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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1910)
mm m ro t TRIED REMEDY GRIP. Ks9 FOR THE U . H i; ?. i: i i-n I ' Lf 'I ! i IM I h HlSABELH a 'vBiftlS J-1 w JL a. MLmmW M-4 M-4 BKaErSII 9 2" i0""5r" 1' Hi ) tT -A?r ? .HHpiMiHHHMMMBmiMaMMIHMBHHMM a?sfirTS3lBBBwLHBBMCBWavlF SYNOPSIS. (BlHHg!jyHj2MMJJ V. rti -v 't-:-; witli t!i- inti"oil"i'tioii if Jili:i riij.i!- !..-.. -idvi-ntiirer. :i M-i.;s.i-.1ii-HJi i.usi in irourit-.l Iy authorities at V:i:i(,-i,-i. t'liile !?-iTin lmerreted In ?ii:ini! -ij.i fiium-. in lt.ilixi.i. In- v:i de fi'ini".'iJ liy i'1'in- as an Siisurnil!o:iist'1 as :i us -"jiK-nr- v.iis IinliiiC- At his tintii? l.i. ' aiinri was :il!r.nUii ly ati ICiikI'. 1'iiM'i ami :i ymini: woman. Su-pln-n.- -s"iil tlif young woman f 10:11 . ilriiiij.-:i wii. --r. He was ihuiiknl by tier A!:iuril t.l t lir I'cr:: ii:i.- cm tf.inled Hli-plicn-.. loll hin: thai war had lieeii tU-i h-.--l Ik'Irwii i"hi!- n-itl 1' ru -ind mtVi.-ti !il:n he utile.- off ipt.-iin. He tivir.-tl tl..-it niijlit tin- KMiii-niM.!. ""SiiIimii v--sl. shonlil ! iMiti:riil. J-tLejilivas a. cji.ert tlu- titini'Mtiii. Sl.jiacns si- .1 niotlcj criv. to which lie r.'u lie Kav ihcin In Kt.-u ':!.' TJ. . InKtnicii the si-l. The MjC.ssfui'v u;ii:irl Hie " j.ii;i"ii ti lie Ihc '!-:: T.ihl.i. Uiioni:Ii tI.!g. "" ijl. Slc-jil. :i.t ;mvi' tlirci-tioif. fm the ! -iir!:irc of tin t-r-sfL He ntercil tlic eah 111 rmrt ill.-. .Tel the Knuh-li wom,in uttfl her tn n-j hte;ihens (i.nckly leainol lit. wroni; v--v.e h.tI ! ii ajl'iieii. I v.'.ij lir'J I.irI!riKton s pm-.iJe ya in. Hi- !o:l"- v:ft- 'ii-il mai'i lniiiK aliounl !! -;':i::-i t;. :;:tii:::!.:i to lici Ia.! nhip Tiipa I. .-t Mate Tattle laiij !iat tito jilot. yi-, .t.i: that llie S-M Ji!e-,i I. as! In-Mi .. tinier t; n te tin- Antatt- 11 cirrlf, TrJiI ci!itiiteii that on a I'irii" T iiivH'- ' I"-"" ! teal Hit Ii'inriu -.-)! w tzt lost in Sf. He h.'tl f t'titil it fre-. ': n :. !":s eae tf ict to .1:1 i:.I in. 1 .1::'! eon'.ca -l iiiiu h "1 I. J-.l "Jthe':;! f ; t' tl tt lie lh eaiit.Mn if (!:e -.;i tt.'lon !! mill t.-i Iv lirl!ii';tm .-!. was ur--il! al riint!. tin esjir'"-. i -'ni'i.leiice !: him. The 1S-1 Viee'i 11 ii-itTe' a k'-ss.-J in lie t j Slepl.i ns a"teinpti'l fo . :.:iiiu:i; .:ie CHAPTER XI J. Continued. 'iiiy yot:r Jir.:ulr. o:s an- :iuiijii. 1 l!i:voto:ioii. ".tfrHly. 'ami i'!l Hour yon ,- o thf tvr. I'll l.ilvi' t!;:jJ rin ff y,iir fr Mova. is ;.on attciiij.-t utv' in'"" ." ." with i; now." iff Kn.ii-Vrn: I noiili what i iticnnt. a:: ! -v'J;k-ntIy had no relish for attari h-.-a mo a!o!i. for with nn Kivift. so;:.-. -.:.s shinrt- into tln to:;, he i'-jpeti tiowi: tht- .ttps and niii iri-sliiy all 1 knew !u- was seokin lio liach'"i of Tattle. a::tl anm-t! mj--seif with .1 ' -Jayins imi. ! rinjc eai; orlv n:-Ti-.vii;i' for the r.ear-iiy sail. .ml rnrsii.'s tii fellow at :iu wlietl ior not hoI.i;u! her up to tin- point lirof-lod. The. fartu' up tovthor. two K(cps at !i ?itn". Tnltk- ia liis shirt sleeves. :ia:. .tr. thtv attr.inotl the tiridc. n:il Anderson swttai: liinist-lf ntt. of tii-- i.Mi ami st.ntcil after them. I i.tck (! away. !h tijrly iron nil grasp-.-d in my hanti. YoM !i-3t t Jieeii haek." 1 warned. Ihtoatcntrmtj. "I'm ready to hniin ihe man who altmpt.s to touch 1!!C" Ttillle stopped, his jaw working sav fict. hln yes on ntine. 'Will you promise to keep quiet, sir. an" lol us et .iv.-ay out o' this?" "I'amn you. no!" sluhhornly. all ray senses leaving ias at Hight of his hate ful face. "Til speak that ship yonder if I have to tiht the crew of you .iu4le-handel." "'Then fisut. iO'j cockerel, an he d.tmned to, yot;!" roared Anderson: suei he piv.-ed past the two of them ind sprai:s at me. tL was l-.ot. Fwift work, while it i'lslctl. I struck twice. l'ijin4 ojien the fu'S hnitt-V t"alji, and dropping him so his iiur.u dangling down over tie de'ek. hr hody huddled against the iw.l. I aimed to do as well by Tttt fif. lint the descending pin landed on Ins uplifted arm. and. before I could dr.iy back l r another blow, the fel low at tb" wheel released the spokes jiiiJ jumped at my back, throttling mc with his hands as the weight of his lody crushed me to the planks. (Inisp tru; (he rail 1 half tore myself loose. u.Ing to one 5;nee. and .'-truck him Jwice madly in the face: but others! of the cv-f came tumbling on lop of u.-.. tinning tin- helplessly down. It was all the -.ork of a breathless 1110 ciinl. and as i lay there, she knee of h teg:o crtmc!:i::g inUnny chest, I saw tV Wova spring to the wheel and i?lui it hard down, while Tut tie. his left arm d:.r.ghng. his teeth set from (liim. began jangling the bells in the engine-room Scarcely had the echo ruoched us when a strange voice hailed sharply from out the dense log: "Steamer, ahoy! What vessel is tint?" Tu! tie's voice answered: Steam yacht Cormorant. Panama t. faster inland, for pleasure. Who an1 you?" ' VS. AI. S. Victory, oa cruise. Stand h while we send a beat." tVdeep oath sprang to Tattle's lips, hi.-, lingers ro:r.i:lsivc!y gripping Ihe rl Then he appeared to rally, the very inlcnsit of his fear making a unw man oyl of him. f.ively. lads, clear the deck." he harshly. "Here, one of you take che wheel. Mow. Ue Nova. lMjyjIe thM lip-jting fool down into the .; 'i.").-v. au'i stand over him with a. gut ""wo of you fe"ov.s carry the' into the focal:e; lively, now." 'Htcy were certainly expeditious w:gh in my case, dragging me bump ing down the steps, and flinging me in hilweon table and bench witli a vio lence that mad" mc groan. 1 caught the glimmer of a steel barrel in De iia"s hand as he drew close the .-.tiding door. "It was not nice sing to do. Mons. Ste phens." he said, not ill-naturedly, "but, hy gar. out ze farsity row it was go ing to be done, for I shoot ze pistol vtv good." That's all right. De Nova." I re ptxett. realizing :ny complete defeat and holding no personal grudge against him. "I don't blame you. I've mMl my play, and have had enough. M.xy 1 sit up?" ie nodded carelessly, dropping the revolver back into his jacket pocket, yet with his black eyes fastened shrewdly on my face. ' Tis ze bes way to talk, monsieur." ji ui.-tag to listen to the mingled BV';rW Kjd&-NT if -- . I" I I JV I I V"A 1 Ik U AN i Vr5Zr AT V - --F -7 rHT V SK77 MH kc M -y - X IBim - rr ? Descending Pin Landed on His Uplifted Arm. sounds without. "Sacre. 1 wonder Wat ze devil was up now!" We both sal. breathing hard from oir late exertions, listening anxiously, yet with vastly differing emotions, hope animating me that this was to prove a capture, or, at least, that some chance discovery by the officer visit ing us would result in the-release of the women below. Hut De Nova was m an agony of apprehension, the full peril of his position clear before him. Wo heard the bare feet of the hurry tag sailors patter along the deck, the strident voice or Tuttle issuing :t few final commands, and the faint sound of oars in the water alongside. The officer came slowly up the ladder, and my heart sank as I heard him laugh carelessly to the mate's greeting. I could distinguish the sound of his voice, but not the words utlered. and in some way it impressed me with the thought that the fellow was young, a midshipman, possibly, who would prove mere putty under Tuttle's ex pert handling. The two went down ihe companion-steps together in ap parently amiable conversation, and we could heard the low murmur of voices as the crew hung over the rail jesting with the men-o-war's men in the boat below. My eyes met De Nova's in the semi-darkness, and he grinned, showing his teeth. "Mossing ver' dangerous, monsieur." he said, easifo". "Ze ol' fox he fool zat kid." I attempted no response, my mind al ready sufficiently heavy from appre hension. Oh, for just a word, merely an opportu-'ty to cry out our story be fore it was forever too late! De No-a must have felt the struggle within me. tor he stretched his legs across the narrow passage leading to the door, and I saw his hand thrust into his coat pocket. Underneath his genial ve neer he was oue to act upon occasion, absolutely careless of the result. So I waited in silence, my teeth set hard, my hands clenched, as the last ves tige of hope oozed slowly out of me. They were scarcely ten minutes be low, coming up chatting in rare good fellowship, the officer clinging to the rail, his feet on the ladder, while he completed some story he had been relating with much gusto. Then we heard plainly the dip of oars, growing gradually fainter in the distance, feet pattered on the deck planks. Tuttle's voice sounded from the bridge, and the vessel began throbbing to the steady chug of the screws. We were safely under way again, pressing our sharp bow into the fog-bank. Unable o control mv weakness, I buried my ( face in my bands. I do not know how long we sat there motionless, De Nova staring blankly at the vapor sweeping past the win dow, and I with head lowered in de pressio?. It was Tuttle himself, uiih one arm in an improvised sung, who slid open the door of the charthouse and looked in upon us. "This is your watch yet, De Nova." he said, shortly, "and I need to doctor up my arm a bit You're a dam hard hitter. Mr. Stephens," no trace of an ger in his voice, "but that's about the last chance you'll have to kick up a shindy on this vessel. You'll go below, sir, an' stay there, unless we happen to need you." I stepped forth onto the open deck in obedience to his gesture. "Then I am no longer even in pre tended command, but merely your rrisoner." "Call it whatever suits you best."' he returned, grimly. "The result will be the same In any case. Well. De Nova, what are you waitin' for?" "I sink maybe you say w'at was it ze navy man wanted?" Tuttle's solemn countenance broke into the semblance of a grin. "Plug tobacco." he announced, suck ing his lips with sudden enjoyment of the joke. "Gave me the scare of my life, but that's all it amounted to. Hecn out cruisin for three months, an the crew ready to mutiny for smokin and chewin". Nice, sociable little chap they sent over, too." CHAPTER XIII. In Which We Sail Due South. As I sank down into the recesses of a cushioned chair in the cabin, my spirits at lowest ebb. 1 glanced up ai the telltale compass we were already headed due south. Those days ami nights following, while serving to bear us continually deeper into the immense expanse of water that concealed the mystery awaiting us in the great South sea, contained little of incident directly re lating to this narrative. Day following day that same wide circle of the sky came down to unite with the circle of the waters. It was almost as though we remained motionless, "a painted ship upon a painted ocean": only the figures on the paper. Use pins on the chart, the sharp stem cleaving the waves asunder, and the oily wake asteni leaving us aware of steady progression through this trackless desert of the sen. We passed somewhat to the west ward of Juan Fernandez, so far out that only with a glass from the foretop could the distant peaks be dimly deciphered in blue, misty blots against the sky. Already Tuttle had banked the fires, and spread the Sea Queen's canvas, reaching to the west ward to get the most possible out of the fresh breeze. The Sea Queen changed motive power and appearance as if by magic, the square yards hid ing the jauntiness of her keel, and concealing the rake of her masts, the white sails bellowing out before tho wind, sending her swooping forward through the water like a great bird. leaning over until at times her lee rail was all awash with white foam and her forward decks glistening with spume. Tuttle drove her recklessly, holding on in spite of crackling wood and sails threatening to tear loose from the bolt-eyes, taking shrewd advantage of each slant of wind, and lowering can vas only when danger was deadly. He had come into his own, he was at home, and the rejuvenated Sea Queen leaped forward at his will, as though endowed with fresh life. He seemed to understand her moods, her caprices. as though he bad sailed her in every sea, and I watched him test her. looa- rtrU-UTUXJiri-HJ-LriJTJTJTJTJXr """"""" aaa.aaaaaaaa Almost Deserved to Escape Truant's Quick Grasp of Opportunity Compels Admiration. . The absent-minded professor re turned home one night to learn that his son had played truant from school, and he was asked by his wife to hunt up the missing youngster and admin ister a sound thrashing. "Why, I'll flay him alive!" exclaimed the angry father. "I'll break every bone in his body! Just wait until I get htm out In the woodshed!" He came across his heir playing marbles about a mile from home, but the boy didn't seem to be a bit alarmed by the old man's threats. As they I ening a Trope here, tightening another there, striving to discover her good and bad qualities, until my admiration for his seamanship almost overbal anced my growing detestation of him otherwise. Lady Darlington became positively afraid of him. dreading his approach, shrinking from his address, yet not dar ing to withdraw wholly from his pres ence. His sole topic of conversation was psychomancy. and every time she endeavored to lead him to some more pleasant subject he would return with dogmatic persistence to that one rath er dismal theme. His blatant self-conceit saved him from realizing her utter weariness, and he never seemed to tire of his own unctuous, nasal tones. Heavens, but the fellow was an insuf ferable bore. Celeste would slip away unobserved, bat her mistress and my self had no means of escape. I re mainc! quietly below for three days, and even then was not released by any forjnal word of mouth. I simply, became so tired of the senseless im prisonment that I mounted to the deck, taking I-ady Darlington with me, determined to be confined to the cabin no longer except by physical force. De Nova was upon tho bridge when we emerged from the companion, but he merely glanced at us curiously. Tut tle. coming aft a little later, retained sen.e enouuh to remain silent. The time days passed below had thrown me much into the society of both mis tress and maid, although the frank intimacy of that lirst conversation with I.ady Darlington was never re sumed. There seemed an intangible barrier of reserve between us, al though we talked freely enough re garding our situation, the peculiarities of Tattle, and the constantly changing wonders of the deep. It was as it neither of us quite dared to probe be neath the surface, opening up once more the depths each endeavored to conceal; rather were we content to drift as the tide ran. I saw comparatively little of De Nova, the second officer, during this period, and gained an impression that he was endeavoring to avoid meeting me. Yet I ran across him twice in company with Celeste, once in the cabin, and again in the narrow deck space overhanging the stern, and be gan to hope vaguely that the girl was winning him over to our interests. With the others I sought to approach I made no progress. McKnight sel dom showed his nose above deck, and then only to smoke in sullen silence. :.eated gloomily on the edge of the main hatch cr to the lee of the chart- house. Olson was undoubtedly honest enough, yet without intelligence, his eyes these of a faithful dog. The Chilean, a smooth-faced young fellow wonderfully deficient in chin. I learned had been assigned as assistant to the cook, and was thus kept too busy in side the galley even to be approached. Indeed, so far J had not seen his face on hoard the ship. CHAPTER XIV. In Which De Nova Speaks. What now occurred came upon us w-th such suddenness that I find it difficult to relate the incidents in de tail. We must have been below the fiftieth degree of south latitude, and about 1S. degrees west, with the wind strong and occasionally puffing up into squalls, bearing flakes of snow which stung exposed flesh and left a thin mantle of white along the decks. It was Tuttle's watch below, and as I paused in the protection of the com panionway looking forward, while I got my pipe going. I could see De Nova on the bridge, wrapped up like a mummy, and crouching well down be hind the tarpaulins. AH about was a wild sea scene, never to be looked upon amid any other stretch of waters on the globe a dull, dead picture of utter desolation, of madly racing waves, of green, sullen sea, of pale blue sky, the very frost in the air ap parent; a cold, drear expanse of mo notonous distance wherever the eye looked .a desert of water below, a void of air above. Big Bill Anderson, his head still bound up where I had cracked him, slouched in the doorway of the charthouse, staring aft, and a moment later De Nova came lumber ing down the steps from the bridge and spoke with him for some earnest ly. The boatswain finally went for ward, clinging to a lifeline to keep footing on the slippery deck, and the second officer clawed along the weather-rail until he reached the companion. ITO BE CONTINUED.) started to return home the absent minded professor stopped to chat with an old acquaintance, aud it was fifteen or twenty minutes later when he looked down in wonder at the boy at his side and asked: "Why, where did you come from. Jack?" "Don't you remember, father?" smiled the boy, we are on our way to buy me a box of candy, because of my excellent school re port," "Bless me. but so we are," agreed the absent-minded professor, as he patted the boy on the back and started for the store- FRENCH PRESIDENT TO QUIT Report Says Fallierw Will Resign as Head of French Republic May 15. Paris. President Annund Failures of the French republic, who Is report ed to have resigned his office because of ill health, the resignation to take effect May 15, after the general else- j JsHaftaHEu'?. " flT-aKMBBaKSI'SSlP i'jMlr JHBBBBBaVr''4HBkL MM vS9l m m t't. J Iw w President Fallieres. tion, has been at the head of the re public since 1906. He and his wife are of simple tastes and habits of I.'vlng and frequently have displayed the thrift and prudence that mark tho French middle classes. The president was born near Agen. in southern France in IS II. He early settled at Nerne as a lawyer, and in 1SS0 be came undersecretary of state, after which he held office as minister of the Interior, minister of justice, minister of education and prime minister, and eight terms as president of the sen ate. TAFT NAMES INDIANA MAN Newton W. Gilbert .Former Member of Congress, Selected as Philip pine Vice-Governor. Indianapolis. Friends In this city were pleased to learn that President Taft had appointed Newton W. Gilbert vice-governor of the Philippines, air Gilbert is well known in this state having served his district in congress. Newton W. Gilbert. lie is well fitted for tlu new position and will succeed W. Cameron Forbes as vice-governor. Cold Day in Church. In vajn the tenor pleaded that he had caught a cold in his head, in con sequence of an accident that had de- ; Iayed the cold street car In which he had ridden to church. The leader oi th$ choir Insisted that he must sing hl.-i usual solo, but relented so far as to give him a simple hymn, and this Is the way he sang it: The bonlig light Is brrahiir. 'flie darkdess disappears: Th suds of f.irth are waklff Td r-editcdtlal tear. Kaoh breeze that sweeps the occad Hricy tldiR5 frnb afar. Of da Mods Id cobbotloi). Prepared for ZIod's war. The preacher gave out the text as follows: "Add Jacob said to Rebekah his bother. Dehold. Esau by brother is a hairy bad, add I ab a sbooth bad." Later, when th.i collectoid was taked, it. was foadd to codsist bostly of peddles, ,djckles. add dibes. Chi cago Tribune. Will Tell or Lost Ships. A Melbourne. Australia, seafaring man has invented a device concerning ocean navigation which, it is claimed will indicate the position of a wrecked vessel, the date when It met with the disaster, the depth at which the wreck lies, and also the course that the ves sel was taking and the port that it was making for when It met disaster. The apparatus, which is in the form ol a buoy, is released automatically from the bridge deck when the vessel meets misfortune, and a wire attachment holds It over the spot where the ves sel disappears. For New Mont Blanc Tunnel. Negotiations are proceeding be tween Italy and France with regard to a proposed tunnel through Mont Blanc. The tunnel is to run under the Sorret pass and will be the long est in Europe. It will be more than double the length of the Simplon tun nel, which is 19.S03 meters long. Britons Roller-Skating Mad. England. Scotland. Ireland and Wales are all in the throes of an epidemic of the American roller skat ing rink. In Bristol the rink, which was established under American man agement in a large building erected for the purpose, paid for itself in the ttrsi tour montcs. IlllllllBs .. JSyy'f' .ti'MJ ii Boy Owing $95.35 Has Assets of 75 Cents. Strange Case Develops Under the Ad ministration of "Jersey Justice, Which Sends Lad to the Debtor's Prison. Nesr York. Legal red tape and -Jersey Justice" together have fur nished the world's youngest bank rupt; also, for three hours the world's youngest inmate of a debtor's prison since the old London "Fleet" went out of existence. The bankrupt. Bronlslaw Nlemas eek. Is ten years old and lives at 238 West Kinney street. Newark. N. J. He was locked up In the Newark fail on a body execution Issued by Judge Benjamin F. Jones of the Orange district court for a debt of J93.35. Deputy E. Mlnard of Orange, attor aey for the Public Service railway. lr teres ted himself in the case. Several months ago young Nlemas zek and some other beys were playing in the streets of Orange when Ed mund Wilmanskl. 16 years old, and scleral other big boys, began teasing thft smaller one. Finally they grabbed tho ?ounc8tcr by the wrist after throw Ing bis hat away, and twisted his arm. When NIem&szek got free he picked Bronislaw Nlemaszek. tip a missile and throw It at his tor mentors. Wilmanskl was hit in the back and cut. His father brought suit against the smaller bey and the action was begun with a warrant for as sault The damage claimed was $500. When the case came up for trial Mr. Miuard was waiting to represent the lablic Service Railway Company in a suit. The boy came into court accompanied by his mother, who could not speak a word of English. Mr. Mlnard entered his appearance as the boy's counsel. The Jury brought in a verdict for $75 for the plaintiff, which, with the costs attached, made the judgment for $95.35. The prosecutor asked for a body ex ecution in supplementary proceedings. Judge Jones, to whom the petition was made, tried in every way to get out of granting the execution, because of the boy's age. He made careful search to find some authority by which he would have discretionary powers, and then he would have refused to Issue the execution, but he was unsuccessful. He scid he knew nothing of the merits of the case, because it was not tried before him, but beforo Judge Worra'l F. Mountain of East Orange, who sit for him that day. The boy was taken to jail. There was one way to get the boy out. That was for him to take advan tage of the bankruptcy act and to give bond for double the amount of the judgment In the meantime. Mr. Mlnard became personal surety. The inventor' of the boy's assets and lia bilities were prepared. Here it Is: ASSETS. One pair of shoes 10 cents One pair of stockings 5 cents One suit 50 cents One cap 10 cents Total 75 cents LIABILITIES. Judgment in Orange District Court $95 35 Tb? machinery of the supreme court of the state will be necessary to adjust the matter. Gives Prominence to Flag. John Daniell. Jr., whose home is at lrvington-on-Hudson. has determined to perpetuate the now familiar Hud son Fulton celebration flag by flying it at his home each Sunday. His place occupies one of the highest points of land in Wfatchester county, and he has had a flagpole 102 feet high erect ed there. Oa week days the national ensign is flron, but every Sunday the orange, white nd blue is broken out. Mr. Daniell is trying to induce other owners of estates along the Hudson and masters of vessels plying the stream to follow his example. What Is Truth? The true is the opposite of whatever Is instable, of whatever Is practically disappo.nting. of whatever is useless, of whatever Is unverifiable and unsup ported, ot whatever Is Inconsistent and contraaictory. of whatever is artifi cial and eccentric, of whatever is un real in the sense of being no practical account. Here are pragmatic reasons with a vengeance why one should turn to truth truth saves us from a world of that complexion. Prof. William James m his new book "The Meaning of Truth." Not Surprised. Mrs. Victiinmins Did you know our plumber has pneumonia? Mr. Victlmrains No; but I am not surprised to hear he has; he sent mc a bill yesterday for 15 hours time on the cold water leak. The Sex Failing. "Women, if they had the ballot, would never be successful If they were elected to the legislature." "Why not. pray?" "Because they would all want to be the speaker." PK Bill PI cold GIVE THEM Martin's Roup Remedy AND KEEP VOUIt HENS WELL AND MAKE THEM GOOD LAYERS. Chicken Roup an.l kindred dlseaneit are prevalent the joar round, aud lit many coses the entire flock becomes diseased and worthless. TJiis condition cannot exist wheru MARTIN'S ROUP REMEDY Is slv en In the drinking water, the remeriv THAT IS GUARXNTKKD TO CURE OR MONEY REFUNDED. Just the thin? to give the you ns clilcks. It almost In.stantly cures the nick ami prevents the well ones from dlse: and makes It unnecessary to separate the (lock. If your druggist cannot supply you. a full sized package will be sent ti votir address, prepaid, upon receipt of 5i) cents and your druggist's nam. E. MARTIN CO.. 518 S.4etkSt..Oka,Neb. -FISTULA PAY WHEN CURED All RECTAL DISEASES cured without a surgical operation, and I GUARANTEED to last a LIFETIME. No Chloroform. Kthr or other general anaes WRITE FOR FREE BROK thetic used. EXMHMTtON FREE. DR. C It. TARRY, O Hay's Hair-Health Never Falls la Uestot Gray Hair fo ll Natural Color aad Beaaty. Stops its falln.c out. and positively removes Daudrutf. Is not a Dye. Refuse all substitutes. Jt.oo and v-. Bottles by Mail or at Druggists. FREE Send ioc for tares sample Bottle Philo Hay Spec. Co.. Newark. N. J.. U. S. A. PATENTS WfttaMCColrama.'Wn.'ah. ln.7tMii.UU. liuukttnv. llisli- iicst i Nebraska Directory iaaaaaaaaaMaaaaaaaaa JOHN DEERE PLOWS ARE THE BEST ASK TOITK LOCAL DKAI.RR OR JOHN DEERE FLOW CO., OMAHA, NEB. WPLniMftUT0CEWH1S) '' ww awjataaw"rWj VI tins process all broken parts of uiacointry made good as new. Welti cast iron, cast steel, aluminum, copper, brass or any oilier metal. Expert automobile retiairini:. BERTSCHY MOTOR CO., Council Bluffs. THEPAXTONJ Rooms from f 1.00 uj Mingle. 75 cents up double. CA PJUCES n.EASOMiiB-LE; TYPEWRITERS '.?. ' tt -i Jirr's price. Caxli or tlmt iut merit. Itt-ntitl. rtrntapplltt. Wrlii pny liere for free examination. ttlt- ljt Wti. ,hf .' I . I-.I al tiSr .r.SuluMla., Ill lima MC, Oawlia AH COOLED ENGINE CASTINGS We furnish complete caKtlnjrn and jutrt machine! or In the rough for 3x3 motor. Will develop 2 linrxe-puwer. BERTSCHY MOTOR C.. Cwwcil Bluffs, ton. Breakers Ahead. "What makes you so sure that stir fragette club is in for serious trou ble? "My wife has just joined it," replied Mr. Meekly. PI MS CURKD IX TO 14 DATS. PAZO OINTMKNTlKUaraDtrel to cum anv raaa or ltcbina-. Blind. Bleeding or FrutraduuT Pitas in ktladajsoraujseyrefuBded. 60a, " " Love Is blind, but self love is th only kind that is positively incurable. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets flrst put up 40 yaara ago. Tber reirulattt ana Invigorate tttomaca. liver audboweU. 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