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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1905)
n -&m i- -:.? 3-hS 1 - -ri. a sv c: .ia v h i A.T D Scr.ran , ashier J!v-; :i:i!. !". . V. .i'-;ii... I'r: r-t-. ?:c:i- Hani:. H. A. Clarke. Cashier ' A- Anderson. Pn-s. Kir-l I a" U.t'h. O. T. Koen. Cashier ' 11 TSS-: -. i3srcji;!l?V?t:; 75?V& rVtAvI-... . I HWU.'.-yfi "J. IV-f TJ1M i 3Ti-tf C . ' t.ACA tT.- ilv- r. ," -rtr ;-; ii aac rs ir. .-1 vvvrs j'' tr -'-Tr--? " .;w --- -, ffPBSg Pjjp.p g ."F? i-S I- I f- v- 5 T -t J yy E can use all of the cream we can get provided it has gone through the separator and is oi good quality. Cur location is such that we can receive ship ments by express with out transfer and can return cans promptly. Our prices are as high as any payments made promptly twice a month COLUMBUS Through Magical Scenes ''!... V.-. . . M f CALIFORNIA l- the e,. t, ;..,: Mil,. Drue. ': .'I.-.-T ti.u:, ttie m .-: retnsirk- .ii ! i-.u.t i :.h- world. Kver one ' i:. -e. !,?,., .j ii. .1.- lirin'- -oiiietlunc new .-frai:g. jum v,.:..ierful into view natural Itemi- tie-ai : !.rels n i.U .iistim-T and singulnrK fas ematnig. The UNION PACIFIC l-1.. -!i"r' . t l'a ifor:..a. saviin; oi man :r . iei ' J . j,.m .. ,.r, rout-, u'ul tile dlseoili- f ' .. I." iun.e .i. winter. I- 1 -e ,.r" W H. I.I.MIAM. Agent. GREISEN ..The Clothiers We have an endless assort ment of strictly up-to-date Clothing. They are sold right. Don't go shabby when for a lew ' plunks" von can look well and feel well. Good fit guaranteed. GREISEN ..11th COLUMBUS, - Group vi Buildings Owned by J. C. Echols. Elliott. Speice & Co., H. Ragau & C . M. Brugeer and G. CREAM CO - .''he Hotel Del Ter-x. Street.. - - NEBRASKA Launer valiwtion ?50,(.nJ. BROS BROS Lindsay. John Thurm tud James Sweeney came up from Omaha Thursday ni'ht. Mise- Laup and Frve of Humphrey were Lindsay visitor? Monday. Al Edwards of Cornk-a was in town Sunday. ITiss" Apus Reed of Newman Grove and Peter Erioon of Oakdale were Lindsay visitors this week. A pleasant surprise party was piwn at the home of Hturv Easel bert. Sunday evening, in honor of John Hoadley. Various games were plavt,: and at midnight an elegant Junch was eer-ed. Mr Hoadley lelt ur his old home in I'.elwood Tueilay. i Mrs. Aibeart Wmkler entertained . a number of her friend and relative- at a carpet rag bee Monday afternoon An elegant live o'clock dinner was served in coursee. The Tomsou Comedy Company showed here at the ojrea house Wed nesday ami Thur-dav niirhts. The play- were both exceptionally good. The opera house was filled both even- i iugs. ( Mrs. Pryer and Maude went to j Primrose Thursuay. I Mrs. Andrews went to Omaha Sa: j urday returning Mondav. ' Eloc Swanson and familv are sk-k witn aipntnena. Dr. Walker was called after the disease had progressed for a week. Saturday the little bey died and was buried the same aft r- noon from the Swedish Metfcodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Swanson anil 1 the other two children and Mrs. , Swansnu's sister who is staying with ' them are all sick with the di-ea-e. A nurse was called from Omaha Sat- urdav evening. MONROE. Thursday night the Trine of Ben liur officially known as Pawnee Court o. :!4, had a rousing meeting in their hall. State Organizer F. E. Way of Lincoln was present and officiate' : as installing officer installing a new set of officers. A candidate wa instructed in the mysteries of the order after which Mr. Wav delivered a sdiorr taH: in the course of which he compliment ed the court and her officers very highly on the financial condition ihev enjoved. After the business had been disjiosed of all present, lu.-lcdiut: a number of visitors from the Genua , court anil a few invited guests, sat down to a table loaded with coed things wnich need it be added wa enjoyed by all. The committee.- are to be complimented on the maxim r m . which everv jiart of the program wa. carried out, also on the tastv manner I in which the hall was c-co'a'ed. Cha E. Smith and Gertrude Nie moller were married in the Catholic church in Columbus on Wednesday. They are both well ami favorably known in Monroe and hae the ne.-t wishes ot a host ot friends. Rev. Brient and Angell are conduct ing a series of revival meeting here The meetings are being held tnis week in the Presbyterian church but will be held in the Methodist church nest week. Mr. Howenstme of St. Edward vis ited friends in Monroe last week. Willie Hill, Geo Perey and Clarence Terry who are attending the Commer ioal College at Columbus spent Sun dav with their home folks returning to their school work Monday. Mrs. A. E. Priest was in Columbus Monday. Mrs. S. L. Humphrey visited in Co lumbus Wednesday and Thursday. Wm. Webster returned Thursdav from Sprincfield, So. Dakota wherr he attended a mestiuc of the board of directors of the Springfield bank of which he is president. Monday. J. J. Williams, wife and i son left Monroe for their future home The Cl'ih I Dr. Towne of Omaha va- here from Omaha on professional business Thurs- day. GENOA. Mrs. .Tosepii B:ird, lormerly of Genua die.! at her home in Ord last Friday atu: was buried Sunday, i'neu inon was the cau-e ot her death J. A O-borne. Chas.Pcter.-on, Chas Carl-on. Link Harris and Aug .lohn--ou were m attendance at the -tate meeting of llrem. n :n Columbus this wt l k. l::e direcro:.- of the Gmoa Natiniial Bank met la.-t 1 riuay evening and electe-! the tulluwmg oihcers : Presi dent. -. A Miolhn; ite-Presiiient. Edward L I'.nrke; Cashit r. Aliu-'. M. Moiim. The 2i w Jitinal i- authoiitv fo the statement that there are twenty- -ev t. government liquor licenses in Fullert.m. vht a community of licc'Ts :lii county .-eat mu.-t bt. 11 the statement id the N. .1. i- correct. it u.eans that mere is one bootlegger in iuli-rtn to every zifteeu voters. Richland and Vicinity. Bean iful snow. Juveniles ecs:a:L Done.- rheumatic. YV K. Price a- trading at Colum bus last Thur.-day. Frank and Burt Steven.-c:: hnd hogs on tht Cclumbu- market Wti.nsday and Thursday, urn:: Poole and W. Erockl-sbv transac.e ". business at achuylet Saturday. Arthur Cr.:ison i at St. Marv's Hospital in Columbus under the doc tors ca:e. Arthur ha- the appendicitis and hi.- n.r.nv irieuus Here wish for his s-eedv -ccverr. Mr. an. 1 Mrs. i ':::. Kar:-Xic! .- I.:i.v San rraxici.-.-o. California. Jack, as ail knew iiim, ha- bten engaged in the genera! merehandi-e bu.-iues.- in Monroe lor aLout l-' year?-, which he rcentlv di-pj.-ed ot to .t E. DackArCo. Jack and Mr-. Williams are acconi- ! pauied to their new home by the best wi-Etv o: a host ut friends, n;- , war deuicnstrawl lv about .'.' being I at the train m bid thrm :.irewell and I God-p'ed. Monroe lo.-e.- two ol it-be.-t citizen? by their leaving but we I ho;ie it is all for the be-:. j Dr. Frank r-eeiven an apj3intm"tit, ve-re::av c: r. im: ; l-.iam:n:n i-i -ur- gei'll. Friday evening fnnrte u f r"m Mon roe artended tlie Ka-rern Star Lodge a: Genoa. Tue jiriiHinr.! attraction was 'he initiation iA Pr Frank alter , : ' iiaii i;jaiu!itraiti. hi.- abilitv to i ride the Star t:oar. in a nentlv wotiied j -jM-fch. Mr-. Green a- Matron ut , Svlvia Cha:.r-r No -n ireented Mrs. Marjriieritf J William.- with a beau- i t:fi.l piece of cut clas- a.- a token oi j the e.-teeni m v.-Lnh .-be war lit id by ! the member.- of T.'iat lodge and e- i pre-.-ti. the wi-h oi not only her.-elt ' but erv membtr tiiat she would enjoy and jiro-jter in h r new home. Mr.-. William- re.-p inted in a few well cho-c-n alttr which a lunch wa -ervti.. : Loup and Platte Valley. V.". II (in.-,-.-.- has gone to Primrose i jn a vi-:t tc r-larive anr friends. Mr an . Mr.- John Knj ; from across the L. u; vi.-red ;iv ianii'y oi J. G. i-.i.--nn:ann ;uncp.v. at whic b r mie :le r- rh chri-r?nt: tntir little uansinter j Martha Ida. !' . .7. K. Braun per formed the cer- menv. Last saturiiav nicht the boys of the vicinity er.joytvl tlum-elves drink iiic beer an., havii-.c a cenf-ra good time at the home id II H Gf rbr. ! Th sti'.w man hns been very hber- j ".'. r.i h's w rk la Iv and some poj !c j art making goc: n.-e of the nice track he ha- lai'i for .-leicniug n February :. rhore wiii be given an entertainment foilowni lv a basket .-ocial. fcr the purpose of starting a &&fFL.-T:.t- ? ii . 6iir :v .v. - m MR. is? ?;kmw - ' il m, . 'jL--"" T"-"T" r H"tt-1. (i- . S.-.f., Proj. Ali0i;,j. Kluck visited friends on Shell Creel: Sundav. 1 think a great many cares and trial. might be overcome and even avoided altogether, by the cultivation of a cheerfnl .-pint. There is nothing liKe cheerfulness to seatter the mists that constantly arise in this life; tis like the genial sun which disperses the clouds and fugs. "'Give me", says Carlyle "the person who sings at his work . he will do more work with more ease than one who never hums a tune." Gc". Lies.- the cheerful per son, man, woman or child. We like to meet them, grasp their kmdly hand, listen to their cheertul words and iute the plea-ant smile. Such a person i a shining example that is worthy ot our imitation and admir ation. tjj vhtheria at Cieston-School Closed Crtin, Nebr . Jan. -'. (Special to the Daily .Journal The infant daughter ot II. A. Austin died last P' of diphtheria. Tue Austin home is uiiiler strict uarautine and our ' schools were closed this morning for I an indefinite period. Mr. Austin is a ! barber here. The infant child of Dr and Mrs. Jones died la-t uicht and will te taken to Sioux .balls for burial by Mrs Jones who will start tomorrow Strest Lights. The proposition which Dr. Heiut vrill submit to the council at its nest meeting will be as follows: He oilers to establish '2' arc lights at the street intersection, the lights to be of the newest pattern and stronger than the old !,-,")u candle power lights, lor $i( M .r...: :.. .j: l'..:. fund for a s-chool library lor district No. "7. Everybody is cordially in vited. The following is the program, hecinuinr at 7 ::SJ: litfcita'iou. Fading Light of Day, Clara Kummcr. lci;r.tir,n. He Just Gets it from the Cyw. Johnnv lUaser. Becitatiou, Puliinc Tally. Mae Groves. i.tcartf t. inter. Kecitation. The Wife-Hunting Deacon. Fr.'iire Gondriug. Recitation. Take Care of Mother. lenrge Schmidt. Becitation, The Villair" Blackrinith, Fred Lemj). Dialogue, Goin' Somewhere, Lydia Eisenmanu and C. G. Bo?s. Siui:, Sjief-d Away. 1 er ration. Wa-h Dolly up Like Tnat, Ella Bla.-er. Becitation. Lo'.e Li;h:eneil Labor L 'Ui-e Lmji Becitaticn. The Mouse and Cat, Arthur Kummcr. Dialogue, Mental Arithmnietic Cla.-s Clara and Sammie Blaser. Recitation. The Bad Boy and the Limlurgcr Ctuvit; Fr- d Bien.. Rtcitaticn, Grandma V Amrel.Lillie Ui-wr. ','aartot. The Family Row. Roitation, Scarecrow, Loui-e Lufutke. Recitation. Ihe Hor.-e. Dog and ll:n. Charlie Schmidt. Dialogue. Mr. 'lhirkhea.i'-. New Year Call, Clara Bien and John Ku miner. Song, Old Kontnckv Home. Recitation, D- Watermilliou. Lydia Ei.-eumauu. Sulo, Nashville Studei.ts. C G.Bos- Recitatmu. The Country Girl. Martha Kumuier. Pialoga-. Tne Deuti-t and tne Pati ent. Will Iiuho;: and Ed Mteriel. Recitation, Wnen Lalu Plav.- with Lulul.el. Ru.-if Kummer. Recitation. Frecie Auntie. Herman L-iu'i. THE PREMATURr: PROPOSAL Cast of Character.- . Pau! Hagei's each per year, to be paid for monthly. Dr. Heintz also adds the following provision to his offer: "This propo sition is made on a . year contract basis. Furthermore, if at any !inie during the lif of this contract the contemplate. 1 power canal is able to deliver power for light at a less rate than above mentioned. I will rednce tne price, and if we cannot agree on a reduced price the citv may declaie the contract void. A. Heintz." A company of local financiers are also figuring on taking hold of the gas plant project started by Mr. Pick hardt. and will probably submit a proposition to the council also at the next meeting. Columbus Winners. Platte county poultrymen got a lion's share of premiums at the state poultry exhibition in Lincoln last week, considering the small number of entries made from this section. J. E. Fulmer got eight bpecial ribbons on his Kock Island ileds on color and shape. He had the best bird at the show, but it was a little light in weight. W.H.Swartsley had eighteen winners out of twenty-one entries Martin Schilz took two first and two seconds. Mr. Fulmer says Columbus could have wgu a large bunch of premiums if the boys had not been a little afraid of their birds in a state show. As a result there were only thirty entries from Columbus, and they were practi cally all prize winners. Miss Leona Harbart of Creston Is now engaged as one of the night oper ators in the Independent telephone office. She began work here last Sat urdav. Peter Dougherty Ernest Bienz. Patience, his wite, a hypochondriac Louise Luedtke. Mr.-. Hastings Clara Bienz. Betsy Ann Hastings, her daughter Frances Gondring. Onartet, Sleep on and Rest. LITERARY. The literary depart ment of tne wotuans club will meet Saturday afternoon at !5 o'clock with Mr?. L Gerrard. Response to roll call will be quotations onOnr Flag," after which Mrs. M. Brngger will present a paper on the Monroe Doc trine followed by a general discu.-sion. School of Agriculture. Commencing January "J, ll0."t the University of Nebraska offers a course ol instruction m the principles and nraa ice of agricult"re. The course covers the subjects of soils, field crops, dairving, butter and cheese making, and judging of live stock, disease of farm animals, horticulture, shop work, farm machinery, and English. No examinations are requir ed for entrance. It would seem that many students from this county should attend and take advantage of the instruction off ered, lor the knowledge gained will not only enable young farmers to cet better returns from their land but will also help them save money in enrrviug on farm work. Advertised Letters. Lyman R. Abbey Way Out West ('o J. C. Ambrose, O. P. Anderson, M. O. Bro;-.-, L. G. Carding. Major C. B. Ewing, F.S.A.. H. F. Harnhe. H. A. Hunt, Miss Grace Lawrence. Mis- Gertrude Lester.John Ostenberg. W Palmer, K. Ouilter, J. Rafter. Emil Reinter, Miss Leona Rosen strauh, (Jorgen Schou, G. Skinner, J. J. Smith. Roosters for Sale. Twenty Thoroughbred, Rose Comb Brown Leghorn Roosters for gale. John Marolf. Leigh. Nebr., Route 1. Buckiuitster. tiie hardware man. tf Cold Strare Plan:. Cream Separators (91 WE are agents for the DeLa val Cream Separators and stand back of every ma chine we put out. We handle this machine because it is the best and most durable of any Separator on the market today. We shall have a man out on this business for the next few months, and it will be for him to convince every dairyman who has not a Separator that he cannot afford to be without one. Columbus Cream Co., F. N. STEVENSON. Manager. " BETTER THAN BRICK"" STONE Can be pu l inihewaii a.- cheap as brick. It lasts lomrer. looks better ami takes less lime to build. Just the thinir Ji"V pTch pillars, corn crib foundation.-, chimneys, etc. It is iruaranteed tire, water and frost proor. I; will cost builders nothing to investigate. -lust the thinir for farmers for it saves time and money. Call and see samples at my factorv. North &ret. North ot rollock'fc Drug .Store.... ft. M. POST Attorney : at : Law Columbus. Neb. y D. ST1KES. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oflo. Olive St.. fonrh l....r ri"i": . ' i . Nftinubl Htiak. DONT WASTE GRAIN! A Cheaply Made 'Wagon Will Waste Enough Grain to Buy a Good One. Our wagons will mt r-eaf'-r yourgrain uhileoti the mad ti market or overtax nr hr-es with needles? hea draught. We keep only the Lr:te; ar.d I'.I.mT .: Bnggies and Carriage- -A!lKia.l-..f- FARM IMPLE.MK.NTS. ami don't lame nr iioro TKV THK.M. LOUIS SCKREiBER. Fnedho: Co., Drj Ww - II- .--v .-.,c--S3EaL?5as. 6) C.J.SCOTT Woman can BeHer Bread f-r, om Jlny Flour with YEAST FOAM Yea.' Fourn ! tl-e .vft-tt that t-M ;h- I r .ritnd I'r.f u- tlie -: l.oui- K-jio- .'r.. ;tti I 1- -'! '' ! i;nxr- :tr . '- ' pin-kiii:? e:i'. -t. for ' ,i.i--. vnd u ;.-. -.i"l '' 'r new 11' .Irur-! r.'i'.k. -tiood Ureti. How ;, Make IV NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO. CHICAGO, ILL. J -. 9&. J.J, -'uJui SL'mmj. JbcjBI KA1 - - rs i Y .- i' .. dr 1 f 5-! M w i? u &"' J 'i Vi 3 Trl ki . J V ! I W -V, I f; fl s r r