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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1906)
fjjMinlMf i nm CASH . 4 ' STO R E For Friday, Saturday and Monday, Jan. 26, 27, and 29, 1906 We Have Dixg Up Quite a Number of Exceptional Bargains that were Overlooked During Our Clean Sweep Sale. Read Every Special of this Three Day Sale. It will Help You to Start a Bank Account. Special No. 1. Black Taffeta $1.00 36 inch all Silk Black Taffeta guaranteed, 1 25 quality, at $1 Special JNo. 2. Fancy Silk 39c 36 inch Fancy Changeable Silk, 50c to 60c quality at. . 39c Special No. ;!. Black Peau de Soie 75c 20 incli Black Peau de Soie Silt, the $1 quality at Special No. 4. Black SatinPrunella 69c 36 inch' strictly all wool Satin Prunella, the regular $1 ZCk quality for. VJjr Special No. 5. Cotton Broadcloth 17c A nice line of colors in cotton Broadcloth, regular 25c qual ity, only. 17c Special No. 6. Plaid Silk 79c Plaid Silks in Shirt Waist Pat terns, 5 yard lengths, per JCk yard : vC Special No 7. Suiting 59c 54 inch all wool suiting the regular $1 quality at Special No. 8. Fancy Ribbons 35c Fonoy High Grade' Ribbon Q in a beautiful line of patterns 7 Special No. 9. Linen Center Pisces 12c 15x15 Pure Linen CenterPieces with 2 skeins braided wash em broidery silks, worth 25c at. . . 12c Special No. 10. Laundry Bags, 15c 2ox30 Laundry Bags, made of fancy linen and duck. These aae a good article at 25c. 3 " f, days only at J . " i MHUCaaM ESV3 WW3M A 50 Special No. 11. Dress Shields 5c Regular 10c "Goodenough" Dress Shields at C B Special No. 12. Ginghams. 10c Toil du Nord Ginghams in new spring patterns, regular 12J-C 1 quaiities, at AJ Special No. 13. Silkalines 10c A beautiful line of Kensington Art Drapery Silkalines, the 1 12c and 15c qualities at IOC Special No. 14. Union Suits 1-2 Price We have just a few Indies' Wool Union Suits left and will close them out at Just Half Price Special No. 15. Ladies' Wrappers 98c The remainder of, Indies' Flan nelette Wrappers, the $1.25 and QQ $1.50 kind at O Special No. 16. . Ladies' Hose 27c Ladies' Fast Black Seam less and fleece lined hose, -ribbed and plain tops, the OF 35c quality st C Special No. 17. Rough & Ready Hose 20c Rough & Ready Hose for children, absolutely fast black every pair guaranteed to wear 1 fZ (for three days only) at MjC Special No. 18. Golf Gloves 35c Our entire stock of 50c cash mere silk lined and golf gloves at ."? f ...A Flyer in... AMETHYST ENAMELED GRANITE WARE High Grade, Double Coated Kitchen Utensils ...Look at the Price... 156 Pieces will be sold at this exceptionally low price and NO MORE. First come first served. SPECIALS OF EXCEPTIONAL VALUES Special No. 19. Daisy Waist 15c Children's fine seamless ribbed vests, bleached and brown, the 1 fZf 20ckindat 0' Special No. 20. Hose Supporters 10c Bon Ton Hose Supporters for children and ladies, usually 1 f sold for 15c at 1JC Special No. 21. Mourning Pins lc 50 superfine German'Mourning pins, white and black, usually I sold for 5c at... 1C Special No. 22. Pillow Tops 25c AH of our 35c, 40c and 50c Pillow Tops at Special No. 23. Lace Curtains 1-2 Price 30 Pairs of Lace Curtains, one and one half pairs to match, three days only At Half Price. Special No. 24. Waisting 59c 36 inch Fancy Waisting white ground with Jackard pattern Q the 75c kind at DjFC Special No. 25. Table Linen 98c 72 inch full bleached table linen, 'the $1.25 kind at . . . . 98c Special No. 26. French Flannel 35c 60c quality of French Flannel in Oriental patterns at 'SKiB2 Special No. 27. RoyalKamonaCloth 17c 25c Royal Kamona Cloth, very 1 ' desirable patterns at Jl C Special No. 28. Lace Curtains 25c A splendid line of sample lace Q curtains at J C Special No. 29. 36x36 Rugs 45c A splendid special line of all wool ingrain rugs, worth AtZ I DC &L ...... .... ...... ..... Jr Special No. 30. All Wool Carpets 49c All wool super ingrain carpets yl Q worth 65c, 3 days only YjT Special No. 31. Ladies' Skirts $2.98 One lot of Ladies' wool walking skirts worth up to $6. There are about two dozen to select from O Qfi, Your choice for P "r jF 5 Special No. 32. Ladies' Jackets We have about 18 not the newest style jackets worth up to $15. $7.50 Friday your choice for Saturday, your choice $5.00 of what is left. .., Monday, your choice of $2.50 th balance Special No. 33. Dressing Sacques 98c A beautiful line of eider down dressing sacques worth up to fQ $1.25 at. . JKJ Special No. 34. Petticoats 79c Nice line of sateen petticoats Ck worth up to $1.25 at -J YOUR CHOICE FOR mm Special No. 35. Children's Cloaks $3.75 Friday, Saturday and Monday you may have your choice of any child's cloak in the house that sold up to k i fS $7.00foronly 0. iO Special No. 36. Ladies Cravenettes Yourcgoiceof any $12.50, $14.50 or $15 ladies' cravenettes for $10.50 Special No. 37. Ladies Suits $10.50 All $12.50, $15 and $16 50 Ladies Suits Friday, Saturday & fc 1 f Sf Monday go at tpM.KJJJ Special No. 38. Ladies' Belts 25qj One lot 35c, 5qc, 60c belts go at one price for 3 days Special No. 38. Bed Spreads 98c Extra large size Whitethorn bed spreads usually sold for $1.25 special QQ- Special No. 40. Table Damask 63c 72 inch heaxy all pure linen unbleached floral and dice patterns, usually sold for 75c, at. . . JU Special No. 41. Hose, 2 Pairs for 15c Childrens fleece lined hose, the kind you are in the habit of paying 12,.e I jSf for are 2 pairs for J Special No. 42. Ladies' Knit Waists 42c Ladies knit waists in blue and black, blue and white, black and red. yf O usually sold for 65c at. mm M0 45c CASH STORE Special No. A'.). Shopping Bags 59c All our shopping bags worth flZCb upto$1.00 at 3 y Special No. 44. Ladies' Collars 19c One lot of ladies' lace and stock collars worthjup to 50c at .19 Special No. .'". Infant's Jackets 35c Infant's, Shetland floss jaskets i worth up to 60c at -J Special No. 40. Ribbons 10c All silk ribbons 2l to 'll. inches wide, black and all colors.'worth "9 - up to inc per yard at & Special No. 47. Union Suits 50c Ladies ribbed Union Suits in gray, and cream white, worth up to 75c at 50 Special No. IS. One Doz. Hair Pins 5 c One doz. horn hair pins ?1.. in. V g long worth 10c at . . J Special No. 19. Pearl Buttons 5c Fancy pearl buttons that are alwa.s sold for 10c at .05 Special No. 50. Tarn O'Shanters 29c All wool Tam O'Shanters In any O color you want, worth up lo 60c J Special No. 50. Corsets 50c American Beauty Globe I. C l Corsets, worth up to $1 25. to fZf close out at J A 1 : ii r