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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1901)
mBBanBBBBBBBBnaa . - u. . . .. . ' . , ., -. . '-i .-.. M,-mwJktMmjmrSBmmmmmMh - l a'ramis w w : jia u.iA jaMah.., .. vv v . 'fr V a . - -i " - " - - . . -' 4f , i4Vt', m k 5 " .p. jf f- I MvU.MM. Calumbuslirarttal. jadge,- --- 8, H. SEDGWICK, York. . at B, GOOLD, of Ogallaja. a J.ERNST, of ;er County Jedge, V .- - W. Mi Ua&HJBTEB:' --."-: . LEE MARTIN. ;..- :Fer" eiety Cserk, ." - CHARLES W.JENS. QEOBQErBRODFUEHKER. Fee- DR. Ir O. WALKER. H: pi ttODEHORST. :CITT TICKKT. -4 ef the Petes; -' J:M.CUBTI& . HENRY OOOI4DOE. -Far 0..fc.'8HNN0N.' MARVIN ELSTON. Befalo, Mew Turk, May 1 to November 1.1W1. . .''Wwm OasTrsgs AssbwatioB, LiacolB, "Ejrrxto U wVla wfal waya,' - Who aire- Hie woiildrhe' third? "'tgrmers running., far . office, in tPlcilte .-county?. " -;.; '-. . iBTBxiuaEscx- alad- iadaptry are, the Smaaff' , , . a n . , -.hajva,: aad every..-man.-can. Jlave -.4rMatoay..;..o.- .; - ' :ABXBaiK it i. said, has to.farajah aaeh-chardi in WwHliainot already provided, with' a it. -- .-'.-. B. L.Ooqu has wfthdrawa hi for.regcat'oa the. atate- re- tiokaad the committee has a call-to ilLtbevacaacyl- i alght on between the beeU sadT:the' aagar. traat, an . affsrtref psnkh, the former taBMtiageegara?iBlaatifal.. -"' :..Tan U. S.'treaary statement shows . hslsafiBS ia- the general fahd exclusive af; the 150j00Ct0gO gold resarvft ia the' jaiviaisa .of iTsd.amption: available cash aalaaees, fl 790002; gold, 101,18300. - Ta dabtasyiag habit m commeada- 'i.hleia' natioiae aa well as iaiadTvidaala. The .decrease ia the public. debt of the Uakiat-Stataa dariagthe month of Sep .-'temher'-was f42L Keep Nebraska. ialiaa with the Ualoe. .-. . . .':H, W.'QinvaKTii. of Hnklredge, an,ex .tbe twatmaat of aoU for. the of BMMStare,aieadeav6riBg-to have tha govarameat establish a etatioa ia Nebraska whera hia methods can be to the people. Taa discovery of asix.f oot vein of coal ia tha viciaity of Swedebarg hat caaaed. sammaat thia week. The. I partial feel- vary, jabttaat over 'thjiir gaod lack aaid everybody, is kopjiag it ewill- prove a aaeeeas.-rWahoo OsytAKOBuaaa.WJKBB, lefsihlioaa far esaaiy ctera, m mamag a of -the . eoaaty, aad of- aaoees ' Thia -ia a very greet oaai.waea it-iaeoa- that hia.oppoasnt is tme of the af poUtieal workera... . : A. Jbsux will shortly begia of oae of. the largest aad ia Oamha, a hbaSe of sajar thirty, rooma, the walls of atoae, with eoraers, praseatiag a. .The iatsrior: wood and wUlh to be from Pat hera'ia Iowa to aiittrntairy .Crowe sskathat all rewarda ha wjthdrawa, apaa which give hjaaaaK up for a fair trial. tha letter is sea-voJaateer la 18, his amaaa As far as ability ia i every way aa wall aa hia Ofnaiat. Give the aid vote for Brod- i iathe Uaiiad Stater the Miitfi ftjli,ftli,Wr X IHHI vHMPMI If t JL It IWPB I Ni g . waUat BsbbbbV fc H0 BflSHV - peee 3E .MOHMiT.OCIOMIllkH: ' ' . . iJil who !" .iag- Ueteeffaira. .SsBBBBBBBBBWJWsBYm. .bbbb.bbbb. wsbbubb sbbbT THIi Afl VH.W'HHV eaaBWBUBBi - - " - W" . gJgJgmaMBI SfHsSS!S9 bee . iwiiw i-wjiii f biasa m do flflVVBWMMHi BBFaweBmeaenB -Ba--a--aaa-a-a-. 'BBssaaaaaaavav . " aUydSafMwamfsaV. flBBsmVBBsal with geed hopes jj , . Ohiaf Daaahae, taaaawr.MssdiaaapBhlMaa;. m) aaaamt afatiatiraia Tagard. to lyach- m'amaaaaarw at saaat'UUM ncraoaa. slsfyiag alt law ami sathstity. HSJS vHpwl amWaW iWiWat W mpTO JHIsaamsaS M if f- . - "i-Y avrabfl. Isyaa aaatral sat the eaasnnaaa which LLIXi n iislsaasa. aai that isi JET Urn aahaal asmaa Saw. 11, MM. sooooooooooooexxx: . Jftudon for the emoluments of office only finds btit little fovor with the .honest commoners who march with the rank and file of the dem6p6p combine.Wymore Wymbreani "";..- JUST A feW-wo&ds. ; an always appliea- fiowerer renotetbey ay horn tha ordinanr.'whaaever they at. all cqaakfcred, tbetfccrk plaoea of re briicataMd, aad the crooked airaigkU':. . Political foraat .aeTwnae.kifeher.thaii. their aowea, the people, ..whence they Bfboeed, aad wfaqae wiU they are aup- toazDraaa. ".. . . . auia. troabk. with oaf Bjfftem of Mt.ia ia. the feeling, that one of litilaaeooaat in the effort to briaxaboat 6airab)e-reealta in poKtid ac$aoa thk feUniteading to--indifference aegtect, and .oiten to -diaaater. whanaa the Irathia that'thft.aentiaienta 1 of .an individual are probably aKaredby, a aa)Qorit7 of bie low-partkiiie, and thairwU'coidiaadily'be made effective by., certed effort. . The history ot-partieew a conunnpua iHaatratioa of .thia geoeril priBdple. ; - Tai JouaJTAibelievekand in'tiuawe think that rtpablicana generally are creed. that there nerer has been a-more critical time in. the bietory of the party ia thip'state than the current auv Jjaauay waya Nebraaka republicans bare' recently' vinaicated ihemaelwe' tov tjMMBaelvea;. -they' .have 'shown -their' Strength' of. puraoae tor". have. the'righf thiaga' done- at whatever aeeaiing.cost to (he peraohalpride of. inidividual members of the party or those in bflSciai position; they have pretty 'effectually jjfiven certain gentlemen of' the atatet'(tnat Jiaye for !yeara been.asekirrg mainly their own individual .preferment); to .understand that servicesof this kiitd are not longer tolerable. -To-tbe party, tb experience has!- baeh Very trying; .'very expensive aa'dvery nauseating.-... . . : It.ia fihcarely hoped that ihe' better day haa'faUycome;.'and that there will fie 'no. -reaction- to. questionable fusion! rbolitieaJor-td.mere machine, partysiml a ". " of any name.; ' '.. ? '. -:4S TQ &UOAR.. ''.'' .. As with alWeUc games, so Is it inborn aieree, trade and politics, pot al'wkys the- weight' of the MnteaUnts, but- their sgiUtydecides' wnb comes out ahead.- -.The aianafacturar of augar from the sagarbeet'is.dneof the greaVindustriea which baa been- thriving ini this-western country, and it is jiatural' enough that, is between two rival 'interests,' both grasping in .thwr way, we" favor our owe; .all othet;tbiag being, equal- -'.. Tae.:Paebla (Cokx- Chieftain' Bays: The posttibn of the beet sugar manuf ac- tntora. ia Teeurd to the attack upon their VlMteThTthecaiMi snca'rtrnst,is riven in a statement made by W. L.:Hartmata,1 attorney for-the -National Beet Sugar Company, whose refinery and lands -are at. Sugar- City, .Cola Both thia com-: auuy's works and those of the American Beet -Sagar Company at Rocky Ford begaa the, annual sugar campaign last week, sad ' lliey' are.' consuming -about 1,500 tens of beets a day. ' Mr, Hart man saya -the -augar mills will be ran right along the same aa if tae.American Sugar Refining Compaayfe edict had not been made,' but the coaipaniea will not -sell. their product at; 3 cents- a pound, aa the trust is attempting to force, tbem to .da' Instead they, will atore it, if -necessary, coaJdeat thuttbey will-not have' to hold it king, but tlwirBeceaaaky, they are able to-bold it until they get la living price. A -eoniuiuatioo "of all the 'beet, agar works. , "is .' intiaiated ' by .Mr Hartaun.".' - - Pbbbidest McKrxLET'a.aasssBinstkm aad -'Mr-Roosevelt's secession .to the presidency are the.twd dominant topics ia the October Review of Reviews. Aside, from 'the editorial treatment of those nHMseatous events, 'a, fully illustrated 'account of- the last daya'of . President McKiatey Meontrffiuted-by Mr. Walter Wellman, the aocompliahed-: newspaper. eorraapoadeat, who "was himself' at Buffalo aad writes from personal; first hand knowledge of all the details of the tragedy.. Mr. Wellman's comprehensive article ii followed by a brief character ization of this last of bur. great trio of asartyr preaiaWts, from-the pan of Com-1 miatinarf H. B. F.MacfarlanJ, of the Diatrict of Colambia';. there is also an articWoa" President Booaevelt,.with por traits of Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt and the mx Roosevelt children.- The Review pre sents the full, text of Mr. McKinleyV Baffalo speech, made on. the day. before the' shooting, and "of Mr. Roosevelt's address of September 2. 'Amobq Taraov items- in. .the' Humph rey Leader we find thia; aad af it is good democratic, authority., we take it for axaated that it ia oae of' the living pic- tares of the present eampaign for con tfaaaaoa inomcial station: High low jack.aad.abe gaaM,.-aearly a.fall hand of eoaaty oalcera consisting of Walter Phillips, J. Q. Becker, and hia deputy Jerry Carrig, Was. O'Brien also C. J. Carrig aad Denny Boberta arrived. on the evening .pssseagar train. .Someriga were ordered from Platte Center to take them to the Jaworaki and Choaoa wed ding. All-of them ware welcomed .and pat oa tha Bearing floor. Every- want aaaooth, exDaptiag. Carrig BohBtts, occupied too mach while dsaaiagwalu. Beeher.the Ll ;... im. t'k. . m, li mmtmammi mm aiiv mmbW) i hole mi the ceiliag with -his it .required two pumpkin pies to it. The- boya reported a grand ' C..J. Ebbbt, the republican eaadidate for regent, will receive a very heavy vote k Taenla No aaaa' in that city ia asere desarvedly popular. ..He baa been repeatedly to run for oae pmce or , but has aever had ambitions in that hee. Hewfll be oae of the most its ever elected. Hia Geeld, ia alao very popular, He ia a gantlsmia of to, who haa alwaya. taken at ia. uaiversity aaat- Helms already made aa adaura- Bearacerdaarageat.and itaaoald be a to re else hiss to the mate, Mr, tan. ixxxxxxxxxxxxxx . Wb one.of thssmblams with a view of call- iag attaatioa to taa fact of the hon orable disshsrga of George Brod- faehrer from the mihtary aaryka of his country against the report-to the. con trary. We have aeen the original, a copy of which- we print below. Tha dooassaat apeaka for itself, aad iaodeataUy, let aa remark that Mr. Brodfaekreria aow 25 years of age, active, able-bodied; level headed, and will make a good- aheriff . of Platte county. . This is "his record as. one of tJncle Samuel's soldiers; read it, votera of Platte county, and 'decide for youraalvas whether a aokberof the republic aball e slandered with impunity':. ' TO AM. WHOM IT MAT C09CKK&. 'Know ye, That George F.Bfodfaehrer, a private of Company K of the Fust Regiment of Nebraaka Voluateers, who .was enrolled .on the tenth -day of May, one thonsandji eight hundred aadaiaety-eight,toaerve-two yearaor daring the war is hereby, discharged from tfie. ser vice of the United States, by reason of MUSTEK OUT OP BnGJXZKT. No -objection to his' reenliataieBt- ia known to exist. . ." . The- said George F. Brodf uehrer was born fn Columbna-'in the State of Ne braska and when enrolled was 30 yaara of age, 5 feet, 6. inches high, dark com plexion, blue eyes, brown-hair, byoeeu pation, a jeweler. . Given at the Presidio, San Francisco, CaU this twenty-third day. of . August, 1899. ' - . . William K. Hooks, Cspt 1st Neb.; Inf. U.&Yola.Commaad- tag the Uompany. Countersigned C G. Mosrov, ' ' Capt. 6th U. 8. Inf. liastering Omoer. ,.. To be erased should' there be any thing in the conduct or physical coadi tion of the soldier rendering him unfit for the army. . XIUTART. BBOOKD. ". . '. Noncommissioned, offteer. '. " Distinguished service: nonel 'Battles; engagementa, akinnishes.x peditions: Member' of .2nd expedition. Was In 'the' engagementa before and capture of Manila and various engage ments of the Philippine Inaarrectioa from Feb. 4th .until the 'capture of San Frsncesoo Del Monte. . Wounds received in servicer None. Remarks: Services honest aad faithful. William K. Mookk, Captlst Neb. Inf. tJ. S. Yn Command-. ing Company K. r . A 'telegram . from Tucson, Arizona,' says tbat Charles -R.. and' Porter W.' Fleming of that place have arrived from the'.Galluro mountains, where they report a remarkable gold disoorsty. The I rich find is' located seventy miles north of Tucson, end the vein of ore, according to the Fleminga, w 200 feet wide aad 6JO0O feet. in. length. A canon cuts through, the vein for 200 feet, exposing, the ore on either aide the entire length of- the cat. " It ia estimated the amouat of gojd insight ia worth over $7tOOOjOOO. The Tocsotf Star is authority for the statement .that the story told by the Fleming brothers is authentic and that it has' verified the facta aa above given. F.VKBT once in n while there iatalk in Platte as well aa in other Nebraaka conntics-of the organization of a tax- I psyers, afisociation to make effective pro test against extravagance in public expenses; against the employment of more help than is necessary; againat the levy of mpre than is needed for the econ omic administration of public functions, against too long n cootinaance-in power of men devoted to their own interest mainly. "Whenever a man takes aa a basis of calculation hia own taxes and from that figures roughly the whole ambuntof money collected for the entire county, the -aum staggers him, wonders where all the money goes. iT-'is aaid that the aoil of, London seems to Have risen over Roman London at the' rate of nearly a foot a ceatary. There is, then, the present London; the Roman London, and the earlier Loadoa of the Britons. This ia not just exactly a parallel to that portion of the current county democratic ticket who are aakii to be elected, for the third term, but only n reminder of how hietory repaata itself in different spheres. The' people .of Platte county 'are "not spriagebiekeaa in . the political coop" they have a retentive, memory of two yeara ago aad prior, and are making their calcalationa accordingly. Odb neighbor of the Telegram to be catching it from all aides still for what occurred to him at the late deaso cratio State convention. Thk Jockhal, although not fully adviaad ia the iees, believes that Brother Howard nearer the gospel truth on that than were those who opposed hiat, aad lit ia hardly fair in the York Times to draw the scene than: "Just ss Edgar Howard had' reached the moat touching and eloquent period pf -hia argument againat passes ia the democratic State coaveatioa 'aosae anarchist moved that 'editorial trane nortation be incladed. The bullet etrack Edgar in the abdomen and he eellspeed.. Mas. Ema W. PxATTntof Chicago, one of the women who haa helped to asake Nebraaka famoae ia carreat bteratura, delivered an address Wedaasdsy sveawg at Wayne lo the State rederatioa of Womaa's clubs. She ia ia ooaaidsrshle demaad as "a lecturer Bad a writer of abort atones. Her spans! baa of work is aa book leviewer for Tribuae. A gifted lady, her firat iaeaea ia literature waa ssaBBemherof the Ouaaha World-Herald Jovkxax. looka to and Br the way, we do not rsmemhtr of aaytkiag ia the publiahed reawrt of the proceediagaof the lata damocratic aad popabatstate coaveatioa ia toeaUiagoa Porter to put that back iato the atate treasury. How did it happen Bro. Howard? ItasesMtethe Leader that you let abp the OBaartaBsty of your lifetime when yoa failed topre- that Wmuaii A. McAuJann, tlia rapah- idMata lot aouatyjajslga,is wall thronghoat' tha oaaaty as a attonay, ia evaty way taaaV to disohsrga tha of om oT tha moat tha eouaty. .A aeaiaaUnrtiaasof old Platta aad a varied erneriowba ia tha practaoa of hie proJaaaJoa, hia alastioa wOl besa hoaorto these who vote lor For Taa Joaavf writing my priatediaTaBJoDBXALotOet.a,Iaad that Captata Howard of tha Talagraai has both aritieiaad aad coademaad tha aame.- I.admU that he has a right to do both, bat roiaim tha aame right to criU eiee all wbo-aapira to oaaoaoa aay ticket The good brother of the Talagraai would have it that public critieiam ia "attackiag paraoaally tha de.moaatio aomiaesa of thia-eounty.n-- -Aa a- aiatter of fact whenever a asaa aoespts'a nominatiou on say ticket he tharaby.-iavitsa . the public to cxamiae iato hia past reoord, sad it is. the datyof the paWie to do aoad state the raaulta. I thiak the great trouble with tha good brother is that my obaarvationa told too Buny'trathsto-Sufthim. Bat,"trathia powerfal aad.'wilhprevaiLn The priaeipal editoriala of the, Tala graai, aad other papers' in the osanty, consist .in overdone flattery of the aom iaeea I have criticiaed. The good brother jeevideatly.yoaEg.iB Platte oeuatypol- itipa; although he. acta aa it he was the whole puah of the'dsmocratic party here. If he would tarn to the files of the Tele gram aad also the Humphrey Damoorat of August, September end October, 1807, he wonhl lad "mighty .interejtia' read ing," which, would certainly oauss him to pauae'.and reflecU I 'should like to have him pubUeh aome of the editoriala of these papers; at that time,in'refereace to' Messrs. Phillips.-'Byrnes and Robiaou. The Telegram dare not do 'it; and will not do it because that would not eait the pressataitaation. . Of course Brother Howard had. no. connection with the Telegram. at that tisoe, bat then and now the paper claim ed to be a "reform", paper. What does reform .mean? Has the good brother observed the oourae recently paraued by the arch raforaaer of Nebraaka, ex-Senator Allen?. For many yaara peat, vhile feathering. hia own aest in Nebraska, be held ap to public view the horrdra and craaltisa of greedy, grinding corporations, and 'now, lo and beheld, he abandona all hia past palaver and becomes' the hireling of that vaet railroad corporation known af the Bock Island system. Aad for what par pose? To beat aa honest, upright labor iag man-Michael O'Neil, a titisea of Columbua, out of what -he ia honestly entitled, to. Mr. O'Neil lost both feet while working for that corporation -as. brakoman, through' the negligence of the company in not properly, blocking the apace between two raila at a awitching pout. Mr. 0NeU seed for damages and now the "great refonaet" is Working hard aad fast : to deprive that aum from recov ering damages! Shame on all auch reformers! It' ia no wonder that many sen who formerly voted the wreformn ticket changed their votes nt the, last election. . As to the gentlemen criticised heretor fore, Shakespeare's lines may be very fittingly applied to their record aa'to third term: -O. CosefatMcy. thorn sit s 'J 1 The third term ia like Banquo'e -ghost 'in that "it will not down," and the "Im mortal Bard" seems to have had an eye oa Platte county politioa ia this year 1901, when be penned bin famoae lines. Obskbvkk. -'saaujaajnaswi For the JOUBSAL. BIBLK INCIDENT-DANIEL Hi. . BT A.H.O. , Thtfm bmb soiuvl, at the Use's consumi For their tskh in Ood, sad with la the faraaee east, 'aid the mrenfokt hast That coaaMed tha wda im iU Baauas abaat. Fear awnlooasia tha atidstof the Are WalUac aahanaed by its farrid ire. Aadatxraatkiacaabdaadaadawad. For tha f oaHb waa ia fana like the Boa of Ood. MCoata forth, ja aarraate of Ood. la the frishtaaad fctos'a appasliBs; cry. . lad the three aajae forth, aaeeathad their attiie. Oaly their boadacoaaaaMd by the are. SerraaUof Ood. boaad by pride, est etiU be tried. IaaalieUoB'a Aad they atiU with their faith aaacarrad. Their by the faraaee charred. Often the eoora aad diadaia we aaaet Test oar faith like the 1 Yatwa alwaya aad 'aaath the ehasteaiac rod. Oae at oar aide like tha bob of Ood. One of the bast records ia tha potato rajaing line for thia, bssbob was aaade by Aaderaoa Oieoa, who lives at 438 East Ninth. From three city Iota which, he had planted ia tabers Mr.CHeaon har vested a wop which brought him $170 in eurreat coia of the realm. Fremont Tribuae. . T A school without aiagiag ia like a day without the eua, aad the teacher who dose aot have the pupOa abig is missfag aot oaly a heipfal aid toward theeoatrolof the aohooLpbat iadepriv iagcaildraarof aa uaportaat aleaaaat of trainiag at a tiaaa wheii they are the swat susceptible to-its iafiaence.-Pror. Hewitt in BaU wood Oaaette. Thoa. Ottia aad daaghtar, Mrs. Cob doa,kA Tuesday for St. Paul, Mian, to ..Joe Korth uvtag five miles east of Liedaay aold hia at weak nnaaistiag of oae-half toFrehar k Prieaater ef Coatm- fliOOa Mr. Korth templateato ia the fatam-Hampkrey Leader. W. J.OBrisa, aaperiateadaat of the atate fah hatcheries, writes Car, Sehav laadtaeiaaapplyofbaaawillUaaaito Madtaoa Friday, October 18th for the arill pond. Ia the eoaraa of aaveral will be the order of factory at itafatti the pleat at ita fall a day. This year the at Greed Island will he shipped to Kor- felk to be bm 1 itaffiraal I tfaL I In aaamaia aad arast woaaaa ail- ta the digestion ia weak, tha mskiag af color, lash sad atreagth oat of food, o that tha pataeat ia weak and dyspeptic. This cob-' sStioa caa be oortaatsd by tsJoag a aoaraa of HSRBINE. Price 50 A-HaiatxaadPoUeckarCc, . ' Probably the largest local shipmeat ofitakmdmthewaatwaareceivadhare Wsia isdsy :aseraiag by. Was. BloadorB. It eoaaawed of tea thoaaaad poaads of oraehsd oyatar ahella. Taiabaeiaeas has growB from abipping oae'huadred at a tiaaa to the praaaat large. It is assd for chioksa food. Platte Geater SigaaL Joha Ramng, aoa of' Pater Bamag, Uving aear SBeraard, died last Mon day eveaiag'ot typhoid fever, after aa iUasaa of oaly a few days. Tnis 'is aa extraaaalyjBajd affair. The deceased waa 96 yaara of age; jaat in the prime of life, sad he waa a young maa'highly respect ad by all' hia acquaiatancea. He waa. a member of the Modern Woodmen- and Woodmen of the World of thia place. The funeral waa bald at the SU Bernard Cathelic chareh Wednesday afternoon, quite '4- Bamber attending, from. here. Hamphrey Democrat - 'Jtioob Sturmer, about fourteen yeara old, waa brought ia here 'Saturday from Dunoaa, along with -three other boya named Binder, Nowitaki apd Coloha, aged nine to "twelve 'years, the three tetter being taken' to the-hospital, the Bret earned placed with tha aheriff under the charge of' ahooting the others. ' It was thought at firat that 'one of. the injured boye might lose the-sight of one eye, but later it seems there will be no serious injury. A partial hearing waa had Monday before County Judge Robi aon, which waa adjourned to this' Tues day afternoon. Young Sturmer claims that on Friday he had been out hunting; had only two ahella, 'and had fired them, while hunting. Coming home, the boya called him names, and 'he snspped.the gun on tnemexpeoting to. frighten them didn't believe it waa loaded. .. The recent hard rains hate thor oughly aoaked up the ground to an unknown depth and assure "a crop for next year, for it was demonstrated thia year that the thorough soaking that the ground received last 'fall was whit made the crop this year .....Sheriff Patterson panned through here last Tuesday with John P. charge. The latter, waa arrested for 'perjury and, unless- he is able to'give the required bond, will be put in jail to awai$ trial. It appears that Nocnan, "after failing in a suit 'for I divorce' from hia wife in his own (Greeley) county, went before the Boone .county court and there swore that he. was a citizen of Boone county. It is hard to anderatand how a man in hia'right mind could be guilty of such a strange act but he did thia very thing and conse quently haa every serious trouble on hia hands. Cedar Rapids Outlook. ' D. H. Young of. Lincoln was in the city over Sunday, the guest of his friends the Jottbhai. editoce family, -He had been on a trip to Antelope' county, and had evidently enjoyed the ride across the country, behind his handsome little ponies. He is'jone of the old-fashioned, down-east gentlemen, and as full of remiaiBBBBflca of the anti-slavery times aad campaigns' aa an egg is of -meat Having been n business man of Maaa chaaette when Daniel Webster was there considered the greatest man that ever lived, he could tell us very interesting incidents in the home life of the great orator, ao that in imagination you could almost see the faaaoae statesman, aa he enjoyed himself on. hie farm at Mat-shield. Mr. Toung has a vivid recollection of the exciting times when authorities tried to enforce the fugitive-alave law in the cities of the east. He later, went aoath during the War of the Rebellion: aad afterwards, - ao that to hear him relate his experiences by the way, is much 'mora interesting than to 'read auch things oat of a book. Cs!ava(,(.ssvsv ' ierNl SeiitiaTir. :: tkmtm L Gluck waa in Omaha last.week.' Mrs. Bev. Butler of Monroe wat in town Monday. Will Schram" spent Snnday at home with relstives. Mrs, E. Pohl made a visit to Fremont 1 frisn'da Thursday. Mr. Braokley of Schuyler vhuted frieada in the city Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E..O. Brown of Hum phrey apent Sunday in the city.' ' Mm Bey Martyn of Humphrey came down Wednesday last for a visit. Mr. and. Mrs. Carl Johnson of Bell wood visited friends here test week. Miss Lore Becker went to Bell wood, yesterday morning to visit Mrs. Gould. Mm. AL Schram went' toTopeka, Kan., Moaday to. viait her sister a few weeks.' .Miae TJraoe Clark came down Friday from Pierce to apend a week's vacation. Mr. aad Mrs. Hanson of Fullerton are visitiag Mrs. Hanson's father, Mr. Miller. " J. E. North returned Friday evening tram a trip to Minnesota.' Heconaidera that a great country. . . Mrs. F. W. Herriok is expected home Saturday from bar summer visit -to bar. old home in New York. .. " Mm. Katharlae Fraas, mother of Mm. M. Bebraat, atarted Monday. forHlinoia, will vaatr for aome time. Caha Maddea 'retained .to her ia -Omaha Monday 'after several 1 viait. with her sister. Mrs. A. J. Smith. Mr. aad Mm. B. F. Chambers returned Satarday to Niobrara, after a two viait here with' their son, E. Bv Eva Sullivan of Harvard. lit. who has bene naitiag relatives here sev eral weeks, want to Albion Satarday to visitfrieeds. . Mas. J. H Sturgeoa weet to North Platte today (Tuesday), where she will visit her daughter, Mies Lydia. She will alao- That bl Gotbeaberg before Mam Aaaa Kinase retaraed Tharaday r Colambaa, Ohio, where she the past two moaths with aa oa accouat of sMwaaamaaaaVMBaBa I I. MSS mMHIMIM. I K taval IwffTw fsTVwwanaTfJajWf7aamjmBmja mm LAXB Or TUB llaTstal CsaatnsaWT af MC, Teacher of PlANOv V1CE CtlLTUBg, ' eeif,. akt or stmum. 1 JC Jsjs9aa wa 0aUa"g V4vsjSaaamwBm 4wsWJU WiaUr lemliaa; aa thf lam. Loaaf.eveaiaga are hare agaia aad aat urally one thiaka of a good faaaily agri oultaral weekly, becauee ita ragubir visits are welcomed by the whok).f aauly. . The Tweatieth Century Fanaar.ia oat of the rat ia which Boost agricultural papera travel.' This is tree particularly of theepleadid illastrationa-from paoto grapha taken by their own artists aad. special articles by the beat' known aad aioat practicaTaMn ia every breach of agriculture, each aa N.-J. Harria, aecre tary of .the Iowa Seed Cern.Breedera association; H. W:Campbell; the author ity oa edil-culture; 'Jaaaea.Atklneon of the Iowa experiment station at Amea, la.; Frank G. Carnenter,fsmona'for hie letteraof travel; C;R. Thomas, secretary American Hereford BreedeTsaaaocia tioa; B." O. -Jowan; assistant . secretary . American Shorthorn Breedera assoeav tioa;Dr. A. T. Patera, Nebraaka jsxpsrf- meat etatioa; E. F.Steohenr, pieaidaat Nebraska .Horticul thral aocietyt Wo-, man'a Department, condueted by Mrs.'- Nellie Hawks, Friend, Neb. J.J.Edgsr? ton of the Iowa Experinjent Station, arill answer, all questions relating., to 'live stock matters. ..". ,..- ' This is a weekly 'agricultural, family pSpfr, in whieh' the farmer'a wife is par ticularly interested on account -of the 'pages devoted to her particular intofests.- Ip fact,, there' ia bo .paper, publiahed either in the east or west ihat meets so. well the- wants of the "western; farmera and attek raisers.and .their families: ,. If you do.not get'it'een'd'10' cento fori ten weeks trial subscription to -The Twentieth Century Fsrmer,1896 Faraam etreef, Omaha, Nelx, and, you will have an .opportunity to.' become'-acquainted with it A dollar will bring itibr a' whole . " - .. ' A. year. . . '. r """ . . Xsal Ikate Traewfart.'- Becher, Hockenberger. k Chambers, real estate' agen.ta, report the followiag real estate transfers filed in the oaaoe'of the county clerk since our lsst report: W K Lay to EluM Stevenson,' .' " lots 5. and 6 bL8 Smith's add ' . . ' ' to Columbus, wd.; . . .-. Si .'. '. .-S.lfSOO 00. Sullivan k Reader to John' Stor- ;' -: -, itz, e2 ne4 4-19-le; wd. I ... . .;. .2880 00 Julius J Grives to-Fred FsngU "-.. gannt s2 nei, pf se nw" 24' ". 10-w, wd. ...... ... T. ....". .. 1080S 00 PE'McKiiiip to Henry Lem-'. - -. ' mer, pt lot 10 bl 7Lindaay,wd ' ." 25 00 -Hope Cemetery Asan to Hattle . ;' A Tabor; lot 158, Hope Ceme- '." tery'in ne4 284w, wd...... .. -. -10 00! Kotfeer Town Site Co to John - ' .' - Wagner, lot 17bl 8 Creston.wd '. 100 00 Union Pacific R RCbto J.'H Carjson, lot 2isec 19-l7-lw,wd ' 59 37 F B Eimers. to H F Brodfueh-"'- ". . rer, lot 6 bl 15, Becher Place -' - add to Columbua, 'wd. ..:... ' 550.00 John Ernst to George Iwan,'pt- se4ilC-2w,'wd....... ':.-..... -.' 40 00 George- E Stiles- to" Frank G . Hollen'back, lot 3 blc29-Ste--' vena add to Columbus; qcd.. . ' 1 00 Total ; .'.". ..-.....!. . .. . tlOKO 37 Cuiaf - . 'We 'deatre to express our thaaka to the friends who 'so kindly-'gave' their assistance during the sickness and after the death of our dear baby. 1... Ma. and Mas. WJ-W. Binxcav CTtelce Irssl Siertaeras. Eighteen bulk.-for sale.. I .want yoa to aee them, Whether Jroa wish to bay or dot.-- -It will do you 'good, to look at them. They-ajre for.aale at prices guar' aa low aa in .Iowa, atretail. tf '.'"' "C.K.DAVTBB.' You can 'bay blank farm leases st Thb JouBKAbofBce, good form; iwb for 5'oenta; fivefor-lOcenta-For Superintendent of .Schools, COLUMBUS MARKET9. Wheat, old' ........... -nAvr aev aw 55 Corn, sheUed-rV buahel'..'. ' JK0'. '' Oats, tt bushel . .. : .'vf.v. '. 32 . r Bye .y bushel, ". . . .-. ',43 . Hogs cwt.;.:..".....'..j5 60 5.80 Pat cat tie-Wcwt: .... .... 3 90 60 Potatoes-? bushel. '. '.:. . 90 1 00 Butter W -1. ..:. 1' ..-.. . ;. 15j . Eggs V dokeni ......"...". 15 Marketa corrected, every Tuesday af ternoon.' VJtPOrtT OF THB CPJlblTlOM. pr-TBB- Ciliilis Staff Bmk, Charter Mo. ., At Columbus, t'ft the State of- Nebraaka, .at the clone of bunne; -" ' ' September 30, mi: .' .-;- axsecacKB.' . . Iiaaa aad diaeoaata ".... ..-b12Lb71 77 OTerdrafU,'aeeared aad Baaecared... f.4M 21 atocha. accariUcc. jadsiaeata. claiaw, ' eataa i 9 aaa 94 BaaJdashoaaafarBitareaadaztares. eJBa VJUMt IBbU 6ICII6. mXMflBm m$ Cajrreat m nan aad. taxea paid ...-. ' S.4I4 8I CheetoaadotheroMhiteaw :..:. XmH DoefroaiNatioaai.iJtateaadPriTato TJ Baaks aad Baakera:.... '...-.'. ........ fcMuS.eV OaahCarreary -.......! XM90B uAgOaBa CasaSa a aSlp4 ay aw rJUnrdollara.. ..'-... t... ..,..: 48BS9. Fractional ailier...' ...-. SKOS . .- Total cash on hand .,.. M,13Se9 Total...., ............ .. .. .V&smm UABIUTUn. Capital atock paid"-ia...' .. SBLflSBM DsaaPaawM IHsbOo -eeaaaF amy UaMMAaJ nmSta - N Bat IS BBaaBbl JSaBTJU VIVBttB.,1 , t . Pb ladmdaal dapaaka aabject toeSek- .-.-.... - Fnaiasl caatiBcatee of de..' . WMjBBB BWWBj Aw Tfaeeertiacataa of deposit WtftW SS DwatoMatioaalBaaka..... 8NMt. . TJae to Htate aad Private ' .... av -I-.SVM a of 'the aboTcaaned of ray fcaowloi that taeaMer . M.BBCOOB8. rAtteat:1 Teaaaaa Obbbabd, Director. Oabbbxt Hcibt. Director. ' flsiiuMiil and ewera to before aw this tm Bsbbb sad naaxcra. Coaatyof bealcdo anlnaialTaaiai awat Ia.traetothe beat belief. day.of Ostohar. ISM. Fremont - Normal - School and Commercial Institute, CfJBSEB OF STUaT. 18 18818.:' - TaeacsMolftartWamaasa. Noeaamiaetieaeaeatry. Caa eater at any taa Teat, baake raated. la taia item we save oar rtadeata to pay ear tare; OFFICIALLY BEOQNIZEa. : ... OanisauaOtats niBIACI C01T18E. The heat and aaaat esmshtaie the wast; State s-aaaeh Ms thaa w other seheola. Stadeato-sBaV . ., eatire - or take ether work COHHEITCIAL COUBSE.- - " Thorough, Brajstieal aad up-to-date. ActaaT SHOBTaf ANB ANB tTFEWBlTlNfi. . "Na eehool I btera sqaal advantagaa: . A atx inoetae scboUrseip for . .. taaOO, aad if we havenot secured a nositioa, yoa caa stay oae sabatav loagar free of charge.'- -: '. ..:-":.'..- - -.- . -' II8K 01TBSE. .-.. -'-.. "-"...----.-. ' '''.Piaao,0aBB,Violja,a1aBdoli -- - mm- W. H. CLEMMONS, SEND FOR CATALOGUE: . . . .- PROBATE NOTICE. . la' the raaatt eoait ef. Platte caaate. NthraJaa. lalae aastteref thf aetata oCJbfca aawher. - iltPiaaiit. Netiea et Baal -aattleaMaC sac!. . To-the eraaXtoN. hetia. lam'tin aad athere taHfialiJ U the eataMeff Jeha Baaher. deeeaaad. Take aotiee that WilBaai Bartier harilad igthe roaaqreean a-iapottof utaa trator of the eatata of John 1 aad it iaotdend that .the aaaie ataadrfor iaceathelatdajrof katiihir.MSl.hafa epaK at tha hoar of t o'clock . whieh uaw aayainoa larwaaiea aaw awear aaa-ea- coot Maadcoataat tha thieaotieoie ordered siaaitB Taa CoLBSBea JoeaaAL forthraefnainattTewoika.arier to ttofatday.ef Witawai WitBeaa ma head aad tha aear off the coaari oajei neveawer. mm. raaad aad ilaaihaa Ufla roartat Colaahaa una nur oa of uatoaar.Met. f-ljSoatr T.D. Mtsoa.. CeaatyJadse. PROBATE NOnCE.' la the aaUtar of the eatata of JohaaaH.-.HeU- baaaldeefoaed. Motkotaeradkore. ' Metiee ia hereby atoaav that theTreditpre-of aid deaaaaad vuTTaelat tha edmteMier wttsj wiU aaaaxed of aaid aetata; haferr aav Coaatjf Jada of Platte coaatx. Kthtsasa. at jay osVe.ia Cbhuahaa. aaid eoaatr. oa the' Uth dayolr Netaathar. JBM; oafheAh dor of Fehraair.- MB, aad-oa the- IMh day of May.' uac.s z oeieea p. au. oi aaea aay. for tae oz pnaeanac uatr cMuaa tor mix BMasha.ara allowed ton the craditore to preeeat their cleiaai and aaa year far tha ietiater withviH aaaeaed to eel xraatfhelMh her. MBL, aad ttua m-THB Counaes aotiee ia Jouax otmaAi. far arior to the Uth IsaiL Moct4 PROBATE NOTICE, la U eoaaty coiitof Platta'coaaty. Winiaaks: Ia the BMtterof the estate of. if a Heary laa- 'si n. aeeiaaeit. . Notice of aaal aailannnast ' T.i the riinHtnra haUa. leaataaS lunaceatateor joaa jieary Take aotiee that H. I. it ia ordered that the for hearias 6a the Mth day of October. Bat, he fore the coatt at ihe hoar of 2 o'clock aw sl. at which tiaw aay peraoa iateraeted aMwappaar aad except to aad eoateet tha Mate. . Thia aotiee ie ordered ajwa) ia Tan Coufsaea JovmntAU for three eoaaecative wet he prior, to the BXh day of October. MBL WBaseeiay head aad the aaal of tU coart at Ctaaaiaae. thia aithday of ne IBM. ISBiU.1 T,p. ?ectJ" UToaatyJ . e. casin, raoraiBfoa or tsb. SaltMeate- flatrin iktifl Wfi in SeJttlL .BBBj BBBBBBBBBWgJ aBBBBBByaBBJ BBB BBBBBBBBJv BBBBBBJ BBB'WpajBWfBVWfajBBBB) - a . 1 -fBigkeet aaarket pricee': paid tec Hidea'aad Tallowl - 1 . . . . ' -.- ... . - -.. - .;...'.,- -.- '" - ttvlTEI:rT fT.,. ' I - - :. . : -. ""-. '-.- : COLUMBUS, - - NEBRAaOA D. BTiBBJ. OMka; Oli-e .Bt. ap-etaire la firat Hetieaal .- '" BBajkMd'a ... ."."' y-y - Coiearask. -MBaaAasa. : .--.- BwJblb ihitd Btmrm - " frqm,qm4ha;v.; .-,-'':-jhK7'?. TWENiyrDAt: TICKET . . . $33XK). V.:: - a T a a " TOURIST'S TICKET, KK)1 UNTHj .-qoT,-n; " -..- CLEVEIVAND aad RETURN. HEFT; . jwa ie.iaB, - . - .- - -'. . -. '.- .-- -.. GXX)D UNTIL OCT: 8th; '. : Write aad get fuU ialbrjsatioB. -. ..:. F.A.NASHVO.W.A; "'. 15 Faraam StO-aahi. h: w: howelx, t.-p. p. a. . WAKTiTJ-8TllUL reatJONH Of CMAM- llto lereoaa r wBK au-BBsaaie-aB tie aaid T.O.aVawBoa.: CaaatyJadaa. tjiaaaiBnma.eatataor joaa jiaary maBBaaeaa. rsssiaiiahaaBladie the eoaaty eoart a report of JUa rtniasa aa eaeea tor .of tha -aetata of -Jeha -Heary aaaaeaeia Wlfot Mwt Maialt CHEAP RATES ! - . . - uPBiyN.' ;::::'; IMlWALVLTEt v M' Ja aw m m ... Mmt v.;;. SiJaaL. - m -Ba3aatf BT aBSsBa.BF uaasaT - fW S?1 J? iwg Sfyffi I work. Noaahooloffefa reeoaauiad the aahooL Jalv 15.1901. good tor 2 years; 3 years aad life. - iacoaaeetiba without extra the aatireyt . ....- - Pfwtlain4 TTTyTF: TABLE, COLUMBUA NEB. Chicago; '-attei-i-' -:. BMlcUhCltyU' Peatiaasl. - Jai-;' aaal:- all TBAiaa sOabt. -. daU-axcrJaaday. ?:IVa. a; dally azcept - No. 21 vdaily except aaaday. 9HOpim Ne.H wuij aaaviw ;-o ............ ...,-.t. ,isv pai-' ---- TIME TABIE TJ,1P.:I. R, .-. -- .BArtaoeaBuMAinuBk. : Ho. 8.1 Cnlaaihaa LbctJ lV -.-- . sat .. Mo Me. Mo ' "? . Mau...;.. ...,-. ..-..:.-jl p, at: mSr' fJIfc.aayet-..-.:J-.-...2:l p.. a .- N::atgrSn. MeZVraiBht.. Me " yiniiiii-.....'....;-.. a:itp '.'. SiHr. ib m r" AALt- Im. .- ar-.Wp. at;.- aH-Jeeemh,-.. -. , yaasssCttyt; -. aaVawJa aaal air lKBjbtta'alaat'aaisV aVmta.,:. flB WBST aoCB MAIN IBB. ' '. . ..'.--. S.JP"----.-v--..-:...wn!a':Bi. - '.?: Mo: J. HteiaeKxpreaa .V. .-.... e p. an.'- S' K&g'as-ail....;......,.. iaa, ai: '-- '.. K---2'.5S5k,",e,,,.'-"-: .- an.aa. .-,- Ha..Wmd.......::..:x.-.:r.::. SrSaamil.-iV. , "r Momroikr BBAjKn:-.- - ;. : -. - - V ' 71; .Mixed- ,..:.:.,. ;:.. - .,-.:..- " - ' .- ". . - -. ; Arrit'e- ."-- - ' 2'S" gnaar...:. .....'.., .-.;-;rlaap. .:;:.- -. M0..72, Mixed' :,.:. :.:,,. .:.:..;... JSp-. m. .-.. '.-, .".. .aioM ABeasBAB-BAnBaaaAifen;- .''':'V'...;' fe5S5 - -. - "- - w .- . - - mBBBBJBBV,--! i W-l itf .. 2lU . MBC. r- -J o.'.".v.i Ml. ait. " ; - '4 aaa t " . " " ao. w. raaaaoar 1 --?... e-"r Buxaa. ,..-....j..'...i .-.., -. IMS p. at., 1-JloUaiaeoaAjlloa aadt'edar Kap..afaadl' Cnlaaihaa Local daily '-xcept aaday, .. "-'. ..( awjrBABvAsaat. ' Blicksiith ail III .--.-."' , . Efirjtliii ;iaiaii:' liiV Me.Trt7tftiMgfsran . C Wirwbs BBaee f rigrK ;:iet'4grrs)riB:- :V?x-;;V :S"-""J i ? J'W-"-Wigiv3iii am ageat for the eW reliable,-... Colambaa ..Baggy Cc-wpaay, of Colai: V' dw, vuo, waieauT a SBBBejeac guaraa-f :. tee of stiyirBtcU-e goods:-:;; 1- ''' LCMJI5 SCHftEIBErt -ja-octtf. . v- :V i . - -'- !-" B 8T SKVI,; : npi. jraWVBaraiaVi'Xa. :s adTOlT-8.v:.-i?-I EST T-IACM-, -' -- ESTKOUTE "V, 5 ..-'-.-.-. :--X JO - "TayeTssTf wawsrs9wa AsBaSaBkBaafBBBB WmmwwkwmmWkm9 evaWJ a AN rwia. Entsi CMat, I " .' ' "' " via iblE f ChlCe .LMww- .deati'aed.fQr-' it cities east of the iri -River ehoakf pat-.' reniaethmrputei-..-:. - .-' ." "- '.-.' --.'- " -. TW through tralaa are Sal-' idly VeatibaJed, elegeeUy .eewiaaed with Doable lwfaRoom.Md.PBiaee a la Carte; 'Free Raahauag Chair Cars. "- :"-- -Fortieheta - call ob :. 1 full iafonaatioa tf' WbL'Jbbtbjm. Agaat,-""" ATTOatKEYS AT LAW, aVaeaB kVarlr . i I.BVerfBBe aBBBBmeawyssBBTSsBTaW A r- .. r- .--. -. ,-;- -. -J . . -. .- L-. . .- . - t - - .- ? - ". i 1 ... t " . -'o - .-': " "- 'Pscterpatit 'v.. - -.'TOs . MiLbtfSssmdii rfB. ,-- ZJL-.iLJ'!i';':'' jL&JtLf."-. SSki. C-J.V -L X -" -Vr -J.r