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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1901)
"Q? "- V-s . ..- -. " "v. .". "-, - -x "" V--" --"! j-vj -q gt-,.-.f. p.-. !'-.'""' 3tWSt8 t" I . "jH. V, I..- "- - - . . . -..:. &' .- .- . .-.. r. . . - --V--- ".- u,iJV.;. . tyZ' . . - . . ST au - - n --3. -v -Xrf: - -rv v - w -. ss-f-- T ' - .X. .. -a . i- .- : -. . :.?s i-.. A. ? . VOJUUM3E XXXILr-NtfMBE8;28. COtUMBTTSi NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY: OCTOBER 1. 1901." WHOkE NUMBER 1,640. ? ---' - . " . . - 'f ' ' ' ''. . . ... . ' .-. . aaV bbsI saBaLs aasass. Y . . . . ... . "teaat . r: : ll. 1 ? 4- ' I i W. it. h i-j.. few- k jge ys . SOLD m CELi OFF (Daututiifple ikrtB tkat Waakiigtoi V i -; ; AiWTiiki to JMriit v ' ' K MS ;-f t -lR-V MUSS STONE raJDaMrla"CJtoM rTMltfrhate la - Waltia Wly TM ?imm' t Si Kmtm Orer. at Oae-r-AraiiaMat fWtMTnMftr. .--V:. .. ' CdNSTAJfINOpi.E,-:.: Oct.: 31. In itJmpHatace.wIth'a request fronj Wash--. . .'Igton; ".the 'search. Jiy'Pttiomaii troops - V"Xor Ifcia. abductors 'of Hiss -Stone, .'the .t - i -. . -. -: - Ameriota missionary,- has been' aban .doned,":it -ing'lieared'tnjit-.tlie.brlgv - .-Wnds. Vould. .kill her. Bhquld. they; be closely pursped. ' Aranseaents-. are '- ifowVfceine raade- to' bay the' ransom . demanded; ... ::-.' " . i -.TM)STON.'Oct,-.32.'-T;The "ihfeunder-. ' ciandin'a;;existing.'.inl various jarts.of' "''the 7cq!lry, ".indicated especially -in pryate-advices- received "."here.- as 'to -'Use".prwre8s'b"f'the8j"unfl to" 'ransome' .Miss .'Stone, .: lajIonary,-iir con- ' i sldered. t6-bfc 'sufflcieat reason for the' j ". issuance, 'of -another; appeal for -funds -- .-"by. .'the clergymen-wbo .signed" the. " .first one. The 'idea is'-: to impress - i - -. ..- - - - r .upon- the-'people-.'of America.-the "dap-- i:.'-:8er .which "stnt threatens Miss 'Btone :;" The second 'appeal follows: -."" . -'BOSTOS, Oct ll.-To the. People: ...J.Of ABjerkJa; .The .promptings -of -our-;'. .hearts 'compel us to issue a Wcejid-nr-' "-- gent; appeal to-th.e people. -of-America " r tivome" to" -the "rescue of Miss 'J211en '' : .- M. 'Stone,- the American." missionary ': owheld'-ca' by brigand's'. in the'. :-' Balkan-, mountains'' liftea.'. ransom"-' df . ". ". "l.ia.ob,- NWrlybpe'-milf that sum. W : . -;yef to" be faised" Pr vate'advicea wre """" yestefilay "Jo the effect ' that-' it- wai ;-".' : absolutely necessary ;to raise' tne. fulT -.- '-amount at pnceO-The -story of a. thirty -' , days. -respite iff: absolutely 'discredited 'in tie", best informed localities'.. -".-: "-- , ."The" public 'should, not be deceived -.. the. idea that the -American -board,. . -. as ", wilj pay. any'.of the" -ransom. -'." it Bas! offlcfally .declared that it-xoujd .'. -."-Vabt," although ite 'member-have "-unari-. ' :iB)dusly cxpresRsed sympathjt .with the - movement. Will Ji.ot pastors, tender--- -.. hearted -.women,, 'patriotic.- men. ..and . ' "" representatives of commercial and fi- '. ".--napclai activity every wh.ere, will .noil ': every jane aid giving' and;ollciting . ;:."-until the entire fund is in. hand "A "..-.-life"isat skeV'the.lie of a-'Chrto, .-:" tian, a. missionary, -a piltrio "and .atpof -.' We American.. ".". ;"". "-"-.'" -." -r". "Alli-contributioBs'-shdul'd -be sent'di' " i-lrct to Kidder, Peabody.fc Co.,. 115 ' -.uevonsnire-sireet oston,-or raring. ' ."Jkfngoup Co.. .15 Wall .'street, "JJew: . . York.-. All money contributed will-be . -,'; the. donors in case its use .-" "Is" -not" necesssary or. "jnthe- -event'.-of t- ' " its being;; hereafter returned. "byV:.or, -'through thje --Unljted. "States, goyern c: went.'.---"." -" :'"-..- ""c'l "''.---2 '-'.V ' '-.JjpHN:i4WITHROW,v " .yTarktilCongregatipaal Churck. . ., :" jV''''fRaR-''iaHfl3-"".. : : .'.-. - ".Tremont' Tttnple. Baptist Church. . V v .. :" . ' ... tpHN-ffABHAITHi..' "" . .. -"i ;'Brpmfi6ia. -Street '.Methodist Chajrch." :-'..' tONBbN,.dct.-12.-fter detailing; '; --"the history of- the' aiiducUonof M.isa' '. "' "Ston.4 the'.Sptatqr. Teniarks:" .. :" - . ... "President . Uoosevelt "and- tbeWashr. .' ';. Ingtpir-.. cabtnej maintain-justly ' that. jbisgQvernmoqt whicb . proyok-es '&nd -'. protects 'briRiiridaKe, and "tliey.- intend : lo acmna rcparauon jraiH-uie-Rpn -;- "ItJ-.wilIr.fiCt:be,.Iimtted; rrejmagine, to J ."." --"25,000:". -The portc-'will be" required " -"to- punish" thonnthpre ithe outrage;' . .: "jiml as'TurkeV is'-sure -to '.shuffle' and '. Amevifa-fs "tired "of being-playe'd whh",' .. a"r naval-. il'cmonstratlbnJs'-quite "on the '- - e- cards? '. The sultan' wiir.of- "course, yield " . "- 'to 'the. -first '"show "of -force." .-'-. ... . -.-.-;' :.--Cjial:at potter te Die.,.'.. ., '!! '" -- - MrDDLEBURG;" ."Cape" Colony,' Oct'- -. - ' .. ' - --..-'-- -." -i -. : - - ; . J 2. .Seiitepce of- death has been" pasS- .ed-cii" Commandant "Loiter; ihe "Cape. ."". .rebel, whose 'command..1 composed" "al- :". -".mosi-: wholly--of rebe'is,;-wki cAptUted" - .-. Ib'y.-'-JkiMJer.S'cdbeV," south of "Petersburg- "earrv las'tmea'th.r-liord.Kifcheher-tias' '.. confirmed the sentence: .-.- ...-. . . ""- "Five of Lotte) Vcomrades have been. sentenced to'Hh penitentiary for' life; o'neV.yquth.-.his been se.riten.qed. to" . - twejaty' strokes with., the..rod,..foiromr ' .' -ed' by imprisoiraeat. UB'tll..the' close of. the war. i-AareeaMe aa CaaaL : ' . 7WASHINGT0JJJ, .Oct'.'; 12 Sinatbr. - MajsoV: of. Illinois,- wb."o" -reeums to- his .home today.". called to assure -jPresl-. . "..det Roosevelt! that-the- re'port-.Uiat '" hej intended -tcj-fight" the.' new- canal. . -. trejrty'-l was'" entirely erroneous.-.: - '. - ' x- :KeJea-f'r 8aw faaeraiu- " .." .- SALT. LAKE CITY, " Oct ; K'Ar-V . rangements for. the, funeral" "of Lo .- reriro" -Sn"ow-.of the "'Mormon .. church.' - whp'aied "in tils cityr were-perfedtea"- " . . . - at ja'' meeting -of the 'chnrtfc authori ties -todaV--. 'The funeral win'-ta"Ki ;-plce- Srinday."'.-SpeclaT rates, on alL '"'.roads will be-made aad. maay. iho'u-; sads-. of vlsitqrs fare expected from. points in Utah '. and' sarrbuBdiag. . stites.' The" .odjr. win lie. la stat") at the Bee Hive -house "Sunday 7' ' .- Cetek'imtea CanUOwMUff. ' . HELENA. Mont, Oct 12. The state arid Sand -'grant - commission, wbjch was .created, by the- legislature with power, to reclaiia huids 'donated-, to. the state by the general go'v'ernmeat. un der, the Carr act,' celebrated the opea fag oif. the great canal system ia'.dis trict No. 4, which comprises 'SS.M0 acres of land 1b the Dearborn valley", -Lewis amd Clark counties. - The state fijiiiei to sell this land in-tracts of lft sens' to actual settlers.. - MEMASKA WOMAN'S C4UIS. StateJ 4n"(toa Mm ' Pnpia jt Pa, . masal Iatcnt. '. . .WAYI,iNeb.,".Oct, 14:-fThe lpro-. grah pjeseptedat the .-meeting of the State federation -Dfi Woman's ciu'bt I was of .unusual -interest The. .address' of State -Superintendent W. K. FowlVr l on "Women at the School Meeting and in-jtbe School Room", lias aroused more, interest than .any talk yet -given at the convention-.- .".'". . . ' . ' . . .; 'Reports .-wre received! from forty-one'.clUbs.'Mrs.-H:.-H. Heller of Omaha made a plea'-furMhe'-assistance-of the- - .- - . federation in the establishment of kindergartens for the colored- children of the"sou'th.Tiie delegation .promised' tb fn'tcrest" '(heir "-club's -In the. project and''if..pos8ibie-tb provide for the training of : a -young colored, woman for 'the wok.". The daughter of Rev. WiUiaaa. Vah'derzee- -of .X.ihcom ;wiil- chosen if th6 monejr.can: " be raised. . . '."- Mrs; -P." -M.'.Hall gave an excellent: art. .program. She' w'as -assisted. by Mrs. Biishnell' of Lincoln and -Mrk. .Heller- bf Omaha. Several women also spoke o'f ceramics. . An amendment was' carried which constitutes the presidents, of all the. clubs, as- a..'ndminating committee. . 'ATter.- prolonged ,-discussion '.- .'the .amendment tb. increase the annual dues; was .carried", but will not' take .effecf'-until' next .year. " - The reception -at the home -of Mrs. 'J. -T.'.;Bressler, president of. the Wayne '.Cflty 3'federatlon, was unusually "-brll-. hl The; .rooms were exquisitely decorate with- roses and ferns.. Mrs. Ella'Pcattie of Chicago and Miss Ev ans 'assisted Mrs. Bressler, the state "pfflcers and the president of the Wayne jriraba-ln receiving; - . .- . State 'Deputy Veierlaariaat. LINCOLN; Oct U.-in ' accordaace With an' act .passed by the last legisla ture. Governor- Savage appointed, fif-r .teen' deputy veterinary surgeon's, who are to-be. subject" to call, at all times for "service nn'der direction "of Chief Surgeon'Tbomas. ,Ed'ch deputyCwill be paid' '$5 and actual expenses for each .day's service. -The deputies appointed by the governor are:. J. S. Anderson Seward;' M: T. Bernard, Schuyler; A. Bostroni" Minden; M."V. Byers, Os ceola; .Fred Evans; --Grand Island; M. D. Hammond. Wayne; H. Johnson, .Weeping-Water; C. P. Leslie, Wahoo; C. A. McKira.JNorfollj; G. Robertson, Beatrice;' V. Schaefer, -Tekaham; J. D. Sprague, David City;- Mt H. Tay-r lor,-York; G..Tt.; Young, Omaha; D. R. Colby, Beatrice. ' .- . : Db'petal af iMaraaee Fees. ' LINCOLN, Oct' 14. Auditor Charles Wtrtqn and the Providence Washing ton Insurance company- of. Rhode Island have joined" issues in a peti tion' in district .court, in which they ask for guidance in settling' the prob lem 'of the disposition of the I9.0QO -license -fees of insurance companies, turned into the office -by former Audi tor -Eugene Moore. This money was all that Moore returned of the ' $32, .J16.7a be-'collected. from-'tne Insurance companies during 1895.' and 1896. Auditor Weston would prifer to pro rate this .amount among the. various" companies, but the. Providence com .pany" .strenuously objects 'ta the plan. ... .itfate Palryatea-to Meet -, LINCOLN, Oct 14. The State Dairy men"8t association will meet in Lin, -coin, 'January 22 .'to '24. Sessions will be held -in one -of the-lecture, rooms of. the State, university and exhibits will be InT'-'tfie' Soldiers'' -Memorial hall. Ainng the .officers 'of the association who held .a -preliminary meeting .in -this iity were:- .President Rustin,.Mr. Clark of "Ravenna," MrJ Rector of Crete Mr..--Ha8keU". of Lincoln, J. K.Honeyr welf-""pf Lmcon," and Food. Commls sipnpr S.. X?.-Bassett " '. " . OSI'cUirMewe'of Arardir.. .-Lincoln; Oct w'-r-ThV following telegram- T?as received by; Governor Savage -from ."E. L. Vance', Nebraska' commissioner at the. Pan-Americaji ex- pqeitiori: ' ". - - ".-.- "". ... - 'Exposition -officials have" awarded Nebraska- gold'edai-for collective .eT hibit' of 'agrlculture'and-' silver, medal for cqilectlve" exhibit of. cereals "- - :". Cel at Ceeper. ; ;. COOPER, Oct. ' 12.-Coal has: beeh lp very", paying '-quafltitles . "one-half" mile e'ast" of this jlacp.'Two..veihs,.6ne' seven -feet "'from- tne-suriace; .Is two and'.OBe-half feet. thick; -the secot)d is".. ITQ feet deep- and five feet ihick,.'eaplr having' a: good Vocf '-over. 'it -and water to contend -with. ".-;. .- Iaaaae FroaVrear. ."--' :" HARRlSdN, Jfebl. OcC 14,?-An ln- .sane-mas. who; gives his'-name as Joe' Kramer, was -b'rougbt .Qp.'.tp- this place. by. F P.-Lelthblt, who" lives. ten" miles - . . east .. of ' here.. Kramer -prays almost ' Incessantly, for . 'deliverance ' from imaglQary'.detectlTes.. Years, ago 'his' father's, bouse -was burned in. .Germany and Kramer' arid. bis-brother 'w.ere ac cased, of .setting the fire, but. both -protested their Innocence. Kramer think? the. authorities are after .'him. . OM Ceaiaaay Aailgaa. O&D, Neb., Oct U.f-Tbe Frank Maliory company of this city -made so l assignment of their general merchan dise- stock in favor "of creditors. - The. valHe-of .the stock is about tea thou saad ' doiurs'-'and .'the. liabilities' six thousand. The largest' creditor is the' Ftrst National' bank of this city, bar ing m. claim for ten thousand doUahu A chattel'mokgage has bees gives to aufcHiw "tfc claim of. thn INn .M. itiosaL .V WAR OFFICE DEFENDS " - .:. -.'..-.." --.: 8ecretarj Broddrick Answen Ontjcitm oi :. iti Alleged Apatkj. ' ; lUTCIENtt 1VEN AU IE ASKS A. 8tatBeat of the liaatMr. of Maa to - ta fiM aad -Othcra AallaMAikf ' ".. ' " " agtead- .to Cease IU. TntUmg '" ceralag taVSitaatlaa. : LONDON, Oct ii. Theiecretary of war,. Mh' Broderick, -replying to' Sli Charles .Howard Vjncerirs-s;offe-' tc 'raise, fresh' troops ox .do anything else "to-assist' the government, declines the proposal- and in:.doing so- lengthily re views 'the -British." position In'-.South Africa, obviously"-in '"answer to-"the persistent, and -searching .criticisms of 'the ministerial, journals and.-members of parliament that the government' -S..I 'languidly cpntent to let tbe-war-drag ion.? Mr.'-Broderick says, to hegtn'with; that nothing -Lord 'Kitchener -has afik ed -for' has "hot been promptly met- He .aijds ': '. -.' . --. ... ".--. .. . "We have, roughly, ;,200,000 .and 450 -guns in"S6utii 'Africa, aitd over 100,000. -mfeh' are-, under training . at home. 'We have -no difficulty, therer fore, in" keeping tb field fairly -up. to its. requisite strength by", draft&v. and' if a further" 'call be made we ' are' in. a. position to, meet it with the .-utmost-promptitude. Notwithstanding, this, there seems to be an" impression' abroad that the -close of the war is retarded by a scarcity of troops, or the; '.want of mobility, of our columns."' This impression .Mr., Broderick. com bats 'by reciting what the war offioe is -doing, providing supplies' fo-314.-000 persons; directly or-.lndlrectly cbn nected. with the war, in.jreedlng 248, 000- horses and mules- and' maintaining: fbur. months' reserves of food for men and animals. 'Sixty-nine-.. mobile col umns, perfectly equipped, are- now-" is the field and. 10,000 remounts are being landed, monthly,- besides those .cap.. tured.: "-.'"'' - Mr. "Broderick' says the anxiety can be set to rest at 'home. The govern-,, ment -has' never interfered -with; Lord Kitchener, In whose, vigorous -prosecution "of the war it has entire, confidence-. He points again to the vast extent of the country. ' . ' Alluding to Lord's send ing back poorly trained yeomanry; Mr. Broderick replies, that they would, have been trained earlier' but 'for .the opinion of military' advisers, in South. Africa and at home, np to liovemher, . 1900, that no fresh -troops, were needed. "When Lord Kitchener .asked-"- for 5,000 more,"' says the ,waV 'secretary," "the government sent out tc. him: 61,-. 000 fresh troops during the ''first "six- months of 1901, besides arms for .20, 000" local levies." - '. The chancellor of the " exchequer, Sir- Michael Hicks-Beach, speaking at Oldham', said he believed parliament would be summoned earlier than usual, but would not be called to at tend, the autumn session, contending that organized resistance- in South Africa really ended a; year ago and that only guerrillas are .now in -the field. " He- said the '.British govern ment of. the-Orange River Colony had .raised nearly as Tnuc'h...revenue as was raised, before the. war". -;-.-.." HEILBRON, "Orange ."River Colony. Oct 7. Thirteen of -Kitchener's scouts- have been captured' a Boer ambush; Mast Have Sesalar-Dipleaia. . DENVER, -Oct. 11. The "state bbar .of medical examiners today began a crusade against; all whO'practice."medi--cine Without "regular .diplomas.. .Sil warrants were issued by .the 'district court, three for -osteopaths; two for regular practitioners, 'who are alleged". to have failed to' comply with. the law,-J and" one for" a ma-gnetic healer. -Sim .ilaf action is 'said "to have been'.tiiken at -Colorado Springs. Du.rang'a- .and' '..other-towns" In .the state. - ' . -jtobceTel't Kimra 'OSJtera . . ' Washington, oct-:ii.-The. presr- -dent made, the 'following . appoint- : merits':" Justice-:-Euge'n'e"""R... Heri-, dficks,' .United Stales., marshal, .terri- . tory "Hawaii: -WarVSecorid liedtenants-1 of. cavalry,. Walter Hj- Neill,-. George. R:- . Spmerville; ' second " lieutenant " qI "in.J fantryVernon-W.- Bpller; .Samuel T, Mackalla: "' - ". ' .Ktecf ICew'af Mlai.gteae. . '.LONDON. Oct. ItT-The-' Cpnstanti-"nopte-to'rxespondent.ot'the Tiriies, wltK jng yesterday'. (Thursday).-.saysj. ""The .United States-legation here confidently" expects tb' receive hews of MisB .Stoiie today. . ' " . "".." ..". ';"" . sGiTe Veaesafela a Seafe-... " 'WASHINGTON.. .Oct lll-pn'-the' 30"th -of: "September the--navjr depart- merit issued an itinerary for the battle' -fhip" Indiana.- -Jt "was to. take a, hum .ber..of Jands'mes -'aboard on a training cruise through the .West -Indies; -..The 'publication wasmisinterpretedt.a's.Jn-. dlcating -a', demonstration on 'the "coast f of-Venezuela. Indiana .was' to' approach dp nearer that country. than; Port. of Spain, hut -no movements will be re ported. . .:.. "" ' S-aaHaex Ataear 1MUM. . 'WASHINGTON,. Oct. lV--The In dian bureau officials. estimate "tha't the number .of cases, of smallpox on.-th reserva'tens throuEhout the west if between 100 and 150. About -ten deaths have bees reported, during the I last week. There are 'eighty. -cases at the Bad 'Rl'vr' reservation In Wfs- l consln. but no deaths save yet -oc-"cvirred. Other, .reservations where, smallpox is prevalent Include Leach' Lake, Mllle Lac and Fosd 'du-'Lsc: . ONUS rot NttlASKA. CtAt Three Saaaaers. eaaty Keward far Ptoeerery: "LWCOLN, . Neb.,- Oct 12. Three Saunders county farmers, Jehs Joseph, '-John Fafronek and Nels GibsoB, have applied 'to Qovernor Savage for the Btandlng reward offered -.for. the 'dis covery 'o'f coal in . paying- quantities Vithinvthe -state. .They . presest .a lengthy affidavit in which they. assert that xn October 3 they found a.veln of. coal pver four feet in" thickness at a- depth of-235 feet aid that on the'fol-' lowing day'th'ey found the second vein, 'measuring six feet in thickness sad at a depth, of 245 '.feet Both veins .are lo cated in Jhe northwest' quarter, of 'the northeast .quarter of. section 9, is township 13,- north range 7,. in Sauad-. era" county. .-"The farmers isslst -that th'ey are the first to" diacoTer-oosl .in Nebraska.' and therefpre are-eBtitled to the full- reward .offered., by -the -.'state. They Insist tiat' the", coal " bfKOOd quality- and -'the-.veins of suafclesi thickness- and "near enough the sur-- face to be" prpfltably worked.- "' the Jaw providing ,fbr. the "award isays that-when-it made, ap- parent 'to the governor that a -.vein of coal' -not. less -.than- twenty-six ihches- in ueptn ana- or suractent capacity to pay. to -mine. and 'within paying dis tance of the surface has ,been 'disoov . - - - .- .... ered it, shall be the: duty; of the gover nor to .appoint a.Bnitable,person to" .'ex amine the same, whose'duty..ltshaH'be' 'to. report. 'the probable extent and ca-: paclty of: the vein. If ' the: report-is satisfactory to the .governor lie shall J direct v the' auditor "to draw- an' order on the treasurer for 84,000, :tb. be piald to' the"' owner-Of the" jalne-of-coat A. reward of $2,000 is offered for the dis covery of iron ore. -."..' " KUKQUENr.Ont TKM WES Departaieat CeatautaderVTS-ee that 0.A' r - ' B. Fastr Pay, Da. . .. -. . XINOOLN. Neb:, '- 'Oct .'12.-lne.rai orders No. ' 7 rere '-Issued' by ". R. " S." Wilcox, department commander, of Ne b'raska, Grand Army of .the. Republic. A short review, of the' national eo campment was given, together with a few' words- regarding- the .showing which was made1 by Nebraska. ' Con cerning the dute "of different veterans. the- followihg -sfateriieht" was made: "At the date of forwarding' the June consolidated report' of. "the A."-" A. . On; to national headquarters, this-.departs ment; paid "for per- capita tax on.i-,500 comrades who belonged' .to posts 'that had failed to make- their .report or' pair dues. to these headquarters. This was 'done -to keep'pp our. standing -at the; pfext:Jiatioriar encampment, as ouf tep- resentJatioa'-'iB based upon. tur June' t-' port and believing those posts that: were delinquent would 'certainly "send, in their report, soon; but at" this date;, notwithstanding special 1 -notices have. been sent but, the following posts are. delinquent.: .,.. .". " !.. "Nos, 17. 26. 30; ?3t-..41, 63 58, 65,. 121, 122, 124l?5. 127 146, '158; 182,.2eS, '215, -220,-223. 233, 2391244,, 247- 258i'26."261 '266. 272. 283, 287, 292, 311, 315; 321, 327. 328, 336, 344, 346 and 349", . . V y. ' . "The commandertrusts that the. sim ple .mentiob of "thew, -posts will be' the means of spurring-up -the; officer' and that -the department, may 'receive "re-" 'ports .'from, them before many' days. We need y6u," comrades, nd y,ou need us'.--: We do not' desire .to 'drop you,-but 'unless.- the reports -are, in' before January!-:!', under ouf 'ruleV-and regain tions, such . action- will have-1? - be taken . . . ...'..-. -' ' ' Great Aapea .Wraaael Dn ". '; -. Salt lake ,;iTY; .utahi -Oet ' n.- The great Aspen .tunnel 6n"the-.Leroy-Bea'r- River 'cutoff on. the .Union- PaV cific- -road 'has..- been completed, and train's -are' .rupriing. over - the " new route"'- The -cutoff 'and tunel shorten .the line nearly ten miles-'and .reduce the, grade .bver' that portion- ..of the. road 'from seventy .;to-fbrty:three feet to. the mile. . The 'tunnel-has been-'two. years .in coarse' of -construction; and has --cost! -a large, .sum, .'."-. " -. , Arthar Vaa.Karaa.iii Sea tea'eed.. - SALT "LAKE CITY. tah. Oct". 12..T Arthur. '.J.'-'.Van Kuran,V- formerly of Omaha was'-,sentenced-'by" Judge' Stew art to. serve two and a lialf.'yjesrs in the -state' prison on a.; cjonvfetion last week-of-em b'errling-88,000 i.'froin .-the Oregon Short. LInb .Railroad company while 'serving as -its; local treasurer.' ' . Laa4 Frlea IacMaatag la FaUu.; '. ' 'OSCEOLA. -cNeb.. Oet li--JGouhty Treasurer' Keene.-. Iiiidden.'. bought a quarter section of land' 'for -84,600 'a. short titrie" ago. He has just' sold the tract for" 6,0O..'" .:" .'V ; -. Ka Fear a'ff Ilvaehltwi ;.. NELSOisf. Neb.,.-- Oct ...-l-neputy snenrr jTanK reit .or- superior Jen jor Denver, armed with -a requisition' for the return .of ' Thomas -Arrowsmlth,' who is'wsrite'd-here'-for' assatilt alleged to" have been 'committed about "a" year 'ago .upon the. 16-year-old daughter -of Cass Wells-' of Mount Clare. '.? '. . ..The report to the effect that :a mob Is' awaiting Arrowsm)th's ' absolutely-, false' .and .wlthost ssj foundation.' .'.'' . ..- . ' . FaHle. Waat Mere ijiaS. SILVER CREEK. Neb.,-Oct 12. A special agent of' the'' Usio Pacific stopped here .and. visited, sil of the lando-wners-' "next to the. :-comsaay'rf right-of-wmy and. asTKed' them to slgs leases for .land .that extends beyosd - tne compssy'sfesces. -ft asMsxts' to thirty-six acres tothe stile. This land has bees deed by 'adfoiairig lasd-ows-ers for. years. A good, suuiy of. them are refssisg to sigs fahass ssd intend to ofpose the comsssy's esTorts. 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 n u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 if . 1SVF TFrFiltaVlltC V . BTVUU ius.wnvvaji M I j I I t 1 1 I 1 I I 111 I I 1 ill t-lT - Te duke of Orleans and a number of. pplkcai' friends have ' arrived si Oarlsrhue. where'" Oiey': will riaiaia s few days is conference. klght tiun'dred -employes at ths.Plms "Brook .shaft of the Ontario Coal'-eoW. psay'.' Scrantos, Pa.,' struck against; working with other men who had So worTrina- cards. ' " .- 1 WflllaM WMnVf lilnp .hits- e4vM 10,000. to the' -for. erecting'. U sew premises of the National 'Society fbr.the Preyentlori of "Cruelty to Chllr dren at. London, England. -'.-" .. The "directors of the United. States "Steel.. Corporation .have declared, the 'regular-quarterly 'dlyldehils.of 1 per. -cest os-.ths preferred stock and 1 per cest os the common.stodt ' ... .Orders will be -Issued by Lieutenant .Ceseral Miles' to provide for the addl tI6n.ot;tohcoVnpanIes of qbast srtll- Jery.. The -material 'for- these com paniea'has already been secured. John W. .English' who manufactured-' "the first triTeling tnipk.i'n'' Racine; Wis., Is dead at Mt Carroll,; Iowa.' Mr. .Esglish. was 90.yeartidand'flgund prosilnently in the early history ' of tocini.-. ;.' ;"- ' : - .. '.''Mrs Josephine .-Flanagan, an. aged musician of N6rwalk Ohio,, and moth sr of -teacrier 'of ! President' -Roosevelt's "children; ;iras instantly killed, byaneagine St the Lake Shore, crossing; . " "?'. . . ' -Former Senator "William F. Vilas of Madison' Wis., and "Joseph B.. Dale' of -Now 'York. city, were elected .to. fill vacancies 'in the TtKMrd of directors at ithe Wfsconsln .Central ''meeting " in Milwaukee. ; ' LordParincefote;. the British ambas sador. to Washington, will .'sail -from. England on the 26th Inst. on"-, the American line.. steamship' St. rLouIs. lie Ui reach "Washington" abat the flirst'-of November. .; ' -. . : . John Woodward, assistant superia- terident of'the Metropolitan -Insurance -" " .t" iL v "j m at" company, :wlth-"headquarters"at'. Lin coln,- Neb., committed suicide at Omaha.' -Woodward is. well -known ssiosg .insurance men. Walter O. Davldge,-for 'fiftr years a sractitioner-At the local bar at .Wash ington,, founder of the District of Col nmbia Bar'atisoclatiori, and one of'the' best .known. men in the-national, cap ital, died, aged 78 years.. '..'' . Highwaymen held up -and robbed a. party of tourists on "their" .way to:.Lake Herman; South, .Dakota. SA 'pitched .battle was waged, but- .the tourists, were overpowered and. robbed. of $500 In cash,"' waitches-'and 'jewelry'.' ' o Don Joaquin Wilker Martines, Chll .ean' minister .to. the United States, sail ed for' New York with. his fairilly from. Colon en route for the City 'of Mexico to attend the Pan-American corigress, at which he "will, represent Chile J" - .e-war .department has' just '.made '.pubiie .the revised "''customs tariff of . the-. Philippine." archipelago" as" enact ed September .17:. by the Pbiiippine. commission. It -takes effect November 15.- The new tariff' was drafted for ihe punoee.; of vproduclng $l,000,00f-. fey eiiue. "- !'.... ' ..- : ' ;,: The "residence of -Clans SpreckliS' in-' San Franclsco.was.entered by'burglara a .few- days .-ago. jhey, forced a -rear; ' window hlie the family .was. at din ner; went "nip atalrt "and 'tole jewelry, amounting In-" value to fully"- .$5.00K: Not-, rintil" late- "at. nigb't.was the loss- : discovered. . .- . :-. o The -committee appointed "by the.. Central .Traffic, association, th8-West- . ".. . e. - efn ..Passenger association and. -the. .Trunk -Liner association, . one, year .sgoi has- unanimously -reported-: .'tiia't ' "all passes -should be-'abolished',-even "the courtesy. 'passes of. one president of ;a .road to another. ... -. Firs destroyed. the McMahon Crack-er-'and: Biscuit company's:' factory .at 65f" Green streett,. Chicago,: causing . a loss otjiSQSMS" '." . - : - - ".." . Secretary of Agriculture.-' WiUorir; after 'carefulocmsideratlon' of-the re ports. aa'd'' estimates of leading-beet sugar producers, -.estimates the. beet. sugar production "for .1901; at. 19ft.50q toss.': California' leads -with; "80,000' tons;' second. -with60,00i) tons: rNebraska is.J given- 7,000" tons.-' The; "ine 'sugar production..". Is." est'l mated st'7W000 iojis:.' " CTark A. "Place; tor-forty'yearspay--master. of 'the- Chicago Milwaukee. & St Paul railroad: .died at .Milwaukee, I ::.Prlnce Adalbert; ;of Prussia, wlU-ar-; rive at -aonsannnome- ucioDeri,?u,.-on board thfe training- ship jChario.tte,'-to nay avlsltto Atdul'-Hainld. ' .- ' The, Kaiser Frederick monument;' at Breslau will be dedicated -October 16- -'.'The Copenhagen ""newspapers revive iso rumors .'mat King .Edward, is in a 8erlous.cbndition rom. cancer of the tongue, with adducing any evidence. to -thateffect .- . . . -.i. . Prince Chdn. -head. of-.the 'X3hlnese; explatory mission, 'will leave Germany: nekt. Thursday. . "",.."'-" .. - 'The. District .supreme-'ecflrt "appoint:- ed Tracy L. Jeffords and Conrad .H. Synae as . receivers: of" the American. Savings bank at. Washington, D..C. The newspapers of. Jamaica print a number of letters."fro'm Booas.del.Torp and other .ports -of Colombia," com plalsisg of outrages'o'n prttish sub jects, . Including Tro'men." Strong ' . ap-. pesis-sre made to the government to sead a .warship: for their, 'protection "Twerity buiidirigs :in the'-hearf. of West Tampa, Fla., were burned' with a 'teas of $20,000. ..-' ": L . Plans for the new hall to beerected by the ."New .York Historical' society st a cost' of nearly 'si.000v0M .have, been formally-adopted". "- . The University of Gottinges rece'nt ly offered the newly founded 'chair of inorganic .chemistry to. Theodore .Wtfiw liam Richards, of. Harvard universliy( which 'eosferred upou Dr.; von HoUeiH bes the. honorary degree of doctor.sf laws, National -Zeitung. MEALTi Of SOUIEKS IS WOO. .' - . .- . - . . .. .-... Gerfcral'Weod -Hakes -FareraMe '-jimpi. of Ceadltleaa la Caaa.' " WASHINGTON, Oct 1!(- The- dV-' pairt ment has made' public the anual. .report of-. Major General '"Leonard Wood says, the general codd'uet of the American troop? in'Cqba continues, to. be excellent, 'and;, as' heretofore com plaints ''against -them .from -civil 'au jthoritiesabd inttivlduajs'ire extreme ly rare. ' The 'total numbeVo'f deaths' of 'officers arid enlisted men 'during the year was-6.7, a percentage of .less than 1-.26... Yellow, fever -.has-' now been al-. most .driven from- the' island, owing tp 'the energetic war on 'the '.mosquitoes ' and.' the-sanitary, precautions adopted- However, diiring-Iast ve-offl cers ox .uenerai wooa s -sian -twere.i taken 411 with-yellow fever and three of them -died. Among the -hea'dquar- ters" .' there were. f brty-ef ght 'victims -of ":yell.w .fever, with 'eleven .deaths. - . - ;v ,: 'General. Wood devotes ,-a"gopd part of s report; .to a stateenisfof. the" results .of the test? of the artuiery'.ln, 'fortifications' left by tbe Spanish ;aid summarizing three be says:.' ''The"be- havidr df the guns, and -carriages- "was "rather. better than was- expected by. .the-artillery 'officers. NATI0NAI flJlWY CdN6JE5S Beclal Refermers-. plecaet- .KvlU' aad Methods of JEradtea ting;: Tat im'. .... CHICAGO. Oct. 11. Methods". for abating' evils anil-.placing '."the" human" race on a 'higher 'le'vel-'of purity, "were 'discu8Se'd.-in:hope'fui".'-tones- by speakers at' the session of the;Natonal Purity convention, -". .Charles L."Piymate '6t CrawfordsH" vllle; -Ind;. spoke ot ''Neglected. Fac tors In the- Problem of i;ife.;- Rev Jesse Jones of Halifax. Mass,' read a . paper pointing out .cures for.the-;sbcial . eyils; -Mrs: Minetfa-'Tinny-of-Kirwin;-. Kan:, discussed-"The Puritr Problem." "and Hatty A.Sc'hwendener;..sM. D;, of St. Joseph,. :Mich., laid" great stress on "'An-Ounce of Prevention," in -rearing. - a nearly, pure.- race. Mme. .E". Eckler read an interesting ".paper "under- the caption,-- "Aliolitionist and.- Jtescue 'Work-in HoHaind and .Java," with both, of " .-which prbbleins.'she. .is-, familiar. Charles. A., 'of Marion'rille, r"Mo.-,-. urged- -.earnestly for' parental watchfulness- over' -boys- in , the periods when their charadfers-are-formirig. " I0TIIA Stirs THA0L01 NCT Beer Geaerat Erades tho .Cordoa, Creaa- '. lac Fltnuta' Stiver. LONDON, Oct 11. TbTe; wholly nn- sallsfactory situation in 'South' Africa-: 'continues to call' -opt the' most severe criticism. " Lojrd -Kitchener wires -that General Botha has" -crossed :'tbe-.-Pfv"aau .. . -.-.- ,- - .- river twenty 'rbfles--north of- Vryheid,- which means- that he has again ..e'si caped the British--cordon-. N "' "" - .General B'uller,- in -.a- speech this afternoon', -complained of. -the general criticisi-a especially' in the newspapers, of himself: .' He' admitted; .lie "had ad "vised Generar Sir George ' White that it. would' possibly be-necessary" to sur render. Ladysmith-but,. bearing:, in .mind-all the .circumstances.-of the' case, he. was -quite, pre'pared'to .let'p pub .'lrc.judge. of 'the' "justifiabUltyf of "the jpewsjjapep .attack: - ..-."- . -.-.-.. ." . . . - .UNCOLN;' Oct Jl (Jovernor'Sa'v age" has appointed, the tollbwin'g- dele- gales-:to. the annual "congress --of the. National Prison Rc-forrh - association, "to be held-In Kansas "City--November'13: -E.D. DaVis, G. .W. Martin. Jb'hn-Daii's, .Heiiry VV'Hoagland, Prof. C.'E Prevey, Z:'S. Branson Lincoln; : John"".T'- Mallalieu, Kearney;-.- Hcrac M. .-Clark,- Geneva; "Rev. .Joseph. Rues-r'' sing. -West '.Point; '.John J; -Donahue.. souo-rower.-vumaaa ; w;- wauuiDgion, ".Beatrice; r-fl.. M. Kreader, Fremont; -S. Ni: .-Taylor.' brand' Island; William Brower ""Nebraska? ..'City';- , Clause. MeflckV- Blair -.'Miles .Mitchell,-; South Omaha"--. ." .-". .''- i;-'" :-...Tte.iraaa JWaaae a K'aas7rs.-Maa .' GBtTYSBURG ,,Pa., Oct II.7-T lie I. btasiriess -session, of'the U.rI.on Vt-'terau Iegicn ;.was" -held .yesterdasrs -. Among- the ..'prominent spea"ke"-s-. at'.the. -'meek-: .ipg -w'ere.-Gepera.f Wv VV ntidley,' tor- mero-commissidnerrof-- 'pensions;': apd Cor'porar. Tanner -Chicago waschosep' "as . the .next place "of riieetlng -and.'the. -fdllawirig officers, were, --elected: '" Va-- tional. comriiande",-."J.- Elwln Brows,-; -Washington r, surgeon ;gen?raI',-C: W. Stowe" of" Saline," 'Kan. -.." J"- ".;; -. "-.- . - V-'.- - .-'... -.-. """" 1 ?. .: 'jb'lea at At of JUaety-Oa'e; ' .-:' I "."GENEVA". Ie'b,,.'Gcl. ll.r"john ile"- Clung died -at"bfs"home'in. thisTcity -at the age 'of nearly rimetyr'one- yearss-'H.c carnc " to" this; county.'aJbput' "twenty-two-1 years ago.- . .'.'.-". r -' '. Moat Calls It- a'AceldeaU NEW .Y0RK..0ct.ll. Jfohann- Mb'stJ '.was. tried in -the cbufrt"s- sipnsc.on a coarge 01 viuiation oi'ine- penal' code in publishing; onSeptem - per"12. a'n-a'rticle'in his.:papi3r 'entitled. "-Murder against Murder. Most-'testi 'ed.'-tbat-.the article had 'beeh. publ'sh- ed years' :a'go and that'- he' had - copic-.TL it-i"n hiff" pa'er "March 44;." 1885. The .use o-It. just" at the time -of the "mur der of.'McKinIey,.he said was" an un fortunate c'pineldenc'e. . . - - '.". -. . - Sbot'by.Hlffl'wayB-ea:" "belLe pijAine,-. ia., pet: il Oolph Vanace;'a farmer bf- Poweshiek .. -.,. - .- -'county.-was returning' honie from.nere .late at night and was held -qp'.b'y two highwaymen. "He was near-: a .bridge and when the inen. attacked .him be resisted-and "they shot him. ..The ball took effect in. .the breast and" it "Is dohbtless.l'f'he will live. Three camp ers near by hearing- the shot ran to the assistance of Yanace "and drove the robbeii.away." . XhJa-Das ataa m Street Car In Detroit there Is s remarkably af fable and Intelligent Boston terrier, whose 'owner carries a 'paotograph of the dogl On "ths.back of the photo graph is 'an- order signed- .by . the ira- .pertntendeBt.ortne lines directing ine conductors of.altstreet cars in the'eity to permit the dbg Ben Bolt Is his name to' hoard their .cfcrs..--As" Bes' Is known to. most of. the conductors it i. rarely' necessary- for his owner to show. the order .-......-.."--" .-" - ". : -. ' ' -la Bla FalpM. Rev. 'Samuel Scoville, .Henry Ward;": Beecher s son-in-law. .has become asso ciate pastor-with ReV. -Dr. Hlllis over Plymouth church, Brooklyn. -Air. sco? ville'has- held, several Congregational pastorates, in. Connecticut .apd." else-whre-'arid -recently- resfgned-as' pastor at Vinelaod. N: J., to: take this place. - : leant -Gettlaa- Walk : ibae'n'.'h;as. aliost ompletelrrecovf ed from, his illness, .but' his pkysi -clans do not -yet I allow him. 'to .do. any Dratn.w.orx.-so tnat'WBen tne pesa Awake' remains'liis' last. effort -.EyeiT day,.he takes a "riife .iu-the' park" near his home In Christianfa,- as well -as-a' short walk, though- hhr gait la still Infirm." . -. ". . -. :" .STILL TALKING ABOUT; IT. r " Bryant, "Mow. Oct. 7th. The'c' Mrs.'M. Av;Gc;!continues.-to' he. the chief topic ol ! ;. roa3atio'n : Is 'this neighborhood. Mrs. Goto .'was' a" cripr ple-for a long time -with Sciatica;- she was so. 'bad' she. "couldn't-Jurn ver ini 1 .iivu.. ana- lor. rour. monins sue- lay. on l. .,. - -. .'-." . ;-'...- a a ." I ." She- had tried. .everything' without getting ."asy. relief," fill " at . I'ast'-'sb'e-heard of Dodds Kidn'er Pils..She; u strong and well today, and has. not. a single ache-:or-" pain..- " -v. ;. ' - .-.. . -; . ." :. Mrs.. Goes says: "I -"don't know'lf Dodd's' Kldaey .-Pills. wlU": curt -'spr-thlri'g .not,, but I 'do know3 they will cure i.eiatics, for they cured 'sae .and .there couWn't be.-a. "worse". case". thanmine . ; . ". -.-.": . --..-- .-: ". . ... : -.-. . ,-. TlNKfireafest-OniBe-tlar.-. 'Lprd'Breadalbane' is aa!a-."to;,be- the. 'owner of the finest-vine-In Europe.- If was planted at Auchrnofe; house, in Scotland: "more .than.- fifty' years 'ago- asu is oouDie- me size 01 "... "" . Hampton court;; It produced.-. 4.C0U bunches of grapes.irTone season a few- years ago. - --.--- Neeraafta Bhralaealaad dhorthaajd Getaege. Woyd'alldlac.-.'Oaia aa.. Na. ". - Th'e motst." thoroughly equipped: InstlUiT tlou-in the wwt. Send for,-free" catfcloicue. - ;A. C.OKG. A. M.. Lt:p.. -Preat : .. Women are always better" than' men: In morals. - - - - -"" Brooklyn. -N; Y.. Sept. 6th. The secret of. the remarkaJblo success of theGarffeld Headache Powders, manufactured' -"her. .lr tbfr'uarnerd Tea Co..lis In tlw-fatt. tnat me y. are. narmiess an well as vriee Uve-Tpeogle have cohfldence' In then. '- In every locomotive there- are "about 6,400' different.-'pieces... -. "": ' "". One ttfae smaller after usjngAllen'aTsoV fjase, a powder.-,lt makes tight orn'w ahbesfeasy: Cares swollen, hot.sweatiagv .aching feet, ingTowi-ajr ri'aijs, eoras aatd bunions. All'dniTirists a'nd'shoe stores, tie: .-Trial packaj-fe.F.REEy mall.--Ad dress Alien SI Olmsted. Ut wy, -"- j "J .Some' titled- .individuals- are worn-out brcom'sAail.- handle. Ilka S3.00 PER DAY AND EXPENSES . To laan'.wlth rig- to introduceour ; stock and aDiuiy par-BJk- Cblcaco. UL .. -"..... ':. - . . - ; i . . 'Lucky ' is, the' - man'-- who -'makes 'more money: than his wife can- spend. SirA-ra or Ohio, crtr or .Totsoo,'--1 . - - llCCJlS IjODUTT, -. : .- - Praatk J. Cheney makes oath that -lie fit the rator -partner of the firm of P. 'J. Cheney A Co:. dolmr. business-J n the -City or Toledo, County and fita't.mfoipslld. and that saldilnn-will-nav the pm of OVE HUNDRED. DOLLARS for.- aaen and every cane 01 uatarrn tnar cannot oe cared by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. " " 'Sworn to .before nte. and.snbscrUied-ia' mr presence,' ihlieth day- of Droenber. A- D. WB .SEAC. . . Notary Public.- - -. Halfn Catarrh Curisls taken Internally: and scts-dlrcctly.on'thc Mood and-mucous surfaces,' x tno sysieBV -5enniorirsiiinoniBiH.ireo- , - . -r.J."CHENBVJEa.T.oiedorOk -. aoia-DyDrnKKists.e...... ; - ;- v.- llalla Family Pills ard the jbest:. ... The. "loafer Is- a .drone fri the, Indus'- nat nnpe. - .- -. -. ;" . -..-. " .. PisoSCnra Js.$ha best medldne-weeTeruast for-aU'strettion-.of" the larbai and lariesc-WaV Oi-ExnstKv; Vanbu'ren,'jDdi''FeD.'lo:i90flt' ' - : , " 1 - .- - A- ddg" "speaks .-'the '-'dcfal "'and . - .dqmb'J language-witn nis. tan. - .-..--. . ." : . .... : U. ,- '. ; ;.- ; Yrr.ioa7 rMifHF AMErVHsiawm.Yi - Kepthenwhite'with'K Cross Bili Bla'e.' . - -- .... .....-- 1- -: . . ' ! hr - - .- - -" "- "' " " ..T" .'. .' i J "-.-- ".." Tild-f Sa'ajlow-.- """."-". There is a: "new." story, of -Ban'dow, tr tacked" in-aiV.Italian cafe by-'a'ga'ng of c.ou"nd;i"els.".he.-swupg -one" man lfC'the air- .Dy-inevieet .anu. . uruugji-.. . uuu down 6 hard aii to " splif". "a Vable .'in l-w, ..... - . . . -; .: JSlo". "it.-ts 'not.-paradbxlcal-.'to- cal.a i Wind pnilosopner. a. -seen ... putnam Fadeless -dyes -coW. moriroods. "per pack gc.tha'n any other.'' . '"' .""" . . '" - -" "" ':. An. uulicoing...c".08tuirie Is .'not' "i bad " habit -that grows-'jip'oh" one.-" ...! . --.- ..... . z -- . -. - --. . ; .. - . 'Slaa.t'lMlmerVsoetfcias yira ' VarrHMaten.teett-'mr: sofini.the suBt.-redaeei ttr f Satntnitlta-. aUayyain.cae Wlid cfolc Bcatwt'. ; Said ! the CD"bb.ler:-'."Ab' " work"- .'fs. In Itself a walking "adver.tiseriient-.'J .- ": -. .'Hheuma'tlsm; .neuralgia',' .'sore'pfffls; painr, -sore' throat a. rid. air -tjodil: "suffer- lng -relieved atonc.e-b-r.Wiaa'rd Olk.Is-- ternaHy'and eiternnlly.-. "" " ":. - r' - The crazy- person 1 who, jjoes "to Eur rroP?. laj-what.they-call.gttne.abrdad.;.-. 1-T -.-.. Wasaea-atarelt raIU .-" . " To-take.advaritage'.of a cheap article of. household .value." But 'wise' women' ant'to know Jf the -low-priced article 4 na-fc menu, -jyenarrce starcn". costs tar Ies3 "than any- other "starch.ahd "gives 'far. better fttlsfaction, In the-.1ausd.iT. ' .Makes linen. Iodic like. new. .Order st your grocers. Made by-Magnetic Stsxcs- .., usnana, .ncd. - Hew sally Watts a " "' Miss Sally .Watt, until 'recently '- f member .of. the ' Methodist -church . Ir Philadelphia, knd ..a. teacher .In thi Sunday school', has embraced the Mor niori. faith. Her conversion .has caus ed s sensation. 'The pastor "of her olt church, Rev. Or. F'raBk'B.'- Lynch.' lrii" plored her sot; to forsake it, but sit asesls were 1q''. .vain. -"The. prettj yossg- Sunday school teacher declared that she had espoused the -Mormoi lalth sad would never forsake It'- '. poultry iqoob. Advancement .wnen- 18 snown. Aaarejs. witn ?ianip. xor t'oiilars. Boy der. Food Co'.i'D.MonOn.' 0Q640QQ .. , eTa'w wM TeFvVaBenfJsB-aBVS CoUinhis State JBaib. f o Bank st the Stata.. -" I Pari Interest bo Time - --.. -. .' .-o- o o. . f ... -.'.AND "-" r - SSSJSaTflraar m am?a'("eTa,SaWw ' "Oft' -." "JIJIJI " -- IJLStJESSI0MTDf(AFT30fi . ClaVi F YftlL l- Asal-Asl fistgtl Cstilss. . o :W,!(a o o" mi fcelss iis ." I. ." .0 o am siaaSTi aaa"e. wwsl.. .a-Mi auCMtm.-viP fW V- '.-.-. m, ,. r i'itucsT: 9 MMMaOACO!bOACb4M)0404K0 ".. 6ooooo.ccioo4Jo. of-.:- X. ."--. - .-:.' -":-"----'" JP'Jt' ".- -- ---.- "-. " - " P -": '.-. -;'. - United States, " ".1 " " '" Rest JT MattH,. 'j:jt gt Unh of Meatura; With .-----.- ... .---.- -..,--. ... .-.... .- '""-..-- 1 1 aa ' pcrYc9t, If Paid- m Aclraoce. .."- . - : --" ..'",;..-".- : - - .- -. - .-- -- -. . . -. .. -"- - at at at- ;--"-"..".' - -. .. ' --.-- . . -...- " -.." - - -. MmUslt sf Usetsissss k set .- -.stSd-.'Cetsts. .'-.; Sirripk CoVks Sent frte U -. . ..- -. - - :.- .. ,- -.any Address. . HENRY: GAS$.; " -. " -." ...UINDtRTAKCR.. Coffifjs and Metallic Ressfflac ofaH kind. ci.Uahaiery ed. . -.'4iagiau4pa.rNbw'.-.':-'.- - fw -( prtpsaPwJlo Ahr CLUBS THE. I -T - . . ' .: - . ' I . -'-..' '. ..' .-.. 'saw''''"' aWl,BaN atBaaF "- -- -"'. 't -..""- '.-"-.-.-"" " Columbus JournacL A Wevtrfw" 1 fWeiCJuw; $1.50 ssam aH BSBam1 " BBBBBBBBBBBBBBByaVV afcSaBKBS GOLUjiVlBtJ JWiWy "" ihlmaaat ftsilWalJil Jif mT " - - TK?Su,ilp 5 k . s ".""". - . " .. sL - laf i F 'j - i L - ' r-r- - X y .... -... .-. : y 0 - -OF.-THB .'' I COIJNTRY. o - O -; . Or O. . W&T isssf- &&zr';.. S&iry---vr .- . - Wti3 ? T. --jj, 1 -.itfaC-;a,