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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1905)
I-SlB IN i M Educational Institutions Public Schools. The public schools of Columbus occupy live buildings, four of which are two story bricks. Twenty-five teachers are employed, including the superintendent. The high school building is modern in the strictest sense. It was erected at a cost of over .27.000, has u line assembly room, abundant light, high ceiling, end tinted walls. The schools are under the control of a most efficient Board composed of i tract ical business men who take the time lrom their various affairs to see that the children of the district are provided for liberally. Credit is due the Hoard, in large meas ure, for the excellent conditions that prevail. Throughout the grades every line of eleiiientarv school work receives careful attention, including music and drawing, the latter under the supervision of a special teacher. The nigh school offers courses in the lan guages, mat hematics, sciences, manual training and fre-hand drawing. Thn school spirit of the peoplo is most commendable, and is manifested in various ways. Recently a large subscription bus been raided towards a high school gvmuasium, one of the improvements contemplated for the near future. Graduates of the Columbus high school occupy prominent places among Columbus business men and in the foremost universities in the country. Catholic School. The Catholic parish at Columbns conducts n school which has develop ed into au academy with all high school grades. The school is in charge of Franciscan sifters. Being not only a day school but likewise a boarding school, it has become a point of at traction tor all Romnn Catholics of the West as au educational center. The building is spacious and of brick, embracing six beautifully furnished class rooms, the residence and chapel for the sitters and boarders. This year an addition was erected to the building by which the whole struc ture gained nor only in size but in uniformity and beauty. The entire building represent? a value of :!(), 000. It can easily acenmedate :?0 children, the present enrollment being 200 day scholars and C.'.i boarders. CoiiiiiicTcial Collcjrt'. The Columbus Commercial college was opened by W. W. Waters in 1D0:5 and has made a steadv growthg since that time. Thorough courses in busi ness, shorthand and type-writing, and other courses are also offered. The schcool ha attracted students ;tb a ffl 9,'Wtl lie is St , fit. ffi 1 i JfLjfipH. ffl ll L,R:C i-1 ifi ft! ffl fftffi-h ffl H ff n 3' ,---'js saJaaKsBBBBaiHwi ff'QlHEiissaBaaaaHHHHHBBsasal rT Z i y.jjMaHaKjlMjyJi k I " M?s9VvMawBHHQHHHSjCg3a --:C9BBHaHBaBBBBvB9BBBHflBlaBSBBsKS89Ba StI"' j'T'-.jv''swva -?SalSflaMBHP"9H! -j--- SBjViaaTal5SjBiTaaBBr'gvMaxjiSn iIBJTBMSiFitfii if tWTC' J. Jljt 'TiiiaaBBMMifcMalLijaiML?ja,:rf ' ' ga g" it'VVvu? I aWMHaWMaWaaaJaEalaattattattB y 'bflsalilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBiv iMSSaaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaB vXBeuBp'T. .'t-s"t8,a5'BP" aC&BHaaVsaaaaVlaaaaaaaaaaEisBBisss7 .aisssiiisaaaB$fiPvw SSmt -"v v?"" - - SlaaawislS8iliSaStfHlaaaaaaaawaaaVVraSiliiiHSSHaaHT ' fejv n jsssKvsaaavaBsssssn-j aaaar)iiiiiiiiiraaaaa3aHTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavaaaaaaawB aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav1- i ffSw"1 K M aS?aKaKiaaauBBllllVyaaaHBsv,'aaa slaVBiBBlalalalalalsalalalalalalalaVISr u-vT saTMaaavssssssar'aaaaBsiiiiiiiNaaaaaaakSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaa laBsssssssssssssssssvaiBrfTwc ;fe -;, ,PflfValBaMnlalaHl?r fev.- - ur'WBSi&s.aaaaallBvtsHaValaaV. iifilMflitfWMsBvM i ii lieu-ill; yT?"MTl?!pff?l 1M1 in i mmh Jiff r mil i Ml St. Frances from all parts of the state and prom ises to grow in importance and in fluence. It is regretted that space can not be given to describe every one of the ex cellent retail establishments in Co lumbus. No city in the state of its size has more up-to-date retail stores and enjoys a larger retail business thanColombus. Brief sketches will be given of only those businesses illnstrated by cuts. Other business firms just as note worthy, we are forced to ommit on account of lack of space. Gray Mercantile Company. The Gray Mercantile Co., the larg est ratail store in Columbus, is locat ed on one of the best corners in the city, with a frontage of 44 feet on 13th street and 172 feet on North street. This firm commenced business in the spring of 181)0, with a hard ware department only, in a room 22x"J0. This room is still occupied by them with their hardware stock. The Gray firm has kept pace with the rapid and substantial growth of eastern Nebraska, and has added new tJjtumlus licit departments until now no retail es tablishment in the West ontside of Omaha c Denver exceeds it in size or volnme of business done. They now occupy as sales rooms a floor space of 10,1(00 square feet, while the storage rooms cover 16.000 square feet, or a total of 2o,lHX) square feet. Besides the four proprietors they employ a torce of nineteen clerks. Owing to the completeness and vari ety of stock carried in each depart ment, this firm is not dependent upon tbe trade of Columbus alone, but has a large patronage from the territory within a radius of more than 50 miles and does an extensive mail order bus iness. In thn year 1904 tbe Gray company shipped in twelve carload lots of goods, in addition to their large and constant local shipments. Their equip ment is perfect for handling their large business. A large freight eleva tor is operated by a gasoline motor which is also connected with the machinery for cleaning and grading all kinds of seeds in the seed depart ment. The hardware department occupies a floor space of 24x70 ; the grocery 44x.0 ; shoes and gents' furnishings 44xW ; and the dry goods 44x80. The dry goods department is under the management of W. L. Chenoweth who came to Columbus from Chicago. He is an experienced merchant in that Gray's Dry Goods Department. Retailers r Academv. line, and conducts the dry eoods busi ness on progressive and metropolitan principles. H. Ragatz & Co. Henry Ragatz began business in Columbus in a small framo building on the couth side in ls7!. moving fo his present location in 1JK)2. The building now occupied by H. Racatz . & Co. is 44xSS. His stocK of groceries ! and queensware, valued at $25,000, occupies one floor. The second lloor, A. C. Anderson has built up a largo basement and a separate ware house business in cnt flowers, bulbs und are used for btorage purposes. From seeds.. He prints an elaborate cata 15 to 20 clerks have constnut employ- . loguo each year nnd has built up a ment to handle wha is undoubtedly . large mail order business in central one of the larges retail grocery busi nesses in the state. The Kagat. store devotes its eniiro attention to the lines of queensware and groceries and it is as fine a store as may be seen anywhere in tho West. J. H. Galley. Mr. Galley is one of Columbus' old est business men. He engagd in bnsi- ness hero in 1SG0. moving to his pres- ent place of business on 11th street, in 1873 where he carries a complete stock of dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, valued at nbout $20,000. He occupies a brick building 22x113. Mr. Galley is a member of the city coun cil and of the board of education. Friedhof & Co. Mr. Friedhof carries a complete line of dry goods, clothing, boots nnd shoes, and trunks, his stock invoicing about 55,000. He began business in the bnilding now occupied by Ed. Fitzpatrick, the white front store, in 1880, moving to his present loca tion in 1881. Mr. Friedhof 's trade is not confined to Columbus. He is building up a mail order business in the large territory tributary to Co lumbus. Mr. Friedhof employs on an average seven clerks. Ed. J. Niewohner. The block of Ed. J. Niewohner wn built in l'.H)2ata cost of nbout $10, 000. It is the largest and best nrranged jewe'ry store in Central Nebraska, and one of tbe largest in the state. The entire upper floor ot tbe Nie wohner building is used for dental parlors by Dr. J. E. Paul. Drug Scores. This edition shows n cut of the beautiful home of C. E. Pollock one of Columbus oldest druggists whose store is located on the corner oppnsite the Thurston hotel. It shows also the drug store of McClintock and Carter on Twelfth street which this firm re cently purchased from Werner Schup bach. The combined value of the five drug stocks is estimated at $U),000. Wholesalers The wholesale and manufacturing industries of Columbus are rapidly in creasing in number and in volume of business. Helow will be briefly sketched thn manufacturing and wholesale indus tries of Columbus: Green Houses. Nebraska. Abts & Calto. AMs & Calto have one of the finest and cleanest stocks of wholesale gro ceries in the country. Everything in groceries and provisions from cigars to tea and coffee is to be found in their building, arranged in the most systematic order. Mr. Abts is kept constantly on the j road selling goods. He goes as far j west as (J rand Island ; south to Wahno and Seward ; northwest to Spaldine nnd Albion; and north to Norfolk, making nil of his territory every three weeks and a part of it every two weeks The adaptability of Columbus to tho jobbing trade is weli illus trated by tbe success of Abts and Calto. Jobbers, Manufacturers Pop Factory. Chas. Segelke is the owner of the Columbus Pop Factory which has a large trade along the railroads radiat ing from Columbus. This factory bottles all kinds of soft drink. Candy Factory. Poesch hns bnilt Wm. np a big candy aud ice cream factorv. snnnlv- V ing a large trade in central n&l vest ern Is'ebraska. To meet the demands of his increasing trade Mr. Poesch has made improvements that, will more than double the capacity of his fac tory. Building Stone Factory. A now factory has jnst been started that promises to take a place among the nctivo industries of the city. C. J. Scott hns establish 3d a plant for manntactnring cement building stone and will soon have n building in tbe citv which he can point to as a sample of his work. Foundry and Scale Works. Tho foundry nnd scale works managed by Hermnn Schuter, is con ducted on a small scale, employing livo to ten men. It is nevertheless valuahlo to tho manufacturing in dustries of Columbus nnd forms the basis for a large and profitable busi ness in tho future. C. A. Lutz & Co. C .A. Lutz and Co. are engaged in the manufacture of wooden shoes. They employ on an average of ten men. This i the lanrest wooden shoe factory in tho United States. Mr. Lutz ships shoes all over the United States, but the most of his product goes to Minnesota and the Dakotae. The soles for the shoes are made in tbe Columbus planing mill. Cold Storage Plant. The Cold Storage business owned and operated by Paul Hagel was es tablished in 1SS1. Mr. Hagel deals in butter, eggs nnd poultry. He em ploys from 10 to 12men the year round nnd his business extends .all over tbe Union Pacific system in Nebraska. His cold storage rooms have a capacity cf 20 cars and his business runs from 130,000 to 22.",, 000 a year. Planing Mill. The Colambns Planing Mill, owned nnd operated by C. L Lund since l'.KX), was established in the eighties. It employs from " to 10 men and mann- f.iftnnw Fn.h. doors, blinds and mouldings A specialty is made of interior hnrdwood finish and church work. Mr. Lund's business extends throughout Nebraska and in sev eral adjoining states. Last year his mill lacked sufficient capacity to handle all his orders. Brewery. Columbu3 has a brewery which has brought many dollars to Columbus. It has been successfully operated for years by J. H. Eertenbrocic. It is understood that Mr. Kersen brock has 6old the brewery to a cor poration to be known as the Columbus Brewing Company, the transfer to be made April 11. The officers of the aew company are Ben V. Walter, president Frank Valosek, vice presi dent; Geo. Ram bour, secretary-treasurer. Karr-Xichols Brick Factory. II. D. Karr and Julius Nichols opened a first class brick factory in Co lumbus in the spring of 190:3. The plant is equipped with the latest brick machines. One million brick were mado the first vear. The machinery and drying capacity were more than doubled the second year; and next vear the proprietors will install anew boiler and engine, bui'd a kiln and drain shtd nml a !il a new automatic cutting 'able From 2" to 30 men are eiuplnyen. their p:iv roll running lrom $300 to 400 per week. Thousands of dollar are brought to the city by this excellent firm. Roller Mills. ( uioKg the very most valuable of Columbus' manufacturing industries are hor two roller mills with a com bined rapacitv of 300 barrels a day. Both the Columbus Holler Mills, a beautiful cue of which ais shown in thi4 edition, and the Elevator Roller Mills buy ami ship L'raiu. The large trade of these eompnnies abroad keeps thi'in running nt full capacity most of tho time and farmers are assured all th time more than the market price for their millnble product. No insti- i tutions do more good for the home community than the mills. People should remember this when they buy flour. Both these mills have tho very latest improved machinery. Ranks. The HxreJleut finnucial condition of Columbus is well illnstrated by the last reports ,r our three bank). The total lo-ni all the banks on January 1 nt juuted to $Sl!.03S.ttt and the total deposits tc tDO'J. .0411.44. Columbus has two thriving cigar factories. Win. Kurt manages one on Eleventh street, employing five men He manufactures about II ."..0(H) a vear. selling almost his entire pro duct to the local trade. E. Schostag whose factory it located on Nebraska avenue, employs from eight to twelve men nnd manufactures a half million cigars a year. The greater part of his output is sold abroad through I J. . H .Scbostag, who is on tho road all the time. Mr. Schostag is planning to increase his product next year. It is time for farmers to buy incu bators, chickens nnd eggs. See the ad of J. E. Fulmer, the przo winning poultrymau, nnd ngent for the Queen Incubator. Great Lecture Coming. Rev. D. F. Fox, who is to lecture hero under the aupsices of the High I '. . .. v Vt.' 3J , '- '."'i.d sftBBaaamP ' ' j5irftMMfcMMdMiirfMHaajMstMwpJJiBSMs1aV a .-. 7?MBPBvBaB7BBa9avvl5SBBaKSBBBsR5B8aBBBBT -m H yTrrTFmTYMHSrrMarTy - MSSSSX3H frf A (atSffSBBSB fcWBBaW CBBaBssMSBMM ssxaSSE BaBaSflP BElSai .If IsH SnSSSSSSSSS a MSHaa9HBJBSl Imhb awBjaBj9as I. ISBBBl sssfis-. - lsssBj -HJgHiasss sssssTssss I Umwim .i ' M3SSpC5SSj53MWygtBBEB3CTBj3CSWhSPj sat gsSSiAWSSxwmMISsBm . I slvfeHsal - -' e-. --m.- m- -9 r,l'VltWiz!Pltri'iMtSU '"'" X"t : "B afr'8riwisssSS r9 aaK -i-i-k f pj V 1 Mrr pj !W 3 " ' BIH BSSSSSSiaxV 9Sr sss H BlB ' pr - 'i ' fe&li ,H S.,.rgM ftmfrii A yT BSSB IslslUlVK - i McClintock & Carter, Drug Store. School Lecture Course committee on Febr. 1st is one of Chicago's most successful clergymen. As a lecturer in regular lyceum courses, on com mencement occasions, before teachers' insiitntes and at Cbautauonas. Dr. Fox is in constant demand. No better evidence of his popularity need be presented than the fact that he has received as many as six return en gagements in some places. He is a favorite everywhere. Tho lecture course committee considers him one of their strong numbers, and he should be greeted by a full house. The following is what one of the foremost of lecturers says : "Dr. D. F. Fox. my Congregational co-laborer in Chicago, is a man with a message. It is an unfeigned pleasure to speed the work of such a speaker. Let that man be nntronbled who in troduces him to an audience. He never fails to move and uplift. I say do not miss his lectrue unless you have a grudge against yourself. Hear him. Robert Mclntvre " Dr. C. E. Leach, who has been practicing dentistry at Sargent, Neb , for tbe past year, comes to Columbus February 1, and will enter tbe em ploy of Dr. Paul. Dr. Leach comes well recommended from Sargent, ani is certainly making a forward step in coming to Columbus. He is a Platte county boy having been born and raised in the country three miles north of Humphrey where his father, R. N. Leach, still resides. From what we can learn of Dr. Leach and what we know of Dr. Paul, we wonld say that both are to be congratulated. 6. J. OflRLOW Lawyer Office over Columbus State Hank Columbus. Neb. DR. Cflfl8. . PLATZ HOMEOPATHIC PhU&iGlan and Surgeon. P. O. Block : : Colnmbus Thursday's Daily Jcaraal. Alvin E. Pool, violinist. 'Phone fi5. Dr. L. C. Voss, Homeopathic physi cian. Columbus. Neb. J M irondring received a visit from his father. John Goudring of Rich land. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Hobart has been under physicians care this week. WANTED-Tobuy a mal St. Ber nard pup. Adresa Sydney Eastman, Creston. Xebr. tf Mrs Jo MahatTev wont to Fuller ton this nfteuoou called by the serious illness of a nephew. Mrs W. T. Ernst, who was continrd to her bed s?vernl davs. is again able to be around the house. Rev. Cash was down town rcdav for the first time this week, being cotiued I to his home with tbe grip. New classes will bo organized at the Columbus Commercial College at the beginning of the new term. January 'J. llHCi. :w-i PENSION EXAMINER. (Jr. Frank of Monroe has been appointed bv the icdvernmert as Hnsion examing sur geon. MKTIIODIST. The subject of Rer. DoWolf's praver service talk this evening will be, "Life Begotten Only Tiirough jif.." SCHOOLS The eighth grade room in the second ward buildiuir was dis missed this afternoon on account of the janitor being unable to heat the room. Walter Henrv. who has for a nam be of years been uiauftging the II nry ranches near Eellwood. is now a resi dent of Lincoln, having moved to that citj in December. BUY YOUR COAL or Weaver and Newman. Thev keep the largest assort ment. Weaver aud Newman carry fifteen different kinds of coal and not one poor kind among them. tf A warrant has been issued for the orrest of a Platte county party on a sensational charge, but owing to the uncertainty of the whole matter publi cation of tho names and circumstances are withheld till a later date. The marriage banns were announcer Sundr.v in tbe Catholic church for Pin$Pnoffel of Columbus and Miss Victoria Thanel. Bellwood ; and An tony Borowiak of Genoa and Miss Antonia Zurowtki of Columbus. W. E. McCord, who has had charge of the Lewis & Co.. dry goods Btore here, left this afternoon for his home in Albion. He will return Monday to ship the goods to that place. This is the former stock of Lamb&Co. No better New Year's resolution can be made by the good housewife than to improve the quality of her baking for her husband and children. The surest wav to do this is to use WAY UP FLOUR, made by the Columbus Roller Mills. If fillings have failed to preserve your teeth do not think it necessary to have them extracted. Fillings properly inserted with modern meth ods and appliances will save them. Dr. Paul the dentist uses the latest and best of everything and guarantees satisfaction. Sheeley & Youngs, the well known theatrical managers, have arranged to produce the big musical cocktail, "Muloney's Wedding Day," here on Thursday, February 2, at North ojera house. An exceptionally clever com pany of vaudeville artistp, superbly costumed, and a bevy of pretty 6how girls are promised. Heal Estate Transfers Becber, Hockenberger & Chambers, real estate agents, report the follow ing real estate transfers recently filed for record in the office of the county clerk of Platte county. E.H. Chambers'to Wm. Loseke ne4, ne, 'J-1S-2 w wd. 12,MX Paul Hagel etal J. H.Hellbush pt ne Be 2S 204 w wd State of Nebr. to D.W.Jenkin- son. e ne, nw ne, sw sw, 20- J 8-3 deed A. G. Rolf to J. H. Gustafson, w 2 se, 35-19-4 wd John Roman to Rosa Roman, w sw, 1-19-3 w wd Thos. M. Ellis, to A. Macken. It " blk 3, Stevens Ad.CoLwd I. Gluck to Jos Dash, n2 nw 3-i-2 w wd 22.", 1,120 3, 1,000 1,100 4o0 Beatrice C'r' DoraMath 1 iesen, It 0 bI3, Creston wd 12 I - . - - - . ; Jsaaal saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK. m. alaPaaBBBMBrBI vW r BIRBaaBBBBBBBaV hfT'i lHH Ml r lv??laaaaBBBBBam: a... I fllsaBBaS ? i b- a?9aaaBBBBa --iy. i- . - 3!?BavHi - 1 I r aDHUaiJLHaHiaBaBaM J aaaawaaaaalatoattaHaaaHLBsLssLiaaB 'WSM'f ?S"if? T1"wJMtsaWfcl - IKiiaHMaaUaaaflaaHaVvIR w5 c -- . l'T2 VHaalH'l 1 aavlaaaaBBBBawHri. 2Lj . j&J!&X aaaaBBaTSBBaw 1 m tsaaaaaaaaaaaaHflaaManateB 'i'ZJllTt - ? -, C V WalLLEJ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaLalaEsaHaSlB 4saaaaaaaBBaal Columbus Roller Mil!. Minnie Diet, to Kdwnrd Scho- her. .V. blk i:;. tl :; aud I bl 44 Col. Ellen R. Gleason to James A. Gleason,w2 nw.27-is :: w wd AnnaMuhler to Frances W leczv k It 1 2:: 10 11 12 bl I.".. Hum-. V.A.Macken to Henry Gerrard n2 It 2:5 and 4 bl 50. Col.. wit W. F. Scott to F. T. Walker. It t: bl7, Becber Place adCol . wd2 G.H. Beyer to Wm. Weak. ltT blk 8. Creston wd State of Nebr. to leppe Soren- son. gs sel, f-l'.M w de'd State of Nebr to Herman U. Lueschchen.nw nw ItMU 1 d Mary Mathews to Gep Heng- 1 El 3 bl2 bl t'.t Col . 12. 00 l.f.00 2.201) ro :K iro IXTKRSrATKCOMMKWH. Congressman Hepburn of Iowa has introduced a bill for a reorganization of the Inteistato Commerce Comuus - ion. This bill is supposed to embody the views of President Roosevelt in the matter of tbe proper regulat ion of freight rates by the federal govern ment. The bill is lengthy but tbe impor tant provisions may be briefly stated. It i provides that the Commission shall be composed of seven members ' nn(1 -Uul Smhvan of this city were instead of live as formerly, an.i that on thp noon truin onR '' from their term shall extend for ten years. ' '''clI''rt'm whero they had been at It provides also, and this is the most tending tho trial of Bert Tarpening. important provisfon. that the deeis- n,:euse(l r ,h" 1""r,,'r Maynanl ions of the Commission shall have K'Kington about a year ago. The immediate effect ' '"aSl was a I,t,cul'ar (mo ""d hasdrawa This latter provision is most sweep-' tno '" f "y neople. The ing. It will revolationize the whole !two ,I,en ,U1,1 ' Maying matter of rate making which has been j aml ,n a '"Iirnl Twi-'ning Htruck Ed so long a sore ou the body politic. , u'in-t,m tuo ,,Nnvs- kilIi"r 1,im in If the bill becomes law. the aggrieved : ""' vt,'' en of shipper who suffers from discrimin-, weaIfhy "1 ' " 'rial was ation or nnKwfnl rebate can find an I ,,anl fou-ht' l,,,r ,ast ,Uf:ht the jnrT immediate remedy. If appeal is made. I hr:,aht " a v"t of "ot guilty. it will have to be made by the mil-1 Ju,i Tarpening of Wahoo. uncle of road company. The findings of the Commission in the past have been practically ineffec tive because the shipper had to appeal to the courts to have the findings en - forced. The people of tne country are with the President on this question. They want the government to control freight rates. They believe that a body of men caa be found capable of fixing - rates that will nor be harmful to the railroads aad that will bring justice to the people. The people of Nebraska expect their congressmen to vote right on this bill. If the Hepburn bill carries it will be the longest step this country has ever taken toward government control I for interstate transportation. j I There are 225 people on the pay rolls of the two railroads at Columbus. Columbus in the best hotel city of its size in Nebraska, and its hotels are the beet. The photon for tins edition were taken by Mrs. Tomson, of the McAllister Studio, and R. W. Saley. Typographical Error. The church at the top of the column of churches is the German Lutheran, instead of German Reformed. Prof. August Gondring. brother of J. M. Gondring, accompanied by his wife and little girl, arrived here this morning from Chicago and will visit about two weeks with relatives. Prof. Gondring was at one time a Platte county young man, teaching school here one winter, but he went to Chicago and started the Chicago Basiness college, which has grown to be one of the largest and best schools of the kind in the middle west. Begin ninir his work thrre eighteen rrnrn ' ago, he has increased the enrollment to great proportions now occupying ' five stories of a building on Randolf i and Wabash. Mr. Gondring sold his, college this month and is now on hibl way to Califonia to take a long rest. He has not yet decided upon his course for the future. Manager Fellers of the Monroe tel ephone company is in town today. Ed. J. NiewhonnCr, aavBssaa.sBT '- awwaSPJB i-3& "- ""SbssssssIsssssssssssssh ssjawtev-. .' .v'- - w9w-"--t-' EsE?STiL " h '"'sPeJsassBiL-'" 'mm' ' WHaWSffiag-sjgg " .aaawaY" r" , ' . aSSjaBaaBpE5fri'""'",r','""'psiifci2L alaatssEEHB'w " 4 l .,..,,, t, mg aaafawsssssLB M- ' t jrJrBwssssssssssst Um lsiaiaHaBsviK3 Mm? 'WrHaawsiW Ja aaaaaaaaaaalaaBBiBiB HPvHBCfls13KaB'''VBBiB' Lm!U 0. A. Sc i t,prieitr. NOW! The story and Clark inano orlere ty the .louruul to the Platte county young ladv receiving the most vote5 wm ne ireei'iiu'tt to mo winner on' Febrsarv !." Tho vote a sho vn in this issue in dicates the relative stuuding of tbe contestants. It ha been remarked that tho win ner of this bfjiutiful ..")(H) prize cannot hope to win with less than from 7."0W t 100. two votes and those who have seen the piano at it ray's store witl nirree with that sentiment. These cr.i'0 tlio Contestants tor tVi Jovii-iin.1 Ii.xao. ' - Mabel Campbell ' Marv Wilson 1 Metta Hetisley i Lona Ilarbcrt , Mav Ziegler 10.572 ..7I.-.0 S.VJ5 . 1775 r.:to . MH) 1.W Louise Marty Hcrtha Grotelcscheu Mr. nnd Mrs. l!ert Tarpening of I FuIIerf on. Judge Tarpening of Wahoo me accuseo, ami .ituige uuivau ul I this city were attorneys for tho de fendant. Rev. Juuu Waggoner writes to ' John Schm.icker from Knobnoster, j Missouri, that he is serving three English charges in that community. .VOTE I i I 1 i ' and enjoys his work. Btifore leaving i I Nebraska ho was suffering from one 'of his eves, imt tho ai'tliction, h 1 writes, has entirely left him. Rev. Waggoner was the (iernuin Methodist minister tor the Columbus nnd Duncan charges, lu-t year. f ' Arthur Carlson of Richland died tins morning at I :.;() at the St. Marv hospital. He hail been in the hospital about : week. The deceased was a young man, unmarried, the son of Mrs. Petri- Swr.nsnn. Funeral service, will be held Sunday in the Richland church, ami the remains will bo brought to Columbus for burial. Mr. ami Mrs. J. W. VnnAIstine are 1 the very happv grand parents of a boy who arrived at tho home of their son Charles V'auAlstino of South Omaha Wednenlay. This is tho only child in the family and the parents and grand parents are justly proud. Mrs. Van Alstine will go down m a few days to visit her young relative. MASONS Tho Masons held a stiecjal meeting last evening, h-iving for quests a number of out of town mem Lers from Fremont, Shelby. David City and Lincoln. Grand Commander Turner of Lincoln was present. After tho meeting the Eastern Star ladies served refreshments. Miss Mav Stri hh ling, milliner in the f Iray drj- goods since Mint depart ment was established, left Wednesday evening tor Chicago. She btoppert lm I Fremont on her wr.v east to visit a brother. The Young People's card clnh wax to have met Iat evening with the Misses Post, but th meeting wn postponed. The date of the postponed meeting has not yet been decided on. Should you have tho misfortune to break vour false teeth Dr. Paul can repair them for you as good as new in a ver- short time. You need not go without them for even oik? meal. Jewelry Store. ?i 'i T t n