in Munsey. THE LIGHT OF PROGRESS. Whether the insurgents are indebt ed to the democratic party for their "policies" is a matter of dispute. Mr. Bryan very positively asserted during the last presidential campaign that the democratic party had contributed to the cause of reform all that was good. I The contention will be maintained while Mr. Bryan remains the acknowl edged head of the democratic organi zation. A matter of some local interest is involved in the defense offered by an insurgent newspaper that claims to be acquainted with all shades of politics. It had its start in life by being intense ly democratic It came into local power on the heels of revolt against prohibition and availed itself of the opportunities delicately brought into controversy by Mayor Sears, who is a democrat still. This neighbor of the press is now rambunctious in the busi ness of saving the republican party from its friends, and it resents with old time vigor the association .f democra tic policies in the purity of its new life. Incidentally there is explanation, or what may pass as such, of why it ceased to uphold the democratic stand ard. "In 1892," it is explained, "the de mocratic convention called for the elimination of protection, but in 1894 its congress gave the country a tariff averaging in its rates but about 10 per cent less than were those of the Mc Kinley tariff. And, in 1890, instead of sticking to the text on which the party had achieved power since the civil war, we find the platform posi tioning the tariff until the money ques tion was settled." The point is made with characteristic perspicuity. The democratic party, to be sure, was not in good position, after the act of 1894, to continue the tariff as a par amount issue, but fault is found with it for avoidance of another fight for the elimination of protection under the terms of the national platform of 1892. Whatever dislike was felt to the money question as presented by Mr. Bryan's party in 1890, the lasting re sentment of this near friend lodged in the abandonment of the democratic party of its hot contention for the eli mination of protection. Therefore speaking of principle the movement terminated for the time being in pre sent relations. The democratic- platform of 1892, it will be remembered, denounced repub lican protection as a "fraud a rob bery," and things like that. It saw in the McKiuley law "the culmiuating atrocity of class legislation," and the party set about, in lauguage, to turn everything topsyturvy. Such success resulted, accompanied by a high meas ure of distress, that the republican party was returned to power at the first opportunity, followed by a period of prosperity not yet terminated. Being a director iu the insurgent combination, having the favor of the leaders, aud a owerful opposition to Cannouism back of it, the time, may not lie distant when the Chicago plat form of 1892 will be offered for reaffir mation in the name of fearless progress. Sioux City Journal. TAFT'S DIFFICULT POSITION. President Taft stands between two fires. One element iu congress thiuks he is too radical. The other element thinks he is not radical enough. Yet, if the present administration is to secure any legislation or accomplish anything he must do it with the mate rial at hand the present congress. He cauuot secure legislation by oppos ing the regular organization. Neither can he accomplish anything if he has the active oposition of the insurgent republicans, for they have demonstrat ed their ability to secure a majority by uniting with the democrats. The democrats cannot be expected to do anything that would assist the repub lican president or add to his jiopular ily. This being the case, Mr. Taft must adopt a middle course, such as will secure the support of both regu lars and insurgents, or he will fail to secure auy legislation. And if he fails, if the party fails, to adopt some meas ures that the people ask for the party will go to the demnition bow wows and Mr. Taft will be a discredited presi dent Republicans should realize the peculiar, the embaraasing, the difficult position iu which he is placed, and give him their united support and eucouragement. We all have reason to believe that his heart is in the right place, and that he is an advocate of and a believer in the Roosevelt policies. Every word of his public utterances, save possibly on. the tariff has met with popular approval. Then, why don't the republicans give him credit for being right aud give him cordial support? It might tickle some of us to see Taft go after congress with a club.but he probably would not accom plish anything that way. He prob ably knows best how to manage the unruly bunch on his hands. Let's give him our good will and encourage ment. Shenandoah Sentinel-Post A Mean Accusation. The plump and pretty waitress was being teased by a youthful male board er when a sedate middle aged man en tered the dining room. To him aba made prompt appeal. "Is there anything on my face?" she demanded. "Why, yes," was the reply, after a lengthy scrutiny. "There is some cu ticle on it." "Oh, there is not!" she said in high dudgeon and flounced out of the room, Lippincott'a. BRYAN, MORAL CRUSADER.. . The position of Mr. Bryan on the county option question continues to be the one interesting feature of the poli tical situation and will be to the end of the next campaign if he asserts him self. His declaration for making the county the unit of action with respect to the control of liquor is playing hav oc with his party in Nebraska and of necessity modifies the republican stat us. We cannot say what motives have actuated him. We do not known the impulses that have moved him. We are pretty well assured, however, that he is in dead earnest, now that the die is cast He has taken the step not without counting the cost He has held in anticipation certain dim re sults. He has said it was certain to alienate very many warm political supporters during his entire public ca reer. He has said it might even mean the burning of the room over bis head or the penalty of his life. Ordinarily such expressions would give the idea of great moral of personal heroism. Iu the espousal of other questions Mr. Bryan has been persistent and courageous. It was so especially with respect to the silver question. After suffering one overwhelming defeat on that he forced it in his national plat form a second time when its obtrusion was clearly adverse to his aud his par ty's interests. It may lie that when he returns from South America he will repeat the pro gramme he followed upon his return from his tour of the world. Then he proclaimed the government ownership of railroads only to recant soon after wards. Maybe when he comes back from the south and finds his party all battered and disrupted he will revise his county option proclamation. The probabilities of this are streng thened by the fact that he lias always been very considerate of the liquor vote. The selection of Harry Hay ward, an Omaha liquor dealer, to car ry the Bryan banner in'thu Denver convention, his elimination of all men tion of temperance iu democratic state platforms of recent years; liis'sicle'.step- ping when cornered by the president of the Nebraska W. C. T..U., who de sired to commit him to a temperance programme duriug the last se&siou of a democratic legislature; his affiliation with the Fraterual'Order of Eagle?; his confession in his speech at Chat tanooga, on his way to South America, that he had sut silent'.in'the presence of this evil for many years all these things go to prove that there is still an elemeut'of uncertainty as to whether his declared inteutious are to be re garded as a fixed cour.-e. But whether or not Mr. Bryau means Ubecome a?devoted supporter of advanced legislation for, the regula tion of the liquor traffic'and an open antagonist of the saloon, it goes with out saying his position is of wide in terest If he should enlist himself in a moral crusade, entirely divorced of politics, he would easily become the greatest factor in the country in tem perance work. People who really wish to see the rum power pulverized must feel grateful to Mr. Bryan for the belated impulse he has given it. Fre mont Tribune. WHERE DOES IT GO. A'numbor of jieople associate for the purpose of providiugdeath liene fits for their families. They' spend money year after year for this'purpose. Certain administrative expenses are necessary. These are paid willingly, with the proviso that the administra tion be as economical as possible. The premiums arepaid for one only," to" provide for those who survive. It would seem only just that whatever these premiums earn should accrue to the benefit of men who foot the bills, uot to the officers of the company nor to employes. It was not many years ago, however, when iusurauce officials, particularly of fraternal orders, were able to "skin" the interest on accumulated funds and yet feel no twinges of conscience. The men who first refused to "skin" the interest on fraternal funds were subjects of comment But a new order of fraternal etiquet te is rising and jn its train comes the idea that the policy holders should par ticipate in all. earnings of all accumu lated funds. But the old idea clings tenaciously to some officials. In order to get at this, State Audi tor Barton recently asked the compt roller of the currency to aid him in securing from national banks state ments of deposits by insurance com panies. The comptroller did not so read the law. The auditor was baffl ed. Although beaten at present the Nebraska official is still looking about for a method of getting at this infor mation. If the acquisition of these desired facts will lend further to stop the practice of "skinning" interest, the policy is to be commended. If the aid of the Nebraska congressional del egation is needed it should be given. The principal involved affects every policyholder in the United States about one-fourth of the population and the question of whether state in surance departments have a right to this information might readily become one of the miner national issues. Lin coln Star. BRYAN'S LATEST ISSUE. If experience is much of a teacher it may be safely assumed that Wm. Jennings Bryan can't be elected presi dent He continues, however, to cut the widest swath in the democratic party, making it apparent that no other democrat stands much of a show without Bryan's support. Therefore the lucky republicans find solace for their own wounds received iu party insurrection, in Bryan's latest issue, which doesn't seem popular with his party. As is well known, Bryan is a total abstainer; he not only doesn't drink, but he doesn't use the "filthy weed." But heretofore he has re mained silent concerning the booze question regarding it as purely local, and not a matter of concern for one engaged in shaping national affairs. As a local matter he still treats it, perhajM, as he has merely spoken iu favor of local option in Nebraska. But democratic papers throughout the country are taking it up, aud that without much approval. Aud all this may hurt the chances of Bryan as being the leader in 1912, but it hurls the democratic party more, particu larly if Bryan cares to maintain that leadership. Whatever is Bryan's hoodoo, it is difficult to separate it from democracy, and the lucky re publicans are lucky still. Atchisou Globe. TAFT'S ONE FAULT. Not only the press and the magazines but private individuals, have already pronounced their verdict upon the Taft administration In-fore it is half begun and are prophesying a return from Elba. Was there ever anything more ridiculous? For our own part we have discovered only one defect in the pre sident's makeup that we are sure about. It may be a fatal one. He is a mighty poor politician; :tnd hesutfeis particul arly in this resjiect iu comparison with his predecessor who was (aud is) a past master. Taft has uo aptitude for the pcrsoual intricacies of the machine. As he says himself, lie hates the fact that three or four hours are taken up every morning at the White House "iu discussing not the qualifications of collectors and district attorneys and other aptoiutees. but the claims of those who recommend that the gentle men lie apMiinted." But success at White House is not always a matter of playing (lolitics; if it were, Taft would have a poor chance. Let us wait before wc turn our thumbs down. Metropolitan Magazine. BEANS IN BOSTON. The Millions of Quarts That Are An nually Baked and Eaten. Boston baked beans arc known around the globe. In the city of Boa ton alone about 32,000,000 quarts of baked beans are devoured annually, to ay nothing of the pork that goes with them and the brown bread that is also served. There are factories or baker ies which handle nothing but baked beans from oue year's end to the other. One of the largest of these, which sup plies restaurants wholly, bakes 14.U00 quarts of beans a week. Other baker ies also ' furnish brown bread, while nearly every bakeshop that makes bread, pastry aud pies also bakes beans several times a week. There are bakeries with ovens that will hold 2,000 quarts each. The preparation aud baking of beans are interestiii!; operations. In estab lishments where beans only are baked It is done on a huge scale. There are great kettles that hold two or three bushels of beans, aud into these the beans are put to soak and parboil. Then the pots of earthenware, varying in size from one quart to two gallous, are ranged around 011 tables and i.Iletl from the big keltles. Every quart of beans Is carefully picked over and sorted and eh ied of all dirt and dead beans before being put into the kettles. The ovens are huge brick affairs, glow ing red with heat. Kxperts consider that beans cannot be properly cooked except in a brick oven. Home of the ovens hold 2.000 quarts each. Filled with the loaded puts, they present a sight worth beholding. So hot are the ovens that long handled Hat shovels are used to push the pots iu and(take them out. New York Tribune. Respectfully Referred. Chief Justice Marshall used to nar rate with great glee the following cor respondence on a point of lienor be tween Governor Giles of Virginia and Patrick "Henry. The governor wrote: Sir I understand that you have called me a bobtail politician. I wish to know If it be true and. If true, your meaning. W. K. GILES. P;itrick Henry's reply came prompt Sir I do not recollect calling you a bob tail politician at any time, but think It probable that I have. I can't say what 1 did mean, but If you will tell me what you think I meant I will say whethet you are correct or not. Very respectfully, PATItlCK HKN'RY. This was leaving it to Giles with a vengeance; but, as there was no fur ther correspondence, the governor of Virginia must have read satisfaction somewhere between the lines of Pat rick Henry's brilliantly equivocal re ply Cruel. Jess He said my face was a poem Bess It Is like one of Browning's. Jess How do you mean? Bess Some of the lines are so deep. Cleveland Leader. .'t.VSKJBavL""-- HaVaaaVaMalawaiBHaKaaWVHalaaW w 50, ' "'MBKg--- iKV. t-HaaaHPVBa59SiiSa. jflSSS Mb lealtUul Qualities 1 mmWfu& to the Food S JBfigjy EcMMizes Hour, 1 IWrGlpft Bitter and Egos a () The raly baldag powder jj No Satisfying Her. "Women are hard to understand. "Think so? " ies; i ioiu ner sue carnea ner nse well, and she was offended, "You don't say!" "Yes. aud then 1 told her she didn't carry it well, ami she wouldn't speak." Philadelphia Record. Misnamed. Wife 1 say. do you know the girl In the flat above ns won a piano at the charity bazaar lottery yesterday? Husband A piano? Great Scott! And that's what they call a charity ba zaar! Meggendorfer Blatter. TUKA8KKY DEPARTMENT. Office of the Huoervfoiiut Architect. WaahinRtoa. I. V.. March r, 1910. Sealed propoaala will be received at thi- office until S o'clock i. hi. on the Uth lny of April. l'JIU, and thea opened, for the con traction complete (inclaillag plumbing, K&a piping, heating apparatus, electric condalto and wiring), of the United States pot oHit-e at Columbus, Nebraska, in eccortlance with the drawings anil specifications, copiea of nhirh may be obtained from the custodian of site at Columbus, Nebraska, or at thia office at the dis cretion of the Supervising Architect. JAMES KNOX TAYLOK. Supervising Architect. Better jggS5j5gr VLLLLLLrlsrT I "jVTANY homes should have better bath rooms " than they now have. We have always tried not only to do better plumbing than we ever did A. before, but better than any body else can do. The vol ume of work we are now doing shows how we are ceeding. We use only genuine plumbing fixtures and employ only experienced workmen. Our repair ing service is prompt and reliable. i A. DU&SELL & SON. Columbus. Vrtl; BACK TO THE FARM The greatest advertisement ever given to western farm lands is contained in the present discussion regarding the high cost of living. Our population and its demands has increased beyond the ratio of increased soil products. The man who owns a farm is surer today than ever before of its future value and worth to him. Nearly a million immigrants come" annu ally to this country. The west is increasing in population at the rate of half a million a year. The man who owns a 30 or 40-acre worn-out farm in Europe is considered independent, yet the west offers you 320-acre tracts of Mondell lands or 80 acre tracts of Government irrigated land, at a price that comes near being a gift. With the absolute certainty that these lands will ba be yond the reach of the homesteader in a few years, IT WILL PAY YOU TO GET HOLD OF A WESTERN FARM for your self or your son before it is too late. Get in touch with me. D CLEM DEAVER, Gsneral ft sent. Land Sktrs Information Bureau 1004 Farnam Street Omaha. Nebr. jnjl BMB 1MB I Magazine Binding I Old Books I I Rebound - I I In fact, for anything in tbe book I I binding line bring your work to I I &e I I Phone 184 I NOTIC'K OF SALK I'NDEK CHATTEL MOKTUAUi:. Notice fa liereliy uiven that by virtu of a j chattel inortKuuftlfittti on tlu .'ml tiny of No- i vniiMr, r.w, anil timyniru in iiieomreoi ! county cirk in niui tor i'iiitttiiiinty.NebraHku. on thud il;t) of Nov.-isIkt. I901. ami executed by K. I. Will uiiiH anil . I). Williams to A. I. Jones atl K. I . IV:it-r ti etH-uru tho injmwut of tliMMiin of $11.1.!. and on uhu-h then is uot due $''Vr. default having been made in Hit paytm-ut of Kiid miiiii. and no suit or other pro ceeding" at liw having been instituted to i eoversaid sum or nnv nart of said debt, therc- fore I will sell tin property therein ile-riUsl. i viz: One model line Ken Touring Car. No. Ttlu. j at public auction at the gnrnge of Jone l Fe'i--j ter. in the city of I'oluinlin-. county of l'lati.- and state or Nehrankn. on the -Jr.l iia or .ilan-ii, 1010, at one o'clock in. A. M-.lo.NKS AM I'L It. KKASTHIt. Dati d .March '-'ml. I'.MO. Mortugee . NOIICK. PlOtllRIOJlH lr ICerech and Kate Kiaenihiinmel. defendants, "ill take notice that on the 1-tli dni or February. l'.'l' Michael '.nerliue. ulaintili herein, filed his itition iu tint District Court of Platte county. Nebra.-ka. against wild defeud antsthe object and prayer of uhich is to iiiit-t plaintiffs title to IaA iiuiuImt Tuelve (l- and the East Half of lot iiumtH-r Kleteu (II). 01 Block number Three 131 in Fedderson' Addition to the Village of lliinintircy. Nebraska, as against any claim of tin- defecdaut.s thtr.'in or thereto, and idaintill pro fortidtcieeiiietiug his title to said pioerty a sgainst any claims of said 'ilf'i iidniits and h-irriu s-iid defendant from any right, till", or interest therein, and foi sach other an further relief as may ss-iii to the Court just and equitable. You are required t- answer mi id p. tit ion on 01 before the 2sth day of .March. l'JIU. 46-4 MlcilVKL.UEltLlNK. Plaintiff. Plumbing sue- h. Nebraska. WobbVLHI VyVLLVbIbbW m i I T-(TBBBb? Ltil , BumeHfinr? .MHbM'-l J mi T 1 ! .j -i.ry"'t' tfi "'Majapg weflTpe giiaviij" wn