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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1906)
BBp-aP"Sf T"'1'""' rW- r-iCfc ivs-'v; r ,- Cjw oMamte - (BiaiStifcBeawsi -- ' f ' , r v- ) Consolidated with the Columbus Times April 1, 1904; with the jPlatte County Argus January 1, 1906. VOLUME XXXVI. NUMBER 44. columbus, Nebraska; Wednesday, January si. 1906 WHOLE NUMBER 1,789. Itmriral r c t Ife- i M. m iV .i If, n sAjpy Requirements. No matter how critical you may be, our methods will meet with your approval. We invite your inspec tion. Strict examinations are made by the State Banking Board, and many sworn reports are required by them each year. Can we not serve jTou? Tun Oi,n Reliablk Columbus State Bank Big Telephone Meeting. C. J. Garlow, president and T. J. Cottingham maiuger of tne Platte County Independent Teleotioue com pany, attended th annual meeting of Independent companies of tins tate. held at Linrolo January 23 and 24 One hundred and twenty companies were represented. Ifae meeting wat purely of a business nature and steps were taken to extend the long distance service A resolution was adopted, which if carried out, will greatly benefit every city nr town having Independent linea. It will be remembered that at a recent republican convention, U. J. Garlow introduced a resolution, which waefunanimously adopted, favoring the passage of a law by congress where by a special stamp be provided, which, when Dlaced on a letter, would au thorize the postmaster at the place of destination, to open and read the contents to the party to whom direc ted, providing the partv bad a 'Dbone, thus giving him the advantage of a special delivery. This resolution wa submitted to the convention and created-great enthusiasm The companies represented at the convention are said to have invbted over three million dollars in the business and that there are 36.000 Independent telephones in nbe in this state and over 3.000 miles of metallic toll lines. All thuse companses are under the control of an executive board, of which C J Garlow of this citv is a member, ar.'l 5dl b'gal Jifcd burtucne matters, affecting the burine&s is looked after by tne board. "Buster Brown" Buster aad Tige were there, and nearly everybody else was too. The North was crowded And again it was demonstrated that Columbus is the best theatre town is Nebraska outside of Lincoln and Omaha when the production is right. Brown can not bo described in words any more than the colored cartoons in the Suu dav papers can be described. Little Biibter, about the size of the aver age nine year old, played the part per fectly. His original pranks with his dg Tige kept the house in a coutiuu onn roar of iaugmer. But Buster and Tige were not the whole thing. Pretty girls in pretty costumes with sweet voices did clever stunts in danc ing and drills and the whole enter tainment was a rapid variation of ri diculous and amusing situations. It has been some time since Columbus people have enjoyed so good a laugh. "How old is Buster"? was tbe question on every tongue after the play and the most of the answers said "twenty eight and a man". $20,000. In farm mortgiiges at from 5 to 8 per cent lor s-de by Elliott. Speice & Co. 2t Naturalization Papers. Jndgc Reeder will be nt the court house Saturdaj, February 3, at 2 o'clock for the purpose of granting naturaliza tion papers. Applicants miiht bring fiist papers and two witnesses unless they took out their first papers in Platte county. Glass Blowers Coming. Oonnver's Famous Glass Blowers will open their engagement in this city on Tuesday evening at Reinekn bnldiing on 13th St. One of the many features is a glass steam engine in operation. All the beautiful orna ments they make are given awa to the patrons. The admission is only 10 cents and every visitor receives a present. Dr.E.H.Naumann DENTIST Has one of the best dental offices in the state. Fully equipped to do all den tal work in First-Class manner. " Always reasonable in charges. All work guaranteed. Over 14 years practice in Co lumbus. gBf Dr. E. H. NaiMRi. .Supervisor's Proceedings. Move I by Supervisor Xcwraao that the cuiiitnittcf on supplies and public property ? din-cifd to confer with the electric light pi mt authorities relative to the most practicable minner of light ing the court. ioin -inl the several ollices in the court hoiist und relative to the proliablo c;eu-e of wiring and placing the neccs ry fixtures and hIso to the probable expensu lor lights per month. Motion carried. The retpiadt of County Treasurer Useher to have a new mailing list fur nished for the use of his office was on motion granted. The proposal of C J. Carrig to per form tlie-dn Lies of janitor at the court for the ye ir 19 K! for tde sum of $22500 was on motion accepted. The following was presented: r the Hon. Boaid of Supervisors. Gentlemen: In view of the fact, that the office of tbe County Judge baa no vault in connection with his offloe and uo other protection whatever for I he rccoids and dies, and that hi case of a lire nil the original flies and records of said office might be destroyed thereby causing a great calamity and confusion and in m -.ny cases an endless litigation, '.'.-hero the title to real estate is involved. I fed that it is my duty to caution your honorable body of this fact and kindly ask Jim to provide this office with a fire proof vault at an early date. In case your Locorable body finds it impossible to build such vault in connection with the office at the coart house. I kindly ik and demand of your honorable board to provide this offise with such a vault at tome other suitable place In conclusion I earnestly request your honemble body to make a personal in vestigation in this matter, in order to be convinced of the necessity for said ranlt. for the protection of the files and u-cords of this county court. Respect fully submitted. Columbus, Neb., January 12, 1906. The application of the bank of Monroe of Monroe, N b., accompanied by a bond in the sum of $5,000.00 and the applica tion of the Platte County bank of Platte Center. Neb., accompanied by a bond in the sum of $4,000.00 as deposi tories of county funds for the ensuing term, were presented and read and on motion referred to tbe committee on judiciary. Moved Supervisor Priest that county treiisurer D. A. Becber be and hereby is instructed to accept from the Union Pa cific Railway Co.. the amount tendered ed to him as part payment of their taxes for the year 1904. Motion carried. The hond of the Telegram Co., is the sum of $500.00 for the faithful perfor mance of the conditions of the contract awarded for the furnishing of books aud stationery to the county for the year 19UG, was presented and read and on motion approved by the board. Moved by Supervisor Held that the county clerk be directed to make re quisition on the auditor of public ac counts for all revenue books and blanks furnished to counties by the state. Mo tion carried- Tha communication of Judge Ratter mn, relative of having provided for his office a vault for tbe protection of the ecords atid files was laid over until the next session of board for discussion. The following was presented; Whereas, the legally established road in Columbus township, known as the "Gietzt-n Road", has been obstructed by fences and gate, and whereas this board has heretofore given order to the overseer of highways to have the ob structions removed, and whereas this board have been enjoined by the court prohibiting the removal of the obstruc tions, and the said injunction still be ing on the docket of the district court, therefore be it Resolved, that the county attorney be and hereby is directed io have the said injunction dismissed from the docket and as soon as dismissed to notify the county clerk of said action and upon having received such notice the connty clerk is to notify ihe overseer of high ways in whose district said road is lo cated, requesting him to cause to have all obstructions removed and the said road opened for public travel as pro vided by law in such cases. Louis Held. On motion same was adopted. John J. Galley, County assessor, now appeared before the board concerning the matter of determining the number deputies needed to assess tbe property of tbe county for tbe year 1906. Moved by Supervisor Goetz that there shall be appointed two deputy assessors for the city of Columbus and one dep uty assessor for each township in the connty. Motion carried. The following was presented: Gentlemen: I herewith respectfully submit the following named persons as my appointments as depnty assessors for tbe year 1906 and ask your honorable body to approve and confirm the same: A. W. Clark, Deputy Assessor, City of Columbus Leopold Jaeggi, same; C A. Newman, same, Columbus town ship; Christian Bienz, same, Loup Town ship; J. O. Blodgett, same, Butler Town ship; Siebert Heibel, same, Bismark Township; William Schelp, Grand Prat rie Township; Henry F. Brunken, same, Shell Creek Township; Jas. E. Maber, Lost Creek Township; O. L. Magnuseen, same, Monroe Township: Louis Jones, same, Joliet Township; Sheldoa Clark, same, Woodville Township; D. I. Clark, same, Creston Township; C. Hssssoker, A Bold Investment Those headaches are terrible, aren't they? You are unable to think or work. BACK'S HEADACHE TABLETS are what you need. My name is on every tablet. 3 don in a box. Price 25c Guaranteed 6has. H. Dack DnifQUt... Uranvilk Township; C. O. Moore, samo. Huaipatw Township; M. J. Ram aekera, soma, St. Bernard Township; Peter Noonan, same. Burrows Town ship. Respectfully submitted, John J. Galley, County Asstasor. Tbe petition of Jacob Mausbach and 95 others, praying for the appointment of A. C. Leas as deputy assessor for Burrows township, was presented and read and on motion ordered placed on file. Moved by Superintendent Shore that upon the strength of the petition nnm ereusly signed the appointment of Peter Noonan, submitted by County Assessor Galley as deputy assessor, for Burrows township, be cot confirmed by this board. All other appointments confirmed. Motion carried. Mr. Galley now stated that until now he could not name deputy assessors for Sherman and Walker townships but will endeavor to submit appointments at the next session of the board. The application of C. J. Carrig, sheriff for one deputy at a salary of 8500.00 the application of John Graf, county clerk, for the deputy and two assistants, at the salary limited by law, and tbe application of C. M. Gruentber, clerk of the district court, for an allowance of ttUOiK) for the year 1993, as compensa tion for a deputy clerk, the salaries of the several deputies and assistants to be paid out of the fees earned in the respective offices, were returned with a written opinion of the county attorney attached, and on motion the requests were granted by the board. Waited. Farm loans at 5 and 5 per cent, no commission. Elliot, Speice & Co. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Lincoln, Nebraska. January 29. MftS. Notice is hereby g Ten that t he following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in aapport of his claim, and that said proof will be nude before the Clerk of District Court, at Colombo. Nebraska, on March 18.-19U). viz: Abraham W. LaBae, Hd. No. 17637. for the wH 8ec M, TowBahip 17 N, Range 3 W 6th P.M. He names the foUowing witnesses to prove his contiaaoos residence apoa and cultivation of aid kad. via: Frank Boggi of Genoa, Nebras ka; Milford Beckwith, of Silver Creek, Nebras ka; Michael East, of Genoa, Nebraska; Martin Kargos, of Daacaa, Nebraska W. A. GREEN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Ofice at Lincoln, Nebraska, Jannarx 29, 1006. Notice is hereby given that the following nam ed settler baa filed notice of his intention to ake anal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of District Coart, at Colombo, Nebraska, on March 18, 1996, viz: Frank Boagi, Hd. No. 17684. for these. Sec 28, Twp: 17 N. Range 3 w, 6th P.M. He nam tbe following witnesses to prove his conUnooo remdeace apoa and cultivation of aid load, via: Abraham LaRoe, of Genoa, Ne- aska: Frank Torsos, Genoa, Nebraska; Slat.. thew Morris, of Genoa, Nebraska; Hector Knrth, of Genoa, Nebraska. W. A. GREEN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tbe Interior. Land Ofice at Lincoln, Nebraska, January 15, 1906. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler baa filed notice of his intention to make final proof ia anpport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of District' Court at Colombo Nebr., on February 24th, 1906 Tit: Frank A. Dickenson Homestead No. 17662 for the Northeast quarter of section 30 Township 17 range 2 west He nimea the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of aid wad, viz: JoenB. Kyle, of Duncan Nebr. Lou D. Dickinson, of Duncan Nebr., John Dick inson, of Genoa , Nebr., Hamilton Hinkle, of Genoa Nebr. W. A. GREEN. Register. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS Frank A. Lawrence, and Mrs. Frank A. Law rence, first or christian nnknown. will take no tice thaton the 1st day of November. 1906. Wm. O'Briea.a jostke of the peace in and for Platte coonty, Nebraska, iaaaed an order of attachment for the som of $17.18, in an action pending before him, wherein, Edward D. Fitxpatrick, was plaintiff and Freak A. Lawrence, aad Mrs. Frank A. Lawrence, first or christian name nnknown, defendants; that daring the pendency of said action the said plaintiff has died and that Mary A. Fitxpatrick bat been doly appointed executrix of fee id plaintiffs estate; that on application of said execotrix to said jsaticeof the peace, a Conditional Order of Revivor of the action in beraaJMkostaeaaMae, aad onlessyoa appear oa or before the Stth day ef February, aad enaae agniaat said revivor MART A. FTTZPATRICK. GIRCUUT18N STATEMENT. State of Nebraska, ( County of Platte, ) s,s' Frederick H. Abbott being firt duly sworn, on oath deposes and says that ) he is the editor of the Columbus Journal and that the average weekly circulation . of the Columbus Journal during the last i three months ol lyuo was I4b4 copies, and for the first four weeks in January, 1906, the average weekly circulation of the Columbus Journal was 1944 copies. Frederick H. Abbott, Editor of the Columbus Journal. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 30th day of January, 1906. David M. Newman, (Seal) Notary Public, Platte Co. Neb. Commission expires Oct. 13, 19G6. iFlorodura at i olumbus. The Casino of New York can uo longer lay claim to the bwwtitul fau tastio Florodora for R W. Satey of this city owns the scenery and para phernalia of tuat company from the cm tain;; too lung to bi (-hipped in an average box car to the beautiful long trailed gowns for pretty girls trimmed In delicate battenbnrg. Mr Saley boueht tnis property at Sheriff s sale at Fremont on Jauumy 34. He bad a claim against the stranded company and took this menus of getting even. There was in all about $2500 against the company, which it seems met with all its trouble because its manager tailed to pay to the New ork ownar the stipulated royalties There are many pretty girls in Platte county who would like to try their shapely forms in soine of the lace trimmed satin gowns, stored se curely away in the lara Florodora trunks, but they will probably lack the opportunity for tbe experiment, for many buyers in the east are al ready telegraphing offers to Mr. Saley for his valuable stage property. The Florodora property was brought to the city lasr Saturday and stored in tbe Turner building on Eleventh Street. Some of the scenery was of such length that a special car from Omaha had to be ordered to ca rry it. Boute 5. Mis. and Mrs A. J. Powell ate their laBt Sunday dinner in Polk coun ty with Mr. and Mrs.. Lyfe before leaving for Overton, where their nou Bert moved lael'spriuR: At their t-vFe last Friday tbe ladie of the neighbor hood brought in veil filled basket aud pave them a farewell dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey B1 wbo have been with them will go to Overton to live with them as soon as they set suttbd. Eleven families living in a space of two by seven miles along this route will change residence the first of March. School in district 4, is snepsnded a week bpacuse the teacher, Miss Tarpy has measles. Frank Thomas bought Mr. Hagerty's cattle and drove tneui to the farm now occupied by his brother Fren. That looks suspicious as Frotl will soon bo moving west on his own farm. Mr. and Mr?. Fred Jonkius of Blair visited friends in the Rochon neigh borhood last week. Hurley Olcott sold a bunch of bis cattle last Monday. Miss Charlie Hahu is a Columbu visitor this week. Otto Kummer and family visited at Hurley and Obarles Okott's Sunday. Inspector Steele was over our route last week and pronounced things O. K. Mrs M. E TCirscbener visited in Ulysses last week. A new hen house at J. F. Bonnor's. Carpenter, Mrs. Bonner. There wan a manic lantern show in the Habn school house last Thursday. Te charivari crowd that visited the borne of Mr. and Mrs Frank Kuenzer last week were met with a shot gun and 6ome healthy specimens of the canine family. Frank repented the uext day, an called on the crowd in dividually to make it right. County Court. The automobile damage suit filed last Thursday in county court by Otto Krumlaud against Carl Dregger has been settled. The plaintiff aud his wife were thrown from a buggy and injured and the buggy badly damaged in tbe runaway which resulted from meeting the defendant and his auto moble. Richard Lee had to pay $10 and costs which aggregated $50 in connty court this week for assaulting Patrick Riley at Platte Center several weeks ago. Lee disappeared after tbe tronble and eluded the officers for some rime. District Court. Florence V. B rod ball as administra trix of the Brodball estate has filed suit in district court against M. J. Ransackers and Paul Vanackeren to enforce a contract for the sale of cer tain real estate, it boing alleged that only part of the contract is carried out R. S. Dicknsen has filed tax liens against several lots in Platte Center. Mary Savidge for herself and her minor children haB commenced a 115.000 damage suit against Joseph Lachnir, Josepb Gilsdorf. Angost Pe terson aud George M. Smith, saloon keepers at Humphrey. She alleges that these men sold liquor to her hus band whose death resulted January 12, from a wrestling match in which he entered in an intoxicated condi tion. The plaintiff has six children. Her husband was 82 years old at the tiaae of his death. "1 A Watch.. That doesn't keep accu rate time is poor proper ty. Our repairing and cleaning are guarantees for perfect time keeping Ed. J. Niewohner ..The Jeweler.. University Glee Club. The entertainment given by the University Glee and Mandolin club at the North last Saturday night at tracted a fair sized audience and would hare packed the house had it been better advertised. But what tbe audience lacked in numbers it made up in qualit. For that reason tbe unanimous npproval which the Uni versity boya met in this critical mu sical city is a h:gh ttibnte to their entertainment. The musical numbers were well balanced and tbe minstrel end of tbe program was spicy, bright, original and would have done credit to pro fessionals. Every numbar on the program was roundlv encored including the solos of Mr. H." C Johnson. Mr. Bud Gilles pie and Mr Frank Hudson. Indeed it wmld be difficult to suggest any improvement. The audience was not entertained, it was delighted And wtiPii Cudouia sang "Nobody" he ran out of verses with which to respond and finally seized a baton and had the whole audience joining in the chorus. People forgot that they were at a play hone , forgo" that they were dig nified people of affairs and were car ried uvviiv with the mirth of the hour. The club consists of abont forty member, selected from the cream of the uusici' talent apsembled attbeUni versit from several etiites and it is just starting west on a tour to the Pacific cotst which has for its purpose the ad vertising of the educational, industrial uud commercial interests of Nebraska. While its fir?t misitn isto advertise the University, it will distribute free litera ture :it every st p, containing beautiful .uts aud carefully prepared write-ups of the btatu's hading institutions and n our.-es I'lie clu'is' itinerary includes Chey "iine and Denver, nn-J many cities in California, especially tbe cities contain iut: educational institutions. From San Frunrisco they go by boat to Si-at'le and return east over the Northern Pacific. They will travel in thir own private car throughout the trip and will be entertained by college oraniz itions at most of their.stops. No colleges except Princeton, Yale and Hurv:ird are said ever to have at tempted similar trips, and none has ever before attempted so extensive a trip in the west. The uniqueness of the trip and the ad vertising in it for tho University and for Nebraska is causing it to attract general J attention. Auctioneer Brnce Webb is the best auctoneer in Platte county. Make dates at thie office. tf A V -KT ' .? ?i t w nr :p.'Ti ? -i.irj. "-T9 Do You Want This Horn or one like it? Or one more modest or more elaborate? We can suit your taste with anything in the way ofa Home that yon may wish. We have tempting offers to make you as to terms and prices within and around 82.000. Drop in and eee what we have. Becher, Hickenbirger & Chambers 13th St. Columbus' Nebr i. "t-ij .-r-r7-c" . L ffpsfwisyissmi: le 'StVfv 1 r jitwr'- vr rail ErtfcsV.SSfeT-f -' !L-Ji?JSrlar.:SiiJ loutel. Qaite number of short fed cattle have been put on the market this week. Mrs. Young has disposed of her farm and is moved to town. Adolph Gerber made a business trip to Richland this week. D. G Bartels is shelling and haul tog corn to market. "Louis Hieden is busy hauling lum ber these days. Anna Hillmer, sister of Mrs. Louis Wilken is ataying with the Wilken's family taking care of those sick with the measles. Henry Oodeeken wbo visited the Wilken family Sunday had a narrow -scape Just as he was driving from the yard tne team bceame frightened at the aocdeutal discharge of a re volver in the hands of Richard En itleinan and ran away. Fortunately Mr. Godeken escaped without being hart. Obarles Madora horse last week. sold his .driving Saturday Louis Naunenbers discover ed two gray wolves in his pasture. In a short time the near neihbors were arouEed for a wolf chase which re sulted in the capture of one wolf. -'ohn Repp audi family visited friends in Giutly last Sunday. Superintendent Leavy visited the school taught by Bliss Rose Flynn last criaay. A. AL Oonant returner1 from Fair bury last week. Jim Fraizer has seven cars of cattle in the Columbus stock yards this week ready for shipment. Dr. O. A. Allenburger, office in new State Bank building. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry WeBt brook, Sunday night, a boy. Judge Sullivan was in Lincoln oc legal business the first of the week. Dr. and Mrs. Homer Hansen expect to leave for California the last of this week. A good stcok of glass ware and queensware at low prices at Seth Braua's. F. W. Wake the popular postmaster from Genoa is visiting his Columbus relatives this week. Judge Post returned last Friday night from a ten days trip to Okla homa on legal business. O. H. Sheldon shipped two cars of cattle this week one from Columbus and one from Slver Greek. J. W. Eisseck and family moved here from St. Edward this week and will reside in tbe second ward. A. J. Powell who has lived south of Columbus moved to Overton, Neb., Mondav with a car load of hogs. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Pugsley of Genoa callea on Columbus friends to day on their return from Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. P.- E. McEillip of Humphrey are guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Robinson, coming down yester day for Buster Brown. R. S. Palmer, the tailor, cleans. dyes and repairs ladies, and gen'ts clot hmg. Hats cleaned and reblocked. Agent for Germania steam dye works. Olive St. Between 12th and 13th St. Edward Steibels. aged 32 years who has lived three miles north of Benton, died at Che hospital Tuesday night after an operation. He leaves a wife an one obild besides other re latives near Benton. Among the people from Genoa, who came down last night to see Buster Brown were Mr and Mrs. frank Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stillman. Mr Harry Bratt and the Misses Myrtle Brat and Hazel Still man. Mrs. O H. Linberg and son Floyd of Stromfburg are visiting Mrs. Lin berg's sister, Mrs. G. M. Ball this week. Miss Anna Matson came today from South Omaha to return to Stromsburg with her sister, Mrs. Lin- Judge Ratterman has issued mar riage licenses as follows the past week: Rudolph Gerber and Lizzie Sfartz. Duncan; Anton Mueting, Humphrey and Sophia E. Lueken, Fremont : Joseph M. Polcine, Lindsay and Anna E. Schumacher. Platte Cen ter; John J. Krings and Urnsla Graunentbal, Platte Center; George Weber and Mary Bruno, Monroe. Tne general meeting of the Wo man's club will be heldrat the resi dence of Mrs. H. A. Clarke on Sa turday, February 3rd, at three o'clock. The following program in charge of the Art department, will be given: Roll call; piano solo, Mies Whit moyer; paper, "Processes of Pottery," Miss Mason; paper, "History of American Pottery", Miss Ross; vocal duett, Mrs. Ratbbnrn and Mrs. NichoLj. Visses Martha aad Alfreda Post, Miss Harriet Selzer aad Miss Florence Whitmoyer entertained the Young People's Card Club Friday night st 7 o'clock dinner. Six courses were served and covers were laid for 2fi. Guests were all seated at two long tables which were beautifully deora ted in ferns and flowers Cadelabra's with red candles furnished the light. After dinner was served six hand euchre was played. Mrs. Julius Ni chols winning a hand painted plate. Dr. Laerchea won a bonk Mrs. Mark Rathbara aad Mrs. Nichols sang several selections. A CONCLUSION REACHED. xfter a heart to heart discussion is often of vital inter est. Especially so does this apply to finances. You want a loan on note or mortgage and it's important en what terms and condi tions you obtain it. A Bank for the People like our institution iswhere you should go. You will be accsrded best treat ment. We are sure to serve your inter est and at tbe low est rase of compen sation. The First National Bank atmiiiiiiiimiiiiiuiHimumtHitumi ay Stars MtwmtmnmimiiiiminmHUuuifii (From files of Journal Jan., 24. 1872) Roll of honor, district No. 13. Eva Caffey. Dora Taylor, Mary Maliea. Walter Phillips, Charles Comptoa aad .John Caffey. The steam floor mill formerly owned by Francis Hoffmen and recently par ctiased by Jacob Ernst & Co., is aow in working oredr. G. A. Scaroeder is the engineer. August Sobneaberg. miller ; and M. Weaver sees to things In general. Anna and George, two young chil dren of Mr. and Mrs. George Binder of Richland, died January 13, from scarlet fever. They were sick only abont thirty hours. Stephen Skinner, aged three years. died from croup. January 10, at the home of James McAllister also Bear Richland. Charles Lightfoot and Miss Ida An derson both of Colfax county, were married at Seward the 12th. (From files Jan.. 31. 1872) There are forty cases of small pox in Umaha. During the last week we nave had the severest weather of the season. The thermometer reached 18 degrees below zero on Sundav morning. Following is the number of home steads and pre-emptions takea at the Grand Island Land office uring the year 1871: 020 preemptions, 1497. homesteads. Among the proposales for carrying tbe mails, a new postal route from Columbus to Battle Creek, via. Madi son, rhs would be a great help to the settlers in Madison and Stanton counties. The entertainment given by tLe amateur dramatic association Moaday evening, was a decided success. The opening piece "Dodging for a Wife", was well represented by the following persons: C. H. Yerchoyle, Miss Belle Olark, C. II. Stanley and P. Bone steel "The Limerick Boy." a comi cal comedy was well dramatized by O. H. Yerchoyle. Miss Belle Clark. Mist Ella Thomas, P Bonestteel aad C. H. Stanley. 41 Day Personally Conducted Tour to California. Exclusively first class under the au spices of S. A Huchtison, Excursion Manager, leaves Columbus Thursday, February 8th, spending the disagree able portions of February aud March in the land of Bunsbine and flowers. $330.00 includes railway fare, dining car, sleeping car and hotel accommoda tions A foil month is devoted to California, stopping at all the best Winter resorts in the state. Itinerar ies and full particulars on appllcat ion to W. H. BENHAM. Auctioneer. I am prepared to respond promptly to all calls for a practical auctioneer in Piatt county territory. I pav for all phone calls. W. I. Blaine. Scnoy ler, Nebraska Phone No. 63. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Wheat 67 Corn 30 Oats bushel 23 Rye bushel f5 Barley 25 Potatoes bu 30 Bntter-t?lb 16 to Kgg p dozen 11 Hens... ; iyz Roosters fi 18 MODERN DENTISTRY in an up-ro-date effice,is the best thing we have to offer. We can and do fill and extract teeth POSITIVELY WITHOUT PAIN. We give a written guarantee with all work. If it fails or proves unsat isfactory AT ANY TIME we will either replace it or refund the money Dr. J. E. Paul, DontUt. Over Ntewohaer's ear. 13th aad OHrvSta, S. E. corner of .Park. ' aBBsBBkBEa-l iSSBV BBBBBBBBBsl i S I